• Published 3rd Dec 2019
  • 900 Views, 55 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Our Will (rewrite) - AngryPenguin

Raised above the cloud curtain, Lietenant Sienna has been dropped in the wasteland thanks to a failed rescue mission. Now, she's in unfamiliar territory and being threatened by a mysterious villain. Can she help her new friends before it's too late?

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Chapter 9: Fascism

"Don't you think that's a teeny bit racist?"

There was a time long ago, before Celestia and Luna's rule, where Equestria was not Equestria. Unicorns raised the sun and moon. The pegasi controlled the weather as it was needed. Earth ponies grew food for all of them. Sounds like harmony, right? Well, I like to think of it as tolerance. They tolerated one another, simply because they needed each other. Without real harmony, each race was soon divided completely over finding a new land (what is now Equestria). I remember reading about the origin of Hearth's Warming. A snow storm came, strengthened by the wicked Windigo. All living beings would soon suffer because of the selfish ways of each leader. However, thanks to the power of friendship and all that jazz, their right-hoof ponies found each other, sharing laughs and spreading joy amongst themselves. It was because of this small peace-making, that the Windigos were weakened. Thus, ending the lengthy dispute. I don't mean to bore you with a history lesson, but my point is this: In a way, I believe society had fell back into these ways. The war tore apart friends, families, and even entire towns.

A gust of wind flowed through my feathers as I glided. I was trying to keep my senses on alert for this "Flashbang". If she was dangerous, I'd have to approach with caution. Well, more than usual. But, the more I thought about her attacking us, the more Gladys' words etched in the back of my mind. She only took away the launcher because she thought the griffons were going to use it against an innocent town. Would that not make her a good pony? My head swam with questions.

Dusk approached as we came upon a village. It didn't seem as kept up as Floater, but just over the hill, I could see buildings with lanterns and makeshift lighting. I had to squint my eyes, but the buildings looked like old shipping containers welded together. The barrier encircling the town was just several layers of barbed wire and tin.

"Get down." Nico grabbed Redd and me with his magic and pulled us out of the air.

"What is the meaning of this?" Redd shouted.

"I've passed through here with my folks when I was a colt. I remember them talking about how pegasi aren't welcome here." Nico glanced around to make sure nopony saw us.

I dusted myself off and folded my wings. "Are you sure it wasn't just your foalish imagination? Or maybe they just don't like the Enclave."

He shook his head, lowering his voice. "They don't like anything with wings. And no it wasn't my 'foalish imagination'. I saw with my own eyes how they threatened a trader caravan just because one of the merchants was a pegasus." He scanned the horizon and sighed. "Looks like we have no choice, though. It's getting dark and these parts are known for violent scavengers."

I sat down, rubbing the barding that covered my chest. "So, we get shot by the town, or get shot by scavengers."

"Gee, which would you prefer?" Redd glared at Nico.

The unicorn looked us over and scratched his chin. "We need to hide your wings."

"No." Redd said. "If I'm going to die, I'd rather die a pegasus. I won't be humiliated by a bunch of racists."

"Well, you're going to have to find your own shelter, then." Nico rolled his eyes.

"Fine with me."

I placed a hoof on Redd's shoulder. "Please, Redd. He knows what he's talking about. Or, I hope he does. He at least knows the wasteland better than we do and I don't want anything to happen to any of us. Let's just be safe."

He groaned. "You can't seriously be agreeing with him."

I shrugged. "I understand where you're coming from, but this is our best bet. We aren't in Thunderhead anymore." I silently pleaded.

He looked from me to the smirking Nico. Finally, he exhaled, loudly. "Fine. But," He held up a hoof. "I'm following your orders. Not his." He gestured to Nico.

I grinned. "Thanks, Redd. I promise it's just for a night."

He blushed, slightly. "Well, if you trust him, I guess I have no choice."

"Alright, enough of your hugs and kisses. Let's get going before we come across anymore surprises." He gestured to his bandaged leg.

Redd was first. As Nico circled him, Redd stepped away. "I'm able, thanks." The lean pegasus stallion unhitched his rifles, carefully setting them on the ground. I watched as he took off his barding. His body was sleek, like most pegasi. I could see his despair as he folded his wings as tightly as he could. He went to work, pulling a piece of thread that surrounded each wing hole. With a tug, the hole was closed enough where no one could see under the clothing.

My eyes found his cutie mark. A red and gray shield with a white lightening bolt through the middle sat like a tattoo where it should be.

Just inspecting.

"You have a wingboner." Nico elbowed me.

I tore my eyes away from Redd and turned red as a beet. "I-" I shook my head and scowled. "J-just help me!"

