• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 31st


Comments ( 74 )

Holy shit. That 4chan thread was actually real.

Oh my goodness this should be fun
Ooh, is there a new thread? I wanna read the, notes and whatnot

Finally kissed! Cyooot!

Could have been interesting, if Discord had come back and flip them, so the son was a pony for the next 6 months.

“Knowing Discord, he probably put a hole in it.” I said, rolling my eyes.

Oh definitely

I’d never hurried to grab something so fast in my life.

And can u really blame him?

Ooh that would have been so fun! That'd make a nice sequel if it ever happens. Plus they wouldn't have to use condoms, cream pies are more fun.


*<>* finally ...an ode to Oedipus well done

Huh interesting story

Really wanted to hate this story. I'm usually alright with incest, but because of the way you wrote it...i don't know. It felt more wrong and taboo to me than it ever did in any other incest stories. Maybe that was your intention.

Anyway, i really wanted to hate this story, but chapters 4 and 5 really saved it for me. Good read! Strange, but good!

I'm not even surprised at this point. It's like you have a sixth sense for these things.

Congratulations, you have transcended perversion.


It felt more wrong and taboo to me than it ever did in any other incest stories. Maybe that was your intention.

It wasn't my intention to make it feel "wrong," but I think some people might feel that way because of the way it's presented.

1. Anon's attraction to his mother only starts because she's in a different body. His first real erection he gets from her comes from doing something that SHOULD be entirely innocent (helping her balance on the toilet so she can pee). He KNOWS it's wrong, but can't help feeling aroused by it. She IS a cute mare after all. Who wouldn't be?

2. In the beginning, Anon feels a good amount of guilt about his attraction and his actions. I think this is very realistic. He can't help but be attracted to her when she's in her pony form because when he looks at this cute little mare, he doesn't see his mom. Despite this, he knows it's her and feels guilty about being attracted to her.

3. Pony Mom has to come around to the idea of being with her son - too many incest stories portray both characters as immediately wanting to bang and don't give any time for them to overcome the incest taboo. This just isn't "realistic" as in reality it would take a lot of introspection and time before the characters would truly become comfortable enough with the idea and for things to turn serious.

4. The focus on sex - Anon is attracted to his mom and acts on these desires but she only lets him go so far. This shows that she's not really comfortable with it and makes it seem more "wrong."

5. Pony Mom has a certain vulnerability - She's entirely dependent on Anon for everything. Even though they're both adults in this story, her vulnerability basically puts her in the position of a child and Anon in the position of the adult. It wasn't my intention for the reader to think that Anon was taking advantage of her, but he does sort of feel that way in the beginning. Anon helping his mother do everything brings them closer and puts them in situations where they can be physical. As the story progresses, Pony Mom actually initiates some of their sexual encounters. This shows the reader that she's actually starting to come to terms with doing sexual things with her son.

All these things create a feeling of the relationship developing naturally, but the whole situation they find themselves in was kind of forced on them. They didn't ask for her to be turned into a pony (and a sexy one at that!). Anon didn't ask to be attracted to her. But these things happen and they deal with them the best they can. As stupid as this sounds seeing as this is a story about a human that's turned into a cartoon pony, it feels "realistic" (though I suppose it's more accurate to say that the way the relationship develops feels "realistic" given the circumstances).

This was not an easy story to write, but I hope you got at least some of those points while reading it. I'm not the best writer when it comes to writing longer, more complicated stories, but I did my best.

Ok, interesting premise if a bit niche. This many fetishes overlapping can hit a snag when you peek an interest then sideline another one in. I'm personally into this idea but the whole "getting off to wiping his pony mom" scene was a bit jarring.

Damn, that was fast, lol.

Waiting for your mom's comment

so this is what that kid on halo reach was referring to

that 4chan thread was something else lmao

What in the Goddamn fuck?

This story is art.

