• Published 5th Mar 2020
  • 4,016 Views, 409 Comments

Game Quest: Super Mario 64 - Phantom-Dragon

Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends arrive in the Mushroom Kingdom to help Mario and his buddies rescue Princess Peach.

  • ...

Big Boo's Haunt – Part 3 | The Great Mission to Rescue Fluttershy

In the previous chapter:

More than 100 coins were collected (all 8 red coins were found)

6 Power Stars recovered.
2 Power Stars remained.

Game Unpaused

No! Stay!” A voice called. “Don’t leave again!

Pinkie Pie, the first of her group to turn around and look, widens her eyes in immediate horror.


Pinkie Pie is the first to gallop away, as the rest of her group turn their heads and immediately see what she’s running away from.

"AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" They all screamed.

They kicked up the waters with their feet, running away from the nightmare that was chasing them. Spike-Mario removes his hat to resume his true dragon form, allowing him to flap his wings as hard as he’s never flapped before. On the surface, the nightmarish figure chasing them looked like Fluttershy, except her eyes were missing, streams of blood poured from where they were, her hooves covered in blood, she drags long steel chains along the watery floor, and she carried a large wheel around her neck.

Spike had never felt scared in all his life until now.

“Move it or lose it guys!” Spike shouted, flapping harder. “It’s gaining on us!”

As for Fluttershy herself, she has no idea where her friends suddenly ran away from her. She turns her head, seeing if there is something behind her. But to her perplexed nature, there wasn’t anyone or anything behind her.

“What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked. “Why are you running from me? Come back! Please! Come back!”


But it was no use. Fluttershy watches helplessly, as her frightened friends ran away from her. Not long after, they completely vanished behind a door. By the time the buttercup Pegasus arrives, she is aghast to see it opens to an endless void of darkness.

“Where did you all go?” Fluttershy asked.

After they enter through the door, the friends keep running. They are too frightened to escape from the nightmare, they failed to realize it is really their friend, Fluttershy.

“Is it still after us?!” Applejack asked.

Spike turns behind him, seeing no one behind them.

“I think we lost it!” Spike confirmed.

Our heroes eventually slowed down, as their run comes to a grinding halt.

“I think we’re lost ourselves!” Pinkie Pie stated.

The party pony points to the fog, which grew thicker as it surrounds them in complete darkness.

“Where are we? Who turned out the lights?”

“BRRRRRR!!!” Spike shivered, rubbing himself from the sudden chill. “Why did it get so cold all of a sudden?”

“Uh… is it jus’ me… or does any pony get the funny feeling we’re bein’ watched?” Applejack shuddered.

“I feel it too!” Pinkie Pie vouched, in agreement.

“Ditto!” Spike shivered.

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped.

"Very perceptive!!!" A loud ominous voice echoed, shaking the heroes to the core. "We have been observing you for quite some TIME!!!"

Frightened out of their wits, the heroes turn their heads, searching and blindly locating the source of the voice in the dark.

“Who’s there?!” Applejack asked. “Who are you?! Show yerself!”

"WE are the DARKNESS!" The voice answered. "WE welcome you to our GAMES of ESCAPE and SURVIVAL!"



"AAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!" Rainbow Dash's voice screamed.

“Rainbow Dash?!” Applejack exclaimed, frightened. “DASH! What’s wrong? Are y’all right?”


“Mario?!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“Help me!” A third familiar voice screamed. “Please! SOMEPONY, HELP ME!!!”

“TWILIGHT!!!” Spike shouted, in worry.

"HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPP!!!!!" A fourth voice shouted desperately.

“Mama!” Yoshi chirped.

“What you done to our friends?!” Applejack stomped her hoof fiercely.

"IF you ever want to see your FRIENDS again, then you MUST accept our game, or YOU will all be LOST in the DARKNESS FOREVER!!!"



The friends tried to look toward each other. But being in complete darkness, it was impossible.

“What other choice do we have?” Spike asked rhetorically.

“Alright! We accept your game!” Applejack answered. “But just so we can get out of here and find our friends!”

“Hold on!” Spike called out. “What kind of game are we playing? And what does it have to do with rescuing our friends?”

"To reach your FRIENDS, you must first ESCAPE our TRIAL of NIGHTMARES and HORRORS untold! FAIL the trial and YOU will be lost in the DARKNESS for ETERNITY!"



"BUT if you succeed, then the REWARD will far outweigh the RIIIIIISSSKK!"

“Fine by me,” Applejack replied. “Let’s jus’ get this over with!”


Out of thin air, a green magical aura materializes into the shape of an hourglass.

"You must succeed the task BEFORE the sands in this hourglass runs out or the game is OVER!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

The air around the heroes grew colder, as if the wind seized the heroes in its cold clutches. The breeze spirits them away, lifting them off the flooded floors of the basement.

“Hey! What’s happening?!” Spike asked. “Where are we going?!”

“YOSHI!” Yoshi chirped in alarm.

“I don’t know!” Applejack replied.

She reaches a hoof out to keep her hat on and the other to keep a firm grip on her friends.


“WHOAAAAAA!!!” Pinkie yelled.

She and her friends find themselves spinning in the air, as if they were in a tornado.

“Auntie Pie! It’s a twister!”

The heroes spun around, flying blindly in the dark wind, as they were spirited away to some unknown location to begin their given task.

Meanwhile, back with Rainbow Dash and Mario

“What happened?” Rainbow Dash mentally asked.

As she slowly regains her consciousness, her vision returning just the same, she finds herself staring into the pupils of a giant eyeball.

“What… what the what?!” Rainbow Dash asked aloud.

“AAAUGGHH!!!” Dash screamed in surprise.

Rainbow Dash tries to fly away, only to realize and find herself bound by a web of dark chains.

“Huh? Hey, what gives?! Where am I? What’s going on? What’s happening to me?!”

“Rainbow-a Dash?!” Mario called out.

Rainbow strains to hurt her head, as her eyes catch the red plumber chained next to her.

“Are you okay? Where are we? What’s-a going on?”

Good… you are finally awake.

Mario and Rainbow Dash look ahead, as Fluttershy steps out from behind the giant eyeball.

“Fluttershy?!” Rainbow asked. “What’s happening? Can you get us out of these chains?”

All in due time, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy spoke, with a sinister grin. “The game is set, and it is just begun. We need you and Mario alive… for now.

“Wh-what?!” Both Mario and Rainbow exclaim, outraged.

“What are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What game? We don’t have time for games! Stop playing with us and-AAAAUGGGH!!!”