Snickering, he waited until I pulled off my own armor behind a fallen sign. "Try our new-" was all it read. I guess the mystery of what I needed to "try" was never going to be solved. I attempted to pull the thread, myself, but it was better woven than Redd's. I didn't have a sewing kit, either. I really needed to invest in one of those. I sighed, frustrated, and hoofed the armor to Nico. He carefully untied the tiny thread and pulled the holes closed. I did as Redd had done, and folded my wings. My injury had just healed and I already had to avoid using my wings. Again.

"Like you told him, it's just for a night, Princess." Nico levitated the black clothing over the sign to me.

I snatched it out of the air and threw it on, walking back out of my "dressing room".

"I can still see the outline on your sides." He pointed out.

"Well, it's not like I can detach them whenever I need to do so." I scoffed.

"Just put something over them. Redd has his rifles," He looked over to him. "Which he also needs to disguise. I'm sure somepony in there knows what Enclave weaponry looks like."

"How am I supposed to do that, dickwad?" Redd mumbled.

Nico clicked his tongue and scooped up a clump of mud with his magic. With a satisfactory grin, he smeared it all over the barrels and straps of the rifles. Redd stumbled back. "Do you know how hard it is to clean these things?! What in Celestia's name is wrong with you?!"

"Oh, shut up. Scared of dirt, now?" Nico chimed, pissing him off even more. I facehoofed. Idiots.

My unicorn companion saw my suffering and walked over to me, inspecting me. I tried to hide my pink cheeks. I also tried to not think of him checking me out. He took off his saddlebags and set them on my back next to my smaller ones. Then, for added measure, he tore the Enclave colors and patches off the uniform. I almost winced. So much for looking sharp. "There. Now you're just wearing a sweater."

After checking over both of us, pegasi, Nico nodded. "Alright, let's get going."

He led the way while Redd and I flanked him. I tried to keep my head down, avoiding the gazes of the two guard ponies at the entrance. I slowly looked to Redd, who shared my concern. He wasn't as worried as I was, but there was a hint of doubt in his red eyes. The guards drilled us with their glares, blocking the small opening in the fence.

"Race and business here." One of them ordered. A gray unicorn.

Nico was, thankfully, our spokespony. "Two earth ponies and one unicorn. We just want to rest for the night."

How he kept calm was a wonder to me.

The other guard, a burly earth pony, left his post and circled us. I squeezed my wings so tight, I could hardly breathe. I prayed they wouldn't see past our disguises. He stopped at me. "You look familiar." The guard spoke, craning his neck to get eye level with me. I swallowed, hard.

"I-I do?" I squeaked.

"Yeah. I've seen you, before." He squinted, rubbing his chin in thought.

Oh, Luna's moon cakes, he knows something's up!

With what seemed like hours of intense staring, he lit up. "Do you know Buckshot O'Reiley?"

With as much confusion as I had fear, I said, "I-I've heard the name." It was obviously a lie, but I didn't know what else to do.

"You're his old marefriend! Well, one of them. I knew I've seen you somewhere! You and him came through here a few months back. I remember you running out, threatening to kill him because he slept with another mare." He paused, blushing. "S-sorry about that. Didn't mean to open up old wounds. But, at least you've moved on."

"No w-worries." I rubbed my chest.

The guard returned to his spot. "I don't blame you. I'd be in denial, too." He shook his head. "Haven't met a mare who doesn't regret being a page in ol' Buckshot's book. Go on through."

I almost fainted.

When we were in the town, I relaxed a little.

"Seriously?" Nico raised his brow as we walked through the muddy streets.

"I was just trying to go along with it! Would you rather me have said 'Oh, no I'm not that mare. I'm actually a-'" He shoved his hoof in my mouth, shushing me.

Redd shook his head. "This is ridiculous. We shouldn't have to hide our identity." He hissed.

We managed not to rile anyone up. Other than a few stares, we were pretty much inconspicuous. I walked as close as I could to Nico, when he stopped, I bumped into him, making him lose his balance. He shot me a glare, rubbing his leg. "Will you relax? You're going to make somepony hurt themselves."

"Sorry. I'll-"

Could it be? The sweet, strong, bitter, toxic smell that faintly made it's way into my nostrils. That familiar scent that made my mouth and eyes water, simultaneously. It was. It definitely was...


After these past few days, I could go for a drink.

I tried to sneak away from the rest of our trio, no longer worrying about getting found out. A few steps away, and I was caught.

Nico stepped in to block me. "Hold on, there. You will definitely give us away, for sure, if you're drunk."

I groaned. "Come on! I neeeeed it!" I pouted, giving him the ol' puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeaase?"

He laughed. "You think that works on me?"

I forced my eyes to grow larger.

His grin twitched as he stared at me.

