• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 1,519 Views, 53 Comments

But They Were Both Bottoms - garatheauthor

When Rarity's business trip leaves both Twilight and coco without their doms, they turn to each other for company.

  • ...

Chapter 5

coco awoke, feeling at peace. This was the first time she felt content, waking up during Rarity’s absence. For sure, she was not at her apartment but she knew this place well, knew that it was safe, and so was the naked body holding her tight.

This was Twilight and they were at her apartment, both a person and location that coco had learned to trust.

It had been one hell of a staycation together and it was a shame that things had to come to an end so quickly.

Today, Rarity and Sunset would be returning, flying in sometime in the early afternoon.

coco was excited to see them, no doubt. she was happy to see her Mistress again, her Owner, the woman who took care of her better than anybody else.

But still…

she touched Twilight’s hand, gently tracing a finger along her soft knuckles.

But still, she was going to miss spending time with Twilight.

coco was going to miss waking up next to her every morning and getting to experience things she never would’ve had the opportunity to do without her around.

she glanced at the clock, seeing that it was a little past eight in the morning. A little past her own wake-up time, though at least an hour or two before Twilight would be joining her amongst the world of conscious beings.

At the very least, she could get some coffee ready, be useful, like Miss Rarity had taught her.

coco very carefully lifted Twilight’s arm, doing so at a snail’s pace and pausing whenever she felt the other woman stir. When she finally managed to create a gap in Twilight’s arms, she wiggled out of her embrace and slid away from the sheets.

The coolness of the apartment felt nice against her naked flesh, though she remedied her nudity quickly enough as she picked up her discarded nightgown and pulled it on.

With great care, she walked down the stairs of the ‘bedroom’ and into the apartment proper, trying her best not to make any noise. Once on the ground floor, she slipped into the kitchen nook and started to set up the coffee maker, loading it with ground beans and water.

As she pressed the button, she sighed in relief, feeling like she was doing something at least a little bit productive with her time.

While the coffee brewed, coco grabbed one of Twilight’s mugs. This one bore an image of some kind of molecule and the name of a scientific institution she’d never heard of before.

As the coffee brewed, her mind churned, trying its best to separate everything she felt into some sort of coherent narrative that she could hopefully tackle.

coco had been with plenty of Miss Rarity’s girlfriends before, though those were always strictly sexual encounters. Sure, they were all friends to coco, but were they people she actually felt affection for, people she thought a relationship with, was even a possibility?

she shook her head.

There was a short list of people like that in coco’s life, with only Miss Rarity and Suri ever occupying that position. And Suri barely even counted with the amount of baggage that monster left behind for coco to unpack and fix through years of recovery.

But coco couldn’t deny that she was feeling a lot of those things for Twilight, she was feeling a lot of that affection, respect, and love. Though with Twilight, things were different, as in her current and previous relationships, she had always occupied a submissive role. But Twilight… well it felt inappropriate to think of Twilight as a Dom, even if the girl proved to be dangerously adept at filling that roll, if her performance last night was to be believed.

coco sighed and glanced at the coffee, noticing that the pot was now full. she grabbed it and filled her mug halfway before moving over to the fridge and topping it with milk.

The best course of action would probably be to talk to Miss Rarity about it. Miss Rarity knew people better than anybody else. Plus, her Mistress was already dating Twilight, so she might know the best way to approach this topic of conversation.

coco’s ears perked up as she heard movement from the ‘bedroom’. she glanced towards it and noticed Twilight sitting up, holding the sheets close, in order to hide her nakedness.

“coco?” she whispered, fumbling around for her glasses. “Are you up?”

coco nodded, then realized that Twilight likely could not see her.

“Yeah i’m awake,” she said, taking a sip of her morning brew.

“What time is it,” Twilight murmured, finally finding her glasses and pulling them on. She then snorted in disbelief. “Are you seriously up at eight in the morning?”

coco shrugged. “That is when most people usually get up, hun. Especially on a Monday” She then smirked. “You’ll learn all about that. Trust me.”

Twilight thumped back down, onto the bed. “I refuse to learn this lesson. I’ll get hired by a company which will happily work around my night owl schedule.”

“But if you’re working nights, then when will we have time for all our play parties and stuff?” coco asked, instinctively grabbing a second mug. This one had a kitten on it. “Do you want some coffee?”

“Yes please,” Twilight grumbled before groaning under her breath. “Rarity and Sunset come back today, don’t they?”

coco nodded before once again adjusting due to Twilight being out of sight.

“Yes,” she said. “Their flight should be landing at around two in the afternoon.”

“Does that mean you have to go home?” Twilight asked, sounding quite downcast.

coco frowned. “i mean, i’d imagine that Miss Rarity would like to see me again. Plus, i’m sure that Sunset would like to spend some quality time with you.”

