• Published 22nd Jan 2020
  • 812 Views, 41 Comments

Radiant Hope and The Nightmare - EmmyRosie5

Radiant Hope who lost her friend a long time ago must now stop Nightmare Moon from bringing eternal night to Equestria. And she won't do it alone.

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Chapter Twelve: The Power of The Elements of Harmony

Our heroines walked right into the castle hallways, excited to save Equestria from eternal night.

“I can’t believe that we’re going to save Equestria!” Raindrops told Radiant Hope. “Who would have thought, huh? A group of outsiders wrapped up in an adventure like this.” She added.

“It is pretty exciting, Raindrops.” Hope said. “Let’s just hope that we’ll make it out in one piece.” She added.

The girls then were face to face with a door. Limestone turned to Hope. “Come on, Hope. Isn't this what you've been waitin' for?” She asked. Hope nodded. And then, she opened the door.

And finally, they have found them. “The Elements of Harmony, we've found them.” Hope said.

Raindrops and Derpy flew over to the Elements and grabbed them one by one. “Careful, careful!” Hope told the two Pegasi.

As Raindrops and Derpy brought the elements to the ground, Vinyl counted them.

“One, two, three, four…” Vinyl counted. As soon as Derpy put the final Element on the ground, Vinyl was confused. “There's only five!” She said.

Coloratura looked at the five elements. “Vinyl’s right. Where’s the sixth?” She asked. Hope then remembered something. “The book said: ‘when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth Element to be revealed.’” Hope told the others. “What is that supposed to mean?” Derpy asked.

“I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back. I don't know what will happen.” Hope told the others. The girls did as Hope told them to do. Hope used her magic and the elements began to glow. The five looked in awe as Hope concentrated. “This is so cool.” Limestone whispered.

Just then, a nightmarish cloud of smoke swooped by the swallowed the elements in its smoke. The girls were shocked. Mostly Hope. “Hope, what’s going on?” Raindrops asked in fear.

But Hope didn’t listen, instead she knew what was happening. “The Elements!” Hope said in shock. And soon, she jumped into the smoke. And it disappeared. The five ponies were shocked.

They began searching everywhere to find their friend, but they couldn’t see to find where she went. “Hope, where are you?” Coloratura called out, but she couldn’t hear her. Just then, Derpy found something.

“Girls! I think I found where Hope could be!” Derpy called out. “Really? Where?” Limestone asked. Derpy then pointed to a high tower. “Looks like that’s where we have to go.” Raindrops said. “You’re right. Now come on! Let’s do this!” Coloratura said.

And the five ponies headed to the high tower to find Hope.


Up in the tower, Hope was there and was coughing up smoke. But as soon as she stood up, she saw Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony.

“Well, it seems that you have brought the Elements to me. Good job, little unicorn.” Nightmare Moon said. Hope was shocked, but she still had a chance.

Hope began to charge up her speed. Nightmare Moon became unamused. “You're kidding. You're kidding, right?” She asked. But Hope wasn’t kidding. She charged up some more and ran foward. “Very well, then.” Nightmare Moon said.

Nightmare Moon then ran straight toward Radiant Hope. The two ponies began running to each other getting faster and faster. And as they were getting closer, Hope did a teleportation spell and teleported to the elements.

Hope took a deep breath. “Just one spark.” She said. Hope closed her eyes and began to use her magic on the elements. Nightmare Moon saw what was happening and wouldn’t let it happen. She turned into smoke and flew to Hope and the elements.

But before she could do anything, a spark of magic that Hope casted had knocked her back. Hope stood up and saw the elements glowing with pink magic.

“No, no!” Nightmare Moon said in fear. She knew that soon, she was going to be defeated. Hope smiled with determination. She knew that she had done it.

But then, the magic had faded away and yet, nothing happened. No sixth element has appeared. Hope was confused and shocked. “I don’t understand. Where's the sixth Element?!” Hope said.

Nightmare Moon only laughed evilly as she stomped her front hooves to the ground, shattering the elements into pieces. Hope looked in fear and shock as the remains of the elements lie on the floor.

“You little foal! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! The night.. will last.. FOREVER!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

Hope was devastated. She had failed to defeat Nightmare Moon, and now Equestria will fall into eternal night.

“Hang on Hope, we’re coming!”

Hope heard the voices of her five team members. She turned and saw that they were coming to her.

Just then, Hope knew that these five ponies that will help her are her friends. But she now knows that they are not just her regular friends.

They were her true friends.

Radiant Hope turned to Nightmare Moon. “You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here!” She exclaimed.

During that, Limestone, Vinyl, Raindrops, Coloratura, and Derpy went right to Hope, being filled with determination.

Then, the remains of the Elements of Harmony began to glow and float around Nightmare Moon. “What?” Nightmare Moon said in shock.

Hope turned to Raindrops.

“Raindrops, who let her trust us when we were trapped in that cave, represents the spirit of… Honesty!”

Some floating crystals started to circle around Raindrops. She was shocked but smiled.

Hope then turned to Vinyl.

“Vinyl Scratch, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of… Kindness!

More floating crystals started to circle around Vinyl. She eagerly smiled happily.

Hope then turned to Coloratura.

“Coloratura, who banished the darkness by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of… Laughter!

More floating crystals started to circle around Coloratura. She smiled and nodded happily.

Hope then turned to Derpy.

“Derpy Hooves, who gave her food to a hungry forest monster, represents the spirit of… Generosity!”

More floating crystals started to circle around Derpy. She flapped her wings with a smile on her face.

Finally, Hope turned to Limestone.

“And Limestone Pie, who could not abandon her friends for people who were her family, represents the spirit of… Loyalty!”

Finally, the last group of crystals started to circle around Limestone. She nodded bravely.

“The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.” Hope told Nightmare Moon. “You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed. “But it did! A different kind of spark.” Hope said.

“Back then, when I first made a friend, I thought that he would stick with me no matter what. But soon, he became corrupted by the darkness. I knew that if I made a friend, they would just betray me.” Hope explained. She then turned to her friends.

“But now, when I’m here looking at all of you, you all have given me courage, compassion, and love. Something that my old friend has never given to me before.” Hope continued. Derpy and Coloratura have tears coming down their eyes, while Raindrops, Vinyl, and Limestone were smiling proudly.

“The spark ignited inside me when I realized you would always be there for me. You all may be my friends, but you are so much more than that. You all are more than my friends. You all are...my true friends!” Hope finished.

Just then, a bright light shined through the room. The girls looked up to see that the sixth and final element was revealed. Hope smiled proudly.

“You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the… the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of… Magic!” Hope exclaimed.

The crystals that were floating around Limestone, Derpy, Vinyl, Raindrops, and Coloratura then turned into necklaces while the sixth element turned into a crown for Hope. The six elements then blasted a rainbow right into Nightmare Moon.

“Nooo! Nooo!” Nightmare Moon screamed as the Elements consumed her in a rainbow tornado. The power of the elements has defeated Nightmare Moon and ended her reign of eternal night.

A bright white light began to shine through the tower.

Author's Note:

We have made it everypony! We have come to the end of Chapter Twelve! Now that Nightmare Moon is defeated, Equestria will no longer be surrounded in eternal night. Our very own Mane Six has saved Equestria!

In the next and final chapter, Radiant Hope will celebrate the victory with her friends, and Princess Celestia will make Radiant Hope stay in Ponyville with her new friends.

And as always, Stay Magical.