I tilted my head and folded one of my ears to resemble a pleading filly.

He frowned. "Fine! Stop!"

"Yes!" I hoof pumped, trotting to the doors.

He grabbed my tail in his magic, making me yelp. "You are not drinking in public. I will go buy the bottles. You and Redd can go ahead and get us a room. Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't do anything stupid." He shook his head.

I mock saluted and hoofed him the pouch of caps I won from those poker games.

I laughed, evilly as he walked off. "Tonight, we drink!"

"I didn't take you as a drinker." Redd smirked as we started towards the only building in town that was structurally correct. The word "Inn" was written on the side.

I rolled my eyes. "Have you seen this place? I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here drank on a daily basis."

The second we walked through the open door, I felt off. The vibes were bad enough for me to shiver a little. Then, I saw it. The horrifying decorations. An entire wall was covered in prewar Wonderbolt posters. Only, they weren't promoting anything. Red paint smeared over each one, mocking the uniformed fliers. In the center of the room was one desk. No other furniture. Above the desk, was a plaque, displaying what appeared to be a mummified wing. A pegasus wing. I gulped down my nausea.

"Sia, I know you see that." Redd growled next to me.

I nudged him. "Keep your voice down."

"Welcome! How may I help you?" Came a cheery voice. A pink earth pony mare with a forest green mane waved from behind the counter. She was too cheerful. Her attitude didn't fit in with the rest of the town.

"We just need somewhere to rest for the night. We'd like a room, p-please." My angst showed through my friendliness.

"Of course. Let me find a key." She rummaged through the box behind the desk. "New in town?"

"Yeah." I replied, swallowing.

"Lovely! I think you'll grow to like Walkerton." She mentioned, setting a rusty key on the desk in front of us. "You seem like a sweet couple!"

"We're not-"

"Is that a real pegasus wing?" Redd cut me off, pointing to the plaque with a trembling hoof.

She looked up at the thing. A hint of cringe flashed through her eyes. "Oh, yes! It belonged to an Enclave general. Our mayor, Clockwork, took him down and personally... dismembered the wings. It's his greatest achievement. The other wing hangs in his office on the edge of town." She sounded almost robotic when she said it. Like she had to say it a several times a day. She didn't look happy about it, though. Which was both strange and a relief.

"Th-that's great."

Redd nudged me.

"You'll be in room two. Enjoy your stay!" She forced a smile.

I returned it, grabbing the key and quickly walking through the hall and up a set of stairs. Something didn't seem right with that mare. She was cheerful, but didn't exactly seem very proud of their mayor's accomplishment. More posters hung on the wall, ruined by the paint. A door with a number two painted in red on the frame came into view inside the narrow hall. It was hard to see in the dim lighting, but we managed. Redd took the key from my shaky hooves and unlocked the door, hurrying me inside.

The room wasn't much more than the rest of the inn, not surprisingly. A broken dresser, an old CozyColt chair, and a thick mattress was scattered through the small room. The bed at least had a sheet covering the obvious stains. I closed the door and sat down next to it. I breathed in and out several times, trying to calm my nerves.

"How could they do this? This is outrageous! This town is an abomination!" Redd stormed over to the window, snorting when he saw it was covered in newspaper. This motel was... different. "Aargh! I need to stretch my wings! I feel claustrophobic." He locked the door and threw off his armor and rifles. He unfolded his wings and flapped a few times, sending a breeze my way.

I put mine and Nico's saddlebags on the floor next to Redd's things. I left my armor on, though. Can't be too careful.

"Maybe we should take the rocket launcher and blow this place to smithereens." Redd crossed his hooves.

I made my way to the CozyColt, mentally calling "dibs". "You know we can't do that. There are too many innocent ponies here. Even if they are... racist." I mumbled the last part.

Silence followed for a few seconds.

"Are you sure we can't-"

"No, Redd. We are not blowing up a town." I said, flatly.

He sighed. "Fine."

More silence.

"Sia, back at the Typhoon..." Redd began. "I want to apologize for making things awkward between us."

I straightened my mouth. "It's fine."

"No, it's not." He sighed, running a hoof through his mane. A tiny part of me wanted to touch it. "I was out of line asking you for a date, right now. Though, I really still want that date, I'm willing to put it off until you're ready." He grinned. "I mean, come on. Look at me." He gestured to his flexing bicep. "I've seen you staring."

My white face turned red. "W-was not! I d-don't stare! I... observe. That's part of what pegasi are known for, you know."

He chuckled. "I'm joking! Really! I know I'm a looker." He winked, then waved it off. "I'm trying not to be as full of myself as I was in school. I was... eh, I was okay, but showing off doesn't help much in boot camp."

I cleared my throat, trying to hide a grin. "Boot camp sure changed us."

