• Published 15th Dec 2019
  • 1,025 Views, 55 Comments

Scars To Her Beautiful - flutterJackdash

Sweetie and her friends are finally getting ready to graduate high school, and move on with their lives. Why is Silver so angry? Where is Diamond?

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Sunset Investigates

Applebloom registered surprise at herself. Applejack had taught her about being more level-headed than this, and Big Mac had always told her to think before she talked or acted to be sure she was doing the right thing. Yet here she was, running behind Scootaloo as she ditched school on a search for a friend who was probably fine. What had possessed her to go along with this?

“Applebloom! You okay back there?” Scootaloo called over her shoulder as she turned onto Cane Road for the final stretch before they arrived at Sweetie’s house. Scootaloo’s lungs seemed to be doing just fine if the volume of that shout was any indication.

“Ah’m,” Applebloom gasps and wheezes, “Ah’m fine!” It was only half true, though. While the farmgirl could go all day on heavy work, running was not something she’d ever trained for. It was exhausting. Her lungs were burning, and she wanted to rest. She just knew she’d never get Scootaloo to go along with that, at least not at this moment.

“Almost there!” Scootaloo cried as she leapt over a short fence which Applebloom chose to run around.

“Land sakes, Scoots! What’s yer hurry?!” Applebloom shouted, some anger seeping into her tone.

“Sweetie might be in trouble!” Scootaloo called back.

“In her own home?! That don’t make a lick o’ sense!” Applebloom retorted.

Scootaloo suddenly stopped, leaning over and placing her hands on her knees as she caught her breath.

“Damn it… you’re right. Should’ve gone to Diamond’s place instead,” Scootaloo said as she huffed.

Applebloom quickly closed the distance between herself and Scootaloo. She collapsed to her knees as she dragged his heaving breaths.

“Ya’ve got us in trouble, dyin’ of exhaustion, and fer what?!” Applebloom turned to Scootaloo, though she barked a bit of that, she had collected herself by the end of her question.

Scootaloo cringes, rubbing the hair on the back of her head with her right hand.

“It’s… I’m just worried, okay? I mean… I don’t know what’s happening with her,” Scootaloo offered weakly.

“An’ ya don’t need ta unless she decides to tell either of us! Worryin’ is fine, but ya can’t control her. Ya know that, don’t ya?” Applebloom checked.

“Of course I know that! Jeez… What the fuck do you think I’m trying to do? Make her my slave?” Scootaloo asked in frustration.

“Ah don’t rightly know! Yer just runnin’ off half-cocked and draggin’ me with ya! Reckon that last bit’s mah fault though. Ah made mah own choice to run after ya,” Applebloom replied.

Scootaloo looked at Applebloom for a moment, then narrowed her eyes.

“I’m going to Diamond’s house, then. I wanna at least see what she’s up to.” Scootaloo had caught her breath and turned, but stopped as Applebloom spoke.

“Ya don’t think she’s got a right to a lil’ privacy, do ya?” asked Applebloom.

“I… uh…,” Scootaloo hung her head, “For fuck’s sake, AB… Why are you making so much sense?!”

Applebloom sighed in relief.

“’swhat Granny taught me to do,” Applebloom answered.

Scootaloo just growled lowly before rolling her eyes.

“Seriously, Scoots, what’s got ya so ornery over Sweetie anyhow? Ya ain’t really explained that,” Applebloom admonished.

“I…,” Scootaloo sighed as she sank down to the ground, sitting there, “I-It’s not all mine to tell… and I promised Sweetie a long time ago about that, too.”

Applebloom raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t aware there had been secrets between the three of them before. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but she held off on settling for ‘betrayed’.

“Alright. Ah’ll respect that,” Applebloom said quietly.

“I… I’m sorry, AB…,” Scootaloo said guiltily.

“Nothin’ to be sorry for. Yer just respectin’ Sweetie’s wishes, and Ah respect that. I’ll ask her when I think it’s right, but… maybe ya can help me figure that part out?” Applebloom said.

“Oh, yeah. I can do that. Sure,” Scootaloo said, a little nervously.

“Yer actin’ all kinds o’ funny, Scoots. What’s up?” Applebloom asked.

“Who was your first crush?” Scootaloo blurted out.

Applebloom blushed furiously, completely caught off guard at the sudden change in subject.

“Uh…,” Applebloom began eloquently, “erm… *mumble*”

“What was that?” Scootaloo asked. Applebloom had mumbled after all.

“I… I said Pipsqueak…,” Applebloom admitted.

“Pipsqueak? Really?” Scootaloo asked.

“Eeyup…,” Applebloom said with a sigh.

“Why? I’d have thought you’d want a guy that was taller than you,” Scootaloo said.

“Well… he is now…,” Applebloom said with a swallow.

“Oh, wait, are you… you still?” Scootaloo asked.

“A… a little, yeah…,” Applebloom said, her blush so intense now that Scootaloo could have mistook her for her older brother.

“Oh…. Oh, okay,” Scootaloo said. Applebloom felt certain that Scootaloo would erupt in laughter, but she actually didn’t so much as chuckle.

“How about you?” asked Applebloom.

“Right. Fair’s fair,” Scootaloo began, “I kinda like Button Mash… he’s sweet.”

Applebloom raised an eyebrow, “Didn’t take ya fer a ‘sweet’ kinda gal, Scoots.”

“I-I just… He’s good to my little brothers and sisters. He gets along with every one of them… and he cares about them… It makes me think he’s the right kind of guy, y’know?”

Applebloom shrugged. “That’s a sensible way of lookin’ at it, which I did expect of ya.”

“Yeah, but he’s only got eyes for Sweetie,” Scootaloo said with a sigh.

“Oh, is that why yer mad at her?” Applebloom checked.

“Wha? I’m not mad at her! I’m just… worried. It isn’t her fault she’s so pretty and sweet. He didn’t stand a chance… and neither did I,” Scootaloo frowned, “She won him. She doesn’t want him.”

Applebloom blinked, “She doesn’t want him? That’s odd. She’s always after havin’ a special someone.”

“Uh… yeah. She is, I know, but he’s not the one,” Scootaloo said.

“Who is? Do ya know?” Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo shook her head immediately and quickly, “Nope!”

“Hmmm… sure, alright. Movin’ along then… Ya hear that Cozy Glow’s thinkin’ of runnin’ for Student Council President? She’s a smart one, but I dunno if she’s really the type to be runnin’ things,” Applebloom said.

“She’s way past smart, AB! And she really seems to care, y’know? Diamond’s stuck up, but Cozy? I think she’s sincere,” Scootaloo said.

A chime alerted Scootaloo that she had received a new text message.

