• Published 3rd Dec 2019
  • 900 Views, 55 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Our Will (rewrite) - AngryPenguin

Raised above the cloud curtain, Lietenant Sienna has been dropped in the wasteland thanks to a failed rescue mission. Now, she's in unfamiliar territory and being threatened by a mysterious villain. Can she help her new friends before it's too late?

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Chapter 4: Trust

"I don't need anypony to foalsit me!"

Light poured through the window. It wasn't as bright as it usually is, though. I still pulled the blanket over my head, like I did every morning. It took me a moment to realize I wasn't at home, but at the home of a wastelander. I curled up and stared at the old wall. My mind filled with doubt. I didn't even know if I was going to get home.

At least I don't have to go to work.

Soft thunder clapped in the distance. I sat up, slowly and stared at the window for a while longer. I started to smell something. I sniffed the unpleasant odor and immediately my mind went to the worst case scenario.

Please, don't be a rotting corpse.

I looked around, searching for the source of the stench. I got out of bed, twisting my face from the soreness. My search came up empty. Finally, I sat on my haunches and thought for a moment. My good wing raised and I immediately knew where the smell came from. "Sweet apple cider, I need a shower." I said, gagging. I've never went more than a day without bathing, so my nostrils were sensitive to the sweat, blood and grime. I decided to go look for a shower.

I tiptoed out of the bedroom and looked down the hall. There was one other door that I assumed was the bathroom. Walking toward it, I could hear snoring down stairs. I figured it was Nico, so I continued to the shut door. The knob was rusty. I tried to turn it with a hoof but it was jammed. I tried both hooves, and finally wiggled it open. It creaked, loudly. I waited to make sure I didn't wake Nico before I went into the dark room. Inside was nothing but canvases and supplies. It obviously was a bathroom before the war, but that was no longer the case. The old shower was so dirty and piled with junk I didn't think it was possible to even stand in there. I sighed and walked back out, closing the door shut. Not like there would be running water, anyway.

Walking silently downstairs, I saw Nico splayed on the couch, still sleeping. I guess it was still early. That or wastelanders slept late. I wasn't sure. I thought about waking him, but I didn't want to make him angry. I stopped next to him and observed him. He was sprawled on his back, a blanket half-covering his body. It was still chilly, so I pulled it up to his neck.

That's for the soup.

Quietly, I went and unlocked the front door. Cracking it open, I looked around outside. Thankfully, it wasn't raining. I took a step outside and scanned the area. No raiders in sight. Actually, there was nothing in sight. This place was in the middle of nowhere. I did see a few spots where concrete had sunk into the ground. I assumed houses used to be there, but had long been torn down. There were no other signs of life around.

So nopony could hear the screams of his victims.

I shook that thought from my head. If I had to stay here, I had to keep my anxiety from making me even more miserable. As much as I hated to admit, my survival depended on this wastelander.

A gentle breeze lifted my bangs slightly off my forehead. It felt refreshing! Not too hot, not too cold. I snuck the rest of the way out of the house and came to a stop a few yards away from the front door. The house was made of brick. Nico made a good choice in housing. This one looked pretty sturdy. I looked ahead at the open sky. No sunshine. It was a little depressing, but at least I wouldn't get wet, again. The thunder from earlier was still pretty far away.

I stretched and flapped my good wing. It would have been amazing to fly out there. It was so open! If it weren't for the danger, this would be the perfect place to practice stunts. I wasn't into that sort of thing, though. That was more Violet's style.

My ears perked at the sound of a stone rolling. It came from behind the house. My hooves stayed glued to the ground. I stood still as stone, focusing on the corner. I could hear the whispering.


An earth pony stallion and a mare trotted from behind the west wall and chuckled.

"Lookie here, Tulip. More caps!" The stallion grinned, evilly.

"And a pegasus, too! She should bring us a great profit." The mare said. She had her mane in an updo and she had no tail.

I took a step back, my chest tightening. "Y-you're just some stupid raiders!" I clenched my jaw. "I knew he was no good..." I whispered that last part.

The stallion growled. "Raiders? No, my little money maker. We are not those yellow eyed freaks. I think the term you're looking for is 'slavers'. There's a difference, dumbass."

"What's the difference?" I asked, tucking my tail.

