• Published 15th Dec 2019
  • 1,026 Views, 55 Comments

Scars To Her Beautiful - flutterJackdash

Sweetie and her friends are finally getting ready to graduate high school, and move on with their lives. Why is Silver so angry? Where is Diamond?

  • ...

Chapter 19 - What happened to Diamond?

“Sweetie? Are you okay?” Scootaloo asked as she literally knocked on Sweetie’s head.

“Huh?” Sweetie said, swatting Scootaloo’s fist away like a bothersome fly, “What are you doing?”

“Waking you up. Duh,” Scootaloo answered, “You’re paying no attention to anything.”

“She’s right, Sweetie Belle. Ah ain’t seen ya this darn distracted since ya first found out ya couldn’t sew anywhere near as good as yer sister,” Applebloom supplied, leaning back in her chair and scanning for Mrs. Cake, or even Pinkie.

“I’m sorry. I’m just… scared,” Sweetie admitted.

“Scared?” Scootaloo asked.

“You know why I’m scared, Scoots,” Sweetie said quietly. She laid her body over the table, resting her face on her folded arms, ignoring a strawberry milkshake covered with whipped cream, almost shoving it aside.

“Oh, Diamond?” Scootaloo figured.

Sweetie nodded into her arms sadly.

Applebloom leaned forward and placed a hand on Sweetie’s hand, “She’s fine. Ah’m tellin’ ya… That gal’s tougher than she gives herself credit for. Ah couldn’t imagine havin’ to admit somethin’ like what she did to all the school and half the internet.”

Sweetie sniffled as she spoke into her arms, her words muffled, “You know how long it’s been since I heard from Diamond?”

“No, Sweetie, why don’t you tell us?” Scootaloo snarked as she stared at the other end of the booth. The newest Crusader hadn’t showed up yet, and she was beginning to get frustrated. This Crusader had promised to cover all of their tabs for the day, after all.

“Scootaloo… It’s been two weeks… I thought once I was better, and back in school, I’d get to spend more time with her… what happened?”

“She never did return to school after that speech,” Applebloom said, “Reckoned she was exhausted n’ all.”

“Huh… Think she’ll be held back a grade considering all of her absences this year?” Scootaloo asked, which caused Sweetie to flinch and respond testily.

“No! It’s too close to the end of the year for that!” she asserted.

Scootaloo sighed, “Sorry, Sweetie.”

The Crusaders heard the doorbell ring, notably not hard enough to fly off its hinges this time. Silver Spoon moved to join the other Crusaders at the booth and deposited her purse on it. As she sat down, she said to them, “Sorry I’m late.” She raised a hand and pointed her finger up as she requested, “One chocolate milkshake, please.”

In an instant there was Pinkie Pie as though she’d been standing there all along, holding a fresh chocolate milkshake, “Here you go!”

“Thank you,” Silver casually replied as she offered some bits for the treat and added, “Keep the change.”

“Okaythankyou!” Pinkie chirped as she bounded away to help another customer.

“So,” Silver started, paused as she sipped some of her milkshake, then resumed her question, “what are you all talking about today?” She focused on Sweetie. “And what’s wrong with you?”

“Applebloom and me were talkin’ about Cozy and that new program of hers… Sweetie had been somewhere in outer space thinking about Diamond,” Scootaloo supplied snarkily.

Silver shrugged and said, “Eh. It’s an interesting system. I’ll give her that. I don’t know how well it will work, but keeping students involved in politics is an interesting idea on paper.” She stirred her milkshake as she said, “I didn’t think I’d ever say this, but I suspect Cozy will win the seat next year.” A somewhat blank look overcame her face. “Spoiled must be blowing her lid over this loss. Between that, and Diamond’s confession at the end there, I think that is why we haven’t seen Diamond since the election speech. Personally, though, I think everyone is making a big deal over nothing.” Silver sipped her drink a little, then went on to say, “Diamond admitting she purges in the bathroom is like declaring that a waterfall is wet.”

“...what?” Sweetie asked as she slowly lifted her head and fixed her gaze on Silver. It was a decidedly unhappy gaze.

“What?” Silver asked Sweetie with a blink. “Lots of girls do it.”