He smirked, back. "I miss your glasses. You were pretty cute with them and your messy bun in your mane."

I blushed, again. "Oh, stop it. Was not! I-I was a nerd." My eyes fixed on him. "And I seem to recall you calling me 'four-eyes' in grade school. You know, to impress your... ahem... future cheerleader posse."

Redd frowned. "I did?" He stammered. "I-I didn't mean it... I swear if I did, I must not have been paying attention. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay! I know you only called me that because you had a crush on me." I jeered back.

Sweat dampened his forehead. "How did... Nevermind. I'm glad I can be forgiven." He scooted closer to me. "So, what are you planning to do when this is all over?"

I flattened my ears. "I'm going home, of course."

He winced, enough for me to notice.

"What?" I frowned.

"It's nothing." He avoided my stare.

"Just tell me." I ordered.

"Honest! It's nothing! I just... I-I..." He started sweating.

"Redd what is it?"

"Don't make me tell you, please. At least not right now."

I watched him shift, uncomfortably. Whatever it was, he really didn't want to say it. Even though I wanted to prod him more, I let it go. For now. I didn't want to interrogate any of my friends.

"Okay. Fine. But promise me you will tell me when you can." I eyed him.

He paused, then nodded. "I will. Now is just not the time." Relief covered his features.

"Well, what do you plan to do when this is over?" I asked.

"Probably travel. Back in training, the guys would tell stories in the locker room. Storm Front told a story that really stuck with me. It was more of a 'he said, she said' type of thing, but I like to think it's a real thing. He said there was a civilization of pegasi up north, somewhere. According to him, they went right back to prewar life right after D-day. They were so far away that the megaspells didn't have any impact." He shook his head, grinning. "It may not be true, but I'd like to try to find it."

"But... why? You don't want to get back to Thunderhead?"

"I... have my reasons."

Something wasn't right. Redd would never abandon the Enclave for some pony-tale. I drilled him with my glare, but he ignored me, keeping his eyes on his hooves, instead. He was not telling me something. It probably had to do with what he refused to tell me a few minutes prior. Just as I was about to pry the answer from him, a knock on the door caught our attention.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"Room service. Who do you think it is?" Nico answered.

Redd rolled his eyes and put his barding over his back to hide his wings without actually putting it on. He opened the door and Nico stood with three bottles of pure ecstasy. "You don't have to be an asshole to her." Redd told him.

Nico shut the door as he came in, handing one of the bottles to the pegasus buck. "Says the one who sucks his own-"

I sighed, waiting patiently for the bickering to be over. Propping my head in my hoof, I noticed a bottle floating next to me. Nico smiled and winked as he set it in my lap. The pale yellow fluid looked exactly like what you'd expect pale yellow fluid to look like. A white and yellow label was slapped around it, but it was unreadable. It was in a different language.

"It's tequila." Nico pointed out. "Not as good as Wild Pegasus, but it'll give you the desired result. In Equestrian, it translates to Lime Flame."

I rolled the liquid around before pulling the cork out with my teeth. The scent of alcohol was enough for me! I took a small sip, smacking my lips. There was a hint of bitter citrus. He was right. Wild Pegasus was better, but tequila wasn't bad. I took a longer pull, that time. My gut burned like fire. It was magnificent!

"You remember your last hangover." Nico warned as he poured his tequila in a shot glass.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll burn that bridge when I come to it."

He stopped to stare at me, puzzled. "Don't you mean, 'cross that bridge when you come to it'?"


Silence. There was no sound except the occasional liquid sloshing around in the bottles as we drank.

"Well, this is boring." I said.

Nico rolled his eyes. He did that so much, it was amazing that they didn't get stuck like that. "Play some music, then."

With a sigh, he got up, cantered over to where I was sitting and fiddled with the Pipbuck. After a moment, he pushed a button, causing soft music to play over the small speaker. Oh, yeah. I do have one of these. An ancient song played, sung by a mare with a beautiful voice. I felt a mixture of sadness, hope, and anger. Jeez, you'd think this mare had more problems than I did.

"There are radio towers down here?" Redd asked.

"Yeah, but not many. This station barely picks up because it's from Tenpony Tower." Nico said.

The song ended, followed by the cheerful voice of a stallion.

"Gooood evening, folks! DJ Pon3, here! And that was a nice little tune by Sweetie Belle! Let's see what's going on in the wasteland, shall we?