Rainbow wailed in agony, her body once again flashing and contorting out of proportions.

SILENCE mortal!” Fluttershy demanded demonically. “You are in no place to make demands. For you are not of this reality. And your other friends in the basement are no exception.”

After a moment of her torture passed, Rainbow looks toward Fluttershy.

“You’re not Fluttershy! Who are you? What are you?!”

I am the Game Master!” The demonic-possessed Fluttershy rasped. “And soon your executioner should your friends not reach you in time. Till then, our acquaintance, Mr. Big I, will make your death slow and sufferable…

The demon-possessed Fluttershy took her leave, as the giant eyeball turns its gaze toward Rainbow Dash and Mario. The eye fires burning orbs of light at the two. Upon being hit, Mario and Rainbow Dash felt intense heat enveloped their whole bodies in flame unlike anything they’ve ever felt before. To Rainbow Dash, it felt more painful than being struck or electrocuted by lightning.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash hears a crack of electricity hissing in the air, followed by a jolt of energy waves flowing through the chains, surging into her body, and Rainbow Dash felt a new painful sensation, like a thousand fiery needles piercing into her skin, threatening to tear her apart.

Rainbow Dash never felt so much pain in her life; all she wanted was for it to be all over.

[mon]A/N: This is the best I could find for Twilight's Canterlot library at night

At first, all Spike and his group could see is darkness. But after coming to their senses, the heroes felt solid ground. They wearily open their eyes and got up to look, only to find themselves in a dusty old library.

“Where are we?” Applejack asked.

“From the looks of it, I’d say a library,” Spike answered. “And judging from the cobwebs and dust, an abandoned one at that…”

Suddenly, Spike’s eyes widen as if he realized something.

“Wait, hold on! I know this place! This was Twilight’s old library! We’re back in Canterlot!”

“We are?” Applejack and Pinkie exclaimed in unison.


“What are we doing here?” Applejack asked. “We’ve got to get back to the Mushroom Kingdom! Our friends are still there and they’re in big trouble!”

“Do not fear, young adventurers,” The Guide’s voice spoke. “I am still with you. I shall lend you my guidance to the best of my ability.”

“Oh, great… Guide!” Spike replied. “Tell us. How can we—”

“Before you ask your questions, I must warn you,” The Guide interrupted. “In the Darkness’ games, I am bound by the rule to offer guidance and hints… for only three questions. Three questions, three answers. And your questions must be unanimous. Choose wisely.”

“O-kay then,” Spike replied, understanding.

“What does it mean, ‘unanimous’?” Applejack asked.

“It means it has something we all fully agree on,” Spike explained. “Twilight told me about it… once.”

“Okay then, what do you think we should be askin’ the Guide then?”

“We should ask it on where we begin?” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Yoshi!” Yoshi nodded in agreement.

“Works for me,” Spike said.

“Okay Guide!” Applejack called out. “We’ve decided our question. Where should we begin?”

“To find your way back and rescue your friends,” The Guide answered. “Some studying should help make sense.”

To find your way back and rescue your friends,” Applejack repeated. “Some studying should help make sense…

“Studying… studying…” Spike repeated, turning to the dusty books. “Maybe we should start looking through some books? I mean that’s what Twilight would do when she studies.”

“Worth a try,” Applejack nodded.

She and her friends proceed to approach the bookshelves to investigate. Along the way, they happen to pass a large hourglass, which Spike took notice.

“Hey! I remember this old thing!” Spike chuckled.

Just then, he noticed the hourglass was coated in an eerie green glow, in which he remembers the time they have to complete the Darkness’ game.

“Oh no! We have to hurry!”

The heroes quicken the pace, the task in their hands and hooves, investigating the bookshelves of the abandoned library. At first, nothing happens as the heroes pull some books off the shelves. Suddenly, Applejack discovers a book seemingly out of place.

“’Game Quest Story Documents’?” Applejack read the title on the binding. “I may not read books like Twilight, but I know this isn’t somethin’ you’d find in an Equestrian library.”

Applejack proceeds to pull the book from the shelf, but finds it stuck in place.

“Hmm… book’s stuck.”

With a strong pull, the country pony unknowingly pulled a switch causing the entire bookshelf and the platform it stood on to spin around taking the ponies, dragon, and dinosaur on a wild ride.

“HEY!” The ponies and Spike exclaimed.

“YOSHI!” Yoshi yelped in surprise.

“What jus’ happened?” Applejack answered.

“A good question I wish had a good answer!” Pinkie replied.

“Or even a bad answer!” Spike added.

Just then, Spike and his friends hear an unpleasant clicking and clanking of chains, looking up in fright.

“Uh oh!” Pinkie began. “I think we just found that bad answer!”

Standing before them is Fluttershy, in her nightmarish appearance, who has been chasing them throughout the entire course of the mad house.

“Sweet Celestia!” Spike shouted. “That thing can follow us anywhere?!”


“Ya mean it can try!” Applejack started. “C’mon y’all! Let’s beat it!”

The heroes turn tail and run down the dark hallway.

“Wait! COME BACK!!” Fluttershy shouted.

A frustrated sigh escapes her lips, as Fluttershy chases after them. The chase takes place in a dungeon, as our fleeing heroes take refuge in some barrels.

“I wonder if we lost her?” Pinkie asked, inside her barrel.

Spike and Yoshi peek from their hiding spot for a quick look.

“I don’t see anything,” Spike answered.

But his words are eaten fast, when Fluttershy appears.


“YOSHI!” Yoshi screeched.

He and the dragon quickly rush off as the ponies realize what happened.

“Oh boy!” Applejack complained. “Here we go again!”

Applejack and Pinkie start to gallop with the barrels still over their heads.

“SPIKE! GIRLS! YOSHI! STOP!” Fluttershy called.

The butter-coat Pegasus ran out of breath, as she struggles to catch up to her frightened friends.

“Why are you all running away from me?! What did I do?”

“Maybe this’ll stop her!” Applejack grunts.

She hurls a large wooden square box toward Fluttershy, who quickly ducks her head and avoids the flying box.

“SWEET CELESTIA!!!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Stop her?!” Spike asked rhetorically. “It didn’t even slow her down!”

“Maybe not,” Pinkie Pie stated. “But it sure speeds me up!”

The party pony quickly revs her feet into wheels and took off, leaving the group in the dust. Spike, Yoshi, and Applejack soon follow their pink friend, as the chase leads them out of the dungeon and into the halls of Canterlot Castle at night.