It wasn't my intention to make it feel "wrong,"

You're full of shit, you wrote a story about a guy fucking his mom lmao

..... Cringe so many cringes but it's still good book

I went into this thinking: "Well a guy fucked his pony mom. I've read weirder shit." It was pretty good, cute and hot! Very enjoyable if not pretty fuckin weird lmao.

I decided to read this story as a test of sorts to see if I am a degenerate.


Turns out I'm a motherfucking degenerate.

got a link? Wondering about the origins of this story and that may be juicy

According to FimFiction, you cannot link any NSFW images here.

I didn't mind it much... until I saw his name was Anon.

Yes, THAT is what I'm hanging up on. Not the fact that some dude fucked his pony mom, but that his name is Anon.

As a personal preference, I despise the name Anon. But otherwise... it's solid.

Comment posted by xoid deleted Dec 12th, 2019

It should probably be tagged Anon then. I can't read stories with "Anon" either.

I want to 🔥 this corruption!


99% of those dislikes come from moral f@gs.

Or morons with a hateboner for anything even tangentially related to 4chan.

My comment with links to the threads in question was deleted. Typical.

/mlp/ thread №:

  • 34688762
  • 34701996
  • 34709265

Happy now, mods?

The alternative was DarkRyu, since this is a self‐insert and the author already gave enough potentially personally identifiable information that his actual name could probably be linked to him. Why not just use another name? Because, I reiterate, this is a self‐insert, and he felt it would be retarded to do so.

There are more human names out there than Anon and DarkRyu (neither of which is a much of a human name).

Last thread seems to have poofed
Did OP bang his mom?


Why not just use another name? Because, I reiterate, this is a self‐insert, and he felt it would be retarded to do so.

To clarify, when I said self‐insert I meant of the author.


Last thread seems to have poofed.

Hm? The last thread was deleted, but Desu Archive has it; I checked just now.

Did OP bang his mom?

AFAIK, no.


Because, I reiterate, this is a self‐insert, and he felt it would be retarded to do so.

1) No need to shout.

2) Nearly any published author would say "Anon" is significantly more retarded than, say, "John Smith", but you're entitled to your opinion.

3) If somepony else tried to convey my feelings about what I thought was "retarded" in my story comments, I would definitely not appreciate it. But again, you do you.


  1. “Shouting” is all caps. Underlining was to emphasise the part of the quote you apparently missed.
  2. As evidenced by the fact that he actually used Anon it would appear that he either disagrees or doesn’t care.
  3. I’m paraphrasing, but he did indicate as such on /mlp/. Do feel free to continue clutching those pearls though.

Well, after some thought, I decided to leave a dislike on this story. My reasons are because, though I acknowledge that you were going for something that developed DarkRyu, it feels to me like you didn't put enough to make it as realistic as you intended. More days of the two of them getting closer and showing less voluntary expressions of attraction would've cinched it, especially regarding their commitment to each other at the end (I mean that they still want to even after the change, not an actual ceremonial thing like marriage). As it is, it feels rushed and incomplete.

This is still adorable in concept though, and it has made me wonder about doing something like it some time in the future...either with different family members or perhaps with the sexes being different...anyone here think that could work?

Tbh I don't know why this story was featured. Putting the whole concept aside, the initial reaction of both the protagonist and his mother to the situation and his attraction to her, the (almost) complete lack of shame and guilt he feels because of it (ignoring the fact that this basically amounts to bestiality in the real world) is jarring.
You would think that he'd be at least a little bit more reluctant to admit to having these feelings or try deny and suppress them for the sake of appearing like a decent human being who doesn't get his rocks off from hearing his mom pee from day one.
His mother being so permissive of his advances to her right away doesn't make her look good either, it just makes her look passive and we don't get real insight into what she thinks of the whole situation/why she feels okay with performing sexual acts with her son.
I think had their relationship been given more time to develop over the course of a few weeks to months it would come across as more natural and believable, but this feels rushed "for the sake of secks".

Oh well, that's my two cents on an incest-smutfic.

