• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 1,170 Views, 197 Comments

Rarity's Colt: A New Life - Mocha Star

After so much has happened, can a normal life finally be in the cards for Snickers?

  • ...

Best Laid Plans

“Wow, she’s spinning like a pinwheel,” Kiwe noted. “I hope she still feels well after this. Is she somepony of importance, locally?”

Snickers stood beside Kiwe as both colts watched ponies off all ages lined up and going for a fly. “She’s actually the school teacher. She’s pretty good, for the locals anyway. I’ve only been in her class for a couple weeks and I spend more time focusing on pony history and society than basic maths and physics.”

Diamond Tiara tapped Kiwe on the rump and dodged his view to do the same to Snickers. “Ha, I bet you didn’t know it was me. So,” she said walking between the colts, “I know we’re great friends now and all, but I’d like to apologize again for interrupting earlier. It was an accident and Celestia know’s I’ve almost been caught a few times, so I know what it feels like. At least I won’t judge you.

“Oh, yeah! Us, you two and me, tea at my house tomorrow after school? What do you say?” Diamond grinned between both colts and waited for an answer.

Snickers looked at Kiwe who stared back, waiting for the colt that knew Diamond to take a stance or the lead.

“Uhh, Diamond… me and Kiwe,” Snickers said and saw the sparkle of hope and happiness he’d never seen in Diamond’s eyes before shine, “would like to have tea with you and talk about stuff, okay?”

“Great!” Diamond hopped into the air and wrapped her forelegs over each colt’s withers. “I can’t believe how awesome this day’s going! Ach,” she squealed, “I have to tell Silver about this!”

“No!” Snickers said before Diamond could let him go. “She’s in love with me, didn’t you see the kiss she gave me?”

“No, I was getting a donation bucket from the bushes over there. It’s old, but it should work fine. Oh, you poor colt; you don’t have the heart to break it to her, do you? I can, if you want.”

Snickers shook his head. “No, that’s not it. I have to handle my own relationship problems, and right now, in front of everyone, isn’t the place. We’ll talk about it tomorrow at your tea party, okay?”

Diamond nodded. “Got it. If you don’t mind, I’m gonna pull rank and take a turn on the Pony Launcher, hold my tiara.”

Snickers caught the tiara on his head as Diamond ran to the launcher. He looked at Kiwe and noticed the unhappy look he was getting. “Hey, I’m not breaking her heart in front of the whole town, okay?”

Kiwe snorted. “Fine, but you are not to lie to her about us. She is happy, but a lie is a lie and you cannot build a friendship on lies. You have started my relationship with Diamond with a lie that I will see mended, even if she does not care for my attention or presence again in the future.”

“That’s fair and I totally agree, I’m sorry for doing that and everything else that led up to this, I seriously haven’t ever seen another pony’s cock before and it was just so different that what I’m used to seeing, even if it’s my own, seeing another was just different. Then Diamond jumped on my and…” he blushed brightly and looked away.

“No harm was done, no pain was felt; I thank you for understand and your offered help.”

“I liked it, though, kinda,” Snickers said softly, his words covered by the scream of a launched pony and the cheering of the crowd.

Kiwe’s ears turned to focus on Snickers. “I apologize, what did you say?”

Snickers turned to face Kiwe. “I said, I kind of liked it. I mean… <shit, just say it. Say what?>” Snickers said to himself. “<Tell him you’ve thought of it since it happened and it’s less bad every time you think about it.>” Snickers looked at Kiwe and swallowed loudly, thinking aloud to himself. “<Just tell him you still taste him. The saltiness, musk, and texture.

“<But, Silver Spoon’s scent is so fucking fine. She wants me in ways I’ve only wanted Scootaloo, and she’s so damn cute. And Scootaloo’s got flanks for days, I can watch her do nothing and everything for hours.> Damn it,” Snickers said quietly and then looked back at a concerned by patient colt waiting opposite him.

“Kiwe, I appreciate your friendship and what happened earlier… I didn’t really dislike,” Snickers admitted and rubbed his foreleg with the other while looking at Kiwe’s forehooves. “If I had to, I might do it again, even. But,” he said looking up to meet Kiwe’s golden eyes, “I really wanna be with a mare more than anything, so… I don’t know.”

Kiwe inhaled deeply, held it, and exhaled slowly. “I understand; you are not craving colts for carnal pleasures. You have not seen an erect penis besides your own. You are surrounded by fillies and mares. You are certainly not truly gay, and that’s fine; what you are--”

"I'm bisexual, right? I thought so, but I was kinda hoping I wasn’t because there’s this filly with flanks I can watch for hours and--”

Kiwe held his hoof against Snickers’s lips. “You need a friend that is a colt, a colt to bond with as a friend. I will be that friend for you, and it helps that we look to be nearly cousins.”

Snickers looked at his forelegs and then remembered the color of Kiwe’s coat with a smile. “Kiwe, can you be my brother?” Snickers asked. When Kiwe nodded, he was knocked over by the tackle hug he got. “Yes, this is gonna be so much more fun than hanging out with fillies all the time.”

Kiwe nudged Snickers a couple times to have him step off his body. Snickers got up and backed away. “Sorry about that! Just, got excited.”

