• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 1,519 Views, 53 Comments

But They Were Both Bottoms - garatheauthor

When Rarity's business trip leaves both Twilight and coco without their doms, they turn to each other for company.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Rarity tossed a blouse into her suitcase before frantically rushing across the room to her vanity. She yanked out one of its drawers and rifled through it. When she couldn’t find what she was looking for, amongst the sea of tubes, dishes, and trays, she whined in frustration and turned her attention to the next drawer over.

When this search proved to be equally fruitless, she glanced at the mirror, meeting coco’s gaze in its reflection.

“coco, dear, have you seen my lipstick?”

coco fiddled with the hem of her skirt. “Which one?”

“Saddlephora, ruby red?”

“Have you looked in your purse, yet? i remember that you brought it to the club last Saturday.”

Rarity’s eyes brightened as she rushed over to her dresser and grabbed her bag from a top it. She then dumped out its contents, and lo and behold, there was a tube of ruby red lipstick mixed in amongst the debris.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, darling,” Rarity beamed, holding the tube tight against her chest. “I have no idea what I’d do without you.”

The tube went into a make-up bag, along with some blush, eyeliner, and all the make-up that a modern woman needed.

coco merely watched this from her seat upon the bed. she was quiet tonight, unusually so.

“So… how long are you going to be gone for?” she asked.

Rarity looked away from her packing. “I’ll be catching the red-eye tonight at ten. Then I’ll be gone all weekend, and return first thing Monday morning.”

coco’s expression darkened. “O-oh.”

Rarity frowned. “Are you alright?”

coco forced a smile. “Yeah, of course.”

“What did I tell you about lying?”

“i guess…” coco sighed, “i guess i’m a little nervous being home alone.”

Rarity stopped what she was doing and made her way over to the bed, settling down beside her girlfriend.

“Oh coco, I’m so sorry. I wish I could’ve taken you with me but this was very last minute. My presentation was only approved at the 11th hour because of a cancellation.”

“i just wish i could be there with you.”

“I know, but…”

coco sighed. “i’m still on probation at work.”

“Would you like me to stay?” Rarity asked, cradling coco’s hand in her own.

coco looked at it and squeezed back. “No, no, definitely not. This is a great opportunity for you.”

“Are you sure?” Rarity asked, concern dripping from her voice.

“Rarity, you’ve worked so hard to get this presentation off the ground.” coco shook her head. “i’d never forgive myself if you cancelled it because i’m a little nervous about staying home alone.”

Rarity slowly nodded. “Alright, but only if you’re absolutely certain. You come before anything else in my life, my pet.”

She then got back up and returned to packing.

Even though Rarity would only be in Manehatten for three days, she was packing for at least twice that duration. Everyday would have at least two, maybe even three, functional outfits. Then along with that was her make-up, accessories, toiletries, and hair products.

coco couldn’t very well blame her. After all, she was guilty of many of the same crimes when it came to packing. Plus, Rarity was going to be giving a talk on fashion, so she better look pretty dang fashionable.

“So where are you going to be staying?” coco asked.

“Well Pride in Fashion is hosted at the Holiday Inn near the airport. So, me and Sunset will be splitting a room there.”

coco cocked a brow. “Sunset’s going?”

“Yes, she said she had a spot open in her schedule and they have some very progressive panels related to poly-stuff that interested her.”

coco wondered if Twilight would feel as lonely without her girlfriend. Probably not. There were few girls as needy as good old coco pommel.

Rarity looked over. “Is there anything you wanted me to get you as a souvenir?”

coco offered a polite smile, holding her hands in her lap. “Something from Broadway would be nice.”

“Hmm,” Rarity tapped her chin. “It’s a bit of a journey to get onto the island, but…” she nodded curtly, “anything for you, dear.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“Of course, of course. Is there a show you prefer?”

coco’s smile turned to a grin. “Do you even need to ask?”

“Hoofilton it is,” Rarity said with a nod.

“Ughhh you’re the worst,” coco teased, sticking out her tongue.

Rarity smirked and passed coco, kissing her on the cheek. “You love me.”

coco flushed. “S-shut up.”