“We’re in Canterlot Castle!” Spike shouted. “C’mon, I know the way around this place!”

The heroes take off running through the intertwining hallways of the great castle, determined to lose what they assume to be a ghost. The whole chase resembles something from an old 80s cartoon featuring a talking dog and a team of teenage super sleuths.

“Split up!” Applejack suggested. “She can’t follow all of us!”

“No way!” Pinkie Pie argued. “Then she’ll follow me!”

“Why would she follow you?” Spike asked.

“They always follow me!” Pinkie Pie replied. “They always go after the comic relief!”

“Stop being paranoid and do it!” Applejack replied.

The farm pony is the first to break off from the group, running down the hall on her left. Spike, the second to break off, took the right with Yoshi being third and going left.

"NO! I told you she'd follow me!" Pinkie Pie wailed. "AAAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!!"

Pinkie Pie runs down the hallway, before entering a room. She quickly quadruple-locked the door, before turning to the other door and swings it open revealing Fluttershy, still looking like a dreadful nightmarish monster, standing there.

Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy shouted.

"AAAAAUGHHHH!!!" Pinkie screamed.

Her mane sticks out randomly, her coat nearly drains out its color. She zips back to the other door she locked. Meanwhile, Fluttershy follows her frightened friend.

Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy repeated. “It’s me!

Pinkie Pie unlocks all four locks but finds herself unable to pull the door open. It’s as if the knob is seemingly jammed in place. Mustering up every ounce of strength, Pinkie pulls the doorknob right out of its socket. With a frighten yelp, Pinkie Pie threw the doorknob at Fluttershy hitting the poor misunderstood Pegasus on the nose.


Ow! My nose!” Fluttershy whimpered.

Rubbing her inflicted nose, Fluttershy watches tearfully as Pinkie Pie ran out of the room.

“Scootaloo! Where are you?” Pinkie Pie shouted cartoonishly, running for dear life. She came screeching around a corner, just as Yoshi came from the other, and…


Both Yoshi and Pinkie Pie crash into each other. As soon as they get up, Yoshi ends up riding on Pinkie Pie who continues to gallop down the hall before they regroup with Spike and Applejack. From there, all four members kept running while Fluttershy was almost out of breath.

"Why is everyone RUNNING FROM ME?!!" Fluttershy screamed in frustration.

Fluttershy never felt this angry since her first time at the Grand Galloping Gala. Suddenly, as if answering her question, Fluttershy turns her head to a mirror and was startled by her own reflection. The bashful Pegasus let out a yelp, as she backs away from the nightmare before her eyes, which also backed away from her. It was in that moment Fluttershy realized the nightmare in the mirror was actually her reflection.

“What?” Fluttershy gasped, in horror.

She slowly approaches the mirror, placing a hoof upon the glass. However, what’s more perplexing was that in her own perspective, the Pegasus’ hooves appear normal, no chains and her skin intact. A clear contrast to how she appears in the mirror.

“Is this why my friends are so scared of me?” Fluttershy asked herself. “Oh dear…”

Before long, the four friends kept running until the run straight toward the end of a hallway.

“Nice goin’ Spike,” Applejack frowned. “We’re at a dead end.”

“Well look on the bright side,” Spike shrugged. “At least we’ve lost her.”

“Don’t look now, Sugarcube,” Applejack pointed. “But she’s found us!”

Sure enough, Fluttershy appears, panting heavily.

“Spike… Girls… Yoshi!” Fluttershy panted, trying to catch her breath. “I’m not a ghost! Please, don’t be afraid of me! I’m not going to hurt you!”

But the poor Pegasus’ efforts to explain herself fell on deaf ears. Try as she might, her friends were too scared to listen.

“What do we do now?!” Spike panicked.


Yoshi points to a hatch he opened in a wall, which he immediately jumped into.

“Hey! Yoshi’s found an old laundry chute!” Spike shouts. “Let’s go!”

Spike was about to jump in when he was pulled by the tail.

“Hold on, Spike!” Applejack stopped him. “There’s no tellin’ what’s waitin’ for us down there.”

“Maybe, but I’m not waiting for what’s up here!”

Spike jumps into the chute regardless of the circumstance.

"What did he say?"

“Geronimo!” Pinkie Pie shouted, jumping after her friends.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Applejack shouts, following after.

“Wait, no! STOP!!!” Fluttershy plead, arriving too late. “I’m not a ghost! It’s me! Fluttershy! FLUTTERSHYYYYYYY!!!”

The Pegasus’ wails echo down the chute, as the four heroes slide to escape.

At the bottom lie a couple baskets, containing old sheets of laundries. Applejack and Pinkie Pie land in one basket together, while Spike and Yoshi fall and land upon each other.

“Psst!” Pinkie whispered, inside her basket. “Is the coast clear?”

“Ah think so,” Applejack replied. “Let’s take a look.”

Spike and Yoshi both emerge from their basket, with the girls emerging from their own. Unfortunately, both girls emerge draped in white sheets, giving them the appearances of ghosts.

“Phew. I think we—”

Spike’s eyes widen in fright, when he and Yoshi look only to see two ghost girls standing over them.

“HOLY GUACAMOLE!!” Spike screamed. “TWO GHOSTS!!!”

“YOSHI!” Yoshi screamed, equally frightened.

Both dragon and dinosaur turn tail and run, only for the girls to throw the sheets off themselves as they grab the frightened boys by their tails.

“Hey, hold it!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“It’s jus’ us, Sugarcube!” Applejack added.

“Pinkie Pie? Applejack?” Spike asked, in relief.


“Uh, heh-heh… got to admit, you had us fooled,” Spike nervously chuckled. “Am I right, Yoshi? I knew it was them the whole time!”

“Yoshi… (Yeah, right…)” Yoshi rolled his eyes.

After regaining their composure, the heroes stand up and observe their surroundings. Only to realize, they were in another dungeon, with thousands of doors.

“Which one’s the way out of here?” Spike asked.

The heroes turn toward one another, exchanging glances before nodding and realizing what they were thinking.

“Okay Guide!” Applejack called out. “Here’s our second question! How do we find the door out of here?”

“Beware!” The Guide began. “Each door leads to more. Nightmares of untold horror waits behind each door. But only one on this floor is the exit to the upper floor.”

“Oh-kay…” Spike replied, confused. “But which one is which?”

“There’s like thousands of doors here!” Applejack exasperated. “It could be anyone!”

“Maybe we could try checking them out, one at a time?” Spike suggested.

