• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 1,169 Views, 197 Comments

Rarity's Colt: A New Life - Mocha Star

After so much has happened, can a normal life finally be in the cards for Snickers?

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Rarity ran outside her home and business, quickly moving out of public sight, and placed Pup on the ground. “There you are… should I say ‘do your business’ in this instance?” She asked Pup, then her eyes widened as the wolf lay down and sank into the dirt partially. Tendrils of vines snaked from her wooden body and bore into the dirt with ease, melting into the rich soil below.

Pup seemed to fall asleep for a few seconds, then opened her eyes and panted, her twiggy tail moving side to side slowly. She barked and then sniffed the manicured grass before burying her muzzle halfway into the soil.

Rarity watched with fascination and took mental notes at the event, hoping this was a future substitute for eating bodily waste. “Hmm, that’s a bit odd,” Rarity said and moved closer to Pup and raised her foreleg. Using it as a nonstandard measuring tool, her eyebrows rose. “Oh, my! You have grown since I met you, a good three inches in a day.

“Why, at this rate, if it’s constant, you’ll be a full sized timberwolf by springtime. And, if I must say, having a fully grown timberwolf protecting our town will certainly be a boon,” she hummed and tapped her chin, “and great for the town as well, in the manner of tourism! Oh, I simply have to use you for design inspiration!”

Rarity’s horn lit, then the light faded as she realized she was about to rip a plant from the ground while it was feeding itself; a certain way to kill a normal plant, surely. “On second thought, I believe I can wait for a few minutes and let you finish your meal. Um, you aren’t going to root yourself there and grow into a timberwolf tree, are you?”


Snickers finished washing his coat and mane, his tail was knotted, but easy enough to wash once he used conditioner, and he left the shower after shaking some water off his body. Snickers grabbed a towel and tossed it over his back and tried to dry himself, then sighed. “Sweetie Belle, can you come help me?” He shouted from the doorway.

Her room door opened and she pranced down the hall once she saw his wet mane and head. “Sure thing, we’ll have you dry in no time.”

Snickers looked back and counted his fillies following Sweetie toward him. He started to blush when he thought of the girls as ‘his’ and Sweetie noticed. “Don’t worry, we’re just gonna help our herd stallion get ready for the rest of his day with us.”

Snickers backed into the room and shuffled his hooves on the floor. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara went to his sides and started rubbing the towel against his fur while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom tossed a towel over his head and started drying him as well. “Ah want ya ta know that Ah’m only kinda in this here herd.

“Ah have a bit of a thing fer Kiwe, ta be honest, and me and Sweetie are thinkin’ of bein’ with him, so don’t be hurt none that we’re just here as friends. Snickers, ya should see Sweetie whenever Kiwe talks, and when she hears him do them zebra rhymes she melts like oil on a skillet.”

“And don’t even think I’m in a herd at all,” Scootaloo stated. “I’ve got my sister, Rainbow Dash, to teach me how to be cool and awesome like she is, so I can’t have some colt or herd holding me back from my future.”

“And do I even have to say anything,” Diamond Tiara added for her part. The fillies giggled and Snickers flicked his tail at her. “Hey, keep your parts away from me; I’m not that kinda mare. I like my mares just fine, thank you.”

“Like you’d even be able to handle him,” Silver Spoon stuck her tongue out. “He’s such a stallion that I might not even last ten seconds our first time,” she tittered. “Just thinking of him nibbling on my ear with his weight on my back and his forelegs holding me still so I won’t fall over. Him being inside me and making me into a mare, his mare.”

The fillies giggled again, almost forgetting Snickers was there, what with him being covered with towels. “I imagine Kiwe doing that to me,” Sweetie said with a sigh from beside the sink, “only he’ll start with a rhyme about how pretty I am and then we’ll share a really nice kiss and he’ll tell me how special I am to him.”

“Oh, I totally think Snickers would do something like that, only it’ll be more forceful and commanding. He’ll tell me what he’s gonna do to after he says some sweet crap to me, ya know, like to get me ready. Then he’ll kiss me so much I won’t be able to say no to let him do anything he wants to me, not like I would say no anyway,” she exhaled with a wistful sigh and leaned against Snickers, forgetting he was there while in her fantasy. “It would be like lightning across my body with each touch he’ll make.

“Then he’d bite my neck under my chin and,” she shivered. Sweetie looked at others that had stopped drying Snickers with their attention focused solely on Silver Spoon with their tails swishing and a couple fully flagged, exposing themselves to anypony that would walk by with a subconscious clitoral wink here and there, and then Sweetie laughed.