“But for real, I will make sure to get something that you’ll absolutely adore.” Rarity nodded to herself before changing the subject. “So, what will you be doing for your assignment while I’m away?”

“Thirty minutes of sketching or sewing a night,” coco proudly rehearsed.

“And your bedtime?”

coco beamed. “11PM.”

“And no wild parties,” Rarity warned, wagging her finger.

Coco stiffened. “W-what i wasn’t going to…”

Rarity smirked. “I’m kidding, dear.”

She then looked back to her suitcase, nodding at a job well done before zipping it shut. It was a miracle, but she had somehow managed to cram her whole trip into a single bag like some sort of wizard.

“How about we go out for dinner tonight?” Rarity asked, returning to her purse so she could shove its contents back inside.

“That would be nice.”

“How about that sushi place on third?” Rarity asked. “How does that sound?”

That place was coco’s favourite.

So, it wasn’t surprising that she beamed at the idea. “i’d like that a lot.”

Twilight watched as the apartment door closed behind Sunset Shimmer, beginning four whole days with the place to herself.

Twilight grinned from ear to ear and quickly unclipped her bra, swiftly ripping it out through the sleeve of her T-shirt.

Four days of no bra!

Next, she unbuttoned her jeans and hopped towards the couch, shaking them off with each successive bounce. By the time she was next to her pile of folded clothes, her pants were on the floor and she was left in just her panties. Though this didn’t last long as she grabbed a pair of sweatpants and pulled them on.

Four days of sweatpants!

“Sal, please play electronica.”

The home entertainment system, Sal 9000, bleeped and the sweet sound of synthetic music thundered in through her sound system.

Four days of playing music at full blast!

A fist thundered against the wall and Twilight winced.

“Sal, please lower volume to thirty percent.”

Ok, scratch that last one. Four days of playing music at 30% blast! That is nearly as good.

Twilight then skipped towards the fridge and opened it, fishing out a can of Rockstar and cracking it open to take a nice long caffeinated sip. Which of course ended in a potent burp.

Now what the heck was she going to work on?

Programing? Nah, she could do that when Sunset was around.

Painting miniature? Hmm, maybe but she wasn’t quite feeling like doing that at the moment.

Oh! How about robotics? Potentially, but she was still waiting for some parts to come in.

You have four days to do whatever you want and you’re going to waste them on your own indecisiveness?

Suddenly, Twilight’s phone buzzed on the coffee table, drawing her attention away from her own frantic thoughts.

She quickly rushed over and scooped it up.

It was a text from coco. “Hey, how are you doing?”

“Pretty good, Sunset just left,” Twilight typed back.

“Yeah, Miss Rarity left about half an hour ago.”

“I’m sure they’re going to have tons of fun in Manehatten.” She frowned and shook her head. “Anyways, what can I do for you coco?”


Twilight waited patiently as this single character lingered, unsupported, for a good minute or so.

Then coco continued. “i was wondering if maybe it’d be possible for me to come over for a little bit tonight.”

“Oh yeah, totally! Have you asked Rarity if it’s ok?”

“I asked before she left and Miss Rarity said i could if it was ok with you!”

“Then yeah, stop by whenever. I’ll have the apartment ready.”

“Alright, see you soon!”

With that coco logged off. At which point Twilight scanned the apartment, looking to her recently removed bra and jeans.

Oh, how she had been looking forward to a long weekend without them.

“Son of a bitch,” she grumbled under her breath.

coco looked up at the apartment door, her fingers nervously drumming against the side of the hefty purse hanging from her shoulder.

She had been here a dozen times before, but never alone. No, usually she had Rarity here to take charge, make the introductions, and set the mood for the evening.

Then just do what Miss Rarity would do…

coco cautiously lifted a hand and rapped it against the door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Then she waited.

she heard lumbered steps on the other side as a figure nosily stumbled towards her. she tensed and her grip on the bag tightened. There was no way those steps belonged to Twilight Sparkle. They sound far heavier and much more masculine than what she was used to.

Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods!

