• Published 5th Mar 2020
  • 3,996 Views, 409 Comments

Game Quest: Super Mario 64 - Phantom-Dragon

Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends arrive in the Mushroom Kingdom to help Mario and his buddies rescue Princess Peach.

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Grim Grinning Ghosts Come out to Shy Away

A Brady Bunch parody opening

Twilight: “Here’s the story, of an alicorn princess
Who was exploring a magic cave of games!”

Pinkie Pie: “She brought along all of her friends”

Spike: “Minus one dragon.”

Rainbow Dash: “And then we got captured...”

Mario: “Here’s the story of an Italian plumber
Who rescues Princesses from another castle”

Luigi: “I’m-a his brother.”

Wario: “I must rage nap!”

Yoshi: “Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi!”

Everyone: “And then one day
The princess and the plumber
Would come together to rescue another princess from another castle
And that’s how the Game Quest started
And they became the Gamer Bunch!

The Gamer Bunch!
The Gamer Bunch!
Now let’s unpause the game with a start!

And now, our feature presentation!


“Where are you?” A quiet, lonely voice cried. “Where did you go? Where is everybody? Where are you?”

Somewhere in the haunted house, a lonely soul wanders, searching endlessly for the way out, and the companionship she once had.

She didn’t remember what had happened. She only knew that one moment, she was with her friends, when suddenly, her world went dark and she finds herself in the house, plagued with ghosts.

Until now, a ray of hope appeared before her.

“Is that you? My friends?”

A Few Moments Earlier

“Just-a curious,” Mario began. “What’s-a all this talk about this voice calling its-a-self, the Guide. And what does it-a mean about this Cave of Games? What is-a that?”

Unsure of how to respond, the ponies and dragon all exchange looks with one another. They knew sooner or later they’d eventually tell Mario and his friends the truth about how they came to this world.

“It’s a long story,” Applejack replied. “Ya may find it hard to believe.”

Mario simply sat on the floor, crossing his legs together to get comfortable.

“I’m-a listening,” He said, encouragingly and eagerly.

Seeing how the plumber was anticipating the truth and would not have it any other way, Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Fine, we’ll tell you,” She said anxiously. “But can we make this quick? We gotta rescue Fluttershy, like right now!”

Finding the right words, and trying their best to comply with Rainbow Dash's wish, Spike was the first to start.

"So, about a week ago, Twilight and I were visited by our old friend, Starswirl the Bearded," He narrated.

"And he's really old!" Pinkie Pie joked. "You should see how long his beard is!"

"Pinkie!" Applejack scolded, while Spike continued.

"As I was saying, Starswirl told us about the Cave of Games, which is what we used to travel from our world to this world."

Mario and Yoshi both nodded in acknowledgement, before Applejack took over.

"But we didn't exactly came to the cave jus' to visit yer world or anythin'," The country pony explained. "The real reason we came there in the first place was because, and I don't know how else to put it, but the cave is sick."

"Oh?" Mario pondered. "How sick are we-a talking about-a here?"

"The cave's been infected with some sort of dark magic that's already claimed three ponies, before us," Applejack answered. "Friends of Starswirls, to be precise. That's why we're here, to find a way to fix the cave and find out more about this...this darkness."

"Hmmm," Mario pondered. "I see. So you're looking for-a way to fix this Cave of-a Games and repel the Darkness-a then. But what about the Guide? What is it?"

"Perhaps, I should answer that," The Guide spoke. "I, like some others, am a guardian of the Cave of Games. And for centuries, it has always been my duty to provide guidance to adventurers who have come to seek such excitements via the Cave of Games. My only restriction is that I cannot give a straight answer, unless it is to answer a question about my purpose and what my role is."

"Ah, good to know," Pinkie Pie replied.


"Anyway, that should answer enough of your questions now," Rainbow grunted impatiently. "Now can we go now? We gotta save Fluttershy!"

Though miffed at how impatient the pegasus is, the heroes knew she means well, and was concerned about Fluttershy's well being.

"Okay," Mario nodded. "C'mon! The courtyard is-a this-a way! Let's-a go!"

With that, the heroes all followed the red plumber who took them through a wooden door, that wasn't marked by a star. They hadn't gone far, however, when they saw what appeared to be a large spherical ghost creature, with stubby arms, a large tongue that falls out of its menacing grin that is lined with jagged sharp teeth.

"What the what?!" Rainbow Dash pointed at the ghost, watching as it quickly turns tail and flies through a door at the end of the hall. "D-D-D-D-D-Did you see that?!" She stammered.

"Like it went through the wall!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Nothing stopped it!"

"Of course-a not!" Mario began. "It's a-Boo!"

"A what?" Spike asked.

"A Boo!" Mario repeated.

"Gesundheit," Pinkie said.

"No, no, no. I didn't-a sneeze. A Boo is a type of a ghost-a-like-a creature. But don't-a worry. They're much more scared of us than we are of them. But don't-a let that-a fool-a you. They're still very mischievous spirits and have often pulled lots of too many-a pranks on both-a me and my brother, Luigi."

Soon the heroes arrived in the courtyard, where they find the place, much to their shock, swarming with more Boos.

"Holy guacamole!" Spike shouted.