Sweetie Belle: Scoots, I m so sry! Pls forgive me! Will xplain l8r!

Scootaloo sighs as she uses her thumbs to type a quick response.

Scootaloo: Fine. 4giv u. Stay safe.

“That was Sweetie. She apologized…,” Scootaloo said quietly.

The limo was extravagant. Perhaps over the top? It was… huge, long. It meant that Diamond could sit at the opposite end, staring out the window or really anywhere but at Sweetie.

Sweetie sighed. She knew she probably wouldn’t get anywhere right now, but she wanted to push. To be sure. She was genuinely scared for Diamond now. What had happened to make her do what she’d been doing yesterday? Life was surely pretty good for her. She was wealthy and popular. Nothing else made sense to her. How could Diamond be anything less than happy?

Yet, that was quite clearly the case. Diamond was anything but happy. How had that happened?

Sweetie gazed at Diamond. A small frown played across her features. She cast her gaze over the remainder of the limo. There was a minibar, a phone, a television. Was that a video game system? She’d never seen one like it. It looked fairly advanced. Wait, what was that on the television? A map? And… a car? Sweetie examined it more closely. It was a GPS readout of their drive! It even showed a line where they had already been. It provided an estimated time of arrival, had a traffic report built-in. It was astonishing how detailed it was. The limo smelled of old cigars and expensive wine. She assumed expensive. C, cheap didn’t seem to fit the theme of this ride, after all.


Diamond’s icy glare stopped her dead. She didn’t speak further. It looked like a lost cause, and that, more than anything, hurt.

Sweetie swallowed and turned her gaze out the window. It was a gloomy day, overcast and cool. No fog, no drizzle. Just… clouds. It was May, yet it was cool and humid. Sweetie idly wondered if this reflected Diamond’s feelings. Yet Diamond insisted on having the air condition turned well up, so the car was rather chilly.

Sweetie sniffled, looking around for a tissue. She wanted to cry for Diamond as well as her failure with Scootaloo. It just felt like tears were the only real way to feel in this situation. Diamond wouldn’t even look at her, there was no talking to her, and she wanted so badly to understand what she was going through. Maybe even try to help? She’d do whatever she could, she knew that. Somehow she just knew that.

She took out her cell phone, and brought up her text history with Scootaloo. The last thing she’d sent was her apology to Scootaloo. She wanted to say more, to make it clear she was sorry and didn’t want to lose her. Sweetie activated her speech to text feature, and began to talk at her phone.

Sweetie Belle: Scootaloo. I really am sorry. I want to make it up to you. I don’t want to lose you.

Scootaloo: Dnt b stpid we r frnds 4ver

Sweetie Belle: Oh. I’m glad to hear it. Please tell me when, and where, you want to meet up. I can try to explain a little about what’s going on, but I don’t think I want to say everything yet.

Sweetie Belle noticed that Diamond suddenly looked at her in alarm. She started to wonder why, but then Scootaloo sent her a reply text.

Scootaloo: Whr th fuk r u?

Sweetie Belle: I’m with Diamond right now.

Scootaloo: I fkn knw it! U bitch! U bakstabbr!

Sweetie Belle: Scootaloo, please trust me. I am not betraying you. Please. I can’t tell you everything, it’s important that you trust me.

Sweetie turned to Diamond, who had quickly turned her gaze away.

“Diamond? I won’t tell her, or anyone, if you don’t want me to. Okay?” Sweetie offered.

While keeping her gaze locked out the window, Diamond said, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you. If you tell Scootaloo, or anyone for that matter, about my personal issues . . . I will do something drastic.”

Sweetie Belle’s mouth hung open, agape. She was stunned. She could not believe what she heard. Part of her mind insisted that she misheard Diamond until Diamond flashed Sweetie a firm warning look.

Sweetie Belle leaned back in her seat, aghast.

Oh my God! Now what am I going to tell Scootaloo? I just swore to her that I’d explain everything, but if I do . . . would she really do it? Is she serious?

Thinking back, Sweetie realized that what she saw yesterday forced her to take this extremely seriously.

Inwardly, Sweetie Belle shriveled inside.

What am I going to do? If I keep to myself, then I can’t get any support from anyone over and EXTREMELY CRITICAL ISSUE!

Tears rose to her eyes along with some sniffles.

Dang it! Now I’m depressed too! What did I do to deserve this?

Applebloom sighed, looking down as she hopped into Big Mac’s pick-up. He’d taken the time to drive out to the Belle residence after she called him, though he was not at all happy. Applebloom didn’t need any translators for that. He didn’t speak much, and he really didn’t have to with his sisters. He was livid that Applebloom had cut class, and was now asking him to interrupt his schedule at the farm to bring her home.

She buckled her seatbelt and slumped against the door.


Applebloom cut him off, “Ya don’t hafta say it… Ah know. Ah was wrong ta ditch school n’ all… Even if’n it was fer a friend.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac threw the truck into reverse and pulled out of the parking space he’d been occupying.

“Ah’m sorry…” Applebloom said.

“Ya better be. Can’t just go ‘round throwin’ away yer education, ‘bloom… Ya don’t go as far in life without it,” Big Mac said.

“Just because you dr-”

“Don’t. Ah don’t wanna hear yer excuses. And mah life and yer life ain’t the same thang anyhow. Don’t matter how mine turned out. Ah ain’t gonna let yers do the same.”

“Mah life ain’t up to ya, big brother! Ah ain’t gonna muck it up. Ya ain’t gotta worry about it so much!”

The truck moved along. The engine hiccuped every now and again.

“Ah… Ah don’t know. Somethin’s goin’ on with Scootaloo. She’s madder n’ ever. N’ Sweetie ain’t nowhere to be found. She just disappeared on us.”

“Who ya gonna talk to first?” Big Mac asked.

“What?” Applebloom said, confused.

“If’n yer friends are outta sorts n’ such, I reckon ya better try talkin’ to ‘em.” Big Mac clarified.

“Uh… should ah do that… if’n they seem to wanna be left alone?” asked Applebloom.

“Sometimes the hardest part of bein’ a friend is pushin’ in when they’re pushin’ ya out. Believe me, ah know how hard it can be ta talk to others,” Big Mac said. “But if’n these friends of yers are important, then they’ll be worth a word or two, I reckon.”

Applebloom sighed and nodded. “Can’t never do better n’ you fer advice, huh?” She snickered. “When ya bother to offer it, ‘at is.”

Big Mac rolled his eyes, reaching up a meaty arm and gently punching Applebloom’s shoulder.

“Sugar ain’t too happy with ya either, ‘bloom. I reckon she’ll have a few words fer ya when we get back to the farm,” he said.

