• Published 24th Nov 2019
  • 246 Views, 6 Comments

Shout At The Devil: Road Trip - Bucket of Skies

The not so wanted sequal of devilish antics by Rocky, Brim, and Sunset Shimmer in a road trip of a life time.

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Chapter 6 : A Little Stop

This is getting close to the end folks. Hope you were enjoying it the second time around.

We aren’t even on the last part of the story yet. Why are you bringing this up now?

I don’t know. It’s a feeling in my gut that I just can’t shake. Like it’s anticipating something.

That sounds like stomach ulcer in your stomach. Probably from all the smoking you do.

If you even think of suggesting that I quit smoking, I’ll punch you in the throat. Now lets keep going in the story as I light up another fat one.

Anyway, we were right on our way to Canterlot. We were going at a steady pace, leaving us with about a day left of driving until we made it to Canterlot. Like Brim promised, there were no new altercations to our trip due to his promise he made to me at the lake. Definitely didn’t want another near death experience with some rednecks.

“I really can’t believe it.”, I said to myself in the car.

“What can’t you believe?”, Sunset asked me.

“This whole trip. I was so opposed to this trip from the very beginning, but then after a few days and Brim’s shenanigans, I really started to love this trip. I could do this again sometime soon.”, I explained.

“You actually mean it Rocky?”, She asked me.

“Yeah. It was after this trip I realized I was buried in life and work. It’s gonna sound really deep with me saying it, but I finally realized that I wasn’t really living my life before this trip. Like, I was living only for a paycheck. This trip made me realize that I need to stop caring about my gains and instead focus on the ones I hang around with.”, I said looking over at Sunset with a smile.

“D’aww. My Rocky is getting all sentimental over this trip.”, Sunset said looking over at me with a smile.

There was a brief pause as we stared at each other. I still don’t know why, but we decided to lean in and give each other a small kiss, however…

“Oh lookie what we have here. A little over a days left of the trip and you two love birds can’t seem to not want to lock lips at every single time I’m awake.”, Brim said peeking over Sunset’s seat.

“Ugh, Good grief!”, I said to Brim.

“Don’t get mad at me for you being semi-horny for your girlfriends lips. Anyways, I propose a suggestion for us all.”, Brim announced.

“Brim, I thought we promised no more shenanigans after the Bass situation.”, Sunset pointed out.

“Yes, you don’t need to remind me about the best night of my life. And this isn’t going to be bad, I promise. I say we take a stop at the woods nearby and camp out for one night.”, He suggested.

“That’s it? Nothing else?”, I asked him.

“What? You expect me to turn it into a raid on a redneck moonshine plant? Of course I mean nothing else!”, Brim said.

I eyed him down to ixnay on the situation that had happened earlier that week with our fishing trip.

“Of course, Moonshine is not legal here so of course I would be joking.”, Brim said trying to cover up what he said earlier.

“I’m not opposed to the idea of camping out. What about you Rocky?”, Sunset asked me.

“I guess, but where are we gonna get the camping stuff?”, I asked.

“Rocky. You have not paid attention at all to the stuff I can do. I can spawn whatever I want with the demon magic I showed you.”, Brim vaguely described to me.

My guess to why he described it like that would probably be to not worry Sunset about stolen things, but that's just my take on it.

“Sure. I don’t see why not. Lets go camping.”, I said agreeing with Brim’s suggestion.

“Uh, No. Don’t take my title from last chapter and change it. We’re making a little stop.”, Brim explained.

“Last chapter? What are you talking about?”, Sunset asked him.

“A demon joke you won’t understand. Now let's get moving.”, Brim said lighting a cigarette.

We managed to pull up to a side road that led to a back road near some forest like trees, as well as some springs. It was pretty much the basic backwoods road you’d expect for a camping trip.

Location name doesn’t matter now. We already bombarded you with enough locations at this point. Consider it mercy on our part.

After a few minutes of driving, we finally reached a stopping point and parked the car in an area we felt would be safe. We stepped over this hill to find a small flat field surrounded by trees. It was nice and peaceful. I could see why a select few would try and stay out here in the woods.

Yeah, you’d think twice to find out that those who do end up staying are coked out hippies who end up getting lost in the woods. I know because most of them would end up in hell. Lazy bums.

Okay, well we had observed the area and all agreed; this was the perfect spot to set up.

“This might be it. I have never been camping before, but this looks like this is a good spot.”, I said observing the area.

“This ain’t the best spot, but it’ll do. It's no 1897 summer camp, but it's not the worst.”, Brim said putting out his cigarette.

“Well, my past experience with camps was a little more sophisticated than this, but this looks fine.”, Sunset said leaning on a tree.