“Girls, you know he’s right there, right?” She stated and the fantasy stopped. Apple Bloom snerked and held back her giggles as she took the towel off his head and lost control when she saw the wide eyed colt, red as a beet from his withers to his ears and down to his forehooves, and rigid as a statue.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Great, now you’re giving him ideas, I bet. Why don’t you just check, Silver Spoon, we all know you wanna.”

Silver Spoon grinned and pushed the towel up over his back and towards Diamond, then stepped back, squealing happily while blinking her eyes several times to moisten her contacts so she could see one of her goals clearly and be able to commit it to her memory. “See! There it is, I told you he’s big; he’s, like, as big as in my dreams, maybe bigger and he’s not even a stallion yet,” she pranced in a circle while Snickers stood in embarassed shock. “Next spring can’t come soon enough! I’m gonna be a dam, I can feel it already,” she giggled wildly and patted her belly.

“Grow up,” Diamond said as she tossed the towel back over Snickers and hid his visible reaction to the fillies’ conversation from view, “you act like a cock is all that matters when only a mare knows what a mare wants and needs. Just because you think he’s ‘so big’ doesn’t mean he’ll be able to please you like a real mare can.”

While the fillies around her began a short set of hushed whispers, Diamond Tiara did manage to take a step back and lift the towel to see what the big deal was, and for the first time since seeing it weeks before, she appreciated what she saw.

Regardless of her sexual preference, Diamond Tiara could appreciate a well endowed stallion, and this colt was well endowed, compared to the other colts she’d seen, even if this colt was the one she didn’t find gross or want to hurt for sullying her vision with his various parts that certainly weren’t the better looking of them all.

Diamond dropped the towel so it covered him again and stood back up, rubbing his side as a blush came into view on her cheeks and familiar sensations worked through her body, similar to, but not as powerful as, when she thought of a filly or mare she fancied before she went to sleep at night or had her sexual urges at the oddest times of the day.

Diamond only hoped that Snickers’s penis wouldn’t make a debut in her fantasies that, or any future, night; or she’d have to look through her father’s magazines and read her mother’s romance novels. The ones being female romance centric, not the stallion-stallion ones that were all the rage; she didn’t need more penisus in her mind.

“O-okay, I th-think I’m dry enough now,” Snickers said quietly. “Can you keep me covered back there for another minute or so?”

Scootaloo leaned close to his ear to whisper, “You won’t be dry if you keep being such a stud, if you know what I mean.” Snickers took in a halted breath and exhaled it slowly through his lips, he could feel heat leaving his mouth from how hot and bothered he was.

“I swear I’m not hanging out with fillies if this is gonna keep happening,” he whispered to himself.

Apple Bloom heard him and shook her head. “It’s gonna be fine; ya see, it’s comin’ up on fall estrus and even if we ain’t in heat, our bodies still act like it in some ways. Ah remember mah sis tellin’ me that if Ah ever get talkin’ like Silver over yonder, then Ah’d better talk with her about how ta scratch them itches ‘fore Ah’m a mare and go too far.

“Ah think it’s another sex talk, because Aj’s really tight lipped-”

“I’d love to loosen those lips,“ Diamond mumbled loud enough to be heard by Apple Bloom and got a scathing glare that Diamond smirked at. “Well, if Rainbow Dash doesn’t deliver, maybe some diamonds will help her see with more clarity.”

“Wait, what’s that about Rainbow Dash? What’s she delivering, does she need help?”

“Sorry, but stay outta this, Scootaloo; Ah’ve gotta have words with Diamond Tiara about stayin’ away from mah sister!”

Sweetie set a brown basket with well organized brushes by Snickers’s right foreleg. “Okay, enough of that! Let’s groom him and show him off to Rarity; operation show-the-colt is a go!”

Scootaloo tossed the towel off Snickers’s head and whooped. “Yeah, a cutiemark for helping a pony clean up would be nice! What would it look like? Maybe a brush over a tail.”

Apple Bloom stopped scowling at Diamond Tiara. “Maybe a bunch of hair curlers in a mane.”

“Let’s find out together,” Sweetie Belle said as she picked a brush up in her mouth and moved to Snickers’s foreleg.

Each filly took a brush and started brushing him, two on his mane, two on his tail, two on his coat; he relaxed deeply and could have fallen asleep standing at the comforting feeling he was having. It was one of the best experiences of his life as a pony, as far as he could recall in his hazy mind, anyway.

“Oh, his tail is so soft it’s like what I think a cloud is like.”

“You think that’s nice, his mane is already so long and shiny without any product in it yet. And the fur on his face doesn’t even look like he needs attention.”

“Hmph, I guess if we’re complimenting him, then his body’s pretty nice… for a colt, except for how skinny he is,” Diamond pointed out by rubbing a hoof on one of his barely visible ribs. Their attention was directed to his sides and Snickers woke up suddenly when he was hugged practically everywhere.