“Uh… what about AJ?” she asked nervously.

“Ya already know how she feels ‘bout this,” he replied, then he turned on the radio. An old country song began to blast through the truck, even with a little static it was fine.

Applebloom sighed. Big Mac was not much for words, in fact he’d spoken more in the last few minutes than he’d done in the last few months. Now he’d turned on the radio, she’d not get him speaking again in a hurry. Unless, of course, it became an emergency.

Scootaloo grunted as she kicked a stone across the street, her hands stuffed into her pockets. Slate wouldn’t be home, but Gloomy would be disappointed in her. She wasn’t sure she cared, and she had almost thrown her cell phone after her last set of messages with Sweetie.

“What… kinda stupid shit… Why the fuck would I stop bein’ her friend?” she snapped at no one.

She grunted, passing by a building as she turned a corner. She stopped, screamed, and slammed a hand, palm first, into the brick of the building’s outer wall. She didn’t care that her hand had gone numb, didn’t pay attention to the gradual swelling in her hand.

“Dumb… Stupid… ergh! Why are you… with fucking DIAMOND!?” she screeched as she slammed her hand, palm first, into the wall one more time. Tears began flowing from her eyes as she thought back.

The elementary schoolyard was littered with students at play. The recess bell had summoned them as surely as any sugary treat would. Scootaloo sat, depressed, on a bench looking toward the swingset as they made a squealing sound during the rusty equipment’s use. While she watched, she was having her lunch which consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, apple slices, and a bottle of water she filled using a kitchen sink.

She sat there, eating her food and minding her business when a set of footsteps approached from her left side.

“Well well, what do we have here? Lunch from the discount bin?” Silver Spoon teased through a sneer.

“Oh please, Silver. You know she can’t afford anything. Her parents aren’t even around to help her out. She’s alone, practically an orphan! And sooooooooo poor! I would so hate to be anything like you… ugh…”

Silver snickered at Diamond’s taunt.

“You know what?” Diamond asked.

“What?” Silver Spoon asked.

Scootaloo sighed.

“I think we should save her from her nasty food!” Diamond said as she reached out and slapped the sandwich from Scootaloo’s hand. It landed in the dirt, which would have been fine, but then Diamond stomped it further into the dirt.

Scootaloo jumped from her seat, only to be shoved back by Silver Spoon and fall over the bench, and onto her back.

Diamond strolled around the bench, looking down at Scootaloo and collecting her bottle of water.

“Ugh… Not even pure spring? How poor are you?” Diamond asked as she removed the cap and dumped the entire bottle on Scootaloo’s head while Silver held her down with a foot to her chest.

There were a lot of children witnessing this in the background, but, as usual, they were too intimidated to do anything more than watching. A few of them even cheered, but most looked like a cross between sympathetic and terrified.

“I’ll… I’ll get you for this!” Scootaloo vowed with a grunt while struggling to shove Silver from her chest.

“And then what, little peasant?” asked Diamond as she picked up the apple slices, “Oh, these are the good ones, huh?” Diamond smirked as she began chewing them. “Peasants need to know their place.” Diamond said as she spat the chewed apple into Scootaloo’s face.

Scootaloo swallowed her next words and squeezed her eyes shut.

“Don’t talk back to me again, peasant.” Diamond said, dropping the only remaining slice of apple onto Scootalo’s chest. “You have my permission to eat that.”

Diamond smiled at Silver, “Let’s go, I’m bored now.”

“Sweet and Elite. Cannot be beat. Never forget you’re all under our feet!” Diamond and Silver chant while clapping each other, bumping elbows then ending with bumping their hips together.

Silver followed Diamond to the other end of the schoolyard.

“Come in,” Principal Twilight Sparkle called in response to the knock on her office door. She looked through her holographic screen (which showed a few important documents on her computer) which was projected from a pair of poles built into her computer desk. Twilight looked through the transparent screen to witness one of her faculty members, Sunset Shimmer, enter into her office. Upon seeing this, Twilight brightened immediately. “Sunset! Oh hi! Please, please, come in and sit down.”

Upon entering, Sunset turned around and gently shut the door before straying in front of Twilight's desk then sat in one of three chairs ahead of Twilight's large computer desk. Along the way, Sunset had her hands in her black leather jacket pockets. She hung her elbows down as she scanned about in her friend’s office. She primarily looked at some of the photos hung on the walls which mostly showed various precious moments of Twilight's past, some of which included Sunset as well as Twilight's other friends. More recently, it also included some pictures of Twilight's adopted daughter, Cozy Glow.

Sunset smiled fondly at these images as she moved to sit down.

“Thank you for coming,” Twilight told Sunset gratefully.

“Well, you asked to see me, Twilight, and you're technically my boss at this school so I couldn't very well ignore your request.” Sunset grinned at Twilight. “Besides, I wouldn't ignore a summons from my very dear friend, either.”

Twilight paused a moment as she happily blushed, then waved Sunset off as she explained, “I'm just about finished with what I was working on. Can you give me a few moments?”

“Sure,” Sunset invited casually. “Take all the time you need.”

“Thank you,” Twilight responded gratefully before focusing back on her transparent holographic computer screen.

Seen from Sunset's angle at the other end, the computer screen looked backwards.

While waiting, Sunset repeatedly patted her left lap and right lap back and forth as she nervously looked about Twilight's office. Twilight eventually noticed this and decided to ask about that.

“Um . . . Sunny? Are you okay?” Twilight asked in concern.

“Hmm?” Sunset wondered as her eyes (but not her head) shifted to look at Twilight, at first wondering why her friend asked that. Then she looked down at her own lap as she realized what she did a moment ago. After that, Sunset snickered a bit as she placed a fist in front of her lips for a moment, then lowered that hand back to her lap as she shook her head slightly and explained to Twilight, “Um . . . I'm sorry. It's just that . . . years ago, when I used to be asked to the Principal's office at this school, it was usually because I was in trouble for something.” She looked to her left at the wall, then pointed to it. “I used to have several pictures of myself up on that wall which showed me as Princess of the Fall Formal. Each year progressively showed me growing more and more monstrous.”

“Really?” Twilight asked in disbelief as she looked at the indicated wall. “I never saw those pictures up there, and why would Celestia have them up in her office anyway?”

“Vanity, I guess,” Sunset answered with uncertainty. “Anyway, the reason you don't see them up on the wall anymore is because I took them down then proceeded to throw them away.”

Twilight blinked in surprise at Sunset as she asked, “Former Principal Celestia let you throw away her own photos of you?”

