• Published 22nd Dec 2019
  • 934 Views, 152 Comments

TimberTwi Tales: First Impressions - CapNTilfy

Twilight Sparkle and Timber Spruce have had chaotic lives, and now their paths cross... TimberTwi Tales #2

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Getting Settled In

Timber sighed as he headed to the Ruby tent. "So... um..."

"Bulk Biceps," Bulk said as he extended a hand.

"Right. Bulk." Timber extended his own hand and was shaken vigorously. He teetered around for a moment, then shook his head rapidly. "So... who was that back there?"

You don't stand a chance with her.

Bulk blinked.

"The girl I was just talking to?"

"Oh, you mean Twilight Sparkle?"

"Twilight Sparkle," Timber repeated.

"She's the smartest girl in the whole school, but that's about all I know," Bulk said with a shrug.

"Well, that's better to go on than nothing," Timber muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Timber said with a sheepish grin.

"Filthy Rich," Gloriosa said. "So nice to see you." She took Filthy by the arm and pulled him towards his limo. "What are you doing here," she whispered sharply. "Camp is just getting started!"

"Just takin' in the scenery, Gloriosa Daisy. It's so..." Filthy hummed, then leered at Gloriosa. "...relaxin'."

"Well, you can look around when camp is over. Now if you don't mind..."

Gloriosa and Filthy narrowed their eyes at each other for a moment, then Filthy checked his watch. "Fine."

Sleazy bastard, Gloriosa thought as she watched the limousine drive off. She turned around to see confused looks from the campers. "Filthy Rich is, uh, an alumni of the camp," she explained. "He likes to check on his old stomping grounds every now and again. But enough about him. Find your tents and put away your things. We've got the best week of camp ever to begin!"

Twilight picked her bag up off of the ground and followed Sunset to their tent.

This dump won't last a week when I get free, Midnight taunted.

Twilight nearly stopped in her tracks, then shook her head and caught up with Sunset.

Gloriosa fumed as she leaned on a tree. Of course Filthy Rich would butt in. That smug, self-righteous arrogant prick! She already had enough on her plate as it was, she didn't need him breathing down her neck or taunting her! "Bastard thinks he can be all high and mighty just because he's rich..." She wanted to punch something, but she wasn't so mad that she'd lost all reason. With a deep breath and an exhale, she felt a little better. Still angry, but just a little better. It was time to get back to work!

Timber waved goodbye as he left Bulk at the Ruby Tent. Twilight's giggle echoed in his mind, and he blushed. He took a deep breath, then sighed. Okay. He knew he liked her, but he just met her barely ten minutes ago! It wouldn't be a good idea to just rush into this. He had a whole week to get to know her better, and he was going to make the most of it!

It won't work out.

Timber scoffed. What did the negative thoughts know?

Have you forgotten how messed up your life is? Twilight wouldn't want to get to know someone like you.

Timber rolled his eyes. He saw those blushes. Those smiles. The evidence was in his favor!

Don't come crying back when it's over!

Timber doubted he'd heard the last of his negative thoughts, but he savored his first victory against them as he continued forward with his day.

Sunset began unpacking in her tent with Twilight. She took out her flashlight and shone the light on her face. "Oooooooo!" She imitated a ghost, then grinned as she turned it off. "That was weird back there, right," she asked as she looked at Twilight. "With that guy, Filthy Rich?"

Twilight stared off to nowhere in particular. "Huh? Oh. I-I guess so." She began to unpack.

"I just have this feeling that Gloriosa's hiding something." Sunset grinned. "Her brother is pretty cute though, huh?"

Twilight blushed, then turned around slowly. "He's okay..." She turned back around with a happy sigh.

"Oooh," Sunset said teasingly as she rested her hands on her bag. "Now look who's trying to hide something."

"No I'm not," Twilight snapped suddenly.

"Hey, you okay?" Sunset changed her tone to be sympathetic. "You seemed a little freaked out on the bus earlier."

"Probably had another one of her nightmares," Spike said.

Twilight tossed her socks on top of Spike. "I'm fine," she said sternly. " I mean, what do I have to complain about? Ever since I transferred here, everyone from CHS has been really nice and accepting, especially considering what happened at the Friendship Games..." she trailed off as she felt another surge of guilt.

"That wasn't your fault!" Sunset put a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Principal Cinch is the one who encouraged you to try and use all that magic to win the Games for Crystal Prep. You weren't ready to have that kind of power." She smiled. "But it's over now. And if there's any group that's gonna forgive you for something that happened in the past, trust me, it's this one."

Rainbow Dash popped her head into the tent. "You guys coming, or what?"

"Be right there," Sunset said. "I just wanna put on some sunscreen."

Feeling better, Twilight walked back to her bag to continue unpacking.

"Huh," Sunset said as she put her hands on her hips. "Could've sworn I packed it..."

Twilight searched the floor of the tent, then spotted it. "Found it," she said as she pointed to the sunscreen. Her smile turned into a look of shock as it began to levitate... along with almost everything else in the tent. Shock became horror as she looked around the tent.

"D-Did you..." Sunset said to Twilight. "...How is this possible?!"

"I can't believe this... it's... terrible!"

"Amazing," Sunset said at the same moment Twilight spoke.

Everything fell down to the floor suddenly.

"Are you kidding," Sunset asked excitedly. "This is great! I mean, we've all ponied up before. Gotten the whole ears and wings and tail thing, shot magical rainbow lasers, but nothing like this has ever happened! How did you do it?"

Twilight folded her arms as she felt dread in the pit of her stomach. "I don't know!" The dread strengthened. "Maybe I didn't! Maybe it's her!"

"'Her' who," Sunset asked as she put a hand on Twilight's shoulder.

"Nothing!" Twilight smiled awkwardly. "Nevermind. Can we just... not talk about it? And could you please not bring this whole levitating thing up to the others?"

"Why not," Sunset asked in confusion.

"You heard Applejack. This is supposed to be the place where everyone can get away from magic. I don't want them to know I brought some crazy new kind with me."

Sunset sighed. "If you really don't want me to, I won't say anything."

"I really don't," Twilight said as she left the tent.

"Okay, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Now alone with Spike, Sunset noticed the sunscreen on the floor. Maybe she had levitation powers too! She put a hand to her head and focused, but to no avail. She made a sputtering noise, then put both of her hands on her head and concentrated harder. No such luck.

"I think you're just gonna have to pick it up," Spike said.

Sunset groaned in disappointment, then picked up the sunscreen and applied to herself. "You ready?"

"You know it!"

Sunset and Spike left their tent.