Kiwe got up and looked himself over, his muzzle was, in spots, it’s original color and he noticed Diamond Tiara grinning happily at them, but he ignored it for the moment. “Yes, I understand and am not upset. What happened happened, what will happen is what matters… and I’m very pleased you didn’t bite down when you fell on me, that would have been most unpleasant.”

Kiwe chuckled and Snickers blushed again.

“Woo-hoo, go get ‘em, tiger!” Diamond shouted as she climbed onto the launcher. The launcher sent Diamond flying as soon as she said her piece.

“Darn it, I’m not gay! Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m not!” Snickers groaned to the sky and walked away from the scene into the thicket. “What the buck’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just be normal?”

“Can you define normal?” Sweetie Belle, from a prone position, asked and Snickers yelped in surprise. “Seriously, you keep worrying about fitting in, why don’t you just not worry about it and be yourself? Uh, the good you that doesn’t swear or be mean; that you.”

Snickers leaned against a sapling. “Because, I don’t know what I’m supposed to even do here. I mean, so much as happened and I can’t even wrap my head around a lot of it. How can I be me, when I don’t even know who I am? Wait, why’re you hiding in the bushes?” He asked looking at Sweetie Belle and then following her line of sight. “Sweetie, seriously?”

Sweetie crawled back and hid her face in the leaves. “I can’t help it, he has a nice… everything and gives me butterflies in my tummy. You know what it’s like, we’ve seen how you talk to Silver Spoon. It’s like that, only this is mine.”

Snickers groaned quietly. “I am not into stallions, I’m not into her. Silver Spoon’s slim, she has a great body and coat, her mane is cute and her glasses, I’ll admit, kinda make her kinda sexy. If we were adults I’d take her and make her pass out from what I’d do to her… but I’m not and she’s not and those aren’t the…”

Snickers looked at Sweetie and noticed her hushing him. He turned around and saw, to his chagrin, Silver Spoon behind him. “Oh, my prince… I was worried you were sick, or whatever, but you actually had to come practice your confession in privacy, and I, like, totally messed it up.”

Snickers opened his mouth to speak, stopped by a well polished hoof with a barely noticeable shoe on it pressed to his lips. “Don’t worry, my knight, I’ll save you from whatever troubles you. It may be until next spring, but by then I’ll properly propose and we can share my first time; just the way you said you would.”

Silver leaned in and licked his cheek, then brought her muzzle to his and exhaled heavily through her nose, followed by him instinctually inhaling deeply and repeating the action. Silver Spoon backed up and giggled. “I have to go somewhere private and take care of something, and it looks like you might have the same problem,” she teased and turned away with a sway of her tail that showed him everything.

He settled down onto his belly and covered his head with his forelegs. “Why can’t I have a single day without everything going weird or wrong?”

Sweetie Belle poked his hind leg. “Do you want me to go so you can take care of your... issue?”

“No, I’m not going to do that here. I can wait until I get back home… and Silver’s thingie did the same thing yours did, what’s up with that?”

Sweetie squeaked quietly. “It’s… um, something very personal for a filly and colts shouldn’t know about it.”

Snickers turned around and looked at the bush Sweetie was in. “Come out here and tell me, dammit. I saw you masturbating and I’ll never get that image out of my head, you can tell my about a filly’s… whatever you wanna call it.”

Sweetie scooted forward and showed her pink hued face and ears. “You really can’t stop thinking about me doing that?”

Snickers scooped some dead leaves and tossed them at his face as a distraction. “Please, just tell me,” he pleaded.

“W-well, when a mare likes a stallion a lot… or is really in the mood and receptive, she’ll, well…”

“Sweetie Belle…” Snickers whined.

“It’s called ‘winking’ and it’s super embarrassing, okay?” Sweetie whispered harshly.

“So, when I was drying you and you--”

“You rubbed one of my spots, okay? It wasn’t your fault because you weren’t trying to, but it happened.”

Snickers pondered the meaning of what he’d just seen and learned. “So, Silver is gonna masturbate because of me?” Sweetie nodded. “And this ‘winking’ thing is private because, why?”

“Well, you know…”

“No, Sweetie Belle, I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking,” Snickers replied exasperatedly.

Sweetie glanced past Snickers at the colt she had eyes for, watching as he watched ponies fly away. “Okay, you know how stallions have their sheaths that keeps their privates away? Well, mares have this thing call a cl… clip, uh, clipinis! And even though we don’t wear anything, it’s always inside, so showing it is really personal, okay?”

Snickers resolved to ask Rarity about it later, instead accepting Sweetie’s poor answer. “Okay, now that I know, and I’m not showing anymore, I’m gonna go back out there and drown myself in the lake.”

“No! Snickers, don’t do it!” Sweetie hugged his foreleg. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the clipinis before, don’t hurt yourself because of me.”

Snickers leaned down and gave Sweetie a hug. “I won’t, I was just talkin’ sh- smack. I need to cool off and splash in the lake for a minute, I’ll see you later and I really don’t want to have to explain sticky hooves to Rarity later, so don’t do what you can do in here, okay?”

Sweetie let his legs go and held her hooves up to him. “I promise I won’t touch myself until I get home, okay?”

Snickers nodded and left the greenery. “<Honestly, what the fuck is going on today? It was supposed to be a cutiemark attempt, now I’m talking with my aunt, who is slightly younger than me, about masturbation in the bushes after being told I was another fillies fantasy in a few minutes.>”