“With her permission!” Sunset quickly assured. She sighed as she closed her eyes and shook her head for a brief moment, then resumed explaining to her friend as she looked back at Twilight. “I told her that I didn't want any reminders of my past to remain in this school. I'm a changed woman, and I wanted to be rid of any reminders of my awful past. She saw how I was ashamed of it, so she gave me permission to throw them away.”

“Well,” Twilight looked down at her desk. “I've never known you to be a bully. It's actually difficult for me to imagine considering how you've been ever since then.”

“Well,” Sunset shrugged, “I worked very hard to repair my image.”

“And you've done a wonderful job of that!” Twilight said as she smiled up at Sunset. “Most of the students here at CHS love you. In fact, I can't think of a single exception.”

“Thanks, Twilight!” Sunset said gratefully with a slight blush. “It's always nice to hear things like that.”

Twilight's smile faded a bit as she looked at Sunset more seriously, then hit a button on her laser projected keyboard to shut off her holographic screen. With that out of the way, both women could see each other more clearly across the desk.

When Sunset observed Twilight fold her hands in front of her lips while resting her elbows on the arms of her chair, Sunset realized that her friend was about to cut to brass tacks.

“Actually, that is why I summoned for you,” Twilight told Sunset. “You're pretty popular around here at CHS. Possibly even more than me.”

Sunset shook her head in disagreement. “That can't be true, Twilight. Everyone here at CHS knows your name. That's even true for quite a number of people beyond this school.”

Twilight nodded a bit. “True. People know me like they might know of the President of this country, but you are closer to them on a more personal level, Sunny. You talk to them more often. You engage them on their level.”

“Hmm.” Sunset looked off to her side with her eyes only with a thoughtful look, then looked back at Twilight with a shrug as she admitted, “Well, I have to admit, you have me there, Twilight.” Sunset narrowed her eyes at her friend as she asked, “Why is that important?”

Twilight sighed with regret as she looked down at her desk, then admitted, “Sunset . . . I need your help with some troublesome students here in this school.” She focused back at Sunset with a serious expression. “In particular, there are three I want you to investigate and talk to. One of them is Diamond Tiara, another is Silver Spoon, and the last is Scootaloo Dusk.”

Sunset sighs in exasperation as she closes her eyes, shakes her head, and places her left hand over her mouth for a second, then drops that hand back to the arm of her chair as she looks back at her friend and asks, “Is this about all those absences of Diamond Tiara?”

“No,” Twilight answers that first, but she rethinks that then amends, “Actually, maybe.

“Look. What I want you to do is find out what has gotten into those three, for they are all displaying some disturbing behavior and I want to know why. Diamond's absences might be systemic of an even larger problem. What if whatever Silver Spoon's issue is has to do with Diamond? They used to be so close, but Silver has been downright hostile to everyone lately, including Diamond.”

“What makes you say that?” Sunset checked.

Twilight tapped her right pointing finger on her desk three times. As she did so, Sunset regarded them and noticed her friend had painted her nails dark purple with a brighter, six-pointed purple star on each nail, but those didn’t look like natural nails. Sunset vaguely recalled that Rarity pressed Twilight to buy fake nails for more decorative purposes, but Sunset privately agreed with Twilight to keep her nails more natural. It's simply less hassle that way.

After Twilight tapped her desk, she informed, “I've been getting some disturbing reports between Silver Spoon and Scootaloo from multiple sources, and both of them occurred yesterday. Some witnesses out in front of the campus told me that Scootaloo attacked Silver Spoon.”

“She did what?!”Sunset asked as she widened her eyes in horrified disbelief.

Twilight nodded in confirmation, then went on to say, “Not only that, but I heard the two of them also went to Sugarcube Corner later on that afternoon. Although they didn't travel together, they both ended up in the same place.”

“They didn't fight again, did they?” Sunset asked with dread in her tone.

Twilight closed her eyes briefly as she shook her head, then resumed looking at Sunset. “No, but according to Pinkie and Mrs. Cake, Scootaloo arrived first. She flung open the door so hard that she nearly tore their bell off its hinges.”

“Oh jeez!” Sunset exclaimed as she sank in her seat as well as looked down in disappointment and confusion.

“Shortly later, Silver Spoon arrived, and she did tear the bell off the door with her forceful entry,” Twilight went on.

In response, Sunset closed her eyes, shook her head again, and placed her right hand on her face.

“Fortunately, they didn't engage each other, from what I heard,” Twilight reported.

Sunset sighed as she put the hand on her face back on her armchair, arched her neck over the edge of her seat, and looked up at the ceiling, then said, “Ever since Scootaloo lost her parents, she always did seem to have a chip on her shoulder.” Sunset lifted her head back up and resumed looking at Twilight. “I can somewhat understand that. I had issues with my parents too back in Equestria. It's one of the reasons I had some problems later on in life.”

“Do you still keep in touch with them?” Twilight asked hopefully.

Sunset frowned a bit as she answered, “Probably not as much as I should. I know how family issues can be . . . complicated, and mine is no exception.”

“Princess Twilight and I gave you that magical laptop so you could communicate with those in Equestria whenever you like. I know my counterpart assigned somepony to monitor that machine at least once a day. Any messages you send there will be received by that pony and thereafter sent to another as needed. You should take advantage of it.”

Sunset winced in discomfort as she said, “Twilight, you know you are my friend, and as my friend, I am asking you to back off on this issue. You have no idea what I went through with my family, but let's just say it had something to do with why I decided to flee to another world.”

Twilight frowned, feeling uncomfortable with that response and for hitting an apparently sensitive nerve with her friend.

“I'm only telling you this to explain to you that I know how our emotions about our family can be complicated,” Sunset explained. “Scootaloo is obviously in a lot of pain over it. Things like that wouldn't just heal up in a day, but that is no excuse to act like a belligerent bully.

“Do you have any more specifics as to why that altercation took place?” Sunny checked.

“Um,” Twilight thought about it as her gaze shifted down and to the right, then widened her eyes as she recalled something then looked back at Sunny. “Oh, um . . . another one of my students . . . Um, no. Scratch that.” She looked thoughtful again, then corrected herself. “Actually, it was Miss Cheerilee who told me that Sweetie Belle accidentally bumped into Silver Spoon before the altercation. It was kind of Sweetie Belle's fault. She was busy texting while walking when it happened, but the way Silver Spoon reacted was as if that wasn't the first time that day. Silver Spoon exploded into a raging rant about it! After that, Scootaloo helped Sweetie Belle stand up then ran off to confront Silver about this.”

“Then that explains, but does not excuse, Scootaloo's reaction,” Sunset realized thoughtfully. “In her mind, she was just sticking up for the honor of her friend.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “We also have some idea why Silver reacted that way, but she didn't used to be like this. Something else is bothering her, and I have a feeling it has something to do with Diamond. Diamond's been more absent from school lately. Is Silver's issue related to this? If so, what is the root cause?”

