• Published 20th Feb 2020
  • 860 Views, 18 Comments

Distant Memories - Antiharmonic

Sunset Shimmer is reunited with the love of her life from so long ago.

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Chapter 1: A Shattered World

Sunset Shimmer was ecstatic, shed had started working on this spell after she had got home from the dance last night. She was certain that this was the spell that would prove herself to Princess Celestia. As she walked to the meeting room to present her newfound knowledge to Princess Celestia, she thought back to Cheerilee. How would Cheerilee react to me becoming a princess, she thought to herself. I know I would be overjoyed to know that I was dating a princess. Finally Sunset arrived at the meeting room doors.

As Sunset entered the room, Princess Celestia was smiling.

“Hello Sunset Shimmer,” Princess Celestia said gently.

“Hello Princess,” Sunset replied with a bow. “I come bearing great news,” Sunset added.

“Wonderful, and what might that be, Sunset?” Princess Celestia asked with a smile.

“I have discovered a spell that will revolutionize magic forever,” Sunset replied.

“Oh? Please elaborate,” Celestia said with fascination.

“I have discovered how to store objects within fourth dimensional space, and project them in the third dimension, essentially i can create a box that is bigger on the inside,” Sunset said with a smile. “You can use the spell to enchant any container, and I will demonstrate using this box.” Sunset opened the small box she had been carrying with her and pulled out a tall lamp with her magic.

“Amazing! I would have never believed, such a thing could be possible,” Celestia said with a beaming smile. “I will make sure to add this spell to the Spellcrafter’s Memoriam and credit you as the creator.”

A few seconds of silence passed.

“Um… is there anything else you want to add Princess?” Sunset asked awkwardly.

“No, that is all, although i had figured you would be more excited, the Spellcrafter’s Memoriam is one of the highest honors one can be bestowed,” Celstia replied.

“Does this not prove my worth!” Sunset retorted aggressively.

“Sunset, I know that you desperately want to be bestowed a crown, but you are not ready, I promise I will let you know if, and when you are,” Celestia said with a slight frown.

“BUT WHY AM I NOT READY!” Sunset yelled angrily. “I have the highest grades of anyone in all of my classes, my knowledge on magic is almost unmatched, and on top of all that I just created a spell that is going to change magic forever!”

“I understand, Sunset, but you can’t possibly expect to be a ruler if you don’t interact with other ponies,” Celestia replied warmly.

“What good would other ponies do in helping me become a princess!” Sunset yelled with extreme annoyance.

“A princess is a ruler, Sunset, she must know how to interact with her subjects.” Princess Celestia replied sternly.

“You know what, I’m finished with this place! I’m going to go somewhere where people will respect my knowledge!” Sunset retorted with tears welling up. She then ran full speed with tears in her eyes towards the throne room. As the doors flew open she knew exactly where she was headed. Sunset Shimmer ran full force into the mirror in Princess Celestia’s throne room.


Sunset Shimmer was glad to finally be home after having lived the same day for months. Now that Sunset and the rest of the Rainbooms were finished with school, they could finally focus solely on their music career.

High school sure had been a wild ride for them all, fighting monsters and discovering that they were all tied to equestrian magic. Sunset alway had fun but she still hoped the monster fighting would slow down a bit, she really enjoyed just hanging out with her friends, and playing with them in a band.

All the band members were currently writing song lyrics, each member was writing a song for their new album. Each member felt it would only be fair if each member got to express themself in the album that was likely to cement their career as a rock group. After the lyrics had been written, the band would get together and create the instrumental.

Sunset hadn’t come up with anything yet, she wasn’t sure what she wanted her song to be about. The Rainbooms wanted the album to be finished by next month, so Sunset still had quite a bit of time to come up with something.

Sunset decided going to the park today would be a great way to clear her mind, and after her mind was clear writing her song should be a lot easier. So she grabbed her backpack, packed a notebook and a pencil, and headed off towards Canterlot Central Park.

Sunset enjoyed the walk to the park, the time was around noon on a monday, so not many people were out and about. The walk was peaceful and gave Sunset a lot of time to think about what she could write her song about.

When sunset finally arrived at the park, it was unsurprisingly empty. She walked over to a bench and sat down, letting her mind drift away. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the midmorning sun on her face. As she meditated she slowly started to fall asleep.


Sunset suddenly found herself at a beach. Shed had no idea how she got here, which was strange, but stranger still was the fact that she was alone. She was confused at how the entire beach was empty, including all of the concession stands, and surfboard rental booths.

She walked across the beach, and as she stepped towards the water she noticed the next strange thing about this beach. She was walking on water! “How is this possible!” she exclaimed.

Then the water transformed into bottomless void below her feet, and as she looked to the sky, she was able to make out some words.

Chaos will reign, when a good girl rings the bell.

Good friends will know pain, when a good girl rings the bell.

It’ll break a chain, when a good girl rings the bell.

Calm be thee, but at what cost, a mind is free, but a world is lost.

Sunset heard a spotlight flick on. She looks toward the sound and notices a silhouetted pony, and a bell with a seemingly endless rope. Then the pony becomes clearer, and she sees who it is.

“CHEERILEE!” Sunset calls.

Cheerilee does not hear Sunset and instead proceeds to ring the bell. The sound the bell makes is incredibly loud and deep. As the bell rings the world begins to crack around Sunset.


Sunset awakens with heavy breathing, quickly takes out her notebook and writes down the words of the poem. She needs to bring this to someone that will know what to do.

Author's Note:

Welp chapter one is finally done.

The adventure tag is finally going to come into play as you can tell :D

I'll try to get chapters done within 1-3 days I don't want to keep people waiting, but i do have to juggle writing with my job, and college, so I apologize in advance for long waits.