• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 5,868 Views, 167 Comments

The Rookie - dicerollball

A struggling young adult finds herself in Tartarus as the nefarious Cozy Glow. If she wants to go out and freely explore all of Equestria with her villainous buddies... she was first going to have to change this evil filly's future.

  • ...

Chapter 6: What A Party

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update! Lots of things happening in real life.

I have a lot of plans for future chapters, but enjoy this one! I think I'm getting a better understanding of how I want this to go.

Will try to update in the near future but fair warning, it's a busy month. There's a lot going on. So the next update might take a while.

Thank you to Avogadro for the three names for each of Cerberus' heads!

And thank you all for reading!

I sat at the desk with my hoof pressed against my cheek. So. It didn't even matter. What I was doing or where I was, it didn't matter. The sequence within the headmare's office continued to play out in front of me. I watched as several creatures helped assist that chancellor jerk from his chains and how his mind boggled as he tried to make sense of it all. I guess I should have tried it this way then the way I was doing it. This was clearly a way better version of gaining friends, trust, and allies. Yet there I went over-conquering without entirely thinking it through to make it more... permanent.

I sighed and rested my head over my hooves.

So how did I figure out this doesn't matter? Well, it was funny actually. I tripped. One small tumble was all it took for me to realize the loop I was in. When I fell over, cutting off whatever I was saying, the others continued as if I had finished my sentence. Confused, I watched as the familiar scene played out without me involved. I saw items I may have been carrying fly across the air and their eyes never landed on where I was now, even if they addressed me.

From then on, I was an observer. I could still affect others, surprisingly, but they never seemed to notice. I could change their mane, take an item out of their hold, or even splash water on them and they just... didn't react. I tried to communicate with them, but they only listened to old lines I've said before. While I could make these small changes, somehow the sequence would always revert to how it was supposed to be.

Sure, I got to explore more of the situation than I had seen previously, but I was... sick of it. I was sick of seeing my defeat over and over again. I was sick of the repetitive scenes. I was just... sick and tired of this strange loop.

I guess I could count one thing lucky though. I would have never realized I was here until the trip. Once I've tripped up in the same place I did the first time, then I break out of the loop myself. I've tried tripping others. It doesn't work for some reason... but at least I don't have to go back to the very start of my life over and over again. That I can barely even remember at this point. As I went through the halls of the school and idly watched a crowd of students run by, following after a floating crown which was once mine, I couldn't help but ponder something...

What made me trip in the first place? What broke me out of the loop..?

And how do I get out of it?

"Alright so let's go over this again." I sighed, "You see these vials? You tie them into a necklace, put it around your neck, and then sprinkle some of the powder in it to activate it. Lord Tirek? If you please."

Tirek easily demonstrated. He placed it over his neck and sprinkled the red powder in the vial before capping it. Then with a shake, the vial went alight with pinkish purple colors.

"This should help conceal your magic, but it's only temporary," I explained, "Which is why we have multiple, and a map. Zecora suggested that if we want a more permanent solution to hiding our magic, we should gather this crystal or whatever that's infused with magic concealment. It's generally hard to get but it should be at this mountain that's crossed out on the map." I unfurled the scroll and tapped at the image of a red cross just over a large, jagged looking moutain.
"Hell who knows? Maybe we can find a place to camp out over there or something and make our own base if we wanted to."

"Why do you have so many vials? Do they really not last that long?" Tirek questioned.

"Oh um... I don't know? I told her there were six of us-"

"Six?" Chyrsalis looked between the group, "Idiot, can you not count too?? There's clearly four of us."

"Wha- I can count! Cerberus is three, right?" I asked.

"Cerberus counts as one, Zeri." Tirek huffed, "They share one body, after all."

"But their heads act different!" I argued as I went up to one of them, "This one? On the right? This one is much more aggressive and cautious but can easily be swayed by treats." I casually tossed a small makeshift dog treat into their jaws. The small meat balls, for the time being, were made mostly of fish and whatever else Tirek or Chyrsalis decided to catch. I had asked them before I left to do some hunting and well... they did deliver, thankfully.
"The one in the middle? The leader. He's more mature, calm, and level headed! He's also really smart, aren't you?? Yes you are- Um. Ahem. And this one-" I gestured to my favorite head that still had ribbons tied on its ear, the one on the left, "Is an ABSOLUTE sweetheart. I'm telling you, even though they share one body they're clearly three. Not one."

"Then why do they share one name?" Tirek countered.

"Because everyone only gives them one name, duh!"

"Even so," Chrysalis hummed as she placed a vial around her neck, "I don't think they need three of their own vials. One should work plenty for them."

"I guess you have a point..." I tapped my chin in thought before Cerberus licked my cheek. Well, the one on the left did- Ughh... "Hey, maybe we should give them separate names?"