“Do you?” Sweetie asked, her tone dead serious.

“Um … no,” Silver replied honestly. “That doesn’t defeat my point, though. I just think too many people are making too big of a deal about this.” She frowns at the table. “The one thing I am worried about, however, is the reason for Diamond’s absence. The reason I say that is because I know her mother. Frankly, I’m surprised that purging is all Diamond is doing instead of something much worse.”

Sweetie goes silent, looking away from Silver at that moment.

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow, “You’re hiding something, aren’t you?”

Applebloom adds, “Are ya?”

Silver gives a focused but otherwise silent look to Sweetie. She looks a bit disturbed by an idea that occurred to her.

Sweetie sighs and drops her head to the table, it collides with a pronounced ‘thunk’.

“What is it, Sweetie? We’re all friends here, right?” Scootaloo asked, eying SIlver warily.

“Ya know full well we are, dangit. Quit doin’ that!” Applebloom chided Scootaloo, who looked a little guilty.

“She… um…” Sweetie tried to start, but her voice died in her throat and she didn’t try again.

Minutes passed, Sweetie remained still. The whipped cream atop her milkshake had melted into the ice cream, the liquid pooled at the bottom of the glass, condensation had puddled around the stem of the glass.

Silver Spoon continued to give Sweetie Belle a discerning look, then looked down as she typed a message on her phone under the table then sent it to Sweetie Belle.

When Sweetie Belle noticed her phone buzz, she checked her phone and noticed the following message:

Silver Spoon: She made u promise not 2 tell didn’t she?

Sweetie looked at Silver and nodded weakly.

Silver returned Sweetie’s nod with a sympathetic expression then put her phone away again.

“I can’t… I can’t tell you all… and I want to… because I hate that she’s going through it… and I don’t really know what to do,” Sweetie lamented.

“Whatever it is, it isn’t good,” Silver figured aloud. “Judging from your expression and what I know about Spoiled.”

“I don’t know much about her mother, but Diamond never made her sound like a nice person,” Sweetie said, “What’s she like?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Silver assured. “I will say this … it’s bad.” After that, she sipped her shake.

“And she’s stuck with her mother…” Sweetie’s eyes watered up as her lip began to quiver.

Silver stole a look at Sweetie Belle, then looked back at the table with an expression that doubled her worry.

Scootaloo looked back and forth between Silver and Sweetie, noting their expressions, “Right, I vote we go and check on Diamond personally. No sense sittin’ here and moping all day long about it.”

Sweetie nodded mutely, before pulling her strawberry shake over and taking her first sip of it.

Applebloom shrugged, “Ah’m up fer whatever.”

“Good idea,” Silver Spoon agreed. “I have a limo waiting for me outside this place right now. Why don’t we all go inside it and I’ll tell the driver to deliver us to the Rich estate?” Silver suggested. “I could even call ahead and request permission to enter. I don’t think I’ll be denied.”

“You’d really do that?!” Sweetie asked, hopeful. She slurped her shake down.

In reply, Silver got up abruptly and said, “Let’s go. We can take our shakes with us, but please … don’t spill in the car. The carpet in there is very expensive.”

“Psh, like you can’t replace it,” Scootaloo said as she grabbed her shake and started walking.

Applebloom slips out of the booth, having finished her milkshake, and starts toward the door.

Sweetie slips out of the booth and nearly tackles Silver to the ground, hugging her so tight that it practically cuts off circulation.

“Hey!” Silver exclaimed, caught by surprise by Sweetie's enthusiasm. As a result of Sweetie’s action, Silver nearly lost her balance.

“Ooooh thank you so much, Silver! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re a wonderful friend!”

“Aw, cut it out!” Silver complained as she pushed Sweetie back lightly while Silver’s gray face went slightly red, likely from embarrassment but perhaps a little flattered as well. “Whatever. Let’s just get in the car, okay?”

“Oh, okay!” Sweetie said, giving one last squeeze. “Thank you!” she said as she grabbed her milkshake and dashed off.

The limousine was rather large. It stretched at least twenty five feet and left Scootaloo in awe. She’d not been around much in the way of luxury in her life, but this was pure extravagance that left her jaw hanging open.