"Yoshi!" Yoshi chirped in alarm.

"Mamma mia!" Mario exclaimed. "It's-a Boo-palooza!"

"Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize~" Pinkie Pie sang.

"And one of them's got Fluttershy!" Rainbow snarled. "Alright you, ghouls!" The pegasus flapped her wings into action. "What have you done to Fluttershy?! TALK!" In response, the Boos immediately vanished into thin air. "What the–Hey! Where'd they go?!" Rainbow quickly turned her head in every direction, searching for the phantoms, when a Boo suddenly appeared from behind.

"DASH!" Mario shouted. "Behind you!" But it was too late.


"YOW!!" Rainbow Dash yelped, as she jumped up with a start from the sudden bite to her flank. "HEY!" Rainbow turned around to see the Boo, covering its face and blushing up a storm. "Why'd you bit me on the–Uh...what're you blushing for?" Then, another Boo appeared behind Dash.


“AAH!!” Rainbow Dash yelped.

“Why ya flank biting ghouls!” Applejack snorted as she charged in to save her friend. “Take this!” Applejack threw her hoof out in a punch, which the ghosts avoided, as they disappeared.

“Where’d they go?” Applejack asked.

Just then, a Boo revealed itself, “There’s one!” Spike pointed.

Reacting fast, Rainbow Dash threw a punch in the Boo's direction, but it disappeared.

"How do we fight something we can't see?" Applejack asked.

"It's a-simple," Mario demonstrated by walking out into the courtyard, when a Boo reappeared behind him. Then, as if he could sense the ghost's reappearance, Mario did a backflip, jumping over the ghost and landed behind it, before he threw a punch, and a kick, causing the ghost to disappear. "Wait-a for it-a to appear."

With this newfound knowledge, the heroes quickly turn the tide against the Boos.

"Playing hide and seek, are you?" Spike asked, when he hears a cackling coming from behind him. "TAG! You're it!" He roared, shooting a ball of fire at the Boo, causing it to disappear in puffs of smokes and it left behind a single red coin. "Hey look!" Spike exclaimed, picking up the red coin. "I've got a red coin!"

The rest of the heroes all nodded in acknowledgement, as they continued their fight with the Boos.

"Surprise!" Pinkie startled one of the Boos into disappearing in a puff of smoke and leaving behind a red coin. "Peek-a-boo!" She surprised another to disappear and received another red coin. "Ag-ug-ug-ug-ug-ug!" She laughed, like a sailor man.

Applejack was being chased by three Boos, when Rainbow Dash lunged out from the side and kicked them all into puffs of smokes, leaving behind three red coins for her and Applejack to collect.

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow Dash whooped. "Who wants to bite me now?"

Just then, two Boos appeared behind Rainbow Dash and Applejack, which didn't go unnoticed for either mares.

"WATCH OUT!" The girls pointed to the ghosts behind each other, before they quickly ran up to each other and linked their hooves together, and spin themselves around to land a kick at both Boos, earning two more red coins for a total of 8.

With that, a Power Star materialized itself in the courtyard.

"Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie bounced happily. "We've struck Power Star!"

With that, the heroes all raced to collect their reward, which danced and showered them with magical golden sparkles.

"Here we go!" Mario cheered, as he poses on one knee and holds two fingers up.

"YEAH! We got a Power Star!" The Equestrian Heroes sang.

"YOSHI!" Yoshi chirped.

With that, the Power Star disappears as it adds itself to their star collection, bringing their total of 28 to 29.

29 Power Stars

Just then, a loud cackling was heard.

"Oh!" Rainbow Dash challenged, throwing her hooves out. "You cowardly Boos are back for more? You want a piece of me? Rainbow Danger Dash?! Well, bring it on!"

As if answering Dash's challenge, a large Boo appeared, cackling and sticking its tongue out at the heroes.

"Whoa!" Spike exclaimed. "That's a Big Boo!"

"Yoshi!" Yoshi chirped in agreement.

"That's exactly what it is!" Mario replied, watching as the Big Boo held out a familiar green hat. "Mamma mia! It's-a got-a Luigi!"

"Which means it also got Fluttershy too!" With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash charged toward the Big Boo, which quickly disappeared before she could land a hit to it.

The Big Boo then reappeared and was about to sink its teeth on Dash, when it was tackled from behind, by Applejack. With that, the Big Boo disappeared in a puff of smoke, and it dropped what appeared to be a small bird cage, with a small house inside.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack exclaimed, flabbergasted, as she and the rest of heroes gather around to look at the small cage on the ground. "A cage?"

"A cage with a house inside?" Spike asked.

"But why would the Boos be carrying this around?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Hmmm," Mario held his hand out to touch the cage, and he immediately shrank and was sucked into the cage, as if he was pulled in by a vacuum cleaner. "WHOA-HO-Hoo-hoo-HOW!" Mario wailed, as he disappeared into the cage.


Then, without warning, the rest of the heroes all suddenly find themselves shrinking as they all got sucked into the cage.

Author's Note:

Up Next: The heroes go ghost hunting to find their next Power Stars and to find Fluttershy. But they will find more that meets the eyes.

After That: To rescue Mario's brother, Luigi, our heroes and the red plumber go head-to-head with the evil King Boo.