"Give them names?" Tirek raised a brow, "Why?"

"Because I don't want to call this one 'the head on the left' and this one 'the head on the right' or something like that."

Chyrsalis shrugged, "Leftie and Rightie. There you go."

"And what about the one in the middle??"

"Ummmm..." She hesitated.

"Exactly! So... Let's just give them each a name to make it easier on us. I call this one with the ribbons on its ears!" I chirped as I hugged leftie with my hooves.

"Hm... I guess I will have the middle one then?" Tirek suggested.

"Fine, whatever. I'll name that one if to make you shut up about it." Chyrsalis pointed at the one on the right.

"What do you think Lord Tirek? What kind of name should they have?" I asked as I happily petted Cerberus.

"Hmm..." Tirek looked directly at the one in the middle, and the head returned the stare with a cold and calculative look. These two have rivaled for centuries... and now he was going to name it. I couldn't help but feel giddy over it.

"Cervantes eh?" I hummed, "Nice. Alright, Cervantes it is! Where'd you get the name from?"

He shrugged, "Just thought it would fit."

"Chyrsalis? What do you want to name yours?"

"... Ughhh... Beryl." She grunted, and the newly named Beryl let out a low growl in her direction. She gritted her teeth back at it.

"I like it!" I chirped and then turned to the head I had chosen, "Now what to name you?" I pondered.

The other two watched and waited to see what I'd name it.

".... Russel."

Tirek blinked, "Really? Russel?"

Chyrsalis let out a snrk, "Even Beryl is better than that-"

"He looks like a Russel!" I patted him, "Do you like the name? Do you? Aw you're such a good boy!" I laughed as the left head, or Russel as we'll now call him, licked my face.

"Oh whatever, come here." Chyrsalis hissed as she grabbed me in her magic and pulled me away. Beryl let out a protective growl and she returned it with a glare, "Shut up! I'm only giving her the damn vial to hide her weak, pathetic pegasus magic!"

"Did you just say damn?" I gasped, "Oh no, I've influenced you! You're going to swear just like me!"

"Shut up."

"Don't you mean... shut the fuck up~?" I playfully asked.

"I will if you don't STOP." She then roughly placed one of the vials around my neck and angrily sprinkled the red powder into it so that it would activate.

"Do you even really need it?" Tirek asked, "You're a pegasus for crying out loud. Sure you have magic but it's more muted than, say, Chrysalis, Cerberus, and I."

"Hey, I don't know what Discord can or can't sense. It's better we play it safe." I argued, "Anyways. Zecora gave us directions to a more permanent solution to our magic concealing problems. Next stop, Mount What's it's face- uh... Stonepeak?"

"Mount Stonepeak? Hah. What an interesting location." Chyrsalis hummed.

I nodded, "Yeah, Stonepeak? Who names a mountain Stonepeak-"

"Ugh, it's not about the name you small minded foal. It's the mountain itself. Do you know ponies fear that thing? Apparently pony legend has it that anypony that gets too close to that thing will have the strange urge to explore its caverns. Then poof, they disappear, never to be seen again."

"Greaaat. Another strange urban legend we may or may not solve the mystery about. Knowing this universe I bet it's not even that big of a deal. Maybe it's just a tribe of runaway ponies or some sort of magical plant that makes you fall asleep or something. I think we can handle whatever the hell is going on over there." I shrugged, "Especially since you two are important villains to the plot- um. To the world or whatever."

Tirek raised a brow, "Knowing urban legends, it still could be dangerous. Perhaps there's another way to conceal our magic without these temporary vials."

"There probably is, but you still need a hideout right? A base of operations? If we go to a place ponies fear then no one will go where we go. I say it's a risk we should take. Plus I... really don't want you guys getting captured so soon." I quietly admitted.

"Awww, is the little grub concerned for our well-being?" Chrysalis mewed.

"Yes!" I then let out another yawn, "I... want to make sure I don't screw this up."

Tirek looked up at the orange sky as it began to darken.

"Screw what up, exactly?" The queen hissed.

I hesitated. My thoughts went back to Zecora and our previous conversation. The villains in front of me and the villain I was now were real to me. They were... characters. People. Just like everyone in Equestria now! In that moment, I don't know why, but it felt like whatever I decided to do with this group, the end result would be on me, "Everything. I don't want to screw up everything."

"It's getting late." Tirek commented, "We should all get some rest."

I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the setting sun and the rising moon, "... Oh fuck you Celestia."

"That I can agree with." Chrysalis chirped as she turned away, "Tirek, you take care of the foal or whatever. I'm going to go late night hunting before I settle in. Got that?"

He raised a hand in response, "Fine. Fine. Don't have to be so snappy about it you royal pain."

"I can and will devour you in your SLEEP!" Then just like that, she disappeared within the shadows of the Everfree.

