• Published 22nd Dec 2019
  • 934 Views, 152 Comments

TimberTwi Tales: First Impressions - CapNTilfy

Twilight Sparkle and Timber Spruce have had chaotic lives, and now their paths cross... TimberTwi Tales #2

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Break of Dawn

Gloriosa Daisy's alarm clock went off, startling her. She had barely gotten any sleep, as she was still haunted by her actions from the previous day. With a heavy sigh, she got out of bed and stared out her window.

The sun was slowly rising, and outdoor visibility was at the bare minimum as birds chirped.

Gloriosa stretched, then cracked her neck. If she was going to do this, she'd have to do it now. She turned around, then got dressed and headed out.

Gloriosa reached her favorite clearing in the forest, where a stump lay in the middle. She checked the time on her phone, then nodded in satisfaction. It would be about an hour before the campers would show up for an early morning nature walk. She took a deep breath, exhaled, then slowly stripped, leaving her clothes on the stump.

Gloriosa sighed as a light breeze caressed her bare body. She felt comfortable again, being in one of her natural elements. She giggled as her feet were tickled by the grass. Her thoughts drifted to Timber, and how he wouldn't leave her side ever since her... transformation.

A quick pang of guilt hit Gloriosa, and she yelped.

That wasn't you, that was the magic.
That wasn't you, that was the magic.
That wasn't you, that was the magic!

Gloriosa sighed heavily. The mantra she had thought up overnight to keep her undeserved guilt at bay seemed to help, even if just a little. She rapidly shook her head, then continued on her way.

While Gloriosa felt optimistic about the Crystal Ball, she also felt she needed to be pragmatic. Hope was fine and all, but she needed to think up a 'Plan B', should things not work out tonight. Better to err on the side of caution, after all.

Gloriosa's thoughts were interrupted by a sound she had never heard before. It was very faint, and it sounded similar to a cell phone vibrating, but with the addition tiny of wind chimes. This caused her to raise an eyebrow, and she followed it.

The sound gradually grew louder, and off in the distance Gloriosa could see a faint yellow glow flickering. This worried her, so she decided to sneak towards it. She neared it, just barely able to make out the shape of a person...

A sudden yet familiar scream startled Gloriosa, and she placed the voice in her head almost immediately.

"G-Gloriosa," Fluttershy exclaimed in alarm. "Why are you..." she trailed off and made a squeaking noise.

"What are you doing here so early, Fluttershy? The nature walk isn't going to be for a while."

Fluttershy squeaked again, and a bear slowly plodded towards Gloriosa.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" Gloriosa entered a panic. "What the..."

"I-It's okay," Fluttershy said. "Sh-She's a friend."

The bear continued its way to Gloriosa, who was on the verge of hyperventilation. It sniffed her, then... hugged her?

"W-Wait... what?!"

"H-He... he recognizes you."

"W-Well," Gloriosa said as her mind raced a mile a minute. "I d-do kind of... live here, after a-all." A sudden implication occurred to her. "Wait... were you just... were you just talking to the bear?!"

"Do you remember those magical powers the girls and I got? Apparently, I... I can talk to animals, and understand them as well."

Gloriosa blinked.

"A-and not only that, I've also gained enhanced hearing, night vision... traits of various animals. I... I just woke up extra early to try to get better at using them." Fluttershy shook her head rapidly. "So... um... why are you... n-naked?"

"Normally, I'd get some peace of mind by meditating in the Crystal Cave. Since that isn't an option, however, I decided to go with this," Gloriosa said, then gestured to herself and the forest.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Not if you know the whole forest by heart like I do."

"I... see..."

There was an awkward pause between Gloriosa and Fluttershy that lasted several moments.

"Do you want to join me," Gloriosa asked. "It's very liberating and mentally refreshing," she said as she twirled around.

Fluttershy squeaked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand you."

"I-I... I-I don't k-know..."

Gloriosa kept her smile, hoping it would reassure Fluttershy. "What are you worried about?"

"...I-I'm worried about how you'll react."

Gloriosa tilted her head. "How I'll react?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"Are you saying you're worried because you think I'll make fun of your body?" Gloriosa shook her head. "I would never, Fluttershy. Everyone is blessed with the body they're given! Be it short, tall, fat, slim, what have you... I promise you, I won't judge."

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment. "What about... sexually?"

Gloriosa blinked. "Sexually?" She barely stifled a giggle. "Oh, don't get me wrong," she said quickly as she saw Fluttershy's face fall. "I do think you're beautiful... but I mean that in a completely platonic way." She waited for a response.

More silence.

Gloriosa smiled warmly and put a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "If it helps you make your decision, I'm asexual."

"You... you are?"

Gloriosa nodded.

"I'm... um... pansexual."

"And are you sexually attracted to me?"

Fluttershy stood silent again.

Gloriosa smiled warmly. "I won't be offended if you say no, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy sighed. "Not really."

Gloriosa looked at the bear. "Do you think the animals around here will judge you? They don't wear clothes, after all."

Fluttershy turned her gaze to the bear, who growled. She turned back with a mildly surprised expression. "Huh."


Fluttershy closed her eyes, then swallowed. She took a deep breath, exhaled...

...and slowly took her clothes off, completely baring herself to Gloriosa, who didn't even so much as bat an eye.

"So," Gloriosa asked. "How do you feel?"


"Good 'different' or bad 'different'?"

"I'm not sure," Fluttershy said as she cupped her chin. "I... guess I'm just sorting my feelings out here."

"Take your time, we've still got about an hour before everyone else wakes up."

Fluttershy slowly walked around with her eyes on the ground. She hadn't walked barefoot in the grass in a long time! There was something so... so right about it. A warm breeze blew, eliciting a gasp from her. "O-Oh, my..." A smile slowly spread on her face.

"Enjoying yourself," Gloriosa asked with a smile of her own.

"Actually... yes."

"See? It's not so bad."

Fluttershy slowly laid herself down and let out a long sigh. She raised her arms, then laced her fingers behind her head as she stared up at the trees. "I think I understand why you like doing this," she said quietly.

"Right," Gloriosa said as she laid next to Fluttershy. "So for the next... oh... fifty minutes, it'll be just you, me, and the animals."

Fluttershy giggled. "I like the sound of that."

"I thought you would." Gloriosa sighed happily and enjoyed her companionable silence with FLuttershy.



"Can you keep what we're both doing just between you and me?"

Gloriosa laughed softly. "Of course."

The pair closed their eyes as they formed a bond together.