Silver Spoon whimpered and faked a sniffle. “Oh, my darling stallion; you’re so skinny from your time out in the woods. I’ll totally have my butler have you fed like the prince you are once you come over to my house for supper, and when you wake up for breakfast.”

Apple Bloom hummed a wolf whistle that frustrated Snickers. Snickers tapped his hoof on the floor with the loudest noise in the room garnering all attention on him. “Um, I don’t remember saying I’d do that.”

“No? Well, I’m sure you’d love to, right? I mean, it’s going to be practically gourmet. I’ve already had the meal set up in honor of you finally meeting my parents so you can ask for their permission to be sire with me, we can snuggle and maybe practice a little, too.”

Snickers, for some reason, forgot what ‘sire’ meant, but he was sure he’d prefer to not meet Silver Spoon’s parents and sleep alone with the filly, rather than having a meal with Rarity and Sweetie Belle, cooked by his new brother, Kiwe. “Yeah, I’m not gonna do that tonight. I’m having dinner here, but you can stay if you’d like.”

Silver Spoon stepped back and looked Snickers over from tail to withers and then looked into his eyes and felt her elbows go weak. “Are you s-sure you don’t want to come to my house? It’s practically a mansion.”

Snickers growled. “I’m staying here, got it?!” The others in the room stopped in place and flinched, lowering their heads slightly in submission at Snickers’ demanding shout.

Silver Spoon stepped back quickly and lowered her head into a gentile bow. “Y-yes, sir. I’ve totally got it and would totally like to have dinner here, with you... if you’ll allow it.”

Snickers stared at Silver Spoon and wondered what had just happened to her, and the others. The moment was broken when Scootaloo scoffed. “You’re such an omega.”

“I’ll whip you down to an omega,” Silver Spoon stood tall and retorted with a frown at the aloof orange filly. “And I don’t wanna hear your snarky comment, Diamond Tiara,” she snapped at the smirking pink filly. “I’m going and I’ll see you later,” she said, stomping out of the bathroom.

Diamond Tiara hummed a chuckle. “She’s going to rub one out in the bathroom downstairs, I bet.”

Snickers blushed slightly and covered his eyes with his foreleg while the girls giggled. “Ah hope she washes her hooves, that’s mighty embarrassin’, smellin’ like that around town.”

“Yeah, she won’t because she wants to let her stallion here know how she feels about him. I bet she rubs her hoof on his muzzle so he can’t get her out of his mind.”

“Gross, you’re just all so gross. I can’t believe Silver’s gonna mark him with her most personal scent, she never did that for me no matter how many times I told her to.”

“That’s because she doesn’t think of you the same way she thinks of her future sire.”

Scootaloo broke the teasing rounds and tapped Snickers on the top of his head. “Snickers, you know she loves being bossed around, right?”

“I kinda figured that out, Scootaloo. Thanks for the tip, though.”

Pup, under the wary and watchful eye of Rarity, began to rise from the earth and shook loose soil from her tiny body once she was above ground completely. The creature seemed to be as healthy as a normal canine would be -save for the differences- and even, to Rarity, smelled fresh and look good enough to eat.

She felt her heart pound in her chest at the horrid thought of eating not only a still living creature, but the pet of her son. “Well, it seems you are in good shape now and have, indeed, grown from your recent meal,” she looked Pup over, “so Snickers will have some news to take and give on this matter.

“Regardless, a quick rinse with the garden hose should clean you up nicely enough to remain in the house for the remainder of the evening and after this long, I hope Snickers is clean and refreshed for the night to come.

“I don’t know if you can eat pony food, but a young stallion staying with us is quite the chef and I‘m sure he can make you something, if you require anything. Look at me, talking to a timberwolf like a normal pony; you can’t even understand what I’m saying, can you?”

Pup nodded her head once and Rarity fell silent for the next few minutes, unsure of what to say about what had happened, or if she would even be believed.

Pup, on the other paw, was feeling better than she ever had before. The soil was richer and cleaner than those of the forest and she didn’t feel at all unwell now like when she had sampled the soil when it was just Alpha and her; everything felt fine and in some areas of her body; she felt better than fine.

The veins in her branches were swollen with nutrient rich water that would keep her fed for maybe two weeks in the current environment. No stories on the wind or through the leaves of the trees had ever compared to the wonders of the soil outside her new den; what other wonders would she come across over the next few days?

She didn’t know, but Pup was excited to find out for herself.

While she was being washed a sudden sensation flooded her body and if she were able, Pup would have certainly felt her body temperature rise in time with Snickers having to listen to a very clear conversation; instead her vision swam slightly and she stumbled slightly, unnoticed by Rarity as being explained by the water pushing at the quickly growing puppy.