“I know, I know, it’s just…” Twilight sighed, “I really enjoyed the time we got to spend together, coco.”

“i did too,” coco said, filling the second mug with black coffee.

The first thing any useful sub learned was how their dominant usually drank their morning coffee. Suri took hers black, Rarity had it with one cream and half a sugar, and Twilight also took it black.

Though that was literally the only thing Suri and her had in common.

“Did you have fun last night?” coco asked, climbing back up the stairs.

Twilight snorted. “Not going to lie, it actually felt really nice being in a position of authority for once.” As coco crested the final step, she saw Twilight smirking. “you took it like a champ, babe.”

coco grinned. “No offense, but Miss Rarity knows how to dish it out a lot rougher than you.”

“Believe me,” Twilight snorted, “I’m well-aware of that.”

She sat up and held out a hand, accepting the coffee from coco and immediately taking a sip.

“That’s the good stuff,” Twilight murmured, blinking away some of the sleep in her eyes before focusing on coco. “So…”


“Should we like… have a talk or something?” Twilight asked, focusing her attention on the mug and not coco.

So, they were going to do this now, were they? coco couldn’t very well put it off after a request like that.

coco nodded. “i think that sounds like a pretty good idea.”

she sat down upon the bed, placing her mug on the nightstand.

“i…” coco and Twilight began at the exact same time, causing them both to glance at each other and giggle.

“you first,” Twilight said.

coco shook her head. “You should go first. After all, i’m the sub in this relationship.”

Twilight frowned. “Yeah, well! I dommed last night, so I’m ordering you to go first.”

“Fine, fine.” coco snickered, shaking her head. “i… i really like you a lot Twilight and i’ve enjoyed the time we’ve spent together. And while i’ve never been poly in a romantic context, i wouldn’t mind... maybe trying to make this work once Miss Rarity is back?”

Twilight nodded, taking another sip of her coffee. “This weekend has been pretty great, hasn’t it?” She frowned. “you do know that i am dating quite a few women already, right?”

coco smirked. “Yes, i have attended the orgies before.”

This earned a tight smile from Twilight

“I do like you a lot coco,” she said. “Like a lot a lot. But you also need to realize that I will be sharing my time between school, my hobbies, you, and seven different women.” She then frowned again. “I just… I want you to know that going into this and I don’t want you to feel neglected or anything.”

coco shook her head. “i won’t. i completely understand how these kinds of relationships can be. After all, I’m already sharing Miss Rarity with you guys.”

“Fair enough,” Twilight said. “So, do you… do you want to uh…”

“Give this a shot?” coco offered.

Twilight nodded. “Yeah.”

“i’d love to, Twilight.” coco gently leaned over and touched her cheek. “How about you? Do you want to give this a shot?”

Twilight was silent for a moment before leaning towards coco and kissing her.

This proved to be an effective response.

The rest of the day passed with plenty of cuddles and the duo just chilling around the apartment until lunch. At which point, the two girls hopped on a bus and made the slow journey towards Canterlot airport.

Once there, they waited in the arrival terminal, watching as the flight from Manehattan grew closer and closer.

coco and Twilight stood close to each other. Their hands were locked together as they made idle small talk, discussing Twilight’s research and coco’s upcoming productions. As they talked, they frequently glanced up at the arrival board, eagerly waiting.

Until finally, the board flashed green, confirming that it had landed and was now being emptied.

Eventually people began to step through the gate and descend the stairs towards the luggage conveyor belts.

The two girls squeezed one another’s hands tightly as they tried to catch a glimpse of their respective girlfriend.

They weren’t left waiting for long as the duo appeared from the gate.

Sunset looked haggard, absolutely exhausted and beaten with heavy bags under her bloodshot eyes. She slumped down the steps, taking them slowly, one after another.

Rarity, for her part, looked far more composed. She had a latte in one hand and wore sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat.

coco winced and hissed through her teeth, waving her free hand. “Oh, Miss Rarity is so hungover.”

“How do you know that?” Twilight asked, also waving. “She looks perfectly fine to me.”

“Why else would she be wearing sunglasses indoors?” coco asked.

“That’s… a really good point.”

Sunset and Rarity finally came closer, noticing their girlfriend’s waiting for them. They returned their waves and then promptly paused as they noticed that Twilight and coco were holding hands. This resulted in them exchanging a few hushed words as they approached, sharing in a devilish smile.

“How was Manehatten?” Twilight beamed as they finally came within earshot.

She drew away from coco and hugged Sunset tightly.

“Not so loud, darling,” Rarity murmured, embracing coco, who practically leapt at her. “Please use your indoor voice, if you would.”

Twilight cocked a brow. “But I…”

“Don’t mind her,” Sunset said. “She’s just had a bit too much to drink last night.”

“I had exactly the right amount of alcohol, thank you very much,” Rarity slurred. “I wasn’t the one vomiting after all.”

