• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 5,844 Views, 167 Comments

The Rookie - dicerollball

A struggling young adult finds herself in Tartarus as the nefarious Cozy Glow. If she wants to go out and freely explore all of Equestria with her villainous buddies... she was first going to have to change this evil filly's future.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Unknown Consequences

I quietly hummed to myself as I took a thread and needle and plunged it within the colorful fabric. After that it was just a rhythmic pace as I attached two separate materials together to make one. I made buttons into empty eyes, sown cotton into hair, and straightened out limbs with tight stitches. Whenever I needed to, I would snap off the thread with my teeth in a harsh tug.

I didn't have to make these dolls, not really, but it was fun. As I made them it would keep my mind busy. The more time that passed with each thread, the more ideas I got. My plan was coming together and it was coming together... well enough. There were still obstacles and bumps in the road that I could easily smooth out in the future. For now, I just took my colorful doll in my hooves and fiendishly hugged it.

A new friend... for a new world that will soon be under my control.

I raised my head and slammed into the cage’s ceiling. Hissing in pain I looked up and realized... this cell felt more cramped than usual. Did it get smaller? I could barely even raise my head all the way and I was laying down!
"What the hell is this??"

"Ugh. What a pitiful attempt to contain me."

I turned to spot Queen Chrysalis in the cage neighboring mine. The same one that had belong to Tirek previously. She ildly examined her prison before her glare landed on me, "What is this place?"

"Tartarus." I grumbled, "Great ol' fucking Tartarus."

"Bah! How... underwhelming." A flash of green went across my vision as she transformed into a small snake which easily slithered between the bars. The creature then slithered up and curled around my cell's bars.
"Well it looks like your rescue attempt was a bust. Was this our future imprisonment you were preaching about? I have to say, it's not at all what I expected. Especially when I so easily escaped. You however? Hah! You're clearly trapped here. Way to avoid it, even with your strange and WEAK future vision!" Her tongue lashed out at me before she turned to leave.

"Wait! This wasn't the prison I saw." I piped in.

"Oh really? And what WAS our prison then? We've already tried to save Sombra and it failed. You're stuck here forever and that's that. You might as well just tell me now, before you rot and become a forgotten shell of what you once were."

"I... I won't tell you if you don't free me now!"

"And how can I possibly do that?" Splat!

Chrysalis paused and glanced down at a splash of drool that landed next to her.

Splat! Splat!

I watched as she slowly looked up to find herself face-to-face with none other than Tartarus' famous guard dog, Cerberus themself. She slowly inched back in her snakey disguise and somehow gave off a sheepish smile.
"Ahah... Good dogs?"

The dog let out an excited bark, making Chyrsalis hiss out in surprise. She swiftly transformed into a black cat that arched its back and bounded away down the steps. I pushed myself against the prison bars to get a better look as Chyrsalis was chased throughout Tartarus.

She clambered up onto several cages where creatures of various sizes and colors were held prisoner. They growled, hissed, barked, roared, chattered, cawed, and etc as she went running by.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MANGY MUTT!" She yowled just before Cerberus pounced for her. She hopped up onto a cage that was hanging by a chain and managed to swing away from one of the dog's sharp maws. She let out a screech as she was flung right off and thrown into the air where she would transform herself back into Queen Chrysalis.


"SHUT UP! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO DO THAT!" The queen hissed before she dived down and transformed into a giant three-headed dog with a spiky collar. Except bigger. She let out a series of barks and began to barrel her way towards her double.

Chrysalis was the first to swing. She swiped a claw against one of Cerberus' three heads. The monstrous dog let out a surprised yelped and backed away in response. The left head she had attacked let out a pitiful whimper as the other two looked on in shock. That shock transformed into anger. The two pushed forward and lunged for their clone's leg. There, they both bit down and swung their head from side to side, pulling Chrysalis along with them.


They let out a loud growl and then they did exactly what she told them to do. Let go. They tossed their head to the side and practically threw Cerberus-Chrysalis right off the edge to plummet down into the depths of Tartarus below. She let out a loud screech before she hit the bottom with a painful THUD.

