• Published 16th Feb 2020
  • 5,769 Views, 78 Comments

Race Relations - DatZigga

The story of a dragon introducing his new human friend to the ponies of Ponyville.

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Chapter 6- Applejack, Amazing Graze

Anonymous sat under a lone apple tree, resting atop a hill that looked out over the town of Ponyville. Anon would’ve remarked how odd it is that such a scenic location exists, if he wasn’t so downcast. He felt like the biggest damned fool to walk the Earth, or whatever this planet was called. He knew of the Kingdom of Equestria from Spike, but nothing about the landmass or anything else about the rest of the planet. Oh, poor Spike. If only he took a hint when Anon missed his bow shot. If only Spike just ran away to Twilight, instead of trying to talk Anonymous down from his hostility. If only Spike had given up on Anon, instead of attempting to communicate and form a connection. If only Spike accepted Anon’s wish to stay in the Forest, instead of giving Anon a home on the outskirts of Ponyville. Spike shouldn’t have had to deal with any of Anon’s bullshit.

Anon was well aware of his insecurities. He forgone any friendships in his old, in favor of isolating himself. He rarely connected with his family, both distant and immediate, in fears of how they would perceive their child. Anon created a mask for himself, a mask of someone who didn’t want to be bothered. Anon became that guy you walked past on the street, or that guy that sat in the train car ahead of you, or that guy who lived in a state approximately 55 miles away from you. Anon truly wanted to be Anonymous. Then, the only person he had to worry about was himself. And even he was too much to handle.

Anon sighed heavily, letting the stress of the day lay upon his shoulders. What was he gonna do now? After how he embarrassed himself, he didn't have the humility nor courage to apologize to anyone. Anon didn’t even really worry about whether his apology would be accepted because, given the ponies he met, they seemed the types to easily forgive and even apologize back. But, Anon knew that he wouldn't forgive himself. He would remind himself, without fail, that he didn’t deserve their acceptance nor forgiveness. They were some of the cutest, sweetest creatures he had ever met, all eccentric and charming. Yet, Anon pushed everyone of them away, either by remaining apathetic or outright being an ass. Heh, ass. Even in a funk, you could come up with a dumb horse pun.

Before Anon could resume his train of thought, he felt the tree shake behind him and an apple fell into his lap. Intrigued, he picked up the apple and turned it around. For the first time since he’s been out of Everfree, he examined the apple. When he first arrived, the first thing that struck Anon was how everything looked so colorful and full of life, from the most mundane branch to-

“Howdy, part’ner.” A voice spoke behind him, with a distinct southern drawl. Anon almost believed he was hallucinating it and was going mad, until he turned to see an orange mare in a stetson cowboy hat. Of course, he wasn’t halliculating. He probably couldn't even tell here.

“Sup.” Anon said, turning his attention back to the apple. He reached for his hood, in an attempt to hide himself and signal to the pony that he didn’t want to talk, until he realized he didn't have his cloak. He silently cursed himself out.

“Ah take it you’re that Anonymous fella’ everyone’s been talking about?” She asked. Anon noted that this mare was rather subdued compared to everyone else he had met.

“You’ve taken it alright.” The mare sat next to Anon, but far enough away to leave a gap.

“The name’s Applejack, though mah friends like to call me AJ.”

“Nice to meet you, Applejack.” Anon bite into the apple, hoping that a full mouth will prevent further communication.

“So, what brings ya to mah orchard?”

“I dunno. I needed a place to think. I don’t do that often enough.” AJ nodded in response. The two shared a moment of silence after that. It was oddly comforting, this companionable silence. Together they watched as the sun was beginning to set on the town. Anon couldn’t deny the beauty of the setting that laid before him.

“Ya picked a good place to think, Anon.” Applejack started again. “Ah’ve spent mah fair share of sunsets up here. Though, Ah am a little curious as to what you’re thinkin’, if you don’t mind me askin’.”

“I’m thinking about why I’m here, I guess.” Anon said after some hesitation. “I have no recollection of me ending up here. One moment, I’m walking through campus. Next, I’m in a forest. I wasn’t a boy scout and I hated nature, so I don’t know why I would enter one. I tried finding my way out, but that became a worthless endeavor. So, I figured maybe I was spirited away on a grand quest and I just had to wait ‘til someone found me and told me I was the chosen one. Well, I was left waiting for that and never did get it. All I’ve done since I got her is survive, not even live. I didn’t have anything to really live for, except maybe going back home.”

“Do ya miss home?”

“That’s a complicated question with a complicated answer. I miss my family, my pet, and maybe those modern conveniences. Everything else? Not so much. My home sucked in a lot of ways and I only want to go back because I’m used to it sucking. Here...I have no idea what to expect.”

“I dunno, maybe here could be a lot better than where you were.”

“That’s what I’m worried about. If this place truly is as friendly and happy as it seems, then why am I here? I don’t deserve to live in a utopia. Literally anyone, at pure random, can be in my position right now.”

Well, if it was a random chance that could’ve brought anypony here, then couldn’t you have equally been brought here by random chance?” Anon looked over at AJ, taking in what she said.

“Aren’t you a literal smartass.” Anon finally said after a beat. AJ let out a laugh, which brought a smile to Anon. “God, you fuckers are cute.”

“Ah thank ya kindly.” AJ tipped her hat to Anon, a slight blush on her cheeks. “Ain’t often we have outsiders tell us that.”

“Yeah, I’m trying to think of you guys as sapient beings, not just farm animals. You ponies aren’t so advanced where I’m from.”

“Ah reckon if you find it so hard to talk to us.”

“I find it hard to talk with anyone.”

“It doesn’t seem that way. Not with Spike, anyway.”

“He doesn’t count.” AJ looked at Anon with an eyebrow raised.

“Why not?”

“Uh, well, I guess he just reminds me a lot about...me? During those first few months, he told me what it was like being a dragon amongst ponies. Also, of how he debated whether he was really a dragon. Those are thoughts I’ve had too.” AJ nodded again and another companionable silence was shared...up until Anon’s stomach rumbled. “I don’t think just an apple is gonna cut it.”

“It is about dinner time.” AJ rose to her hooves. “I gotta cook for mah family and I’m fixing on apple pie mahself. Maybe we can share a slice with ya.” She winks at Anon.

“I don’t want to intrude on you and your family, AJ.” Anon declined, standing up himself. “If it wasn’t clear before I kinda have issues meeting people and making friends and whatnot.”

“Is that so?” AJ asked, confusing Anon. She asked that question as if it was so hard to believe. “Well, if that was the case, why’d you just call me AJ. Only friends do that.” Anon was left speechless. More so that he couldn’t think of a witty retort than believing Applejack was particularly clever. “If you want total honesty from me, and you’re gonna get it, I think you are completely capable of making friends. Heck, you already have, if you look hard enough. I also believe that you’ll find your reason for being here. If you don’t, why not make one?”

Anon stood, staring at Applejack as the sun finally fell over the horizon, leaving the two on the hill alone. Anon looked down at the town as ponies talked with each other, likely saying their goodnights and well wishes. It wasn’t too long ago that Anon was sure they all thought of him as some scary being, but now he was starting to think he was the one who was really scared. He looked at Applejack, a wide grin on his face.

“You’re a real one, AJ.” Anon told the mare, his own way of expressing gratitude.

“Don’t quite know what that means, but I’m much obliged. Now come one, let’s see if I don’t have any leftovers for you to take home with ya.” On que, Anon’s stomach growled. He let out a chuckle, following the mare down the hill towards the barnhouse.

Author's Note:

I’ve noticed that the word count gets lower and lower. Huh.