The group splits up as they try investigating a door. Pinkie Pie walked toward the door, swinging it open on its frame revealing a pale humanoid creature, dressed in a black suit. But the horrifying truth of it was that it has no face. For Pinkie Pie, this means she can’t get it to smile.

"NO SMILEY FACE?!!” Pinkie Pie screamed. “AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

Pinkie Pie slams the door shut, escaping from the nightmare.

Yoshi walks toward another door, opening it to the side revealing a tyrannosaurus rex stomping through some trees, on a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, the large prehistoric tyrant caught sight of the small green dinosaur, unleashed a bloodcurdling roar, and charged towards Yoshi.


With a frightened yelp, Yoshi slammed the door shut, which trembled and shake upon collision from the T-Rex on the other side.

"AAAAAAAUGGGH!!!" Spike screamed.

The little dragon came flying out of a door, nearly mere seconds away from being grabbed by a large hand.

Applejack only opened a door for a quick peek but was immediately terrified upon seeing the nightmare of a familiar monstrous eel lunging towards her. Applejack quickly slams the door shut, just before the eel could get her.

“This is hopeless!” Applejack shouted.

She looks up toward the air, seeing the magically projected hourglass showing that time’s running out.

“We’re running out of time! We’ll never find the right door!”

Pinkie Pie’s mane deflated a bit as she slumped next to Applejack.

“It’s all over!” She whimpered. “It’s been nice knowing you, Applejack! And it was nice knowing we could possibly be cousins!”

“Well, whatever happens Pinkie Pie,” Applejack frowned, pulling Pinkie closer. “We’ll always be apples to the core.”

Seeing his pony friends dishearten, Spike feels helpless himself.

“It can’t end like this!” Spike shouted, pacing around. “There’s got to be a way to find the door out of this place!”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped. “Yoshi! Yoshi! Yoshi! Yoshi!”

“What? Hold that thought, Yoshi.”

Reaching into his backpack, Spike pulls out Mario’s hat, which magically transforms himself into Spike-Mario.

“Okay. You were-a saying?”

“I was saying we can’t just give up, Spike!” Yoshi said. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Mario and Mama Luigi, is that there’s a solution to every problem!”

“I’m not-a giving up-a Yoshi!” Spike-Mario replied. “I just wished we knew where to look first…”

“Well, from what your friend, the ‘Guide’ told us, there’s only one door on this floor that can take us to the upper floor,” Yoshi repeated. “But there are hundreds of doors! That’s a lot for just one floor…”

“Hmm…” Spike-Mario pondered, twirling his mustache. “Doors… floor… I wonder…”

Looking down at the floor, Spike-Mario brushed some dust away to reveal a line colored like a rainbow.

“Mamma mia! I think I found-a something!”

“What? What is it, Spike?” Applejack asked.

She and Pinkie Pie gallop over to see what the dragon-turned-plumber found.

“Ooh! Pretty!” Pinkie Pie commented.

“Hey! I think I get it!” Spike-Mario said. “The line on the floor is-a connected to the door that will get us out of here! We just-a need to dust the floor off the floor and uncover-a the line!”

“Then, what are we-a waiting for my plumber friend?”

With another pull on her mane, Pinkie Pie transfigured the end of her bang in the shape of a fan’s propeller.

“Exit, here we come!”

Pinkie Pie proceeds to blow the dirt away, uncovering the hidden line and bringing the heroes closer to the correct door. Along the way, Spike-Mario decides to strike up a conversation with Yoshi.

“By the way, did you just call Luigi ‘mama’?” He asked.

“Yeah…” Yoshi blushed, chuckling. “It’s kinda how I’ve always looked up to him.”

“Go on…” Spike-Mario urged.

“Well, when I was just a little hatchling, Luigi was the first person I saw after I hatched. I remember calling him ‘Mama Luigi’ and… the name’s kinda stuck ever since.”

“Wait, you mean… you were an orphan?” Spike-Mario asked, his eyes widen in wonder.

“I’m afraid so,” Yoshi frowned. “I never knew who my mom and dad are. When Mama Luigi first found my egg, he said I was in a box. No nest, no mama or papa Yoshi around.”

“Oh wow,” Spike-Mario replied sympathetically. “I’m sorry to hear that, Yoshi.”

“It’s fine,” The green dinosaur reassured. “I mean I’m not alone anymore. I’ve got Mario and Mama Luigi to hang out with! And Princess Peach was sweet and nice! She’s kinda like a mother to me, but Mario and Mama Luigi are the closest I have to parents… in a way.”

“Yeah, I can relate with you on that, Yoshi,” Spike-Mario nodded. “Like you, I was just an orphan egg when I was found.

Yoshi turns toward the dragon-turned-plumber, with a surprised look.

“I never knew who my parents were, or why I was abandoned… but back then, when Princess Celestia first found me, I was so cold I didn’t have the strength to hatch. But thankfully, Twilight used her magic to hatch me, and brought me into the world. So, I pretty much owed my life to her. In a way, she’s like my mom, although we have more of a brother-and-sister vibe.”

“Wow, really?” Yoshi asked, in amazement.

“Really-really,” Spike-Mario answered.

“Wow! I didn’t know we’d have so much in common!”

“Well, when you think about it. We’re not-a so-a different. We both come from eggs.”

“And we have scales.”

“And we can-a be-a very-a helpful to our friends!”

Both Spike-Mario and Yoshi share a quick laugh together, which didn’t go unheard for both Pinkie Pie and Applejack. Though the two ponies had trouble understanding a word Yoshi was chirping, judging by what Spike was relaying to the dinosaurs, they ‘can’ tell the young dragon was bonding with his dinosaur friend over common grounds. The two equines couldn’t help but smile warmly at the two.

“You know, it’s crazy,” Spike-Mario began. “But we could practically be brothers.”

“Brothers?” Yoshi exclaimed. “Huh, never thought of it that way before. I’ve never had a brother before.”

“Well, now you do!” Spike-Mario said, as he and Yoshi hold hands.

Soon, the heroes reach the end of the line, arriving at a door.

“I hope-a this is it.”

Applejack cautiously approached the door, grabbing hold of the knob, before turning to her friends. Pinkie Pie holds out her party cannon at the ready, with Spike and Yoshi in a battle stance.

“One, two… THREE!!”

With a swing of her hooves, Applejack flung the door open revealing a familiar hallway, back to the mansion.

“This is it!” Applejack exclaimed, in triumph. “We did it! We’re back!”

“Then, let’s-a go!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “We’ve got friends to save and a princess to rescue!”

“YOSHI! (YEAH!)” Yoshi chirped.