Sunset squinted an eye at Twilight as she asked, “Isn't Diamond running for re-election of Student Council President here at CHS? I heard your own daughter is in the running against her.”

Twilight nodded, then asked, “Your point?”

Sunset shrugged as she theorized, “I wonder if it's just stress. Maybe the campaign isn't going as well as she thought. Rumors here at CHS seem to actually favor your daughter in the running despite how much Diamond's mother is pouring money into her daughter's campaign. If Diamond has noticed that, she might simply be frustrated, and Silver Spoon, since she's so close to Diamond, maybe got into an argument with her friend due to that frustration.”

Twilight half-shrugged as she said, “It's a decent theory, but I'm hoping for more than just guesses. I want answers, Sunset. Find me some . . . please.”

Twilight looks down at her desk with a frustrated sigh. “Superintendent Neighsay is due to arrive soon to inspect the school, and he's just hunting for an excuse to shut this place down, or at least fire certain members of the school's faculty.” Twilight passes her friend a warning look. “I heard he's especially gunning after anyone that has had access to Equestrian magic. I can only imagine how much more paranoid he'd be over someone who was born from Equestria.”

Sunset nodded in understanding. “And if he hears of these fights breaking out on campus, he might just use that as an excuse to bring even more trouble here.” Sunset growls in frustration. “Goddamn him! I do not like that man! I heard his pony counterpart was just as much of an asshole back in Equestria, so I don't like him in any reality.”

“His pony self was like this too?” Twilight asked with a surprised and interested blink.

“Yeah,” Sunset admitted tightly as she looked off to her side with a narrow gaze. “He also barged in on Princess Celestia for surprise inspections of her school to make sure the young foals were not 'corrupted' by threatening ideals, and from what I've seen . . . he seems paranoid about almost anything. He's a really strict, by-the-book kind of guy who wouldn't budge a single inch, no matter how ridiculous those standards are.”

Twilight sighed with regret, then said, “Well, in this reality, he's the agent assigned to supervise this school on behalf of the School Board. Like it or not, we have to deal with him. At least I know Spoiled Rich is on our side, and she's President of the School Board. She has no incentive to close down a school that her own daughter is attending . . . unless, perhaps, her daughter loses the election.”

Sunset squinted an eye at her friend as she asked, “You really think she'd turn on the school if this election goes south for her daughter?”

Twilight shrugged. “I don't really want to speculate because I don't really know the woman. All I'm saying is it's a possibility. We're treading on dangerous ground as it is, and I want to do everything I can to make the situation better.” Twilight pauses a moment as she pushes up her glasses with a finger, then asks, “Can I count on you to help me with this?”

Sunset smiled fondly at Twilight as she said, “Girl, you know I'll always have your back!” Sunset said brightly. “Besides, Scootaloo is a close personal friend of mine, too, and I know she means the world to Rainbow Dash, and vice versa.” She looked to her right. “Between the three, I think she's the easiest to approach for me. She knows me better.” Sunset looked back at Twilight. “Plus, I know where she lives, so I'll investigate this issue by talking to her first. The information I gather from her may give me a lead on the others involved.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “It should be a piece of the puzzle, at the very least.” Then Twilight smiled very gratefully. “Thank you, Sunset Shimmer! I knew I could count on you.”

“Hey! What are friends for?” Sunset asked brightly then reached a fist across the desk as she commanded, “Pound it!”

Twilight giggled a bit then proceeded to do so.

Sweetie sat in class, sighing. She couldn’t focus, she was mostly just staring out the window and thinking about Diamond. For the first time in years, she cursed being in advanced placement classes. At least, if she were in the other classes, she had a better chance of sharing one with Diamond. She didn’t know what drastic thing Diamond had been talking about, but she had a good idea. The rest of the world was muffled, and distant.

She mindlessly fiddled with her phone, carelessly sending out a text.

Sweetie Belle: I’m sorry AB.

Applebloom: its fine, ur ok?

Sweetie Belle: Not really. Scootaloo hates me, doesn’t she?”

Applebloom: nope, she dont. jus dnt lik dt.

Sweetie Belle: I know. I know why. I think she’s changed.

Appleblom: where u

Sweetie Belle: School.

Applebloom: can we tlk l8r? need 2

Sweetie: Of course

Sunset Shimmer drove her motorcycle to a stop beside the sidewalk on the neighborhood street where Scootaloo lived. Once that was done, she took off her helmet then looked to her right at the Dusk-Gloom residence. While she did that, she swallowed a lump in her throat.

Sunset had faced down some pretty scary and epic monsters before, but none of that compelled her into the kind of inward panic she felt at that moment. That was because, whenever she fought those other threats before, she did it in the defense of any one of her friends.

But . . . what if her opponent was her friend? What if she had to take a firm stance against someone she actually cared about? When she imagined how much pain Scootaloo might be in soon because she had to put her foot down, it threatened her courage.

But this had to be done. In order to save Scootaloo from herself, Sunset knew she had to be firm at least once.

Sunset sighed as she realized these were the moments that really challenged her as a full-grown adult. Never had any challenge been more courageous than the necessity to face down one's own friends.

Sunset swung off her bike and hung her motorcycle helmet on the handlebar. Normally she'd lock it, but she figured she wouldn't be gone for too long this time.

As Sunset made her way to the Dusk-Gloom residence, several of the foster kids around her noticed her and either excitedly scampered up to greet her or announced her presence to the others. Because of that, Sunset knew she would not have to ring the doorbell that day.

“Your motorcycle is so radical!” excitedly cried out Sunlit Star, a twelve-year-old pale blue-skinned boy with dark blue hair and green eyes. “Can I ride with you on it?”

“Ooo-ooo! Me too! Me too!” excitedly agreed Amethyst Shine, a ten-year-old girl with blue-skin, reddish-purple hair and deep purple eyes (hence the name).

“Now, now,” Sunset Shimmer said with an affectionate grin on her face for the little children around her, “I'm not here to give everyone a ride on my motorcycle today. Today, I'm here to see Scootaloo. Is she here?”

“Yeah, she's inside,” informed Sandy Fire, an eleven-year-old girl with red skin, orange hair, and deep red eyes. As she said that, she was playing with some dolls on the front porch of the home until Sunset approached it. Ever since then, Sunset had Sandy's undivided attention. “Want me to go get her?” Sandy offered.

“If you wouldn't mind,” Sunset replied kindly while her hands were in her leather jacket pockets and her elbows hung down lazily.