The mare, known as Tulip, circled around me. I kept my eyes on her. "The difference is... We sell slaves to buyers for caps. Amount depends on age, race, and fitness. You are a pegasus and in..." She spotted my bandaged wing. "Decent shape. If that wing heals, we will bring in a shitload of caps."

"And you get to work for free." The buck added.

I gasped."Y-you sell ponies? That's terrible! You're no better than those raider scum!" I took a few steps back.

I felt something clasp around my neck. Bucking and shaking my head, I tried to get the heavy, metal collar off. It had a blinking red light on the front. A third pony showed her face in front of me. She looked a few years younger than me. I tugged at the contraption as they laughed.

"Nu uh. I wouldn't do that, if I were you. See, this here's a bomb collar. If you try to get out of it, I push this detonator and off comes your head. Understand?" The mare held up a small device with a switch. I swallowed. I had the worst bucking luck.

"Now, don't run, and do as we say. If you behave, you get to keep that pretty head of hair." The male of the group broadened his grin.

As they surrounded me, I heard a loud gunshot. The stallion jumped out of the way as the mare, Tulip, dropped dead. I darted my eyes back and forth. I started to tremble. Something else was out there.

"Fuck!" He shouted. "One more shot and I blow her brains to the clouds!" He screamed at the open land. "Grab her and let's get out of here!" He yelled to the mare with the detonator. My chest wasn't letting me do anything, though. I couldn't catch my breath. Sitting on my haunches, I gasped for air, wondering what else was coming for me.

"Get up or you die!" The mare hooked a chain to the collar and began pulling. "What's your problem?!"

A pony shaped blur tackled her and kicked the detonator away. I fell over and covered my head. The collar was choking me. I couldn't see who had snapped her neck, I only heard it along with her gurgling. My stomach twisted in knots at the sickening sound.

"G-Get away!" The last slaver barked. My neck stretched around enough for me to see my savior.


He stood between me and the slaver. "Get out of here." He said, coolly.

"No! That's my slave you're taking from me! I'll kill you!" The slaver pulled out a shotgun and aimed it at Nico. Right when the shotgun exploded, Nico rolled out of the way and charged the other stallion. He slammed into him, knocking the slaver into the ground. He skidded across the mud. I watched the tan unicorn dig his hooves into the other buck's throat. I thought he was going to kill him, but the slaver kicked up with his back legs and rolled Nico off him.

The darker brown stallion charged him and rammed his head into Nico's skull. He fell to the ground and growled. The other pony just smirked and lowered his head, ready to charge, again. This time, Nico jumped out of his path and bucked, his hooves coming into contact with his side. I'm sure the slaver's ribs cracked.

"Bastard!" Yelled the fiend.

Nico didn't give him a chance to get up before he rammed his horn into his shoulder and scrunched his face as he activated his magic. The slaver was thrown back, screaming as blood trickled down his chest. It also poured down Nico's forehead, forcing him to wipe his eyes.

No! Keep your focus on him! He's going to-

Just as he could see again, it was too late. The slaver put him in a headlock. I tried to yell for him, but I couldn't do anything but watch as my only accomplice fell to his knees, coughing. My veins turned to ice as the slaver stood and spit on Nico's lifeless body.

"N-Nico! Get up! Please..." I squeaked, holding my neck.

"Shut up!" The slaver said, walking towards me. "I should blow you up for this shit. You better be lucky I need those caps even more now." He said, gesturing to the blood coming from his wounds.

I cried. For me or Nico, I wasn't sure.

The slaver picked the detonator up in his teeth and put it in his barding. He then snatched the chain, forcing me to stand up. He swore as I swayed on my hooves. "Worthless. I hate these fucking do-gooders." He complained.

An ear splitting crack made me fall to my belly and cover my head, again. I felt hot liquid splatter all over my coat and mane. Peeking through my hooves, I saw it was blood and brain matter. Screaming and stumbling back, the slaver's body fell with a thump, missing its head. I vomited.

When I could gain my composure, I looked up and saw Nico panting, the rifle levitating next to him. Relief flooded my chest. I rushed over to him, throwing my hooves around him. I couldn't stop myself.

"I thought you were dead!" I buried my face in his fur, then quickly let go. "S-sorry. I'm just so glad you're okay!"