“What the hell, Silver? What is this?” Scootaloo turned to Silver as she asked, for all that the words felt angry, Scootaloo didn’t look it.

Silver Spoon gave Scootaloo a dry, listless expression as she explained, “It’s called a ‘limo’. People use it to transport themselves to other places.

“Now, get inside so we can hurry up and see Diamond.”

“Silver, people don’t use limos… That’s something that snobs do, not people. Normal people have cars, not usually brand new or like… the best… but they’ll do the job. Or they use a taxi or get on the bus… or just walk… You talk like this is… normal!” Scootaloo says, exasperated as she walks closer to the limo.

“I don’t feel like fighting with you right now,” Silver exasperated as she approached the limo and sent a signal to the driver using her cell phone upon her approach. “Are you coming or not?”

“Did you just…” Scootaloo blinked, “What did you do with your phone, there?”

Applebloom strolled past both of them and took hold of the door’s latch, pulling the door open. “Y’all gettin’ in or arguin’ like a married couple?”

Silver ignored them both as she approached the car and witnessed the driver climb out in order to open the door for them.

The driver stopped, seeing that Applebloom had opened the door. He strained his black cap, shoving his silver hair beneath it and checked a mirror to be sure his rich brown complexion was good. He nodded approval, and approached the farmgirl. “Excuse me, young miss?”

Applebloom turned to the driver, “Huh? Me?”

The driver nodded, and continued, “I beg your pardon. I thought I had acted swiftly enough… but if I have not, then I must apologize. You do not need to hold the door open any longer, allow m-”

“Aw, stop it. Ah’m fine. I can handle holdin’ a dern door. Ain’t gonna kill me,” Applebloom cut the driver off.

The driver looked taken aback. He turned his gaze to Silver Spoon for some assistance.

“Take us to the Rich family estate, Geeves,” Silver instructed as she stepped into the car.

“Yes, ma’am,” Geeves nods as he turns on his heel and makes his way back to his seat.

“He always act like a gal can’t take care of herself?” Applebloom asks Silver as she watched Scootaloo and Sweetie step into the car, then followed them in and closed the door behind herself.

Silver Spoon shrugs casually as she leans back on the thickly cushioned wrap-around couch that occupied 2 walls of the 4. It had room enough for at least 10, and set across from it was a minibar, over which is mounted a flat-screen television. Another was mounted on the far wall between the driver’s section and the shorter portion of the couch. Speakers were everywhere. Applebloom couldn’t help but notice a radio console set into the ceiling, along with a bluray player which allowed for flash drives and sd media to be loaded up. The ceiling was wired with track lighting that shifted to various colors, though the main part of the ceiling had both a large moon roof and lighting snuck behind black velvet that gave it the appearance of a sparkling night sky.

“Good grief, Silv,” Scootaloo said as she looked around, “What in the hell do you do with all this stuff? You don’t go far, do you? You catch movies 10 minutes at a time?”

“Sometimes,” Silver answered absently as she started to dial someone on her phone. After that, she lifted it to her face and waited as the phone rang.

Scootaloo shrugged, then immediately walked to the radio console set in the ceiling and tapped it, a digital interface lit up a small touch screen. She chose the mp3 library on the main screen. Upon doing so, she saw a long selection of artists and songs. She blinked, then casually scrolled through the list until she found something she liked. A rap. She tapped it, and it became the focus on the screen. She checked the volume control, smirked and cranked up both volume and bass, then hit play and covered her ears.

Which immediately made Silver wince then glare and Scootaloo as she complained, “Do you mind? I’m trying to call Diamond right now.”

Sweetie scoots closer to Silver as Scootaloo giggles and lowers the volume to something far more reasonable, “Hehe, nice sound system!”

Applebloom just rolls her eyes, which was something Silver also did.

“Did anybody pick up?” Sweetie asked hopefully, close to invading Silver’s personal space.

“It’s still rin-” Silver cuts off with a blink, then said, “Hello? It’s me, Silver Spoon. Is that you, Diamond?” Silver paused to listen, then looked taken aback as she asked, “What are you doing with Diamond’s phone?” She paused to listen again. It was longer this time.