Metal ground against metal as a lock was noisily turned and then a chain tingled as the secondary one was removed.

The door then opened to reveal a rather large man in an even larger tracksuit. He looked down upon coco, frowned, and cocked a brow.

“What do you want, tovarish?” he asked in a heavy eastern accent.

A bead of sweat formed on coco’s brow. “i… i think… i think might have the wrong address. This isn’t Twilight Sparkle’s place… is it?”

The frown instantly turned to a smile. “Oh! You know, Twilight!”

coco grinned nervously. “Y-yeah.”

“She is a very nice girl. She helped me fix my DVD player when it was on the fritz.”

“That sounds like her.”

“Her and her ‘roommate’…” He made very exaggerated air quotes. “Are very nice. Always pay their rent on time, never complain, and never bother me with repairs. Though… they do get a bit noisy at times.” He chuckled and shook his head. “But who isn’t when they’re in their twenties, right?”

coco chuckled along with him. “Yeah, right.”

He poked his head into the hallway and pointed further down. “They live in unit 351, this is unit 315.”

“Thank you so much, Mister…?”

“Mister Cossack, though that was my father. You may call me Earthen.”

Earthen Cossack, that was the most hardcore name coco had heard in awhile. Felt like something pulled right out of Trotstoy.

“Well thank you so much Mister… Earthen! Thank you very much, Earthen.”

“No problem, Miss…”

“coco. coco pommel.”

“Thank you, coco. And if you ever need place to stay, let Sunset know. I will make sure to get you the best apartment I have.”

coco bowed. “You are far too kind.”

With that she beat a hasty retreat, hearing the door close in her wake.

she quickly walked down the apartment’s dirty hall, finally reaching her destination, unit 351.

she knocked upon this door far more confidently than before.

“It’s unlocked,” a familiar voice called.

coco let out a breath, she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, and stepped into the flat.

The first thing that hit her was the sound of sizzling, followed immediately by the inviting scent of teriyaki and other stir fry ingredients.

Her gaze shifted towards the apartment’s little kitchen nook. Inside was Twilight who was currently hovering over a skillet and stirring its contents.

“Hey coco,” Twilight said as she looked over and offered a warm smile.

coco carefully placed her bag upon the entryway table. “Hey Twilight.”

“I hope you don’t mind but I kind of lost track of time. So, it’s going to be a pretty late dinner.”

coco shook her head. “No, no, it’s perfectly fine. i actually already ate.”

“Oh?” Twilight frowned. “What did you have?”

“Sushi from that little restaurant on third.”

“Oh wow! I love that place.”

coco grinned. “me too.”

“They make the best Fillydelphia rolls in the city,” Twilight said before shaking her head “Where are my manners. Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Some water would be nice.”

Twilight nodded and adjusted the stove before sliding over to the cupboards and grabbing a glass.

“So, is there something you wanted to talk about?” Twilight asked as she filled it with water.

“Oh no, not really.”

Twilight cocked a brow and walked over, holding out coco’s drink. “Come on coco, spill the beans.”

“W-what beans?” coco asked, accepting Twilight’s offer and taking a cautious sip.

“Rarity has made you a terrible liar.”

coco sighed. “i guess i’m feeling a little bit lonely tonight.”

“Because Rarity went on her trip?”

“Yeah, it’s my first time being alone since we’ve been a couple. The apartment feels kind of… empty.”

“That’s totally understandable, humans are social creatures. It’s an evolutionary need to want to have company.”

“Evolutionary?” coco asked, looking at her glass.

Twilight nodded and return to the skillet. “Cheetahs have speed, cows developed complex stomach systems, and moose are walking tanks. However, humans evolved to use communication and community as our means of survival. We thrive as a collective. You get me?”

Not really.

“Yeah totally.”

Twilight returned to stirring her meal, though her gaze shifted from coco towards the bag on her chair.

“You packed quite a bit,” she commented.

coco’s cheeks warmed. “i was… going to drop off some designs at the studio tomorrow but then i realized i could probably do it on my way back home tonight.”

Twilight cocked a brow. She obviously wasn’t buying it.

coco winced. “Ok, ok, i was wondering if i could possibly stay the night with you?”