We had all agreed this way the perfect place and decided to set up camp. With the materials Brim had “spawned”, we set up. We managed to set up a large tent that Brim painted red for his personal preference. We had set up a small fire pit in the center of it all for later that night as a preference for if it would get colder that night. To be completely honest, it wasn’t a lot to set up, but Brim insisted that we needed to set up these things.

It’s not a real camping trip if you don’t have any of those things. I should know, I took many trips as a boy.

“Looks like everything is set up. Only took about an hour, but it was worth it.”, I said looking at everything we had done with Brim.

“You damn kids.”, Brim said leaning back onto a stump.

“What? You aren’t happy about this?”, I asked him.

“Listen, I don’t mean to sound like an X, but you kids have it way too easy as far as camping. Like have you people ever heard of a real tent? A tent that could seriously hurt someone if you accidentally put a bar too tight?”, Brim asked pointing at the tent.

“You’re just jealous that we had innovations to help make things easier and safer for us.”, I told him.

“It’s called excitement. You never know which poor bastard is going to get stabbed from someone else’s mistake.”, Brim said tossing a rock to the side.

“Good Grief! Did you see where Sunset went? I want to get her take on this point I’m making.”, I asked looking around for her.

“I think she went to go look around some trees or some hippy shit like that.”, Brim said getting up from his stump.

Brim and I walked through a series of trees to go look for Sunset. Walking through it, I noticed how truly pretty the forrest was with its trees. On top of the beautiful sun in the distance as well as the perfect temperatures, it was heavenly.

Ugh, heavenly. The one word that spits in the face of every single demon who is proud. That is our version of a slur. A really offensive slur.

It’s just a way to describe something Brim. We don’t mean it like that.

You better not. If I ever hear you calling me heavenly, I will stab you in the esophagus.

Food for thought. We walked around until we saw a clearing through the trees to find a rich lake. A lake that looked heav- beautiful at the sight. The water was clean, the sunlight shimmered onto it, and a few animals looked like they were having a ball swimming in it. It was the prime conditions for a majestic fog during this setting. I don’t know how it would happen, but it would work.

Brim and I found Sunset sitting on a dead tree stump on the side of the lake. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She seemed to be happy staring at this pretty lake, almost like she was in a trance.

“Hey, you okay?”, I asked her.

She looked over at me with a small smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just feeling a little nostalgic.”, she said looking back to the lake.

“Something to do with your camp you went to?”, I asked.

She nodded.

“We were at a camp in the Everfree forest. It was where I got the closest with a new friend. She was going through a bit of a tough time understanding herself and what she was going through. She tried to run away from camp, but I was there to stop her.”, Sunset explained.

She never really talked about the past a lot, so this was something new from her that I heard. I wanted to know a little bit more about her friend she was talking about.

“Is she an old friend we will meet tomorrow?”, I asked her.

She shook her head.

“I doubt she’ll be around for visiting. She wanted to take a career in being a principal at a high school. I take it she’ll still be student teaching somewhere.”, she said looking a little bit faint.

I felt bad for her. From what I could tell, this was a really close friend to leave behind when she left for Manehatten. Feeling sorry for her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. Her embrace told me that she really did appreciate me trying to make her feel better.

I was gonna take a moment and try to comfort her and let her know that it was gonna be okay, however…

What? You weren’t expecting me to interrupt a moment like this? I’m a little disappointed reader. I thought you knew me by now.

“Hey lovebirds! I don’t mean to interrupt a cling moment, but I feel this can help ease up some pent up feelings.”, Brim said from behind us.

We both turned around to see Brim taking off his jacket. As he got closer, he began to take off his shirt underneath. Sunset and I looked at each other in confusion to what Brim was suggesting.

“Uh, Brim, what are you doing?”, I asked him.

“We are in the middle of a forest and in front of a lake with no one around, what do you think I am suggesting?”, he said with a smile.

Then, without warning, Brim dropped his pants, exposing his body in front of us.

“Good Grief Brim! You can warn us!”, I said looking away.

“Whoa!”, Sunset exclaimed turning away as well.

“Oh, so suddenly it's not okay for you to see me naked, but it’s fine if I see yall naked? I could only imagine what you would say if I was an immigrant.”, he said with disgust.

“Why did you strip down in-”, I said looking away before he interrupted me.

“If you are gonna talk to me, look me in the eyes while you do. It’s rude to look away.”, Brim demanded.

Slowly, I looked back at his face. My eyes kept glancing away from me noticing his situation.

Situation? We have a mature rating! You will call my dick by its correct term. It didn’t grow to eight inches to be talked about by someone who is trying to walk on eggshells by some pussy.