Disagree with the bestiality point (the actual issue with it is that animals can't consent, but a sentient creature like a pony would realistically be an exception regardless of what some would say, and this guy is an admitted clopper so there's that. Also, I suspect that society wouldn't really see issue with that aspect in this case, considering that she is still a human on the inside, so rather a moot aspect in the end), but I totally agree on the rest of your point. I doubt it's because of the clop though, as that is also skated over plenty of times, so I think the writer (not saying I'm reading his mind) likely was intending to just express something cute and rather interesting in concept, but simplified it too much.

Also, I think a big part of the popularity is just the adorable cover pic. It certainly has helped it stick in my mind at least...


You would think that he'd be at least a little bit more reluctant to admit to having these feelings or try deny and suppress them for the sake of appearing like a decent human being who doesn't get his rocks off from hearing his mom pee from day one.

The attraction is involuntary. He knows it's wrong, but he can't help but be attracted to her. I'm sure he could have controlled himself if they hadn't been showering together, but you can't blame him for being attracted to her. She knew he was attracted to her and he wanted to see if she was amenable to the idea. As it turns out, she was.

His mother being so permissive of his advances to her right away doesn't make her look good either, it just makes her look passive and we don't get real insight into what she thinks of the whole situation/why she feels okay with performing sexual acts with her son.

This is explained directly in the story. She allowed him to go much further than she normally would have because she felt unattractive. It felt nice having someone look at her and desire her, even if it wasn't really her body (and even though he was her son). She realized that they went way too far way too fast though, because she really reigned him in after he fingered her in the shower. I think it's very realistic that he had a hard time controlling his desires when you consider the situation he was put in. He's really attracted to ponies, and she's a pony. She wasn't necessarily attracted to him at first, but she let him touch her because she wanted to feel desired again and it probably didn't feel as wrong to her because she wasn't in her human body anymore.

I think had their relationship been given more time to develop over the course of a few weeks to months it would come across as more natural and believable

The story takes place over several weeks. I'm starting to wonder if you actually took the time to read the story or if you just rushed through it. I don't blame you for rushing through it because it is over 20,000 words, but please look over it again if you didn't catch these things.

Wait a minute I'm confused normal people wash their dildos in the sink?
Boy if I had a dollar for every time I had to rummage through a dishwasher full of dildos for a god Damned coffee cup I'd be a rich man.

I think I enjoy this, really. (as a fiction)


The attraction is involuntary. He knows it's wrong, but he can't help but be attracted to her. I'm sure he could have controlled himself if they hadn't been showering together, but you can't blame him for being attracted to her. She knew he was attracted to her and he wanted to see if she was amenable to the idea. As it turns out, she was.

All attraction is involunary. It was not the attraction, but how he acted on it and how he quickly he gave in to it that I took I some issues with. And I wonder why his mother would want them to shower together in the first place, with him being naked too, which would not have been necessary if all he had to do was help get her clean.

This is explained directly in the story. She allowed him to go much further than she normally would have because she felt unattractive. It felt nice having someone look at her and desire her, even if it wasn't really her body (and even though he was her son). She realized that they went way too far way too fast though, because she really reigned him in after he fingered her in the shower. I think it's very realistic that he had a hard time controlling his desires when you consider the situation he was put in. He's really attracted to ponies, and she's a pony. She wasn't necessarily attracted to him at first, but she let him touch her because she wanted to feel desired again and it probably didn't feel as wrong to her because she wasn't in her human body anymore.

"He's really attracted to ponies, and she's a pony." Replace 'pony' with 'woman' and that sentence becomes very weird.
"Of course he couldn't be expected to control himself around her. She's a woman. He's attracted to women."
I am attracted to people, but I don't go straight to fingerbanging them first chance I get. Maybe I expected him to be a bit more considerate to his mothers circumstances, being turned into a pony against their will would leave a lot of people in a very bad mental state I can imagine.

The story takes place over several weeks.