“Let’s-a do this!” Spike-Mario shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

Following close behind the group of friends is none other than Fluttershy. After the recent misunderstanding she endured, the buttercup Pegasus decides it’s best to stay quiet and follow her friends closely. All the same, it broke her heart to realize the reason her friends ran away from her is because of the nightmarish appearance she is cursed with.


A loud scream was heard from the other end of the hall.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy shouted.

Unfortunately, she just made herself known to her friends.

“AAUGH!!!” Spike pointed. “It’s the night—”

However, the nightmare of Fluttershy galloped passed them and they stand perplexed.


“Hold on, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy shouted. “I’ll save you!”

The rest of the heroes turn to each other, exchanging looks of bewilderment, and shrugging in confusion.

"Impressive! These CREATURES have succeeded in COMPLETING our game, and have earned their FREEDOM to resume their QUEST. But one last test awaits for them on the OTHER SIDE."

Big Boo's Haunt
Rainbow Dash and Mario

Secret Room


Rainbow Dash screamed at the top of her lungs, as the Big Mr. I continuously torture her and Mario.


The large eyeball, however, didn’t listen neither heed the demands from the Pegasus.


The eye turns as a portal opened up. Much to its horror, Fluttershy stood before it, still in her nightmarish appearance. Rainbow Dash, nearly drained and close to unconsciousness, stares wearily towards her.

“Fluttershy?!” Rainbow Dash asked. “Is that you? It sounded like…”

Don’t worry, Dash!” Fluttershy reassured her beaten friend. “I’ll save you!

Following close behind the Pegasus, the rest of the heroes finally enter.

“Fluttershy?!” Applejack exclaimed. “I… I don’t… is that really you?!”

“Say what?!” The rest of the group shouts, in bewilderment.

That’s Fluttershy?!” Spike asked.

Applejack! Every pony,” Fluttershy began. “I know I look scary right now, but you’ve got to trust me! We have to save Rainbow Dash and Mr. Mario now!

She points her hoof toward the dark chains holding and torturing their friends, and the large eyeball blasting both the Pegasus and plumber with magical balls of light. Overcoming the shock at Fluttershy’s revelation, the heroes nod and went to work freeing their trapped friends and to stop the giant eyeball. Applejack gallops toward the wall, where Rainbow and Mario were shackled

“Don’t worry, Dash!” Applejack said. “I’ll have ya out in a bit!”

“A.J.! WAIT!” Rainbow grunted.

But it was too late. Applejack thrusts her legs out to break the chains, only to get electrocuted on impact. Her whole body flashed and distorts, the same way as it affected Rainbow Dash.

“AH-HA-HA-OW!” Applejack grunted, holding her smartened hooves. “Ooh! That smarts!”

“Those dark chains… whatever they are… pack a lot of energy to torture… ARGH!!” Rainbow Dash yelled, writing in agony. “Just get us out of here!!! HURRY!!!”

“But how can we free you guys without hurting ourselves?” Spike-Mario asked.

He turns toward the Big Mr. I, glowing and charging for another attack.

“HEY! Leave our friends alone, you big one-eye!” Pinkie shouted.

She fires her party cannon at the eye, which explodes confetti onto the beast. This in turn caused the eye to throw its aim off, misfiring its magical attack and shatters the dark chains, thus freeing Rainbow Dash and Mario.

“YOSHI!” Yoshi chirped in amazement.

“Alright, Pinkie Pie!” Applejack shouted. “Ya did it! Ya freed our friends!”

“Eh, what are friends for?” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“Don’t-a celebrate just-a yet!” Spike-Mario pointed.

The giant eyeball turns around, setting its sight upon the intruders.

“What do we do?”

“Everyone!” Mario called, helping Rainbow up. “Run around in a circle!”

“What for?” Applejack asked.

“Just do it!” Rainbow grunted. “Trust us!”

The rest of the heroes, including Fluttershy, kick their legs as they ran circles around the Big Mr. I, which spun around, following them, until it got dizzy.

“Stop!” Mario shouts.

Everyone skids to a halt as Mario points to Mr. Big I. The creature spins till it shrinks and disappears into puffs of smoke, revealing a Power Star. Without wasting a second, the heroes run towards the star, and collects it. The Power Star dances around the heroes, bathing in showers of gold.

Rainbow Dash and Mario suddenly feel themselves renewed and replenished from the torture they endured. As for Fluttershy, she suddenly finds herself bathed in the star’s magical glow, washing over her with a comforting warmth.

“YEAH!” The heroes cheer triumphantly. “We got a Power Star!”

After their celebration died down, the heroes turn toward Rainbow Dash and Mario.

“Hoo-wee!” Applejack exclaimed, in relief. “Thank Celestia we got to ya both in time!”

“I’m glad to finally be free of those chains,” Rainbow sighed. “Nothing to compared to almost drowning in a sunken ship…”

“But the most important-a thing is you all did it, ha-ha!” Mario laughed, heartily shaking Applejack’s hooves. “You save-a Mario and-a Rainbow-a-Dash! Way to go! Number ones!”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy said happily, approaching Rainbow Dash. “Thank Celestia you’re alright!”

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked, looking at her friend suspiciously. “Uh… I mean, you’re for real this time, are you?”

Fluttershy’s ears droop, she holds her hooves to her face.

“I know Dash, I know…” She sobbed. “I’m horrible! I’m hideous!”

“What?” Applejack asked. “But from where I’m standing, ya look okay now.”

“Don’t try and sugarcoat it, Applejack! I’m—huh?”

Fluttershy looks up, clearly confused.

“What did you say? And… can you hear me now?”

“Of course we can hear you, Sugarcube. Why couldn’t we hear you before?”

“Because ever since you’ve all come to this horrible house, I’ve been trying to warn you about this place! But you couldn’t hear me or see me! It’s like I was invisible! When you finally did see me, you all scared of me because I looked like a monster!”


Applejack’s group cringed with embarrassment, over unintentionally ignoring their frightened friend.

“We’re sorry about that, Fluttershy,” Applejack apologized, tipping her hat. “We had no idea.”

“Who knew those Boos could play such a mean trick like that?” Pinkie Pie asked rhetorically.

“Though, to be honest,” Spike began, removing his hat and scratching his head. “I don’t think that… that… Darkness was… I think it’s beyond the Boos!”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi nods in agreement.

“Darkness?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Never mind that,” Applejack spoke, wanting to change topic. “What I want to know is… how is it that we can see Fluttershy now? How is that she looks normal?”