“Okay. I'll go get her,” Sandy said then got up and ran into the house. “SCOOTALOO! YOU HAVE A VISITOR HERE TO SEE YOU! IT'S SUNNY!”

“WHAT?” Scootaloo called aloud but more faintly due to the distance. “BUT SUNNY LIVES HERE. YOU TELL HIM TO COME TO ME.


OH!”Scootaloo exclaimed in realization. “OKAY. UM . . . I'LL BE DOWN THERE SOON. JUST . . . LET ME FINISH TAKING CARE OF THIS.

Sandy then brushed aside a curtain to a window facing towards the porch as she announced to Sunset through it, “She'll be down soon.”

“I know. I heard,” Sunset assured with an amused grin and a fond look to her eyes at Sandy. She really loved these kids around here. They were so full of energy and life. It may be quite crowded around here, but this was the furthest thing from a dark and lifeless home.

“How much did that motorcycle cost you, anyway?” Sunlit asked curiously as he leaned on the porch rail while facing towards Sunset's bike.

“Oh, that old thing?” Sunset inquired as she looked back at her bike as well then leaned on one of the square porch poles holding up the ceiling of the porch. She still had her hands in her jacket pockets. “That one set me back about six thousand bits.”

“That's all?” Sunlit asked with disbelief. “Really?”

Sunset looked at Sunlit as she explained to him, “I bought it directly from the last owner. He upgraded to a better model and wanted the bits to help him afford it. I was glad to pitch in and help him out. In exchange, he gave me a pretty sweet deal on it.”

“Don't make too much on a teacher’s salary, huh?” Amethyst figured.

Sunset shrugged before replying, “Eh, I get by with a little help from my friends who are always there to support me whenever I need them. Plus, I generally keep my life simple so there's not too much cost to my lifestyle. Honestly, the biggest expenses I have these days are on video games and online subscriptions.”

“Oh my goodness! I just got an awesome idea!” Sunlit exclaimed. “You know what you should do? You should totally post your video game plays online on YouTube. You could totally make a ton of extra money there while doing something you like to do anyway, and you can keep your day job on top of that.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “That's only true if my would-be subscriptions are in the millions range.”

“So?” Sunlit gave a careless shrug. “You could totally pull that off! I bet you lots of people in the world would love to see you play video games. I think you have a personality that would attract and hold a lot of attention.”

Sunset grinned at Sunlit as she asked him, “You really think so?”

Sunlit stood up straight as he lifted two fingers while announcing, “Hey, I'd totally subscribe to you if you did that. Scouts honor. If we had a better WiFi out here, I'd even join you on those online matches.”

“Huh.” Sunset looked forward towards, but not directly at, her bike as she mused, “That actually does sound a little fun. I'll think about it.”

“Hey there, Sunny,” Scootaloo announced as she stepped out onto the porch. Upon saying that, she noticed she secured the attention of both Sunlit and Sunset Shimmer, for they both had the same nickname. “Uh . . . I mean that Sunny,” Scootaloo clarified as she pointed at Sunset, then added, “Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunlit grinned in amusement at Sunset for that comment.

“What can I do for you?” Scootaloo asked fairly brightly at Sunset. It was clear to Sunset that Scootaloo regarded her visit as an unexpected delight.

Sunset looked over her shoulder at Scootaloo as she announced, “I was hoping the two of us could go somewhere and talk for a bit. You up for it?”

“Um . . . right now?” Scootaloo checked with a little trepidation.

“Yeah, if you don't mind,” Sunset confirmed.

“Um.” This time Scootaloo lingered on that thought for quite a while. Sunset could see, from the look in Scootaloo's eyes, that Scootaloo was privately going over a mental check-list to see if she had the time for this. Eventually she concluded, “Um . . . okay. Sure, as long as we don't take too long. We can be back in about an hour or so, right?”

Sunset half shrugged as she replied, “I think we can manage that.”

“Does that mean Scootaloo gets to ride with you on your bike?” Amethyst asked with jealousy, then added with a pouty face at Scootaloo, “Lucky!”

Sunset Shimmer drove Scootaloo to Central Park, aptly named for being a park near the center of town. From there, Sunset pulled out a punching mitt from one of her bags on the side of her rear wheel. After she did that, she looked at the bag fondly and patted it affectionately because it reminded her of all those saddlebags back in Equestria. Thinking of that made her feel nostalgic for her old world.

“What's that for?” Scootaloo asked curiously as she removed her own helmet. After doing so, she combed her fingers through her hair a few times to straighten it out a bit. It still stood out, nearly on end, but she was at least satisfied.

“Just a little something I think will be useful in a moment,” Sunset replied. “But, before we get to that, you hungry? Want a bite to eat?”

“Uh . . . I was making something back home, beef stroganoff and some corn on the cob on the side. I was trying to contemplate what else to add, but that's all I could think of at the moment.” Scootaloo thought about it for a moment, then shook her head. “Point is, I don't want to ruin my appetite too much before I eat with my family.”

“How about just a hot dog, then?” Sunset counter-offered. “They got a few of those for sale around here in those pushcarts, and they are not too much on the stomach.

“By the way, that meal you are preparing back home sounds delicious.” Sunset felt compelled to add honestly.

“Really?!” Scootaloo said brightly. “Then you'd totally be welcome to join us, Sunset Shimmer! You're always welcome at the Dusk residence! I told you that a long time ago.”

“Maybe,” Sunset said with uncertainty. “We'll see how things go.

“But first, let's see if we can find you a hot dog to munch on while we talk.”

“Talk about what?” Scootaloo asked curiously as she tilted her head slightly. Also, for the first time, she looked a touch concerned in her eyes, most likely because she did have some accurate idea what this conversation might be about.

Sunset lifted a finger. “Hot dog first, and then we'll talk,” Sunset decided.

It didn't take them too long to find what they sought. Scootaloo chose to decorate her hot dog with ketchup, mustard, but mostly chopped onions and relish.

“Mmm-mmm-mmm! This is so good!” Scootaloo cheered after her first bite. “Thank you so much, Sunny! This is why you are easily one of my most favorite teachers at Canterlot High ever!”

“You're welcome,” Sunset said while she only bought a soda from the pushcart vendor. “You want one too?”

“Sure, if you're offering,” Scootaloo accepted with a smile.

With that, Sunset bought one more soda for Scootaloo then handed it over to her.

“Guess you'll need that to help you wash down the hot dog anyway,” Sunset realized.

“Aren't you going to get one too?” Scootaloo wondered.

“Nah.” Sunset shook her head, then gave a devious grin as she said, “I'm saving room in my stomach for the meal that you are preparing at home.”

Scootaloo blinked, then complained, “Hey! That's what I was trying to do till you spoiled me with the hot dog!”