"Oooh..." I hissed, "That sounded like it hurt. Why didn't you just transform into something that could FLY?"


Cerberus let out a loud growl as it crouched, ready to pounce on down Chrysalis.

"Uh... Um- Hey! Here doggy doggy, hey!" I called from my cell, "Here Cerberus, you're all good boys, you know that? Good job! You got Chrysalis! Good boys!"

The three heads perked up in my direction. One even tilted its head curiously.

"Aw, are you alright? Did she hit you? C'mere boys let me get a look at it. I think I have something that could help..." I untied the ribbons from Cozy's mane. Which, thank god, honestly. Her curly mane fell loosely along my shoulders where it twisted and turned from having been held up for so long.

Cerberus stared at me with three pairs of eyes before cautiously making its way up to my cell. It gave me a curious sniff and I gently held up my hoof. I waited to see his reaction, "Hey Cerberus... Are you alright?" I carefully inched closer, "It's alright. Can I pet you?"

Cerberus gave off a triple huff before he leaned into my hoof with his head in the middle. With a smile, I reached up and attempted to scratch the back of his ear, though it was difficult without hands or fingers, "Aw you're all just a bunch of softies aren't you? Do you want pets too? Do you?" I turned to the head on their right and gently patted his cheeks. Their tail began to wag as they practically smiled with lolling tongues.

"Alright, now let's see what the big mean changeling did to you," I turned to the one on the left. He didn't look too badly hurt, but his ear had been nicked. It was a quick swipe, but it must have stung at least.
With a concerned frown I gestured for the head on the left to get closer, "Let me see that please, I'll be careful okay?"

The head on the left let out a whimper and glanced over at its brothers. The two others considered the offer and gave their more nervous side a confident nod. The one on the left then inched forward and rested its head by my side, against the floor seeing as I was practically stuck to it thanks to this cramped cage.

I gave Cerberus a pat on the head before reaching for one of my ribbons. Careful not to spook him, I began to wrap several over his ear and, though failing miserably at first with my lack of FINGERS, I somehow managed to tie it in a bow by tightening it up with my mouth. Ugh.

I pulled back and grinned, "It's not perfect, not how I want it to look, but you look really cute with it!"

The yellow bow I had tied to Cerberus was haphazardly put together. The bow, at most, was just tied with one knot instead of the double I'd usually prefer. I just didn't want to go through the hassle of tying it with my mouth AGAIN. Meanwhile the wrap itself almost hung loosely across the dog's face. Don't think they really cared though.

Their tail was now wagging at super sonic speeds, I overexaggerate, and each head practically beamed in my direction. I barely got the chance to react before a big slimy tongue smacked me across the face.

"Ah- okay. None of that please..! I'm glad you're very happy, you're a good boy! Just please don't lick me." I managed to somehow stop the second head with a hoof, but Cerberus found a different issue. He really couldn't thank me properly like this. After I had backed away he tried to lick me again but was stopped by the iron bars.

He stared down at me and looked very frustrated. I looked back up at him... "What're you thinking buddy?"

In unison, they let out a collective bark before Cerberus leaned forward and chomped down at the top of my cage with all three sets of teeth. I froze in fear half expecting that he'd probably just toss me off to the side along with Chyrsalis. Down wherever she is now. Instead, I got something else.
They placed one large paw against the bottom of my cell... and then they pulled. Their jaws were clamped tight around the top and they firmly kept the bottom pinned. The more they tugged, the more I noticed the change in my little cell. It began to bend and creak, something that felt almost impossible. Sounded almost impossible... and yet I was witnessing it. This three-headed dog was about to snap open my cage.

With baited breath I watched as Cerberus eased on his attempt... Only to harshly growl and tug even harder than before. The creaking worsened and I even heard a strange pop, the sound of metal against metal, and then finally. SNAP!

