• Published 22nd Jan 2020
  • 812 Views, 41 Comments

Radiant Hope and The Nightmare - EmmyRosie5

Radiant Hope who lost her friend a long time ago must now stop Nightmare Moon from bringing eternal night to Equestria. And she won't do it alone.

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Chapter Five: Summer Sun Celebration Gone Horribly Wrong (NOT CLICKBAIT)

The Town Hall. The place where the Summer Sun celebration is being hosted. Everypony can not wait to see the princess raise the sun. Well, all but one.

Radiant Hope is still worried about Nightmare Moon and if she would return. But her thoughts were interrupted when Vinyl Scratch walked up to her.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the Ponyville party pooper.” Vinyl said smugly. “Hello to you too, Vinyl.” Hope said.

“Dude, this is gonna be so cool. We got my homegirl Rara up with the orchestra performing the music, and Limestone catering the food, and me being excited as heck! This is gonna be awesome! Well, it can’t be not as awesome as my rave, but still!” Vinyl said happily.

Hope knew that Vinyl is very excited for this celebration, but she is worried. She looked at the moon, the stars were getting closer. Hope became even more worried.

Then, the orchestra started to play. Coloratura was playing the piano loudly with the orchestra and everypony became excited.

The mayor of Ponyville began to speak. “Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!”

Everypony began to cheer. Vinyl was cheering loudly. Hope was still worried.

“In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!” The mayor exclaimed.

Hope looked at the moon again. The stars start to get even closer to the moon. Just then, the mare in the moon started to disappear from the moon. Hope got even more worried.

“Yo, you okay chica?” Vinyl asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Hope said, trying not to cover the fact that she’s worried.

“And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria…”

Coloratura turned to the orchestra. “Let’s do this.” She said to the orchestra.

“...Princess Celestia!”

Coloratura and the orchestra began to play as Raindrops and Derpy pulled back the curtains to reveal…

...no pony.

Princess Celestia was gone. Nowhere in sight. Everypony began to get worried. ‘This can’t be good.’ Hope thought.

“Remain calm, everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!” The mayor said, trying to calm down every pony.

“Oh boy. Is the princess sleeping on the job again? That happens a lot.” Vinyl said. Hope rolled her eyes.

Raindrops and Derpy flew over to everypony, where Raindrops gave them a horrible announcement.

“The princess is gone!”

Everypony became scared. Mostly Hope. But Vinyl wasn’t. “So she isn’t sleeping on the job?” Vinyl asked.

Just then, black nightmarish fog began to rise from the stage. “Oh no..” Hope said nervously. The nightmarish fog began to grow and grow until a pony began to show from the nightmarish fog. That pony was none other than…

“Nightmare Moon!” Hope exclaimed. Spike immediately fainted and fell out of Hope.

“Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces.” Nightmare Moon said.

“What did you do with our Princess?!” Derpy exclaimed. “You better tell us who you are, or else you’re getting a knuckle sandwich!” Raindrops said, putting up her hooves.

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?” She asked.

Vinyl began to think. “Hmmm… Uh, Hokey Smokes? No, uh.. Queen Meanie. No wait, Black Snooty! Black Snooty! It’s Black Snooty, right?” Vinyl asked, being the worst at guessing.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“I did!” Radiant Hope spoke up. “And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!” She said.

Everypony gasped in shock and fear. “Didn’t see that one coming.” Vinyl said.

“Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.” Nightmare Moon said.

Hope began to become worried again. “You're here to... to…” She said nervously.

Nightmare Moon chuckled again. “Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!”

Hope became scared as Nightmare Moon laughed evilly.

This can’t be good.

Author's Note:

And thus, we end Chapter Five and the first half of our story! I’m glad that you all came to see my story! This story is everything to me, and I am so glad that you guys came to read it!

In the next chapter, we’ll start the second half of our story and our adventure to get the Elements of Harmony will officially begin!

And as always, Stay Magical!