"You didn't know? I'm indestructible." He joked, then winced and grabbed his neck. It was bruised pretty badly. There were also cuts on his forehead and torso. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking me over.

I stared. "You're the one who looks like hell."

"No, I'll be fine." He said.

I brought my hoof up to the collar, tugging at it.

"Don't! I'll take care of it, just don't touch it." Nico warned. He threw his large rifle on the ground and stepped closer to me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he examined the contraption. I swallowed. Him being this close made me nervous.

He galloped inside for a few seconds and came back out with a bobby pin hovering next to him. "Hold still."

I whimpered.

"Please, trust me. I've done this before." He looked me in the eyes. I felt oddly comforted, so I nodded. He got to work. It only took a few seconds of muffled clinking and finally the collar popped off and landed on the ground. I kept my eyes shut, afraid it could still blow. Then, I heard a short grunt and a loud explosion. I ran backwards, straight into Nico as I saw the smoke and dust a quarter mile away. Moments later, the dust cleared and I let out a breath. Feeling fur on my back, I slowly turned my head and looked up at the unicorn, whose eyebrows were raised.

Quickly, I shuffled away from him and hid my face. "Thank you for saving me... again."

"You enjoy danger, don't you?" He chuckled as he picked up his rifle and started back towards the house.

My cheeks flushed and I ran after him. "W-wait for me!"

He stopped and held the door open as I ran inside.

Once he shut the door, I fell back on the couch and gave an exasperated sigh. He shook his head, propping the heavy looking gun against the door frame. I shivered. If it wasn't for him, I hated to imagine what would have happened to me.

"D-do you want me to look at your wounds?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He didn't look my way.

"You look terrible. Let me help you."

"I said, I'm fine." He snapped.

I narrowed my eyes. "You don't have to be an asshole. I'm just trying to help."

"I've been here this long and am still able to take care of myself. Don't worry about me." He finally looked me up and down. "Besides, you don't look like a doctor to me."

I kind of wanted to punch him in the face.

I guess he saw my look. He sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just I've been alone all this time. I'm not used to having guests. I can clean this up." An old rag wrapped in his blue aura as it wiped away the blood.

"You shouldn't be so stubborn. You've done a lot for me, so the least I can do is help you tend to your scuffs and scratches. I kind of see why you live alone."

He said nothing after I mentioned that last part. I remembered what he had said about his father. Damn, I felt like a real asshole. I sighed, standing and walking next to him. "Listen, I'm sorry about that. I've just hated these last couple of days. I should be grateful to you. I know I can never repay you." I shuffled my hooves and looked down at the plank floor.

He straightened his mouth and sighed. "It's okay. You have been through a lot."

"Where did you learn to fight like that, anyway?" I asked, avoiding the awkward silence.

"For most, out here it's a necessity. It's the only way we can survive." He said, matter-of-factly. "Good thing I was here, though. You are basically my responsibility after I promised Fleece I would look after you."

I humphed. "Look after me? I don't need you to 'foalsit' me." I stomped. "I was working my way up to Captain! I boss around stallions bigger than you!" I was nose to nose with him by the time I finished fussing. I was satisfied...

Until he laughed. He laughed at me! I turned even redder. "Ugh! Stallions are so insensitive!"

"I'm sorry! I just couldn't help it! A little, defenseless mare like you? Giving order to stallions bigger than me? That's rich!" He wiped a tear.

"How dare you speak to me that way! I may be a 'little mare' but I'll have you know, I did take some combat training! Given the right circumstances and if my health wasn't low at the moment, I could take you down! You... you... groundwalker! In fact, I'll show you as soon as my wing heals! Then, after I take you down, I'm going home! At least then you won't have to 'foalsit' me anymore!" I roared. My wing flared.

"I-I'm sorry?"

It was then, I realized my mistake. I had him backed against the wall, chest to chest with him. I could feel him breathing as he looked down at me with his ears pinned back. Nico gave me the most shit-eating grin he could muster. "You know, some stallions like this sort of thing."

I gawked at him for a minute. Then, I took a few steps back. "I-I need a shower. Where is the nearest b-bath?" I stammered.