Okay fine! I kept looking away by noticing how big his penis was.

Okay, now you are going too far. I said use the correct term, not turn this story into an abstract porn fic. The people reading this are horny enough based on seeing the sex tag.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Nothing, keep describing it like you were before this.

I fucking swear. Anyways, I kept looking away to not gaze at Brim’s situation.

“Oh come on! If the Greeks can appreciate a nude body, you two can too.”, Brim exclaimed.
I finally looked at him straight faced ignoring what was happening.

“There, now was that so hard to do?”, Brim asked sarcastically.

“Why are you naked Brim? And what does it have to do with your idea?”, I asked him.

“If you had paid attention to our situation of being in front of a lake in a forest, I recommend we go swimming.”, Brim said proudly.

“We don’t have swimming stuff.”, Sunset explained to him.

“It’s called skinny dipping bonehead.”, Brim clarified.

“I don’t know about this Brim, it could have some leeches in the water.", I said uneasy about the suggestion.

"Are you sure it's not just you being to scared to show your pussy that is underneath your clothes?", Brim said egging me on.

"What, no. You've seen that I have-", I said before being interrupted by Brim.

"Then come into the water you pussies. Last one there gets the title of pussy of the trip!", Brim said running into the water.

As he ran in, water began splashing everywhere as he went deeper into the lake. He dove into the water and rose up again to look back at us on the coast.

"Come on in! The water is fine. Definitely not filled with leeches.", Brim yelled out encouragingly.

Sunset and I looked at each other with the same look of grinning. We both knew that he would keep going until we went skinny dipping with him. After all, he was right about it being in the middle.of a forest all to ourselves.

"Well, I guess we gotta do it.", Sunset said starting to get undressed.

"Not like your first camp, is it?", I asked her doing the same.

"Not at all.", She said pulling her top off.

Soon, we were both butt naked and walking into the water together. The water was cold as you would expect a lake to be, but after a while we became used to it and it felt like regular. After simply treading water for a few minutes, our boredom led to a simple water fight between me, Brim and Sunset. It was very fun. For once I felt joy in beating Sunset at something.

What turned into speculation turned into a lot of fun just swimming in a lake with my friends. It's definitely a highlight of this entire trip if you asked me.

After a few hours of simply hanging around naked by a lake, the sun was starting to go down and the cold air was settling in. By this point we had decided it was best to get back into most of our clothes and settle down and start a campfire for the night. With the wood that was lying around and help from Brim's magic, we were able to get a full fire going that was warming us up. Brim felt at home with this fire, considering he was from hell.

Thanks for pointing that out captain obvious.

We were sitting by the fore getting warmed up and telling some stories like we did back in the car.

"And so long story short, I hate Hitler because he never gave back my sauerkraut that day.", Brim said talking about a past acquaintance.

"That is honestly crazy how you were once friends with one of the most evil people in history", Sunset said tossing a twig into the fire.

"At least now we know that God had a plan for him.", I said pointing out his location.

"Well regardless, he still owes me sauerkraut like the ex butcher who still owes me my bucket of chicken. Or at least thirty bucks!", Brim rambled on.

"What?", I asked him confused.

"Nothing that pertains to you. What do you say we make this night interesting with an indulgence of mine?", Brim said standing up.

I figured out what he was talking about with indulgences.

"Sweet. What whiskey are we getting tonight?", I asked him excited.

"Oh no, we aren't gonna do that. I'm afraid we'll get sued by another author for doing that. I propose another stress reliever. ", Brim said.

Maybe, not what I thought he was talking about.

"Another one?", Sunset asked.

"You got it right the first time. I propose we smoke!", he announced snapping a rather large looking cigarette in air.

"Brim, I'm not smoking another one. You know I hate the taste of it.", I reminded him.

"It's not a cigarette. I decided to upgrade and make it an even better cigarette. It's weed.", Brim explained.

I had never been in the presence of weed before, mainly because it was illegal in Manehatten.

"Are we allowed to smoke that here? I'm pretty sure it is illegal if you have it.", I told him.

"Its illegal if you're stupid enough to get caught with it. Which by the way, we are in the middle of the forest. Who is gonna catch us? The bears and tigers?", Brim rhetorically asked.

"There aren't tigers in a forest. ", Sunset corrected him.

"Tomato Potato, I'm smoking this blunt. You two can smoke it with me if you want.", he said before taking a hit of his blunt.

With his puff, he let out a cough that gave a scent of what I assume was the smell of weed. I can't exactly describe it, but what I can say is that it was strong. Very very strong.

"Oh fuck yeah! Dogg can be my bitch for his claim for being the best smoker. ", Brim said.