First and foremost, there seems to be an increase in raider activity to the east of Shattered Hoof. I'm not certain if there are raider settlements being built there, but please stay away from that area. There have been sightings of... wait, seriously? Ha! Hilarious!.... Y-you're not joking?....Oh, uh...Well, there have been sightings of... alicorns around Maripony. Whether or not those are real sightings or just old-timer stories, I have no clue. Nevertheless, it's best to keep an eye out. Alicorn or not, there are plenty of real dangers to look out for. In other news-"

I switched it off. Alicorns? Nope. Staying far away from that drama. I'm barely equipped to handle my task at hoof much less that crap.

"No more radio, then?" Nico chuckled, taking another swig.

"I'm done with everything, today. Luna and Celestia are the only alicorns I know of. My brain can't handle anything else." I took about two more gulps. I wanted to forget I had heard that.

"Increased raider activity to the east of Shattered Hoof. That's where we are, right?" Redd asked.

Nico nodded. "Pretty far off out of the way, but Shattered Hoof isn't that hard to get to. Besides, we aren't going to Shattered Hoof. We are going just south of it."

I sighed. "Great."

It didn't take long for the tequila to take effect. My mind had become a clouded mess of emotion. I looked at both of my companions and smiled. They are such great guys. I'm so lucky to have them with me. Sure, they argue a lot. Sure, they can be dumb, but they are awesome! Besides, I think they are kind of jealous of each other. Silly, silly ponies. Silly un-y-corn. Silly pegasusus. Pegasis. Pegasauce? He does look kind of yummy. Like spaghetti squash in sauce. Yeah, I'd like to smear them both in-

"-tomato sauce and... and..." I stopped when I realized Nico and Redd were both staring at me in confusion, awe, and amusement.

And they burst out laughing.


"Why does he get to be 'yummy' and I only get to be called a 'un-y-corn'?" Nico said through laughs.

"Can you blame her?" Redd wiggled his eyebrows at me.

It dawned on me that I had said every bit of that, not in my head, but out loud. I covered my glowing, red face with my forehooves.

"It's fine, Sia." Nico wiped a tear. "You won't remember this in the morning."

"Aw." Redd slumped.

An hour and three-fourths of a bottle later, Redd had passed out on the mattress. My vision was blurring pretty quickly. I decided that was enough, so I corked my bottle and put it in my bag, saving it for later. Nico swished his bottle, lost in thought. Redd snored loudly as he slept.. Nico glared at him. "I should break this bottle over his head." He grumbled.

"Don't -hic- do that. Let the guy sleep. It's been a long day." I smiled over at the sleeping stallion.

I heard, yes, I heard Nico roll his eyes. "Oh, please. You just have a hard-on for him."

"No I don't. You're both attractive in your own way. If we don't get another mare in our group soon-" I stopped myself. "I mean, I need somepony to talk to about girl stuff. You know, shopping, getting hooficures..."

"Boys? Oh, my, Celestia that sound super fun!" Nico put on his best girly voice.

I giggled, uncontrollably. "Nu-uh!"

"Yeah-huh." He grinned.

I sighed, happily. "You know, I'm really glad I get to 'save the world or die trying' with you by my side. Redd, too."

He smiled, genuinely. "You aren't so bad, yourself, Princess. I almost hate to see you go when it's over."

I blushed, afraid of what might come out of my drunken mouth.

Too bad I was drunk.

"If I didn't go home, I could stay with you, right?" I stood up stretching my legs.

"Of course."

I stepped closer. "And... we could... go on adventures, too, right?"

"Ye- wait what?" He blushed.

I got even closer, batting my eyelashes. "Aaannnd... You only have... one bedroom..."

Sigh. I need to quit drinking.

He backed into the wall. "I uh..."

My nose was a hair away from his as I grinned. "Sooo, you know what that means, right?" I slurred.

"Oh, do I? I-I guess I do. We'd have to be caref-"

"Boop." I touched his nose, then grabbed him in a headlock, holding him close to my chest. "I love payback."

"Y-you're a bigger asshole than I am." He stammered.

"Shhh." I pet his mane.

"This day just gets more stupid by the minute." He said, trying to pry himself from me. "You're freaking me out, Sia."

"Just end the chapter already..." Redd grumbled through snores.

"I rest my case." Nico said.

A soft knock on the door caught us by surprise. Nico gently pushed me off of him and threw Redd's barding over his torso to cover him. I swayed, watching the unicorn tip-toe to the door. "Who is it?" He asked.

"It's me. The desk pony, Green Leaf. You've got to let me in." She whispered.

Nico swallowed and opened the door. She rushed past him. "Close it, hurry!"

He obeyed and eyed her, warily. "What's going on?"

"I don't have a lot of time to explain. Clockwork knows your secret. Someone saw a feather fall from one of you and they warned him. He's about to bring his guards to investigate." She looked behind her and lowered her voice. "We have to go."

"Why should we trust you? You know they are pegasi. How do we know you won't bring us right to him?" Nico asked her.