His chuckle infuriated me. "There is no running water here, princess. If you haven't noticed, this is a post-apocalyptic era. The closest to a shower you're gonna get is if you go to Fleece's clinic. I go at least once a week. She has a water talisman."

Princess? The nerve of this guy!

"Fine." I stormed over to the front door and stopped. "I-is she nice?"

"The nicest pony you'll ever meet. I swear. Now, we can't go out without protection. Unless you want to be foalnapped."

"What do you suggest we do, then, Mr. Know-it-all?" I countered, crossing my hooves.

Tapping his chin, he looked over me. "You need barding. Protection from bullets and the like in case we come across more psychos." Then, he threw that shit-eating grin towards me, again. "But don't worry. I'll protect you... princess."

I growled, ready to hit him with the biggest baton I could find. However, he did have a point and I didn't have a baton. So, I let out a huff and followed him to the closet under the stairs. He scanned over the cluttered space and moved a few things. At last, a brown vest appeared, levitating menacingly in his magic. It was horrifying! It literally looked like crap!

"I'm NOT wearing that." I turned up my nose.

"Say goodbye to your shower, then. I found this in the attic. It's not like I pulled it off some dead guy." His hoof tapped on the floor.

I groaned. That shower would be great. "Fine."

The unicorn floated the ugly thing over to me. I snatched it out of the air and regretfully slipped it on. The fabric was itchy and falling apart, but it did have a protective layer of hardened leather. It was going to have to do. I needed that clean water! No radiated liquid was coming near me.

"Don't you look swell?" He chimed.

My glare promised him a slow and painful death. "Just come on."

That asshole rolled his eyes and walked to the door, holding it open for me. As I passed by him, I threw up my nose and slapped him with my tail. Looking back, I saw him rubbing his cheek and grumbling. With an "oops", I trotted outside and waited for him. I gave him a sly grin as he continued on.

More walking. The half a day's walk was no exaggeration. I hated using my legs, but thankfully we came across nothing exciting. The occasional skittering 'radroach', as they call them, ran by. We passed a few piles of debris. He made sure to tell me every old building we passed was already looted by him or other scavengers. Eventually, we were close by the town. I could see the buildings in the distance. Other than being worn down, it looked just like a small town. I stopped to look at a wooden sign that had hoofpainted white lettering.


2 miles

"Floater?" I repeated out loud.

"Yep. That's the town I was talking about. Just about everypony there is friendly. Except, one of the shopkeepers. She can be a pain in the flank to trade with." Nico said.

I swallowed. It had to be too good to be true. I'd keep my guard up.

As he walked onward, I followed, closely. It was short lived, though. A few minutes later, he stopped walking. Since my head was low, I bumped into him.

"Fleece! What's up?" He exclaimed.

Curious to see who this 'Fleece' was, I peeked from behind him.

Nope. I'm done with this place.

"Z-Zom-Zombie!!" I screamed. Chaser was right!

This was no pony of any kind. Its dark, maroon hide was patchy and rotted, especially on the front hooves. It flaked off around its fetlocks, too. Where its mane and tail were supposed to be, was nothing but a few hairs, dried out and hanging down. It had a unicorn horn, but it was cracked. One of the eyes were missing. The other was milky with a faded iris. Half of its lips were missing, as well.

I turned to gallop back to the house. Forget the shower! My hooves were moving, but I went nowhere. I noticed the blue glow around me. Nico caught me in his magic, embarrassed by my outburst. "She's... still adjusting."

I dared turn around. The monstrosity was staring right at me. It seemed to be smiling, but I couldn't tell. I screamed, again, covering my eyes. Before he could say anything else, I jumped in his hooves and held on for dear life. "Run!" I yelled.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry, hon." It said with a familiar scratchy voice.

Wait, this is... Scratchy?

"S-Sienna, this is Fleece. She's a good friend of mine. She helped me fix you up." Nico said.

Chancing a look, I slowly pulled away from Nico's neck. She smiled a sad smile. I stared at her for a while before I could find the words to say. What else did Nico fail to mention about this awful place?

"Y-You're Fleece? But you're a-a... z-zombie!" I squeaked.

She let out a terrible sounding chuckle. "I guess I do look like a feral." She looked down at herself. "But, I'm a ghoul pony, not a zombie."