I went flying forward as the cage went sliding back. The top of it went soaring into the air only to crash land somewhere out of view. I sat curled in one corner of the broken cage as it went sliding forward only to come to a sudden stop. With a sigh, I slowly uncovered my hooves to see Cerberus staring down at me with another happy grin.

I smiled back and hopped up, free to stand now that half of the cage was gone, "GOOD BOYS! GOOD DOGGYS!" I cheered as I hopped up and gave him all the pats and pets, "You're all such good dogs, Cerberus! Yes you are! Yes you are!"
He responded with a bark and a joyful tail wag.

"What exactly am I seeing right now?!"

I looked over to spot Chrysalis who had finally clambered her way back up to the platform. She was clearly frazzled and ticked off.

"I think I befriended Cerberus..?" I shrugged.

"BEFRIEND CERBERUS?! The legendary GUARD DOG of TATARUS? I don't believe a simpleton like you has the capability of doing something THAT bold."

Cerberus whipped his three heads towards her and gave out a loud, rumbling growl.

"Hey hey, it's okay boys. She's just playing! You know what you need? You need dog treats. Lots of dog treats! If you don't hurt Queen Chrysalis, I'll get you as many dog treats as possible, okay? She wasn't even supposed to be a prisoner here, she's just upset. Don't let her get to you, you good dogs you!" I got another lick to the face thanks to that, but I didn't care. I just laughed out and attempted to scratch under one of his chins.
"Ugh it's more difficult without fingers, where's Tirek? I need him and his hands."

"Did you actually tame Cerberus?" Chrysalis slowly approached.

I shrugged again as Cerberus butted his head against my face, "I dunno."

She quirked a brow, "Excuse me?"

"Well I mean, I have two dogs and four cats at home. So- like- Anyways. We need to leave... AND GET YOU SOME DOG TREATS! Ain't that right? Oh aren't you three all just good doggys?? Yes you all are!"

"Will you stop CODDLING THAT THING?"

Just as I was about to coddle Cerberus even more out of spite, we suddenly heard something behind us. The soft groan of a large open door. We all looked over in that direction and quickly spotted Tirek's bulky silhouette just at the exit.

He stared at me and Cerberus, "Well then. Did not know what I was expecting when I got here, but this is definitely new."


He sighed and began making his way over to us, "Keep him?? He's a giant three-headed dog that is known for guarding all villains in Tartarus! Do you know how much work that would be feeding him and grooming him?"

"I take full responsibility! I swear! Just look at these big ol' eyes though!"

Those very eyes of Cerberus glared daggers into Tirek. Their teeth were barred and it's growls were quite... unwelcoming.

"That's the eyes of a bunch of good big boys! Good big boys, yes you all are!" And just like that, as I began petting it, it turned its attention to me and happily wagged their tail.

"How did you tame Cerberus..?" Tirek questioned.

Chrysalis sighed, "Been wondering the same thing. And I was here. Wait, what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to help free you and figure out what just happened, really. Though it wasn't hard to conclude with the help of this," He pulled out the orb, "So Discord freed us only to imprison us again? Honestly, why am I not surprised by his antics?"

"And why have you come to help us..?" The queen scrutinized.

"... I suppose it would be smarter to work with the one who seems to know the most of what's going on, and our future. But from Zeri's reaction earlier I'm assuming this is all new to her too. Then again, she did just tame Cerberus."

"Right- okay. Listen guys. We need to leave." I quickly turned to the others, "Discord knows of all of us, so we need to be careful. We can't use any of our magic or else he'll find us- well Lord Tirek can't use any of his because that's a dead giveaway. I think Chrysalis is fine as long as it isn't too obvious and I mean-... I don't know about you but the only magic I got is cloud walking over here. And the phantom limbs of where my fingers once were." I stared down at my stubby hooves.

Cerberus responded with a concerned whimper. I reached up to pet his head but honestly, it just felt like I was sliding a flat limb against his temple.

"Hey buddy... it's alright. You know, you don't have to stay in Tartarus if you don't want. Every day, all day, you're spent guarding everyone aren't you? Don't you ever get a break? Have you even seen much of Equestria? How about this. We're your prisoners, right?"