Sunset winced. “Yeah that wasn’t my proudest moment.”

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

Rarity and Sunset exchanged a look.

“Room party,” they chimed in unison.

coco snickered and planted a kiss on Rarity’s nose. “So was the conference fun, Miss Rarity?”

Rarity nodded, offering a warm smile. “Yes, met plenty of interesting connections and went to tons of very fascinating panels.” She smirked. “Even ended up at a few private after dark events, though a lady will not speak about such things in an airport.”

Sunset brushed a hand across Twilight’s cheek. “How about you two? Seems like you had an interesting weekend.”

“Yes, it does,” Rarity chimed in, tilting her chin towards Twilight. “They’re holding hands and everything.”

coco grinned. “We might’ve gone on a date.”

Rarity offered a tight smile. “Oh, and you’ll have to tell us all about that on the way home.” She lightly touched coco’s hand. “It is so nice to see my darling little plaything finally getting out of her shell.”

Sunset nodded and glanced at the purse hanging from Twilight’s shoulder. “And where did that come from?”

“The date,” Twilight said, making sure to show it off. “We went to the Exchange and did some shopping and stuff.” She grinned. “It’s made from vegan leather.”

This earned an approving nod from Sunset.

Rarity smirked. “My, my, my coco, did you finally convince Twilight to do away with her computer bag.”

“Yes, i did,” coco beamed.

“Then someone is getting rewarded once we get back to our apartment,” Rarity said.

“Oh, come on!” Twilight exclaimed. “It wasn’t that bad.” She looked at Sunset. “Right?”

Sunset looked away and drew in a breath. “I am way too hungover to even approach this conversation, babe, but…” She smiled. “I think the purse looks really good on you.”

Rarity moved towards the conveyor belt as luggage began to roll out.

“So, are you two MyStable official?” she asked.

coco rolled her eyes. “We would be if that site allowed for poly people to exist.”

“Yes. it is a shame that our digital society hasn’t caught up to the real thing, yet.” Rarity sighed. “So, pressing question...”

“What’s that?” Twilight asked.

“How exactly do two bottoms make this work?”

coco’s cheeks burned bright red. “i bottomed so hard that Twilight was forced to top.” she snickered. “She’s actually pretty good at it.”

Sunset cocked a brow. “Is that so?”

coco nodded.

“You’ll have to show me this topping thing sometime,” Sunset whispered in Twilight’s ear, causing her cheeks to redden.

Rarity snorted. “Now darling, don’t ask for the impossible. No one can top you.”

“That’s not true,” Sunset said. “Applejack can.”

“Okay, my apologies,” Rarity went on. “No mortal being could ever hope to top you.”

As the conversation was taken over by Rarity and Sunset, who moved towards the belt, coco and Twilight lagged behind. They exchanged a look, snickering to one another.

“i had a lot of fun this weekend,” coco said.

Twilight smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “Me too.”

“Want to maybe hang out again next weekend?” coco asked, biting her lip. “Or if you’re too busy we…”

“I’d love to,” Twilight said, brushing her hand against coco’s own.

coco grinned, looking down as their hands joined together. “i’d love to, too.”

Comments ( 11 )

This is one of the most underrated fanfics I've read.

I salute you sir...

A lovely sweet end to an adorable story.

Thank you.

i'm a girl XD.

You're welcome, glad you enjoyed it.


And I’m sure Sunny only lets AJ think she can top her.

Good story, girl. And I agree, the poly tag needs to be a separate tag from “It’s complicated”

Very nicely done

While this last chapter does wrap up things for the girls, it feels like a bit of a mish-mash. Sci-Twi and Coco reuniting with their girlfriends were adorable and had a lot of funny lines. Having Rarity pick up on some of their new behavior felt very natural. However, the conversation about dating and relationship boundaries between Sci-Twi and Coco felt like it should have happened at the very start of the story, not the end. It would have communicated the relationship of the six/seven/however many women in this polycule in a way that the reader would have needed at the start. Here, it feels out of sequence, especially after the development of Coco and Twilight's romance.

Still, that aside, I really liked the fluffiness going on here. I hope you write more like it with these gals again soon.

All around wholesome, adorable story. Thank you for sharing. :heart:

Not sure why this doesn't have more views, because this story is great. The thing that stood out to me the most was Twilight's characterization. Especially the end-of-college thing was spot on, never expected to see that in a fic.

This is a stellar example of SoL romance and one that's quite inspiring to me. It's amazing how much you were able to do with such a simple premise, and I'd love to see more like this. I'll admit I was a tad disappointed when this fic was T-rated, but it really is better for it and there wasn't really a need to make it more, and I can always go and reread Play Party for the twentieth time if I want something M-rated in this universe.

Thanks. Also, nice to see you're back. You had some of my favourite stories on this site.

So this was a beautiful read. Well written, extremely cute and funny at times.

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