"W-what's the difference?" I held onto Nico tighter.

"Well, a ghoul, like me, is dead. However, we still have our wits and personality. We are basically the same as we were before we died, we just look...well, dead. A zombie, or feral ghoul, looks like me, but they are not as civilized. They just wander around, killing anything they get their hooves on. Some weren't always feral, though. Ghouls can turn feral when they have no... spark left. No will to stay sane. They lose their minds, to put it simply." She explained.

I took in that information little by little. It still did not comfort me enough to feel safe. "S-so you aren't going to eat my brains?"

She laughed, again. "Goodness, no! I eat the same foods as you! Actually, I don't have to eat or drink anything. I don't even have to sleep. I just do it to stay as normal as possible. My favorite food is sauteed tomatoes with parsley garnish." She licked what was left of her lips and smiled. "Delicious!"

I couldn't believe it. This pony, er... ghoul, had a hoof in my rescue. I needed a 'Wasteland Surprise Count' scoreboard.

Nico cleared his throat. I realized I was still in his forelegs. We both turned pink in the face. Scampering onto my own hooves, I kept my eyes to the ground. Mostly, so I wouldn't have to look at Scra- I mean, Fleece. I cautiously stepped closer to Nico.

She bowed her head. "I'm deeply sorry for the fright. I know you aren't from here, but I promise I'd rather help ponies than hurt them."

"Fleece wouldn't hurt a soul. Just don't become a thief or murderer." Nico added.

She chuckled. "A thief or murderer would probably have to worry about you more than me."

He smiled, trying to stay humble.

I lowered my head. If she had feelings, I probably offended her with my outburst. She seemed even friendlier than some of the pegasi I knew, back home. "I-I'm sorry." I tried not to stare. "I just... I don't want to be in this place. I don't even like a change of scenery in my house, much less having to stay... here." I gestured around me. "I'm sorry if I offended you."

"Oh, no! It's okay! Really! You're probably one of the best reactions besides indifference I've ever gotten. I've been shot at on multiple occasions." She shook her head and sighed, then shrugged it off. "It's no big deal. It sounds to me like you have a case of chronic panic disorder and anxiety." The ghoul stroked her chin. "Let's see... I bet you have anxiety attacks, shortness of breath, tension headaches. Chest tightness? That's a big one."

I nodded, unsure of where she was going. "Yeeeahh... How did you know all that?"

"Nico didn't tell you? I'm a doctor. Have been since before the war. I actually worked with Fluttershy on a few tough medical cases." She smiled, lost in thought. "She was a saint. I stood by her one-hundred percent. She thought the war was pointless and so did I." She sighed. "Look what became of it." Her eye scanned the horizon with more disappointment than anger.

My hoof reached for my chest. "I didn't know that much about her, just that she was the ministry mare of the Ministry of Peace."

"Nopony knows what happened to her. If I could, I would plant a giant tree in memory of her. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be possible in this infertile version of Tartarus. Anyway, what brings you guys out this way? I was actually on my way to check on you."

"Her highness needs a bath. She kind of reeks." Nico fanned the air in front of him, playfully.

My coat went from white to red with embarrassment. "D-do not!"

He laughed. "Relax. I'm yankin' your tail."

I tried to stab him with my glare.

"Well, Sia, can I call you that? You're welcome to my clinic anytime! I have a room in the back for ponies to bathe and take care of their hygiene, so they don't have to use radiated water. I don't use the room, myself, as radiation has the opposite effect on me." She said.

I nodded, folding my ears back. I didn't mind being called "Sia". It just made me think of my friends.

"Did... did I say something?" Fleece placed a hoof over her chest.

"N-no! It's just... my friends called me Sia. I don't mind, I just miss them so terribly."

"I understand." She calmly stated. I had to listen, but I swore there was a gentle, loving tone there. "I have gained and lost countless good friends and loved ones in my one-hundred and eighty years. Everyone goes through grief at their own pace."

I drooped my ears. That sounded depressing. "How have you been able to cope? I've lost my friends, but I can only imagine how many you have lost. I would probably go ballistic!"

"Really, I never thought about it like that. We come and go. I can rest easy, knowing that even though they left me behind, they are in a better place than this. A paradise with no fighting, no death, and fresh green grass. Like old Equestria. It really doesn't bother me that I'm here. It helps my conscious that I've devoted my years to helping others in need." She gave a sad smile.