"Please, understand I have no ill will against anypony. Clockwork... I have no choice but to follow his ideas. But, today... I will not be doing that. There's a tunnel under this motel. It leads out of town into a warehouse just over the hill. If we hurry, you can make it out." She helped Nico grab our things.

"This is... very, very suspicious." I hiccuped.

"Great. We have to carry these two chuckleheads." Nico levitated Redd and set him on his back, grunting under his weight. "How does he manage to fly? He weighs more than me!"

Leaf offered her hoof and helped me climb onto her back. She was much bigger than me, so it probably wasn't a problem for her. Earth ponies were just naturally stronger, it seemed. Leaf opened the door and cantered down the hallway into a another set of stairs that climbed down to the basement.

"Leaf, Is this safe? I do not want this tunnel to fall. We would be -hic- like, really, really dead." I slurred.

"It's safe as far as I know." She chuckled. "Though, I wouldn't mess with any of the support beams."

"Roger that." I groaned. My buzz was starting to go away, being replaced by a headache.

We approached a pickle barrel off to the side of the basement. With a buck, she removed it. Under the barrel was a trap door. We heard hoofsteps above us.

"They're here!" She hissed.

Nico opened the door and held it so Leaf and I could get inside. He soon followed, closing the door. I craned my neck to get a better view of the tunnel. Dirt. Dirt walls, dirt floor, dirt ceiling. That was it. It was dimly lit, but we still could barely see the beams and rafters holding the tunnel up. Nico pushed the button on my Pipbuck and the green light illuminated the darkness.

I barely avoided hitting my head on a rafter as we ran further down. We stopped at a fork in the tunnel.

"Which way?" Nico asked.

Leaf gulped. "I-I don't know! I didn't know there was a fork here! I only glanced at the map for a brief time!"

I hopped off her back and held my head with a hoof.

"Great. Just great!" Nico yelled.

"Don't blame her." I said.

"Do you know what is going to happen to us?" He growled at me.

I poked his chest. "No, but this was your idea to begin with!"

"Please stop yelling. Head. Hurts." Redd mumbled. He stood, dazed and looking around. "What the hell is going on?"

"Long story." Leaf said, sheepishly.

"Wait, that means... You took us!" Redd threw on his rifles with practiced ease and aimed them at her. I rushed in front of him.

"Don't you dare!" I snapped.

"We need to get you out of here." Leaf said, searching the tunnel for any clue.

"You four aren't going anywhere." A deep voice echoed behind us.

The four of us snatched our heads to look behind us. A a gray earth pony stallion stepped out of the tunnel we had just emerged from. Two guards with pistols flanked each side of him. The badge on his vest reflected the light of my Pipbuck.

Leaf's face twisted in horror. "F-Father."


"Green Leaf, I see you have been hiding these... ruffians. Get over here, this instant!" He shouted. "I knew something was off about those two!" He pointed to Redd and me.

"No." Leaf countered.

"What?" He backpedaled. "Young lady! I will-"

"No, Father! This weird vendetta you have against pegasi... It's not right!"

He stayed silent for a few seconds. Then, "I'll deal with you, later." He narrowed his eyes at Redd's rifles. "You pegasi have done nothing but corrupt and deceive our kind. Now, you'll pay for corrupting my daughter!" He nodded for the guards to take us.

"Wait! Clockwork, y-you need to know something." I stumbled closer to him. He was about the same height as Weights. "Redd and I understand where you're coming from."

"Yeah, ri-"

"But," I interrupted my red-headed companion. "You can't judge someone by their race... or even their species. Especially not anymore. I learned that the hard way." I sent a smile to Nico, who returned it. "Please, just-"

Clockwork stomped. "You think I have poor judgement? No. I have reasons. And my reasons go beyond what you or even the citizens of this town know! I have a special place in my office for your wings, dear girl."

My blood ran cold.

"You are the most insane pony I have ever met!" Nico spat.

Just then, the loudest, ear piercing screech ripped through the tunnels. Even Clockwork jolted his head towards the sound. When the echo ceased, everything became quiet. I slowly backed up next to Nico. His face was pale and he breathed heavy. I swallowed. If Nico was scared, I had every single right to be, too. The tequila had quickly worn off.

"Ferals." Nico whispered so low I could barely hear him.


Dozens of monsters with glowing eyes flooded the cavern, coming from the tunnels that were in front of us. They snapped and growled, falling over each other. Redd started zapping the ones who were running for us. I flew towards the ceiling, unloading Bob into a couple of them. Gunshots came from every direction.