Yet they shower together on day 2, he fingers her, cums on her face and the same night he dry humps her leg. Their relationship "escalates" very quickly, is what I am saying.

I'm starting to wonder if you actually took the time to read the story or if you just rushed through it.

I read it. I am just having a hard time understanding the thoughts and motivations of the characters in it. Of course you can just discount all that as nitpicking, but that's what I thought reading it.

9989623 Just jumping in here.

"He's really attracted to ponies, and she's a pony." Replace 'pony' with 'woman' and that sentence becomes very weird.
"Of course he couldn't be expected to control himself around her. She's a woman. He's attracted to women."
I am attracted to people, but I don't go straight to fingerbanging them first chance I get. Maybe I expected him to be a bit more considerate to his mothers circumstances, being turned into a pony against their will would leave a lot of people in a very bad mental state I can imagine.

Ponifex, I think you're missing the point. What DarkRyu is saying is that the main character's attraction stems from both the fact that he doesn't see his mother when he looks at her in pony form and that because normally he could never have sex with a pony and all of this has just dropped into his lap, he had a harder time controlling himself. Essentially, his sex drive saw a desired mate that was before then impossible to acquire, and leapt at the chance, regardless of who it actually was under the skin, errr, fur...

Sexual lust can be overwhelming (compare the mindset of a fresh teenager to a hardened adult for a comparison), and in the case of the protagonist, he was basically both aroused and gobsmacked by the sudden development and that lead to him unable to wrestle his self-control back in time and then he made that joke and well, once his mom started saying yes all bets were off...

As I said in my last comment though, more time could've been spent with this (you're mention of respecting her possible mental state would be a good justification for it in fact), so I agree with your feelings on this, if not your lack of comprehension:twilightsheepish:

Sure, I get that he can't help being physically attracted to her, despite knowing that inside she is still his mother. I thought that this was a weird way of putting it though:

I think it's very realistic that he had a hard time controlling his desires when you consider the situation he was put in. He's really attracted to ponies, and she's a pony.

The reasoning behind his attraction has nothing to do with his inability to control himself.
It's 'interesting' that his mother does not seem to be the least bit put off by his admission of being attracted to the colourful miniature equines, you'd think that that would give her some pause, but it's brushed aside in one sentence:

“I thought the whole thing was weird, but to think that my own son lusts after ponies…”

Apparently his mom does not mind her son being a filthy degenerate (jk), so that would explain why she does not mind his attraction to her specifically.

Which brings us to why I replied, I felt it needed a bit more clarity. I personally would write it to both be given more time to develop as I have stated, and perhaps give the mother's appreciation of her son's desire come in tandem with her starting to actually enjoy being a cute pony, at least a little bit (I would also do more jokes about that topic, because how could I not?!) so it would be both out of being lonely and something along the lines of "I'm in such a new and...attractively cute body, I wonder what it feels like down...there?" and then things escalate from her masturbating or something. Essentially milking the uniqueness of the situation to get more fun out of it and give more and more ways for it to be exciting and irresistibly interesting for the characters...and more opportunities for more pony-mother human-son hanky-panky:derpytongue2:
Also, I would definitely not brush the clop thing away like that, and probably have her want to discuss it with him, which would also likely add on to what would happen later (the mother blushing as she really thinks about her son's pony fetish meaning that he finds her current body attractive, and getting curious enough to actually start looking at it as her body and what might be attractive about it, and so on...), and maybe add a little more to their already established connection and care for each other.
Hope I helped you figure more out, and thank you for responding PoniFex:raritywink:

That all aside, I do enjoy DarkRyu's other stories (I'm tracking like 2-4 of the ongoing ones right now and have been since they were made or at least not long after, and his smaller stories may not be my thing but I certainly felt they deserved a like).

I agree. It's a interesting idea, but there's too much cringe. If it was toned back a little, it could be a lot more readable. The writing seems fine, lts just the content that really ruins the concept.

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