Twilight stepped towards coco and threw her arms around her in a tight hug. “Of course, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

coco returned the hug and closed her eyes. “Thank you so much, Twilight.”

Twilight broke away and smirked. “After all, we’ve fucked before. So, it’s not like having you over for the night is anymore boundary breaking than that.”

coco’s cheek burned bright red. “Y-yeah, right?”

“Do you want to share a bed?”

“That’d be nice,” coco said, allowing herself a small smile.

Twilight grinned. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun. I haven’t had a sleepover in… well since High School.”

There was a poofing sound and coco looked over Twilight’s shoulder, her eyes bulging in alarm. The skillet was now belching red hot flames and a toxic black smoke which rapidly spilled out into the apartment.

“Uh, Twilight…”


The fire alarm went off.

Twilight expression dropped and she glanced over her shoulder before looking back and pursing her lips.


coco yawned, stretching her arms above her head. “i think it’s about time that i got ready for bed.”

Twilight looked over at the clock, noticing that it was only a few minutes past ten.

“Do you have work in the morning or something?” she asked.

“Oh no, i don’t have to show up at the studio until around four.”

“Then why are you going to bed so early? We could just stay up and chill or play some video games or something.”

“It’s actually getting pretty close to my bedtime,” coco admitted, biting her lip.

“Bedtime?” Twilight cocked a brow. “Aren’t you a little old for a bedtime?”

coco’s cheeks warmed. “Well… i mean… Miss Rarity wants me to be in bed by eleven.”

“She gave you a bedtime?”

coco blinked and looked absolutely dumbfounded. “Doesn’t Sunset do the same for you?”


“Oh… sorry! I thought you two had signed a contract and stuff.”

“Yeah, but like that stuff only applies when we’re in scene.”

“OH! I’m so sorry, I thought you two were doing a twenty-four/seven type of arrangement.”

Twilight shook her head. “Nah, we just do this for fun…” She flushed. “And because it’s extremely hot.”

A silence settled between them.

“So…” Twilight continued. “Why did Rarity give you a bedtime?”

coco toyed with the draw string of her collar. “I used to not be very good at taking care of myself. i would uh… stay up all night working on projects and sleep really late into the afternoon. So, after me and Rarity started getting serious, we made it our first goal to try and fix my sleep schedule.”

Twilight frowned. She didn’t like to think about it but that kind of sounded like something she was dealing with. If Sunset didn’t drag her to bed it wasn’t uncommon for her to work long into the night on her homework, or doing her readings, or playing video games.

She chuckled nervously. “And it works?”

“i never wake up later than nine in the morning anymore.”

When’s the last time you’ve been up that early?

“Huh…” Twilight murmured.

coco got up. “Anyways, i’m going to go take a quick shower before getting ready for bed.”

Twilight blew air into her cheek. She wasn’t tired but something coco said made her think. Maybe she should try setting a bedtime for herself. After all, having a proper sleep schedule for a nine-to-five would only make her more employable after school was finished.

And if she couldn’t manage to adhere to a bedtime herself?

Well, then maybe she’d just have to talk to Sunset about helping her out.

She realized that coco had said something, that had gone right over her head. So, she quickly shook her head and snapped back to the moment.

“Did you say something?” she asked.

“i said, do you need to use the washroom before i shower?”

“Oh… uh… no.” Twilight motioned towards her. “I think I’ll join you after this show.”

coco flushed. “In the shower?”

Twilight blushed and waved her hands. “No, no, no. I meant… I meant in bed.”

“Ohhhhh…” coco looked to side, fidgeting slightly. “i mean… you’re welcome to join me in the shower.” her cheeks warmed and she coyly rubbed her arm. “If you want…”

Twilight blinked and flicked her gaze between the TV and the beautiful girl standing in front of her. The choice was a no brainer as she quickly snatched up her remote and turned off the TV.

It was a re-run anyways.

Author's Note:

I always knew that I wanted to do more with this series than just write extremely hot porn. I hope y'all enjoy this little deviation in the series' direction.