“You mean, I’m really me?” Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie Pie shows the Pegasus a mirror, as she gasps over her reflection.

“I’m me again!”

“Hmm…” Mario ponders.

Stroking his mustache, Mario approaches the Pegasus and observes her. In appearance, Fluttershy is still transparent, but she shined in a coat of golden sparkles.

“It-a looks like Fluttershy’s-a become invisible, by some terrible dark magic,” Mario deduced. “And it appears the Power Star has blessed her with some of its light magic to restore her, so we can at least-a see her!”

“… Makes sense to me!” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“Not so fast,” Rainbow Dash began. “First, if you’re really Fluttershy, tell me something only I would know.”

“Only you would know?” Fluttershy ponders. “Oh! Remember that time we went to Cloudsdale High together? When we were in that Weather Making science class? I told you to put the spring dew, but instead you—”

“Okay! Okay! It’s you!”

The last thing Rainbow Dash needs is for her one friend to share any embarrassing past moments.

“It’s really you, Fluttershy! For real!” Rainbow Dash whimpered, her eyes welling up with tears. “Fluttershy!!!”

“Oh, Dash!”

Fluttershy held her hooves out to hug her friend. But strangely, they were unable to and phased right through each other.

“Oh! Oh dear…”

“Wh-What?!” Rainbow exclaimed. “What the what?!”

Mario looked more perplexed than ever before.

“Hmm, but if you’re the real-a Fluttershy,” Mario pondered. “Where’s the other one?”

Right here!

The heroes turns and sees the other Fluttershy, the one who kidnapped Mario and Rainbow Dash.

“What the?!” Spike asked, bewildered.

He and his friends turn toward one Fluttershy, then the other and vice versa.

“Two Fluttershy’s?!”

“That’s the evil Fluttershy who kidnapped and tortured us!” Rainbow Dash pointed.

The evil Fluttershy takes notice of the ‘real’ Fluttershy with a sneer.

It would seem you found your lost friend,” The demon said. “But it matters not, for you recovered only ‘half’ of her, while we have her body.


The heroes exchange looks of shock upon this revelation.

“Then give it back to Fluttershy!!!” Rainbow Dash barked.

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie added. “That’s Fluttershy’s body! Give it back or we’ll fight you for it!”

So be it then, foolish ponies,” The demon accepts the challenge. “This is not my body, after all.

With a tap of her hoof, the demon summons several hands from the shadows, consuming the heroes into the darkness.

“Oh! Oh dear goodness!” Fluttershy quivered. “What’s happening?”

“I don’t know,” Applejack replied. “But be brave Fluttershy!”

And just like that, the heroes’ whole world went dark.

Soon, the darkness lifts, as our heroes find themselves outside the manor, standing atop the rooftop.

“Mamma mia!” Mario exclaimed, in surprise.

The heroes turn and see the demon-possessed Fluttershy, standing on the other end of the rooftop. What’s unsettling was that she is surrounded by a pulsing fiery aura of darkness. Then, appearing beside her is a Big Boo.

You mortals have proven yourselves most formidable against a normal boo,” The demon snarked. “But can you handle against a more… dangerous phantom?

Without warning, Fluttershy’s eyes spark an unsettling flash of purple light, pulsating a powerful dark magic infused into the ghost. The ghost underwent a dark transformation, as its white coat suddenly turned purple, and its beady black eyes becoming piercing glow of yellow, and its red tongue became sickly blue.

“That can’t be good!” Applejack frowned.

The demon-possessed Fluttershy approaches the transformed ghost.

Now Dark Boo!” The demon instructed. “Destroy them all!

With a loud roar, the Dark Boo lunges toward the heroes in a streak of shadowy blue, its gaping mouth stretching open to reveal jagged fangs. The heroes barely had time to dodge the ghost’s attack.

“Whoa! That thing’s fast!” Applejack commented, nearly losing her footing. “Whoa!”

“Look out!” Fluttershy shouted. “It’s coming back!”

The Dark Boo glares at the heroes for a moment and with an inhale, it exhales a loud supersonic scream that paralyzes the heroes.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" The heroes groaned.

They covered their ears, struggling to block the earsplitting sound. The worst has yet to pass, however, when the Dark Boo suddenly splits itself into an army of Dark Boos, surrounding the heroes. Then, all at once, they let out a supersonic scream to further irritate the heroes’ ears.

"AAARRRGGH!!!" Rainbow Dash screamed. "And I thought one was bad enough! I'm gonna go insane!"

“DASH! LOOK OUT!” Fluttershy shouts.

Having heard Fluttershy’s warning, Rainbow Dash looks up just as one of the Dark Boos lunge towards the cyan Pegasus.

“DASH!” Applejack shouted.

The cow pony jumps between the ghost and Rainbow Dash, taking the hit.

“A.J.!” Rainbow cried out.

She reaches her hooves out to catch her friend.


Without wasting a second, Yoshi shoots his tongue catching Applejack by the leg, moments before she fell off the roof.

“Hold on, Yoshi!” Spike shouted, grabbing Yoshi’s tail. “I gotcha!”

The dragon grunts, trying to keep the dinosaur from slipping off the rooftop.

“Oh yeah!” Mario added, joining in.

As the boys try to rescue the dinosaur and their country pony friend, some of the Dark Boos sneak behind Spike and Mario. The Boos ram their heads against the heroes, knocking them off the roof.

“AAAH!!!” The heroes scream, as they fell off the roof.

“GUYS!” Rainbow Dash wailed in horror.

Luckily for them, however, they safely land on a balcony below.

“Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack called out. “We’re okay!”

Rainbow Dash breathes a sigh of relief, which is cut short when a Dark Boo suddenly appears in front of her, startling her out of her wits with a scary face.

"AAAUGGH!!" Rainbow Dash screamed, almost having a heart attack.

“Peek-a-boo!” Pinkie Pie screamed, jump-scaring the ghost. “Ha-ha! Got you, didn’t I?”

In response, the Dark Boo swung its arm at the pink pony, slapping her across the face and she stops giggling.

“Ow!!! That actually hurts!”

Pinkie rubs the spot the ghost hit her, then glares angrily at the Dark Boo.

“Alright, that’s it!” Pinkie Pie scowled. “No more Ms. Nice Pony!”

She pulls out a large bazooka, firing confetti at the Dark Boo stunning it momentarily. Pinkie leapt out, curled her body into a ground-pound, and defeats the Dark Boo.

Suddenly, two more Dark Boos appear from behind Pinkie Pie and unleashed bloodcurdling screams at the pink pony.