“What? Someone else has Diamond’s phone?!” Sweetie squeaked out.

Scootaloo said, “Are you kiddin’ me?” as Applebloom raised an eyebrow as the only demonstration of interest.

Silver briefly glanced at Sweetie Belle and nodded then gazed forward as she listened to more elaboration of her question, then finally replied, “Ah … okay. Well, is it alright if I come over to see her? I haven’t-” But, again, Silver got cut off.

“What’s going on?” Sweetie urged, panic written into her eyes.

Scootaloo and Applebloom both went quiet, though Scootaloo took Sweetie’s hand in her own.

“But maybe we can … I mean, maybe I can help,” Silver Spoon offered, then paused to listen to the response again. After a moment, she looked downcast as she expressed with obvious disappointment, “I see. Well, um … do you have any idea when I can see her?”

Sweetie looked crestfallen, “W-we can’t see her? What’s going on? Is she okay?!”

Scootaloo squeezed Sweetie’s hand, “Easy Sweets, don’t panic…”

Applebloom sighed and turned to look out one of the several windows along the far wall.

“Oh. Okay,” Silver Spoon said sadly. “Thanks for-” Once again, she seemed to be cut off. This time she looked directly at her phone to confirm the fact the phone call was hung up from the other end. The hand that held the cell phone dropped to her lap, then she reached to her side to press a button on a digital, touch-screen control panel. A moment later, the occupants in the car hear Geeves ask, “Yes?” to which Silver replied, “Find somewhere to pull over, Geeves. Plans have changed.”

“At once, madam,” Geeves replied. Shortly later they could feel the car turning.

“Silv, what the fuck is going on? Can’t you see Sweetie’s on the verge of a panic attack?” Scootaloo barked out. Sweetie winced at this.

“That was her mother on the line, Spoiled Rich,” Silver answered in depression and worry. “She said I’m not allowed to come over to the Rich family estate right now and see Diamond.” She looked across the collected girls in the car. “She said that Diamond is unwell, but she’s taking care of it.”

Sweetie blinked, then took a deep breath and sagged into the cushiony couch.

“That’s it? Spoiled Rich says no and we’re done? What’s wrong with Diamond? What happened to her? She hurt herself?” Scootaloo asked, frustration making the words rapid.

Applebloom turned to Sweetie, reaching over and rubbing a shoulder.

“Ain’t gonna lie; this here stinks somethin’ awful, Silver,” Applebloom commented.

Silver sighed, then said, “Well, as to what is wrong with Diamond, she didn’t say other than to express the fact it’s being taken care of and I’m expressly forbidden to see her right now.” She looked forward with frustration and shrugged. “I don’t know what else to do. It is her home.”

Scootaloo slammed a fist into the couch, then did so repeatedly for several minutes.

“I know I speak out against rich people all the time, because I really do hate them and think they're entitled assholes… but… Spoiled makes everyone look so kind and thoughtful!” Scootaloo cries out in frustration.

“You’ll get no argument from me,” Silver replied with an absent shrug, then looked at Sweetie Belle again to assess her reaction in order to use it to gauge what secret Sweetie might be withholding about Diamond.

Sweetie sighed and closed her eyes, “I miss her so much… I’m so scared for her…” Sweetie said desperately.

Silver looked off to the driver side end of the limo for a moment, then looked across her guests again as she offered, “Well, unless anyone has any other bright ideas? I can at least offer you all a ride home.”

Scootaloo looked at Sweetie, “No. We need to have some fun, do something…” Scootaloo’s gaze shifted to Silver, “You ever gone bowling?”

“Bowling?” Silver queried, surprised by the suggestion, then shook her head as she replied, “No. I haven’t. I tend to avoid such sports because I think they’ll break my expensive nails. I’m not even sure where to go for such things.” She looked to the front of the car. “But I suspect Geeves does.” She looked back at Scootaloo as she went on to offer, “However, I don’t mind sitting by and watching if you gals want to do this. I’ll even pay for it.”

“Gonna rope ya into this one way or the other, Silver. Yer gonna be a dang Bowling Doll with us,” Applebloom said confidently as she continued to rub Sweetie’s shoulder, “Sweetie? You hear us?”