Sunset looked over at me before looking back at Brim.

"I...want to try it."she said, holding out her hand.

"Well, someone wants to go to the dark side. Rocky, you have to do it now otherwise you are a pussy. ", Brim said passing the blunt to Sunset.

I still wasn't sure about doing it. I could trust that Brim wouldn't slip anything funny into it, but I was worried about how much I could handle. Sunset took a hit before coughing heavily.

"It's alright. Let out the first timers cough. It's all on you now Rocky. Complete this circle.", he said taking the blunt and passing it to me.

By this point, Sunset had stopped coughing and looked over at me.

"I don't, feel different. I think you can handle it Rocky.", she said with red eyes.

Not wanting to feel left out of this circle of events, I sucked up whatever doubts I had in smoking weed and did it anyway. Taking the blunt, I tried to remember everything I could about the time I smoked the cigarette that Brim had offered me and tried my will to hit it. With a quick and deep puff, I felt a wave of fuzziness hit me as I coughed out from the powerful taste of smoke.

"Ah yes, the virgin, is no more!", Brim said taking back the blunt.

"How do you feel?", Sunset asked me.

"I… don't know. I don't feel...anything. ", I said feeling a bit weightless.

"Oh it's working alright. I know that look anywhere. The only solution now is to finish up this blunt.", Brim said puffing in more of the blunt.

The next few minutes were the weirdest few minutes I had ever felt. Or at least I thought they were a few minutes. How long do you reckon we were sitting around the fire high Brim?

I don't keep track of time when I'm high. It is counterintuitive.

Right. Well, we were sitting there high and talking for an unknown amount of time just rambling about random things. I don't remember exactly what we were talking about, but we were talking about something. To further prove how much we don't remember what most of the stuff we were talking about, this was where I snapped back with what we were talking about.

"They call it Devil's Lettuce as a joke, but it's literally our lettuce on burgers.", Brim said.

This made all of us laugh deliriously from highness. Whatever made it funny for me at the time, I will never know.

"Brim, you say the darndest things. ", I said to him finishing the last of the blunt.

"Oh you dick! Not enough to share with me? I bet you're the kind of person to not give someone a reach around after you fuck then.", Brim said angry with me finishing it off.

"Ah give him a break! You always call him a pussy. ", Sunset said slightly high.

"Thanks you Sunset. I really appreciate it. ", I said slightly happy.

"Although, he does have a point.", Sunset said suddenly.

"Wait what?", I said suddenly coming back to reality.

"You are a pussy at times. I could tell from the magic I use on you sometimes when you sleep.", Sunset explained.

"Oh ho ho! Even your own girl is calling you one!", Brim said laughing.

"I can't believe it. You think that of me?", I said suddenly thinking down of myself.

"Don't worry about it Rocky! To be completely honest with you, I love that you don't strive to be a fake person like my ex. It's why I love you now.", Sunset said putting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

This made me smile a little bit. Even though I was high and still seen as a pussy, I was proud to know that my girl loved me just for being the way I was.

"Uh, okay I think the weed is kicking off the wrong sort of vibe. Maybe we should-", Brim said before I interrupted him.

"You know what Sunset? I think I got to admit one thing about you as well.", I said slightly delirious.

"Oh yeah?", She answered.

"You have a great personality and a rockstar bod! I think I am in love!", I said putting an arm over her shoulder.

By this point, the towelI had to cover myself fell off. Sunset was looking over at me with the goofiest smile on her face.

"Well, that's awfully nice of you! I need to repay you now for that compliment. I feel like making you rocky hard.", She said pulling off her top and bottom.

"Okay I think we should stop right here!", Brim said trying to pry us apart.

We had completely ignored Brim and started to sloppily make out in front of him. The tensions were now getting ready to be released as we fell back behind a stump we were sitting on.

As we were starting to go at it, Brim had approached us from the other side of the stump.

"Uh guys, I think we shouldn't be doing that right no-", Brim said before one of us interrupted him by grabbing his arm.

I don't remember what it was exactly that we were doing with it, but we did something to ease the sexual tension.

"Uh, guys that's my arm! I didn't agree to this shit! I signed up for weed not an involuntary thre- Oh fuck it's too deep, get it out!!!", Brim exclaimed trying to pull away.

And that's where we are gonna stop the chapter. Not because it is up to what we remember, but because I just want to point out a claim. For those expecting a descriptive sex scene between my friend and his bacon smelling girlfriend, consider yourself played. Because I am not gonna condone this level of horniness any longer. If you got something against this, then please let us know in the comments or something. Am I even allowed to do this? Hell if I know. See you next chapter horse fuckers!

Author's Note: