• Published 5th Apr 2020
  • 1,748 Views, 11 Comments

A hedonists mages adventure - Sets

You know the drill a guy goes to convention gets displaced by the merchant lands in equestria before nightmare moon forms a cult,gets sealed and then freed during nightmare moon escape

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The main character lets just call him X for convenience was bored.He was in an anime convention but found nothing interesting.He was dressed as his oc a mage.He wore a light orange armour with curved horns.

''Greetings great sage'' said the Merchant

'Hello' said X as he looked at the strange vendor.He looked like the Merchant from Resident Evil 4.He had a props from a lot of anime,even comics like the sharigan,dragon balls.Mjolnir,pokeballs etc.

'''Are you by chance the Merchant of Equestria'' said X as he had heard the rumours of someone dressed like that who sends people to a version of equestria with the powers of their cosplay and what props they buy

''You got me.Yes I am the Merchant.Not many people recognise me from the fly.I am impressed''said the Merchant.

''So what are you going to do run away cause that won`t help against me''said the Merchant in a rather threahning tone.

''No I want to be displaced preferably anthro equis please before Nightmare Moon.''said X.

''Well I am suprised not many people want to be willingly displaced.So whats your story ,lost parents,shitty life.''said the Merchant.

''Neither I am not an orphan and i have a normal life.''said X

''So why do you want to leave this world.''said the Merchant.

''Boredom.This world is boring.Besides there is no future for me in his world.I don`t have any passion in the real world and i suck at the exams.I won`t even be able to find a decent job even if i do there won`t be any passion in it.I don`t want to have my will crushed by society.''said X.

''Great one of these guys.''said the Merchant.

''So what do you want to buy'' said the Merchant.

''Well i only want my armour to have these powers and want rimuru tempest absorption,retrocognition and the power to adapt to other power system and the power to recreate things from memories.'' said X while handing the merchant a piece of paper.

''You don`t want any props.I can`t displace you without selling you something.''said the Merchant.

''In that case,do you have a magical grimoire of the forbidden variety preferably and weapon that can change forms.''said X.

''You sure that`s all.Don`t you want the all-black,discords paw,the rebellion you can have so much more,''said the Merchant.

''Ok the all-black will corrupt me so no.I haven`t been a fan of DMC.The only thing i really want is Maxwells notebook and i am pretty sure you won`t let me have.Its too op.''said X

''Well you are right its only of the forbidden item.It holds too much power.''said the Merchant.

''Let me guess,the infinity gauntlet,heart of the universe are on it too.''said X

''Well yes and no.i am not that powerful to have the heart of the universe kid.''said the Merchant.

''Why do you only want these powers any specific reason?.''questioned the Merchant.

''Well i want to start as weak.I don`t want to start as overpowered have read these fanfics it gets pretty dull later on.I have to be on a journey and get stronger,progress and discover new things.'' said X

''Well that`s interesting, you are the only human who wants to start as weak.Do you want a phone kid?This one will be free of charge.''said the Merchant.

''Thanks will it have the internet and how will it charge with magic or will it have unlimited battery.''said X

''Yes it will have the internet thought it will updated according to your world.''said the Merchant.

''What would you have done if i wasn`t the Merchant kid.''asked the Merchant.

''Well i would have just continued with the convention and then commit sucide at the end of the day.I am too scared to face the future.I know thats a cowardly thing to do but i don`t have the courage to face the future.''said X

''Damn you must be really lucky that you met me.''said the Merchant.

''Well yes.'' said X

''So before going do you want to do anything.'' said the Merchant.

'']Well let me write a sucide note first to my parents.Can`t have them worried about me when i am gone.'' said X while he was typing something in his phone.

''Sure.'' said the Merchant.

''And done.'' said X

''Now give me the money and take your props.'' said the Merchant.

''Here and thanks again.'' said X as he pulled out 500 bucks.

''Wow thats generous i haven`t gotten that much money from just these 2 items before.''said the Merchant.

''Well i am going to be isekaied away so money is useless to me to me now so you can have it.'' said X

''Well here is your items.'' said the Merchant as he handed as old book and a black orb.

''So does the orb work on thought or does it have a fixed number of forms it can take.'' said X

''Well no it can take any form you imagine.'' said the Merchant.

''Ok then.'' said X

''So when are going to displace me.'' said X

''Now.'' said the Merchant.

''Wait now.'' said X and he fell through a portal.


Thousands of years later
''Its finally time.'' exclaimed X. Thousands of years earlier Alpha as he now called himself had been sealed by the royal sisters.Fortunately the elements hadn`t been used on him instead he was sealed within an amulet.The seal was initially powered by the elements but after celestia banished luna, celestia had been using her own magic to power the seal.Now that celestia is out of commission for a while the seal was starting to break .

''I am finally free.'' said Alpha as he got out of the amulet.

''Well now time to get out before i get spotted, i am currently to weak to fight the royal guards.'' said Alpha.

''This is going to be straining but i have got to do this.'' said Alpha as he was using Aura Sense to sense all the guards in the castle.

''So 10 unicorns in the proximity, looks like Shining Armour is near too.15 Pegasus in the roof and patrolling the air Oh shit.'' said Alpha as he was getting the backlash of using aura sense in his current state.

''Well i can`t go to the roof, too weak to use teleportation and fight the nearby unicorns.What to do?'' thought Alpha.

''Oh i have got an idea.'' said Alpha

''First things off its time to go stealth mode.'' said Alpha as he cast an invisibility spell onto himself.

''Well to the dungeons.''said Alpha.

After 10 Minutes he finally got to the dungeons.

''its show time.'' said Alpha as he used magic to open the iron bars.

''Who opened the locks.'' said a prisoner.

''Who cares, we can get out now.'' said Alpha who was still invisible.

''Lets escape.'' said another prisoner.

''Yeah.'' exclaimed all the prisoners in unison.

''Step 1 complete.'' said Alpha.

''Now for step 2.'' said Alpha as he got out of the dungeons and was going to Shining Armour.

''Time to see if i can still pull it out.'' said Alpha as he was starting to shapeshift. He gained to ability of shapeshifting long time ago by absrobing a changeling coprse.

The form he now had was that of a unicorn with red mane and an explosion cutie mark.

''Captain Shining Armour, the prisoners have escaped.'' said the disguised Alpha.

''What how.'' said Shining Armour.

''First Princess Celestia disappearance now this. This day just keeps getting worse.'' mutured Shining Armour.

''Alright everyone its a 2 level alert.'' said Shining Armour as he set off the alerts.

''So Celly used of my designs after all.'' thought Alpha. as he got out of the room and casted an invisibility spell again.

''Where did he go?.'' said Shining Armour.

''Its time to get out.'' said X as he took advantage of the commotion to get out of the castle.

''That was easy, they didn`t use detect spells.Should have just went invisible and get out.'' said Alpha.

''Time to set course to Pony Town.'' said Alpha

Author's Note:

So some of you might be wondering what the forbidden list is.Basically its a list of items that are way to overpowered even by displaced standards.Maxwell notebook is one of them.Its a notebook which can summon anything written upon it even fictional characters like DC heroes.So yeah pretty op,
Also the reason the merchant called X great sage was because powerful mages can also be called great sage.