Sweetie merely nodded.

Silver looked down, shrugged, then said, “Well, if you insist.” She looked across the girls again. “Do you have anyplace specific in mind?”

“Thunder Lanes,” Scootaloo answered instantly, “I think we might even be owed a free game from them by now!”

“Yeah?” Applebloom shifts and checks her purse, pulling out a reddish-pink piece of paper filled with punched holes.

“Oh my fuck… You still have that old thing?” Scootaloo asks.

Applebloom chuckles, “‘s a good luck charm.”

“Well it ain’t gonna tell you about our free game!” Scootaloo said.

“Nope, this will,” Applebloom pulled out her phone and selected the Thunder Lanes app. What she saw caused her to nod in satisfaction, “Eeyup, we do have a free game.”

“I assume everyone here is settled on this idea?” Silver double-checked as she looked across the girls. Her eyes settled on Sweetie Belle last and the longest.

Sweetie looked up and nodded meekly. “I guess…” she said.

Silver Spoon looked at and tapped the touch screen again, then ordered, “Geeves, take us to a place called Thunder Lanes. We’ll be going bowling this evening.” She almost left it there, but then something occurred to her. She quickly added, “Do you want to come? Do you even know how to bowl?”

“Ma’am? I… um… I do know how to bowl, yes. Are you certain?” he asked.

“That okay with the rest of you?” Silver checked with the other girls.

Scootaloo nodded, a small smile on her lips.

“Fine by me. More, th’ merrier,” Applebloom replied.

“D-do you think Bowling Doll is a weird title for a guy?” Sweetie asked quietly, which made Scootaloo start laughing.

“Well, that sounds like a yes, so,” she looked back at the touch screen, “yes, Geeves, you may join us, and you’ll be paid for it too since you’re on the clock.”

“Yes ma’am,” he replied as professionally as possible.

Randolph stood at the door to the room Diamond was relegated to. He stared at the lock, and sighed before reaching for the knob and giving it an experimental twist. It held firm. He nodded and slid his key into the lock, twisted it, and then opened the door quietly to look in.

Randolph saw Diamond sitting in some hemispherical pod with 2D images all around her that helped to simulate her sitting at some kind of sunny, tropical beach. Speakers surrounded her that projected sound of the wind, birds, and the ocean waves. Diamond sat in the middle of that pod in a high tech lounge chair. She stared forward blankly and otherwise did not move. To Randolph’s recollection, she had not moved from that position in many hours. It was almost as if she was dead in that chair.

“Ms. Tiara?” he called out softly.

Diamond did not respond.

He sighed as he approached the odd apparatus Spoiled bought.

“Ms. Tiara… I do not know if you can hear me… but I want you to know… I am here for you, I support you… I worry for you…” he said gently.

Diamond still did not seem to respond, but upon viewing her more closely, her shoulders were bobbing slightly, thus indicating she was breathing.

“I will do what I can to keep you safe, but I am afraid your mother has an agenda, and I do not fully understand it... “ he says as he walks around, trying to see her face. Seen more from the front side, he could see Diamond staring ahead blankly with a very depressed and empty look to her expression. Once in a while, she also blinked.

“I notice a new number on your phone, Ms. Tiara… a Ms. Belle? Do you want me to call her and tell her how you’re doing?” he asks gently.

“Huh?” Diamond looked at Randolph. That news finally seemed to wake her up. “Sweetie called? When? What did she say?”

“No, I am afraid not. Ms. Spoon called, to ask about visiting with you. She was denied, I am sorry to say. But I understand she was not alone when she made that call. A rather insistent voice continually interrupted her to give detail where none had been present.”

“How do you know all of this?” Diamond checked with a bit of suspicion but mostly hope in her voice.

“Do you really believe the servants are more loyal to your mother than they are to me?” he says with a warm smile.

Hearing that made Diamond smile back warmly, then she asked, “So … Silver is traveling with my other friends?” She looked forward at the virtual beach. “That’s unexpected, but really nice to hear.” Her eyes shift up to look at Randolph. “When did Silver call?”

“Several minutes ago,” he replied.

She looked down sadly as she said, “I wish I could talk to or see them.”