Tirek was already pulling vines from a nearby tree, ready to set up camp. I sighed and made my way up to Cerberus, my hoof instinctively going to Russel, "Hey boys... Let's find a good place for you to sleep, alright? Hm. Hey Tirek? Do you need any help with the camp?"

He scratched his chin in thought, "Gather me more sticks and leaves. I can handle the rest." The centaur grunted before continuing his work with what he had now.

So that's what we did. Cerberus and I would gather supplies while Tirek easily built everything with his bare hands alone. Something I was very jealous of. I subjected myself to finally picking things up with my teeth and every time I was shivering with disgust. Ew ew ew. That was on the forest floor!

I told myself to get used to it, though. I was a pony now... and I hated it so much.

After some point, I shouted into the night sky, "I WANT MY HANDS BACK!"

"Too bad, so sad." Tirek grunted, "Can you shut up before you attract some dangerous animal into our campsite??"

"I can take it on." I joked before clumsily fluttering up to help put the final touches on a large makeshift tent built just for Cerberus, "There! And... yawn... done."

There were currently three tents in our campsite, and from the materials we had foraged they seemed to blend in with the environment around them. They were made of twigs, logs, moss, shrubs, and etc. Each one was of various sizes. A big one for Tirek, an even bigger one for Cerberus, and a small tiny one just for me. I didn't mind it. Each tent circled a center, and in that center was a fire pit that was dug out with several round stones marking it. A place to cook fish and other meat hung right above the pit. Just for the heck of it, as well, Tirek seemed to have made a lounging chair all for himself. Of course he would.

I couldn't help but smile as I softly landed back on the ground and went to pull my ponytail out, "Alright... Goodnight Lord Tirek. Goodnight Cerberus!"

Cervantes licked my face just before Russel nuzzled my forehead. Beryl, nearby, responded with a polite-ish gruff. Lord Tirek meanwhile grumbled something and waved his hand dismissively, "Right. Right. I'll be waking you up early tomorrow. We got a long way to go, so no complaining."

"Got it!" I chirped before giving Cerberus one more pat for each head. With that I disappeared into my tent. It was only temporarily, but it felt cozy and homey in a strange way... I was able to easily rest my head and pass out from all the activity I went through.

God. Had it only been a day..?


My eyes snapped open.

I was... in a school? I think I was floating, maybe, I feel taller all of a sudden.

No, wait... I was standing. On two feet?

I looked down myself and patted my body down with- HANDS! I have my HANDS! I let out a surprised laugh as they instinctively moved up to my face. I felt my button nose and my round cheeks. My glasses were even here, for some reason. I took them off but could still see the world around me. This familiar, colorful world.

The Friendship School?

My first thought was purple. There was lots of purple. Dark purple flooring and carpets, purple crystals decorating the walls, and purple banners or flags hung up besides looming windows. Well. This was Twilight's school, after all.

I took my first step as a human again and couldn't help but feel giddy. Legs! Hands! Real HANDS! I went to pick up the first thing that I could find, it was a flower vase of some sort. I plucked it up and giggled. This was ridiculous. I'm getting happy over picking something up. I guess it was a relief knowing I didn't have to use my mouth anymore... but-

How did I get here?

I decide to carefully place it back and roam the halls. It was quiet, at first, but I felt like it wasn't empty. Despite the vastness of the place there was clearly activity. A class or more had to be in session, and what helped solidify that was a small purple and green dragon running past with several papers and quills in claw. Spike. I couldn't help but smile as I tried to trail after him. Where was he off to? Oh look at his little wings! So adorable!

Damn. Besides Fluttershy, I'd love to befriend him and Big Mac if I could. That strange oubliettes game, the DnD equivalent in this universe, sounded like a lot of fun. So that's where my thoughts went to. I wanted to at least say hello.

I tried to stop him and catch his attention, but he already disappeared behind a door into another classroom.

I heard the chatter of students just on the other side. Curious, I gently pushed it open and peeked into the room to spot a familiar lavender alicorn hushing her students.


I blinked.

I heard a bird chirping nearby, and saw sunlight softly fluttering through my tent. It was morning. Lord Tirek's voice boomed just outside of it, "Wake up and eat your breakfast already!"

I sat up and pressed a hoof against my face. Cozy Glow's hoof. On her face. I was still in her body. I wasn't... me. Human. Slowly, but carefully, I pressed both of my fore-hooves against my head and sighed. What was that dream? It felt lucid but at the same time, not so much. I was in my human body. That was cool, at least. Why would I dream of that though? Maybe I crave to see the rest of the world? But as myself? I'm not sure yet...

For now, I just decided to get up and greet the Everfree morning. The smell of eggs instantly caught my attention.