"Leaf!" Clcokwork boomed. He bit down on his revolver, making holes in a zombie that was biting at his daughter. She grunted as she bucked it off. My heart thundered in my chest, making me grab at my barding nearest to it. I swallowed back my fear, beginning to hyperventilate. I shook my head. No! I won't... hesitate! Not again! I zapped a couple more, turning them to ash.

"Redd! Help the guards!" Nico barked, frantically shooting at the ghouls surrounding him.

"I don't need help from a pegasus!" One of them shouted. He swung his baton, bashing the skull of a zombie. Just as he spun around, though, two ghouls overpowered him, tearing into his flesh. He screamed as they ripped open his torso, exposing more than I could bear to see. I became nauseated as one of the monsters bit down on his intestines. The guard died, instantly.

Redd snapped out of his daze and rushed to the other guard, who watched his friend be mauled. "Any objections from you?" Redd asked. The other guard shook his head, vigorously, bucking two more ghouls out of the way. Redd fired several more beams of energy before his guns started smoking.

"Shitshitshit! My barrels are fried!" He shouted.

"Time to use your legs!" The guard shouted up at him.

Redd growled, diving for a group of ghouls who had cornered Clockwork. The earth stallion nodded, thanking him, and went back to shooting.

"Sia! Behind you!" Nico yelled, reaching for me.

I twirled around, not before I was knocked out of the air by a unicorn ghoul. It shambled atop of me and screeched. I screamed, struggling to kick the thing off of me. Another joined in the fighting, aiding the other ghoul that had just snapped at my muzzle. It took all my strength to keep the zombies from biting me. Black liquid suddenly splattered on my face. The stench was that of rotted meat. I stretched my neck away from the other ghoul, spotting Bob nearby. I reached for it, but it was kicked away by the commotion of the fight.

It suddenly felt like my shoulder was being ripped off my body. Pain erupted as the zombie bit a chunk of hide. I screamed in agony, fighting to stay conscious. Its head exploded, gore covering the rest of my body. Nico sent a wave of magic, throwing off any ghoul near me. He rushed to my side, eyes widening at the wound. I couldn't see it but I could tell it was bad. I felt my blood pouring from it. He grabbed a healing potion from his bag and quickly lifted me enough to drink it. Tears streamed down my face as I gulped it down. I felt the wound close as I heard the crack of his rifle above me. He stayed over me until I was able to move, again. He hoofed over Bob, waiting until I switched cartridges. A zombie ran towards Nico but he ducked, sending the feral rolling over him and into another group of monsters. They stumbled back. Aiming my pistol, I shot at two ghouls that were running for Leaf. They each turned to ash.

Back to the hell from whence you came!

The remaining guard threw a grenade into a crowd, causing gore to fly everywhere. A few, however, survived. Well, not survived, per se, but they still moved, even if they were missing half of their bodies. I had never seen anything so terrifying in my life. Yet, I was still going to fight. I would not let harm come to my friends!

Another feral slammed into Clockwork. Yet, another tore into his vest. I stared in terror at his bare sides. Deep scars stood out on each side where wings would be if he were a pegasus. I shook the daze away and bit down on Bob's trigger, turning the two ghouls to ash. Clockwork's wounds were weakening him, so I pushed Nico out of the way and zoomed over to help him to his hooves.

"I don't... need... you!" He snatched his hoof away from me.

Ignoring him, I pushed him out of the path of a zombie. Instead of it knocking into him, it hit me, slamming me into the dirt wall. Rubbing my head, I dodged the bites from it. More ghouls were running out of the tunnels. It was an endless wave!

"Nico! We need... to get out of... here..." I tried to yell, but my vision was getting blurry. I was weak from the blood loss.

Nico flashed me a concerned glance before rushing to me. "Redd! Grab Clockwork! We're getting out of here!" He yelled, helping me to my hooves. "Everyone, move!"

Leaf and the guard galloped towards us.

"Put me down! I will not be humiliated! Clockwork yelled, trying to fight Redd's grasp as he flew him out of the cavern.

"Been there, done that! Your hoof is broken you crazy bastard!" Redd argued.

Nico put my wing over his back to help me run beside him. "Come on, don't pass out."

We were the last two out of the cavern. Redd and Clockwork were already almost out, with Leaf and the guard trailing them. I chanced a look behind us. The ghouls were still far behind, but gaining on us. A few yards up the tunnel, Nico called for Redd.

He flapped his wings, zooming through to us. "The others are getting to the trap door, now. You need to hurry!"

Nico stopped running, my wing falling from him. "Go. I'll catch up." He looked to Redd. "Get her to safety."

Redd nodded, understanding.

"What are you doing?" My chest started crawling.

A grenade hovered next to him. "Making sure they don't leave the tunnels. Go!"

I shook my head, turning to grab him. "No! I won't leave you! You stupid idiot!"