“Hmmm…” Randolph says as he scratches at his thin, wispy hair, “Perhaps there is a way…”

“Really?!” Diamond suddenly asked up to Randolph brightly. “How?”

Randolph smiled at her, “I’ll… return soon, alright?” he asked, without answering her question as he walked toward the door of the room. The distinctive clatter of a phone falling on the floor sounds. “Oops,” he says quietly as he walks out the door, and closes it.

It took Diamond a moment to realize what he was up to, but when she did, she immediately scrambled to fetch the phone and delivered it back to her seat. She almost used it, but paused a moment as she considered something. She looked around herself then eventually spotted where one of the house's internal security cameras was located. She grimaced at it then reconsidered her options. Since the door to her room was locked, however, there wasn’t much of a way to avoid the risk of the reveal of her using the phone.

Diamond took a moment to try to recall Sweetie’s phone number. She could not be certain, but then recalled that she had a copy of it in her student account at CHS. She took a moment to download that application then sign in to her student account. With it, she located her digital folder and used it to locate Sweetie’s phone number. Armed with that, she used it to dial Sweetie Belle. She pressed the phone to her face and prayed that Sweetie would answer.

After five rings, the call is answered.

“Um… hello?” Sweetie’s voice asks.

“SWEETIE!” Diamond cried out with relief. “Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice and …” Diamond trailed off when she heard unusual sounds in the background which made her curious. “Uh … where are you anyway?”

“DIAMOND?!” Sweetie’s voice squeaked with excessive volume, “Oh Diamond! Are you okay? Oh, I’m at the bowling alley with the girls, and Geeves… But… No, how are you doing?”

“Better now that I’m hearing your voice again,” Diamond answered. “My mother is having me locked up in this mansion, and even this very room,” Diamond goes on bitterly. “Basically, I’m grounded. I think it’s because I embarrassed her with regards to the election speech.”

“It was really brave to come out and tell the truth like that, Diamond… I just want you to know that I am proud of you.”

“I had to tell everyone,” Diamond expressed. “I can’t tell you why, but after I heard Cozy’s speech … I just felt compelled to be honest, but I don’t think she’s the reason. That’s just a coincidence. The real reason is I realized something about myself. Cozy was partially responsible for that, and truthfully … I’m kind of grateful for it.

“At least, I was at the time, but ever since then … I’ve been so depressed I can hardly think.”

Diamond sniffled, then wailed, “You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice again. I wish I could see you.”

“I wish I could see you too, Diamond… I miss you so much,” Sweetie said quietly, “Do you think you’ll be back at school soon? We’ve started getting along with Silver, she… she was trying to bring us to visit you, in a huge limo.”

“I know. I heard from Ran-” she cut herself off as she peeked at the security camera. She frowned at it, realizing it already recorded him talking to her and dropping off the phone. This made Diamond greatly afraid for his job security, but what’s done was done.

“I heard,” Diamond decided to reiterate. “To answer your question, I have no idea when I might be back. Maybe I’ll be detained for so long that I won’t finish the school year. At least, not in Canterlot. Instead, I had to do some homework assignments with private tutors and some online programs.”

“That sounds sooooo boring!” Sweetie cried.

“Now you see why I’m not happy with my life,” Diamond moaned. “Honestly, you’ve been the most positive force in my life lately, and now I don’t even have that anymore.” Diamond cried. “I’m trying to be strong for you, Sweetie. I really am.”

“You always have me, Diamond… okay?” Sweetie says, “No matter how far away… Just, know that my heart is with you.”

A voice in the background, sounding like a mumble, precedes Sweetie saying, “Oh, hold on. Silver is talking to me.”

Muffled voices among the clatter of bowling pins and crashing of balls, and the chatter of a crowded alley, speak quietly, urgently, and unintelligibly.

“Okay, sorry about that Diamond,” Sweetie said once she put her phone back to her ear.

“What’s going on?” Diamond checked.

“Silver was asking who I was talking to, she wants to talk to you too,” Sweetie replied.

Wait! Before you put her on the phone, I just want to say to you … I’m so happy that you and the others there are starting to get along with her. She needs that too, and I honestly thought that wouldn't happen.”