"It's good to know you're here, Fleece. I bet you have made life better for so many." I assured her. She smiled, genuinely.

"We'd better head into town. I'm kind of hungry." Nico spoke up.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, then. I need that shower, anyway."

I walked with the others towards the town, Nico positioned between me and Fleece. I guess it was more for my favor. She seemed friendly. Kind, even. Like her dead heart was made of gold.

On the edge of town, I stopped to look around. The houses and buildings were decently constructed. Wood planks were clearly used for the construction of the entire town. Every building looked the same. Except for one that caught my eye. The enormous structure stood at the opposite end of Floater, looming over the smaller buildings like it was their king. The odd shape was that of a pair of cards. Even though it was the middle of the day (at least, I think it was), the bright lights beamed, producing a soft glow on its surroundings.

"Amazing, isn't it? That something like this would survive the test of time." Nico stepped beside me and shared my gaze at the building.

"What is it? Do ponies live there?" I asked, curiously.

"Depends how bad your gambling addiction is." He joked.

My blank stare made him clear his throat and continue. "It used to be called the Pony Up Hotel and Casino. Even before the town was built, it was here. Fleece said before the war there was a small reservation here, but it was all torn down except for this building. Now, we call it The Beacon, for obvious reasons. It still functions the same. Casino and bar on the bottom floor, and hotels on the rest of the levels. I go once in a blue moon to unwind."

"Oh. Cool." I said, in awe.

"Wanna go?" He nudged my shoulder.

"I... Is it safe? How many ponies go there? Should I have armor?" The questions kept coming from my muzzle.

"It is perfectly safe. Well, I guess there have been a few fights and arguments, but it's to be expected of the old-timers getting drunk and losing a poker game. I doubt you'll need armor" His hoof ran through his mane. "There's usually a small crowd. Especially, once a year at the Wild Formal."

The sound of hoofsteps came up behind us. "Are you guys talking about the Wild Formal? That's tomorrow night." Fleece pointed out.

"Wild... Formal?" I flicked my tail.

"That's tomorrow? Oh, dang. Time flies." Nico whistled, walking into the nearest building. I cantered after him so I wasn't left outside.

"Hey, I have a fun idea! Let's all go together!" She galloped in front of us, blocking us from going through the front door.

I huffed. "Can someone explain this Wild Formal, please?"

"It's an event held every year at The Beacon. Ponies from all over come to gamble, mingle, and have fun. They dress up in pretty dresses and tuxedos. They wear fancy clothes, but you don't have to actually act all uppity. That's why it's called the Wild Formal." She explained, unlocking the door.

Fancy, huh? Wasteland Surprise Count has just increased.

"So...?" She beamed at us. "It'll be fun! I have spare formal wear in storage that I rent out. I could let Nico borrow a tux and Sienna could have a dress! You guys would be so adorable!"

Red flag! Red flag!

"Hold on, Fleece. We really shouldn't-"

"Pleeeeaaaasseeee????" She cut Nico off and put on a pouty face. I tried to hide a giggle.

He puffed his cheeks, sweating. Finally, he let it out with a huge sigh. "As long as Sienna says it's okay."

They looked at me at the same time. Fleece was about to give me the undead pouty face, next.

I gulped. "I... I..."

She took in air, about to release it with the longest "please" I will ever hear, I'm sure. Could she even inhale that much air, anymore?

"Yes! Okay, yes. But, only for a little while and only if I can stay next to Nico the whole time. I... don't know anypony else." I rubbed my chest. He blushed, slightly. This was probably going to be a bad idea.

Fleece's eye grew wide and she bounced with glee. "Woo-hoo! Oh, you are going to love it! If you think the exterior is impressive, you should see the inside of The Beacon! We are gonna dance, and drink, and-"

"I... have never drank." I said, ashamed.

She finally opened the door to her clinic. "First time for everything!"

Discovered Floater

Level Up!
S- 2
P- 3
E- 3(+1)
C- 1
I- 3
A- 3
L- 0

New Perk!
Marathon Novice - Your stamina has a permanent 10% increase.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Kkat for this amazing world!

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