"Oh please, don't remind him." Chrysalis grumbled.

"Well, how about this? You can come with us and keep an eye on us that way! And I can watch out and care for you, too!" I bargained, "We can go exploring, eat a bunch of different food! And we can figure out how to play catch or chase or whatever the heck you want to play! Would you all like that? I'd love to see Equestria with you if you want!"

Cerberus seemed to hesitate, but the more I spoke the more happier he got. His tail continued to wag and he happily licked my face once more.

"I think that's a yes~!"

"You know I just realized she's not cursing as much around the dog." Chrysalis muttered to Tirek, "Maybe bringing Cerberus along would better improve her attitude."

"That mutt has been nothing but trouble for me for the past thousands of years and now we're just going to... bring him along?"

"Why not?" I leaned forward and hugged one of Cerberus' heads, "Look at themmmm! Pleaaase Lord Tirek? Can we keep himmmm?"

Tirek threw up his arms, "Why are you asking me??? Fine! Fine! Let's just go already before Discord finishes up his friendship lesson or whatever. He's probably already blown himself up."

As we all went to leave through the large open double doors I would quietly whisper to a passing caged creature, "I'll come back for you too, alright?" I assured before hurriedly joining Tirek's side, "So we need to go into hiding. The Lord of Chaos will be on our trail soon enough."

"Well isn't that just great, and was this the future you wanted to avoid?" Tirek questioned.

"No, actually. This is a completely new path entirely. I didn't even know Sombra was a fake Sombra by Discord until... well, until that."

"So what was our future imprisonment anyways?" Chrysalis questioned as the doors slammed shut behind the four- or six- of us.

"We all get turned into stone." I simply say before curiously making my way down the path.

Tirek blinked, "Even Cozy Glow?"

"Yeup. Even Cozy Glow."

Chrysalis looked between us, "Wait, who is Cozy Glow?"

I stopped and tapped my chest, "The pony whose body I stole."

"You know possession, then?"

"Nope. I just appeared here. I don't get it, we don't get it. It's fine, it just kinda happened. We'll figure it out at a later time but right now... We need to hide ourselves and your magic." I walked forward and narrowed my eyes in thought, "How to hide our magic... How to hide our magic..."

"Magic concealment is not in my specialty I'm afraid," Lord Tirek admitted, "Though perhaps there is a spell I could figure out if I just-"

"No spells." I insisted, "We can't risk being found out that way. No, we don't need spells. We need something that doesn't cause attention. We need something quick and fast that doesn't need powerful magic. No. What we need... is a potion." I smirked.

Chrysalis joined my side, "And where do you suggest we get that?"

I turned to the two of them, "We have to get to the Everfree forest. I think I might know someone who could help... but," I held up a hoof,

"I'm going to have to talk to her alone."

I breathed in. After searching the Everfree we were finally able to find what I was looking for. A hut. No simple hut, of course. As I stepped over the patterned stone path that would curl and twist with little swirly designs, I would pass several masks that expressed various emotions from blank, to welcoming, to rage. Where this trail ended was at a hollowed out tree with carved-in round windows and several steps leading to a wooden door. Hanging from its branches were colorful bottles that kindly greeted me as they swayed in the gentle wind.

I carefully approached the door, made sure the others hadn't followed me this far, and tapped my hoof against it.

A few beats later, a zebra wearing gold stepped out to meet me. She stopped and stared down at me. I stared back.


"Uh. Hey there Zecora..." I sheepishly grinned, "I need your help."

Author's Note:

Cerberus joins the party!

I mean... why not?

Also looks like Zecora is about to get dragged into whatever nonsense this is! Hopefully Zeri can convince her fast before Discord starts searching for the three of them. Or I suppose six of them now... or four? Does Cerberus count as one or three?

Anyways sorry this chapter took a bit, I was vacationing. Also a lot is going on irl so updates might be slow, but I'm really enjoying this story and I hope I can make more chapters in the future!

Thank you for reading~!