Even though ponies were known for eating just vegetation and such, I was instantly drawn to meat. I didn't really care if it wasn't in my diet, for now, because I couldn't help but chow down at the food Tirek prepared for us. Chrysalis was the one who decided to stop me. Apparently eating meat, while possible, is not suggested for ponies. I can still savor it but I can't eat too much of it. I guess I'll get sicker over time. Saddened, I ate a daffodil sandwich for the first time. I hated it.

Tirek later decided to do some more hunting so he could catch some fish for Cerberus. Chrysalis had wandered off with them and I was stuck in camp trying to assess what we had and what we could bring.

So we still have the basket of vials. Bring that of course. We have the orb... Curious thing but that's coming as well! Then we have some food and some tools that Tirek made- Wait. Where did Chrysalis go anyways?

I paused and went searching for the others. While I knew Tirek was at a river nearby, I wasn't sure about Chrysalis. Why was she always running off with Cerberus?

It was easy to track them down. The big old sweetheart would occasionally break branches and foliage as he walked. His path soon lead me into a clearing with several trees knocked down into splinters of what they once were. I spotted marked carvings that showed figures of ponies, changelings, and even a centaur which could have been Tirek. I perked up, expecting to see some sort of epic battle training to commence, but I got something else.

I watched as Chrysalis used her magic to help clean and tighten the ribbons on Russel's ear, "There you insufferable mutt. I fixed it." She hissed just before Russel gave her a lick on the cheek, "Eugh! No! Stop that this instant! It was just getting on my nerves, alright? That brat doesn't know how to tie a proper knot for the life of her... but also this will probably be my only chance to after a while." The changeling queen grunted as she turned away.

I slowly made my way over.

"Well whatever. Those two can do fine without me. Especially with you by their side they're practically invincible so what do I know? You just keep your eye on them while I go off and-"




"AND DID YOU JUST CALL ME CHRYSSY??" She plucked me up in her magical hold, "How dare you."

"Are you leaving?" I asked as she held me in her terrifyingly iron grip. At the question, though, it relaxed...

"... Maybe. So what? I have to."


"It's- I have my reasons." She grumbled, "I left something behind and now I need to go get it."

I narrowed my eyes in thought at what she could have left behind...

That was when I remembered the purple log. The log she always carried with her back in Grogar's lair. During everything, I don't recall her ever holding it again after we left, "Evil Twilight?" I quickly placed my hooves over my mouth, "I MEAN-"

Chrysalis froze, I froze. The events of that log wasn't actually well-known in Equestria. Hell the only one to ever really know about what the log once was is, in fact, Chrysalis. The purple log, along with several others, was once a copy of Twilight Sparkle. Except this copy was practically an evil version of her. Smart, strategic, but devious. It worked to betray Chrysalis along with the rest of the Mean Six at the time but she was unfortunately returned to her natural state, a tree log, by The Tree of Harmony itself. Thinking on that, I could see why Chrysalis would have wanted the tree destroyed even more now.

"How- How do you know about that?"

I sighed and lowered my hooves, "Listen. Chrysalis. You don't have to be embarrassed about the log, I get it. I've seen it... but you really shouldn't go back for it. It's practically in enemy territory now. With Discord in his lair. I'm sorry but- you shouldn't risk getting caught over something as pointless as that." I coldly said, only to regret it.

Anger boiled in her eyes and she harshly tossed me to the ground. I crashed against the hard soil and let out a pained gasp.

Cerberus let out a loud bark and protectively hovered above me, his claws raking into the earth as they all growled towards Chrysalis. I raised my head only to flinch at Chrysalis' burning glare.

"That log. Belongs. To. Me. I don't care if it's in Discord's lair or whatever, I'm GOING BACK FOR IT!"


"No. Shut up. I don't care right now what you've seen. I don't care what you know. Right now, I need it back. I need her back. She was the only one of my minions that was competent enough to actually be the soldier I needed her to be."

I sat up, "But she betrayed you! I get it, you want minions because you lost yours but we shouldn't risk getting caught for someone who's already gone and wants you gone. If you get caught-"

"She is NOT GONE!" Chrysalis hissed, "And I am going back for it." She then turned and stomped away, "I will MEET YOU AND TIREK LATER AT STONEPEAK."

"Chrysalis come back! Goddamnit! We shouldn't split!"


I gasped, ".............." I looked up at Cerberus, they looked down at me, and then we both looked back at Chrysalis' retreating form, "... Did she just fucking swear?"



That was the last place he put two troublesome villains. At least, where he should have transported them... but- the cages were either empty or snapped in half. They were both nowhere to be found.

Heck, not even Cerberus was there.

He had already checked the lair, expecting Tirek to at least be lounging about somewhere, but there was no such luck. That red jerk had completely vanished as well.

They were just... gone. He couldn't even sense any magical disturbances as of yet.

"Now where did they run off to?" He mused to himself.