“She’s a good friend… Even if she’s rigid and cold when she talks, she’s actually very nice… and generous, too,” Sweetie says.

“Yeah,” Diamond agreed with a soft smile. “Now you’re finding out why I got along with her so much.”

“She’ll come around… if Scootaloo can be nice to her, there’s gotta be hope for her,” Sweetie said with a giggle.

“Um, oh okay,” Sweetie said to someone, “Here, she’s waiting.”

“Hi, Diamond,” Silver said as soon as she picked up the phone, then said, “give me a moment.”

Diamond blinked while she waited patiently, then blinked again when she heard a peculiar sound from the phone. Checking it, she noticed her old friend sent her a text message.

Silver Spoon: R u hurting yourself?

Diamond thinned her lips as she contemplated her response. She thought about ignoring the question or outright lying, but this was her best friend … and she recently admitted to the purging in the girls bathroom so Silver had enough evidence to piece things together and come up with a plausible theory.

In the end, she decided to be partially honest.

Diamond Tiara: I don’t want 2 tlk about it

Then Diamond quickly added another message.

Diamond Tiara: but that does not mean i don’t wnt 2 talk 2 u

Diamond frowned, then typed.

Diamond Tiara: get back on the phone

“Silver?” Diamond asked aloud.

“No, Sweetie… Silver looked a bit… um… empty?” Sweetie tried, “Looked like she was texting you, um… you didn’t tell her?”

“If I didn’t, Silver would have figured it out anyway,” Diamond explained. “Not only is she bright, but she knows me really well.” Diamond sighed, then went on to say, “If I can’t be there with you, it’s a relief to know that at least Silver is there with you … just in case I can’t ever be.”

“Diamond, don’t talk like that. You’ll be back with me before you know it.. I-I mean back with us,” Sweetie corrected, “I…” her voice dies in her throat.

“I don’t know what to say,” Diamond said sadly. “I don’t want to give you false hope, but don’t want to depress or scare you either. The truth is … I don’t know what’s going to happen. Maybe Mother will never let me back at Canterlot.”

“No! I’ll go to Ms. Shimmer and Ms. Sparkle and do whatever I have to… but I won’t let that happen,” Sweetie declares.

“Um, thank you … Sweetie. That at least cheered me up. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’m still so happy that you’d do all of that for me.”

“Diamond… I’m honestly scared to say three words to you… You said them to me, and I… I don’t know how you meant them, but I’m terrified that you didn’t mean them how I want you to… and I don’t want to screw up our friendship by getting that wrong.”

“I, uh … not sure I want to talk about that. The last time I did, you hung up on me, and I’m not ready to let you go yet because I’m honestly not sure if we’ll ever …” Diamond trails off as she sobs.

“We’ll see each other again, Diamond… I won’t let it be any other way,” Sweetie says firmly.

Diamond was quiet for a moment, then requested, “Sweetie … can you sing for me again?” Diamond pleaded with an unsteady voice.

“What do you want me to sing?” Sweetie asked.

“I don’t know!” Diamond wailed. “I don’t know songs like you do. Just … just sing.”

“Uh, hold on,” Sweetie says, shuffling noises and the sounds of the bowling alley fade as the sound of a door indicates movement into another room.

“Alright, I’m in the bathroom now… There’s a bit of privacy,” Sweetie says, “So…” Sweetie takes a deep breath and begins to sing ‘Fight Song’ by Rachel Platten.

Diamond Tiara cried hard as the song proceeded. Snot and tears poured down her face. In the end, she gently said, “Thank you so much, Sweetie Belle. Thank you, thank you … for being my friend.”

Diamond hung up.

Author's Note:

Wow. I know, it's been... a long time since I've posted, well, anything really. Truth is, this chapter has been around for awhile and just wasn't posted, well until now. I've been gone, dealing with a lot of things, and then one day I posted a review on Youtube and an old friend got in touch because of that and... we started writing this story again. Chapter 20 is well under way now, a good 9 pages or so drafted and now we're taking a little break. Not years worth, of course, just a day or so and Chapter 20 will go up.

Chapter 20 will not be the end of it, either, there's more to come. And I'm sorry for how long it's been.