Sunset snickered playfully.

“Meanie!” Scootaloo complained with an equally playful grin.

“I must admit, I haven't often been accused of that while treating someone else out,” Sunset mused.

Scootaloo looked like she just realized something, then looked at Sunset with a start. “Hey! I just remembered something. Isn't your species herbivores back in Equestria?”

Sunset nodded, then added, “Correct. Our stomach acids have trouble digesting meat products.” She gave a shrug. “As a human, I could do it easier, but generally choose not to.”

“Then the beef stroganoff is going to be a problem for you!” Scootaloo realized.

“Yeah, but I'm still interested in your corn on the cob,” Sunset put in.

“Huh.” Scootaloo appeared to muse something, then said, “I just realized that I don't have anything starchy for the meal. I mean, noodles aside… Perhaps I'll add mashed potatoes. Think I'll spice it up with some garlic seasoning.”

“There you go! That sounds good!” Sunset cheered.

“Funny story.” Sunset pointed at Scootaloo's half-eaten hot dog for a moment then returned her hands back to her jacket pockets. “Back in Equestria, we do have something like this, but they are a carrot in a bun instead of a hot dog.”

Scootaloo smirked. “That's funny to think about. I've never considered putting a carrot in a hot dog bun.” Right after she said that, she sighed as she looked down a bit. “You're here to scold me about what I did to Silver Spoon yesterday, aren't you?”

“Well . . .” Sunset was quiet for a moment, then went on to say, “Twilight did assign me to talk to you to find out what's going on between you two. Now, I do have some speculation, but I'd rather hear it from the horse’s mouth, so out with it. What's going on with you and Silver, Scoots?”

Scootaloo grinned at her beloved teacher for a moment when she said “from the horse’s mouth”, but then sighed again as she asked, “How much of the situation was told to you, and who told you this?”

“As I said, I was assigned to investigate this by Twilight herself,” Sunset reminded. “That's all you need to know for the moment.”

Privately, Sunset knew Scootaloo was fishing for which student tattled on her confrontation with Silver Spoon and would probably have some harsh words with that student. That was why Sunset decided that she wouldn't share that information with Scootaloo right now when she was feeling so volatile. After all, Sunset was trying to de-escalate the situation.

“Well, did that student also tell you that that fucking bitch yelled at my friend Sweetie Belle just before that?” Scootaloo asked hotly. “Sure, Sweetie Belle was kind of careless because she was walking and texting at the same time. I can easily understand why driving and texting is so illegal in this country now, not that I didn't know that before.

“But seriously, that's all Sweetie Belle did, and she quickly apologized for it, too! That snooty bitch didn't care one bit, though! She just YELLED at my friend at the top of her lungs! She was roaring and hollering, and I couldn't stand that! I can't let something like that slide, Sunny! Not when someone is attacking one of my dearest friends! If I did nothing, then Silver might have thought that it was okay to do something like that. If she didn't learn there were consequences for her actions real quick, then she could have made the mistake of thinking she could get away with it whenever she wants! Well, I was there to remind that arrogant bitch that money can't buy her everything and that she isn't the Queen of the whole damn school. I told her, as I would tell anyone, that if you mess with ANY of my friends, then you also mess with me!”

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes hotly at Sunset as she went on to say, “Speaking of which, why aren't you with her and chewing her ear out? Why come after me and punish me for something I did? Does anything I have done make her actions any more excusable?”

“Of course not,” Sunset assured calmly but also firmly. “I'm just here to find out what is going on, Scootaloo, and I figured you'd be an easier source of information since your family and I know each other well and are on good terms.

“Silver Spoon, on the other hand, I feared I'd have to set an appointment to see else I'd not get past her wall of lawyers who would firmly remind me, under no uncertain terms, the consequences of being rude in her household.”

“Oh!” Scootaloo blinked as she looked considerably calmer after realizing something. “Okay. I get'cha. You simply found me easier and safer to approach.”

“Bingo!” Sunset confirmed with a flicking point to Scootaloo. “Now you're catching on.

“Look, I'm not here to accuse you or blame you for anything, at least not yet. Right now I'm just trying to gather the facts as they are. That's all.” Sunset returned her hand into her pocket as she said, “Also, think of it this way . . . this means you get to be the first to share your side of the story. This is your chance to make sure it's told right.”

“Yeah, well,” Scootaloo looked down with a bit of remorse, “truth is, I'm not too proud of what I've done, mostly because Sweetie and Applebloom both got involved to try to stop me. My issue, at the time, was against Silver, not against my friends, and yet I ended up hurting them a little, I think.”

Scootaloo looked forward, seeming to stare into the park but she was actually looking absently.

“It just makes me so mad whenever I think of anyone hurting any of my friends and family . . .” Scootaloo went on “. . . but the look in Sweetie's eyes after I nearly hit Silver . . . I could tell that I was the one that ended up wounding her more, and that,” she rubbed the upper part of her right arm which held the last remains of her hot dog, Scootaloo didn't feel too hungry anymore anyway “more than anything, is why that moment felt painful to me.

“Sunny,” she looked back at her beloved teacher and friend, “can I tell you something personal?”

“Sure,” Sunny gladly invited. “That's what I'm here for. You can tell me anything you want, Scoots.”

Sunny saw Scootaloo shaking a bit in pain and fear, then the teenager admitted, “I haven't seen Sweetie Belle since that moment. Earlier, we agreed to see each other at Sugarcube Corner. I went there as we agreed, and Applebloom showed up too, but Sweetie was nowhere to be found. I texted her over and over again, but she didn't respond to me at all until earlier this afternoon. She assured me that she'd explain everything to me later, but that's the last I heard from her.”

Scootaloo looked up at Sunset with a pained expression as she admitted, “Sunny, what if I hurt her? What if I scared her so badly that she avoided me ever since then?”

To answer her question, Sunny asked another in reply, “Scootaloo, do you consider Sweetie Belle a dear friend?”

“Of course!” Scootaloo strongly replied. “She's closer to me than almost anyone, save Applebloom. They’re like sisters to me!”

Sunset tilted her head a bit as she probed further, “Do you think Sweetie Belle regards you in the same light?”

“Uh . . . I don't know. I think so?” Scootaloo replied more lamely.

“You think so?” Sunset checked skeptically.

“What do you want from me?!” Scootaloo wailed. “What do you want me to say?”

“I want you to be honest with yourself and with me,” Sunset replied. “Do you think Sweetie Belle adores you as a friend?”

Scootaloo hesitated before answering, “Well . . . yeah. I think so. I'm pretty sure she does. After all, we’ve been through all kinds of stuff together!”