“Not this time!” Pinkie Pie shouts.

She reached into her mane and puts on a pair of earmuffs. She turns to Rainbow Dash, throwing another pair of earmuffs to the Pegasus.

“Dash! Catch!”

Rainbow Dash quickly caught the earmuffs, placing them over the ears and blocks out the Dark Boos’ screams.

“Thanks, Pinkie!”

The two ponies, plus their ghostly friend, Fluttershy, turns back toward the Dark Boos and witness them regroup into the big one from before.

“Let’s finish this thing and fast!” Rainbow said determined.

“Okie-dokie-loki!” Pinkie replied, in agreement.

As Pinkie reloads her party bazooka, the two ponies and the Dark Boo charge against each other. The Dark Boo lunged out at great speed, snapping its jaws at the ponies, who leapt to the side, dodging its jagged teeth. With a twist of her body, Rainbow Dash lands a spinning kick at the ghost, with Pinkie Pie landing a ground-pound atop its head.

Fight all you want, little ponies,” The demon replied. “But you’ll never defeat the Dark Boo. You will never leave this place with another Power Star.

“We’ll see about that, you… whoever you are!” Rainbow barked. “And we’re getting Fluttershy’s body back from you!”

We shall see indeed,” The demon replied. “Now is anyone up for a game of ‘hide and seek’?

Suddenly, the Dark Boo vanishes into thin air without a trace.

“Where’d it go?!” Rainbow asked.

“SUGAR RUSH FIRE!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

The party pony blasts rapid fires of powdered sugar from her bazooka all around the area.

“Sugar Rush Fire?” Fluttershy asked.

“Patent pending,” Pinkie Pie replied.

The Dark Boo is concealed by the darkness,” The demon boasts. “Trying to attack him is pointless, little pony.

“Oh… I wasn’t trying to hit him,” Pinkie smirked.

Rainbow Dash turns her head to the left, then to the right, before spotting a large figure coated in powdered sugar.

NO!” The demon shouts, outraged. “What have you done?!

“Hey, I’m not as airheaded as ponies think I am. Sometimes, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. But Twilight once taught me a hoof-full is enough to make big invisible ghosts ‘un-invisible’!”

Pinkie Pie turns toward Rainbow Dash.

“Get him, Dashie!” Pinkie shouted.

“With pleasure!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

She flaps her wings, launching herself into the air and lands a powerful flying kick at the ghost. The Dark Boo, left disoriented and dazed briefly, retaliates by once again splitting itself into several more Dark Boos and turns invisible. Pinkie Pie holds her bazooka at the ready, just about to fire more powdered sugar when the demon-possessed Fluttershy pounced her from behind.

Not this time!” The demon snarled, knocking the bazooka away.

Pinkie Pie watches helplessly as her party weapon fell off the roof.

“Oh no!” Pinkie Pie wailed. “RAINBOW DASH! WATCH OUT!!!”

“Pinkie!!!” Rainbow called out.

She turns around to save her pink friend; unfortunately, one of the Dark Boos suddenly appear in front of her. With a flick of its whole body, the Dark Boo whipped its tongue out at Dash, sliming the Pegasus across her face.

“ICK!” Rainbow groaned in disgust.

As she tries to wipe the ectoplasm off, one of the Dark Boos sneak from behind… and bites her in the flank.


Soon, the Dark Boos swarm the Pegasus from random directions. Biting, ramming, and drenching her with their slobbers in… unmentionable areas.

“DASH!!!” The other heroes shout desperately.

Upon its perch, the demon cackles as it looms over the overwhelmed group.

Poor unfortunate mortal little creatures. So naïve. Like the ponies that came before you, and just as foolish as the previous three. You were all doomed from the start; now, you shall suffer their fate!

“NOOO!!!” Fluttershy cried.

Spike clenches his first, his eyes narrow in a blinding rage.

“NO!” Spike stomps his foot. “This is not how it ends! I didn’t come all the way from Canterlot just to watch my friends be beaten by ghosts!”

With anger burning fiercely as the fire in his breath, his blood boiling ot, Spike’s maw lit with his green fire.

“I… WILL… SAVE… MY… FRIENDS!!!” Spike roared.

A great big fireball erupts into the sky, exploding with a blazing green light over the air.

What’s this?!” The demon exclaimed, bewildered.

The specter watches as the green flame illuminates and reveals all the hidden Dark Boos.

NO! What have you done?!

“Wow!” Pinkie Pie complimented. “Great fireworks there, Spike!”

The young dragon blushed and scratched the back of his head.

“My turn!” Rainbow declared.

She flaps her wings to throw powerful, strong punches at all the Dark Boos, who all struggle to fight back. But without their stealth, their attacks and defenses diminish drastically. The ghosts are helpless as Rainbow makes short work of them in record time, until the very last Dark Boo is destroyed.

IT CAN’T BE!!!” The Demon screamed.

[End of Fight Song]

“It can,” Rainbow smirked. “And it did!”

The last Dark Boo disappears into puff of dark smoke, retreating into the demon to reveal a single Power Star.

“Mamma mia!” Mario shouted. “A POWER STAR!!!”

Without wasting a second, Rainbow Dash quickly collects the star, which dances around her and showers her with gold sparkle.

“Yeah!” The heroes cheered. “We got a Power Star!”

“YOSHI!” Yoshi chirped.

“Whoo-hoo!” Fluttershy quietly cheered.

Just then, clapping hooves are heard, to which our heroes turn and see the demon-possessed Fluttershy mockingly applauding their efforts.

Impressive,” The demon remarked. “Perhaps you are as wise as the ones who come before you. But the game is far from over.

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Whoever you are, the fight is over! Your Dark Boo is finished, and we’ve collected the eight Power Stars in this course! By my count, we’ve got every star in this place. Now give us back Fluttershy!”

Oh… you can have her back physically,” The demon hissed. “But NOT in spirit! You want her… COME AND GET HER!!!

The demon-possessed pony flaps her wings, the demon forcing her to take flight, with Rainbow Dash hot on its tail. At the peak of its flight, retracting the Pegasus’ wins, the demon forced her to free-fall toward the ground.

“FLUTTERSHY!!!” Rainbow Dash screamed in horror.

Rainbow flaps her wings faster and harder than ever before, diving down to catch the falling body of her friend.

“DASHIE!!!” Fluttershy wailed.