He smiled. "Don't worry about me, Princess. I'll be fine." The ghouls were falling over each other, groaning behind us.


Redd grabbed me. "Come on, Sia!"

He pulled me from Nico, holding me in his forelegs as he flew away. I reached my hoof out to Nico, fighting Redd's grip. He winked at me before turning around and heading towards the horde. The last thing I saw before we disappeared through the trap door was him pulling the pin and throwing the explosive. Leaf slammed the door as soon as we got through. The explosion shook the ground not a second after the door closed. My eyes went wide.


The dust lingered in the air for a while. I dropped to the floor, wailing. I was so angry. No, I was devastated. I felt a hoof on my shoulder, so I looked up to see Redd looking down at me, sadly. I buried my face in his chest, letting him rub my back as I sobbed. Half the ponies who befriended me ended up dead. I thought about leaving. Just spreading my wings and taking off, alone. I blamed the wasteland. I blamed those nuts before the war. The bastards! They didn't have to start a war! Things shouldn't have been this way.

I clutched onto Redd's barding for dear life, trying to catch my breath.

"I want to thank you both. For saving us, I mean." Clockwork spoke up. "I know this may not be the best time, but if there's anything you need... Please, don't hesitate to ask."

I stopped sobbing, but I started shaking to replace the crying. "You're a pegasus." I mumbled into Redd's armor.

He didn't reply.

I rounded on him, not bothered by Redd holding me back. "You. Are. A. Fucking. Pegasus!" I screamed. "You're one of us! You wanted us dead, anyway! Well, the only one of us that's not a pegasus is dead! Do you hear me, Clockwork?! Dead!!"

He shamefully looked away, lowering his head. "I-I am so sorry..."

"Father?" Leaf stepped up beside me. "Is she telling the truth?"

"Look at his sides! Look at his scars and tell me you never put it together!" I pointed to Clockwork.

"Y-you said they were from a battle." She breathed.

Redd narrowed his eyes. "I'm guessing you didn't."

The pegasus-turned-earth pony sighed. "I cut off my wings."

I couldn't believe it. It should have been obvious, but my anger died in my throat. Wings were a very sensitive body part. I couldn't imagine that amount of pain.

"Why?" Leaf whispered.

"I was ashamed. The pain and hatred that was brought by the Enclave. I escaped, unbranded, as a young buck." He said, holding his broken hoof.

"I am the Enclave! He is the Enclave!" I pointed to myself and Redd respectively. "We haven't hurt anyone! We are not bad ponies!"

He rubbed his mane. "But, have you found love?"

I paused.

"Right after I got to the wasteland, I found a mare who I'd call mine. We had a beautiful filly," He gestured to Leaf with a smile. Then, he frowned. "But the bastards. They followed me. Said I had 'sensitive information'. They destroyed everything I had built! My life was good until they came back to haunt me!" He shook with anger. "My friends, my neighbors." He looked to Leaf. "Your mother. They... They took everything from me."

"But, why am I an earth pony?" A tear fell from her face.

"Your mother was an earth pony, sweetheart. When you were born, I saw you didn't have any wings. I had prayed to the goddesses that you wouldn't. So, When I realized I could hide your roots from you, I... I went through... agonizing pain to make sure you'd never know. I truthfully didn't want you to hate anypony. Truthfully. But, when I founded this town, I saw a new hope. 'Get rid of anything with wings.' I had told my guards. I just never wanted you to know... I didn't mean for you to hate me. I should have never forced you to hate any race just because of my mistakes." He wiped his own tears away.

Leaf galloped to him, throwing her hooves around his neck. "I couldn't hate you! I-I never even hated anyone. I just wish you would have told me the truth."

He hugged her back. "I love you so much, my little filly. I'm glad my hateful ways didn't rub off on you."

"I love you, too, Dad."

Ignoring the reunion, I glanced back at the trap door. A huge part of my wanted to open it. I flinched to open it, but I had to beat back the thoughts. What would I find if I opened it? Would there even be anything down there? There were just too many questions that I didn't want the answer to. My eyes watered, again. Nico was gone. Without him, I doubted I could do anything. I doubted myself so much, that I just wanted to beat myself down. I wanted to be the one to throw the grenade. I would have been the better sacrifice. He had much more to offer the wasteland. More than I ever could.

Nico, I'm so sorry...

Level Up!
S- 3
P- 3
E- 3
C- 2
I- 4
A- 3
L- 1(+1)

New Perk!
Zombie Gunner - You are 50% more resistant to ghoul attacks while flying.

Nico is no longer your companion.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Kkat for this amazing world!

Wishing everypony a happy New Year! :pinkiehappy: 🎊🎉

Thank you for reading, and as always, constructive criticism is always welcome!


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