“You Crusaders can finish each other's sentences or even speak simultaneously,” Sunny reminded. “I'm amused and touched to see that, but some people I also know are kind of freaked out about that. I've rarely seen a group of friends closer than the three of you. It's almost as if you all have the same soul or something.”

“Your point being?” Scootaloo asked.

Sunset shrugged, then said, “It is possible you freaked Sweetie Belle out a bit yesterday, but that does not mean you'd chase her away from you forever. Maybe she just needed time to cool off. Maybe she thought you'd need the same as well. Whatever the case may be, I know one thing for damn sure, and that is this; Scootaloo, there is no crime or punishment I can think of that you could possibly do to Sweetie Belle, or Applebloom for that matter, that would chase them away forever. Whatever personal issues they have going on with them, they'll deal with it in their own time, and then they'll come back to you. Friends always do, especially ones with a bond as tight as you three have.”

Scootaloo looked quiet, thoughtful, and sullen.

Realizing that Scootaloo might need a change of subject to take her mind off of this depression, Sunset Shimmer lightly punched Scootaloo in her right shoulder as she said, “Now, come on. I have something else I want to do with you.”

“Uh, okay, but . . . what should I do with the rest of this hot dog?” Scootaloo asked.

“Finish it, or throw it away,” Sunset instructed. “Either way, dispense with it soon. You are going to need your hands free for what I have in store for you.”

“Okay, Scootaloo, here we go.” Sunset raised her hand-sized black padded leather punching mitt in front of her designed for either boxing or martial arts. “What I want you to do is punch this thing as hard as you can.”

“Uh . . . really?” Scootaloo asked in disbelief. “But . . . why?”

“Rainbow Dash told me she trained you in a bit of martial arts. Is that true?” Sunny checked.

“Uh, yeah. What's that got to do with anything?” Scootaloo asked in continued confusion.

“Well, I've been trained as well,” Sunny bragged with a proud grin. “In part because of Rainbow Dash, as a matter of fact.

“Anyway, skills like this need continual practice to get better and not rust, and I figured it's been a while since you last sparred with Sensei Rainbow with this. I figured you could use the practice.”

Scootaloo shook her head. “Just tell me the truth, Professor. You think I should take my anger and frustration out on the punching mitt instead, huh?”

Sunset shrugged lightly as she said, “Well, I'd be lying if I said that didn't occur to me as well, but I'm being honest about the other thing as well. You do need the practice, and you do need to let out your frustration as well, so have at it. Hit me, Scootaloo. Hit me!” Sunset commanded firmly.

“Alright,” Scootaloo conceded as she sank into a battle stance, “but I have to warn ya, I'm not that good at martial arts yet. I barely had more than a few hours of training with Rainbow Dash.”

“All the more excuse to keep practicing,” Sunset insisted. “Come on! Think of it. If you do this, imagine how much Rainbow Dash might be impressed with you the next time you train with her.”

“I suppose you have a point,” Scootaloo agreed then proceeded to do as instructed. She threw a hard punch into the pad.

“Again,” Sunny commanded.

Scootaloo punched.

“Again,” Sunny repeated.

Scootaloo did so.

Again!” Sunny said more firmly.

Scootaloo punched harder.

“Keep going!” Sunny commanded. “Pretend the pad is everyone that ever hurt you, or might hurt those you care about.”

After saying that, there was a dramatic change in Scootaloo. She threw punch after punch over and over again with great force and a total lack of discipline. She started screaming and crying as she threw a continuous barrage of punches at the punching mitt.

After twenty seconds of this high-intensity activity, however, she ended up falling forward in exhaustion while wailing hard. In response, Sunset caught the teenager and gently guided her down.

“You are trained in martial arts, Scootaloo!” Sunset Shimmer told the beloved younger teenager with a firm, and finally also scolding, voice. “I don't care if it's just a little. It means your body is trained to become a deadly weapon, and you were about to use it against Silver Spoon!” Sunset ranted further hotly. “What if Sweetie Belle or Applebloom hadn't been there to stop you? At what point would you have stopped yourself? When you got exhausted? When Silver was a bloody mess on the pavement?

“You're BETTER than this, Scootaloo! Much better! Better than Silver Spoon. Better than Diamond Tiara, and above all . . . better than ME when I was your age! You remember that, don't you? I used to be a bully too at your age, and look where that nearly got me had I not chosen to turn my life around! If you continue down this dark path, then you really ARE going to be all alone, Scootaloo! I've been down this path before, so I know where it leads! Trust me, that's a lesson you do NOT want to experience!”

Scootaloo just continued to cry very hard.

Sunset Shimmer, in response, hugged the younger teenager from behind very tightly.

“I know you miss your parents,” Sunset went on with a somewhat shuddering voice thick with pained emotion, but she fought hard to squash it down in order to continue with as much clarity as she could muster. “I know you are in so, so much pain over their loss! I know you're secretly afraid to lose anyone else just as you had lost your birth parents, but you have to understand . . . that's not Silver Spoon's fault, and there are better ways of channeling that fear, anger, and frustration!”

“I . . . I don't know what to dooooo!” Scootaloo barely uttered within a very pained and shuddering voice.

“Shh!” Sunset shushed her. “I know, Honey, I know,” Sunset assured while rocking Scootaloo from behind. “We'll get through this . . . together. Me, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and your whole foster family. You have a lot of people who care for you, Scootaloo. Far more than I ever did when I was in my pit of despair. We'll all do everything in our power to make you feel better.

“And, Scootaloo . . . I want you to promise me something.” Scootaloo barely groaned an affirmative answer. Sunset accepted it and went on. “The next time you feel like punching someone . . . the next time you feel like taking your frustration out on ANYone, then you call me! You call me and you punch ME! You do that for me because I can take it! I am strong, and I care for you. I can't say the same about all of your potential victims, however. With the power and training you have at your disposal, you could really hurt someone. If you do, then I know from experience that your greatest victim would be yourself. I know this because I know you are a good person deep down, Scootaloo, and a good person would endlessly attack themselves with their guilt if they lost control. I don't want you to suffer the same lessons that I did, so you promise me . . . okay? Please promise me!” Sunset strongly requested while shaking Scootaloo a bit from behind.

Scootaloo could not respond other than nodding a bit. Once again, Sunset accepted that.

“Thank you, Scootaloo! Thank you!” Sunset cried out in intense gratitude. “I love you, Scoot, and I will always protect you!”

Sunset Shimmer continued to hold the crying teenager from behind until she cried herself to exhaustion. That, in turn, won some curious and concerned stares from other strangers in the park, but Sunny waved them off to non-verbally assure them that they would be okay, eventually.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Scroll, who actually helped to write this chapter! Thank you!