She watches helplessly as her beloved friend dived for her body. To further the Pegasus’ fright, a huge mass of darkness enveloped itself around the body, before a phantasm pulsing with intensive dark aura flew from her lifeless body. The phantasm presents itself before the Pegasus, hissing and snarling, intimidating the Pegasus’ spirit with is massive, mangled, disfigured aura.

“AAAH!!” Fluttershy panicked. “Who-who are you?! What are you?!”

Everything you will grow to fear!” The phantasm hissed.

The spirit lunges toward Fluttershy, her spirit petrified with fear. She watches helplessly as the phantasm flew towards her with such intensive ferocity, knocking her to the side, watching as it disappears into the mansion. Fluttershy floated, at a loss for words.

“Fluttershy?” Applejack spoke up.

She climbs back onto the rooftop, comforting the ghost of her friend.

“Are you alright, Sugarcube?”

“I… I… I am now…” Fluttershy nodded. “I’m just… a little… shaken up…”

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash called.

The rest of heroes climb back onto the rooftop, meeting with the cyan Pegasus, who laid upon the now empty body of her buttercup friend.

“Fluttershy? Are you alright? Oh, please. Please, you can’t die on me like this! Wake up. Wake up! Please wake up!”

Fluttershy’s ghost approaches her empty vessel. She could hardly believe she had been a ghost this whole time during her imprisonment in the boo’s house. Upon seeing her own body, how peaceful she looked, a sense of relief washes over her. Fluttershy knelt herself down, dipping her nose to her body’s and she immediately finds herself waking up with a start.

“AAAAHH!!!” Fluttershy gasped.

The Pegasus breathed rapidly and heavily before regaining her full composure.

“Rainbow Dash! Applejack! Pinkie Pie! Mr. Mario! Spike! And… Yoshi, right?”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped in confirmation.

“Welcome back, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash smiled.

She pulls her bashful friend close in a loving hug.

“Oh Dash!” Fluttershy sobbed. “It was a nightmare! I’m so glad I could come back to all of you!”

She went over to Applejack, wrapping her hooves around the country pony for a hug.

“There, there, Fluttershy,” Applejack comforted the Pegasus. “It’s all over now. We’re glad to have ya back.”

“Now turn that frown upside down, please?” Pinkie Pie said, hugging the Pegasus. “Auntie Pinkie’s here to make you all better.”

“I’m a year older than you!” Fluttershy shouted, turning toward Spike. “Oh Spike! I’m so happy you’re here!”

Fluttershy tearfully, but happily, picks up Spike and wraps her hooves around him in a love hug. That is rather like a suffocating bear hug for the poor dragon, who struggles to break free.

“Oh, and I’m so happy to see you too, Mr. Mario!” Fluttershy greeted the plumber hero. “It’s nice to properly meet you too, Yoshi!”

“It’s-a wonderful to see you again-a, Fluttershy!” Mario replied, with a thumbs up.

“Yoshi!” Yoshi shared his greeting.

“Choking!” Spike wheezed. “Not breathing!”

“Oh! Sorry Spike,” Fluttershy apologized.

She puts the young dragon down, giving him a chance to catch his breath.

Later, after Spike fully recovers, the rest of the heroes gather together on the balcony, where the young dragon was able to relay everything that happened since the girls disappeared from Equestria for a week. Especially how he came to the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue them, along with Mario and his buddies, all with Yoshi’s help.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped. “Were we gone for that long? Oh dear… poor Angel Bunny. I hope he didn’t get into too much trouble with all the other animals at the sanctuary! Oh! And it’s past me and Discord’s weekly tea social! We have to get back to Equestria now!”

“And we will,” Spike reassured. “But we need to find the rest of our friends. And apparently, we need to find all the Power Stars, if we want to save the princess and the Mushroom Kingdom.”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped in agreement.

“Oh yeah!” Mario agreed. “The princess is in danger! We have to rescue her-a and-a stop-a Bowser!”

“Bowser will pay for locking us up!” Rainbow said, smacking her hooves together. “I’m eager to give him a good old fashion trouncing for payback!”

“But first thing’s first,” Mario spoke. “Fluttershy, where’s-a Luigi? Do you know where he is?”

“Luigi?” Fluttershy asked, looking down with shame. “I’m terribly sorry. But the truth is I don’t know where he is. I remember being captured by those awful ghosts, along with Luigi. But when I woke up, it was just me in this awful house. I haven’t seen Luigi anywhere except for a painting of him in the attic.”

The last part got the heroes’ attention.

“What did you say?” Spike asked.

“A painting of Luigi in the attic,” Fluttershy repeated. “Here, I’ll show you.”

The Pegasus guided the heroes into the attic, which is the room where Rainbow Dash and Mario were captured by the false Fluttershy. Sure enough, hanging on the wall, toward the heroes’ right, is a portrait of the green plumber himself.

“LUIGI!!!” Mario shouted.

He ran up to the portrait, which rippled upon the red plumber’s touch. Pinkie Pie herself vibrates violently, pointing her nose towards the painting.

“Yep! My Pinkie senses don’t lie! Luigi’s in there!”

“Then here we come!” Spike declared.

Once again, he dons Mario’s hat and becomes Spike-Mario.

“Alright-a everyone!”

“Let’s-a go!” Spike-Mario and Mario shout in unison.

Together, they dive into the painting, beginning their rescue for Luigi. The rest of the heroes exchange agreements as they soon followed.

“It’s adventure time!” Rainbow Dash hollered, diving into the painting with Applejack.

“Yee-ha!” Applejack hollered.

“Here we go!” Pinkie Pie shouted, jumping into the painting.

Fluttershy and Yoshi were the last to jump in. Though nervous at first, the Pegasus turns toward the green dinosaur, seeing the look of determination on the green dinosaur’s face, which the Pegasus returned.

“Wait for us you guys!” Fluttershy shouted, galloping into the painting.

“Yoshi!” Yoshi followed.

After they jump into the painting of Luigi, Pinkie bounces toward a door with a sign on it.

The Room of Fear,” An eerie voice read.

Pinkie Pie simply shrugged in response.

“It can’t be that scary,” Pinkie said happily.

She enters it to discover a table with the most delicious-looking cake she ever saw.

“Mmm… that looks good!”

She bounces toward the cake, cuts a piece of it, and takes a big bite… only for her eyes to pop out, as she spat it out in disgust.


Author's Note:

All Power Stars in Big Boo's Haunts have been collected.

Power Stars collected thus far: 38!

Up Next: Our heroes go head-to-head with King Boo to rescue Luigi.

After That: Our heroes go skiing with the Mario Bros. on Cool, Cool Mountain for Power Stars.