• Published 20th Feb 2020
  • 861 Views, 18 Comments

Distant Memories - Antiharmonic

Sunset Shimmer is reunited with the love of her life from so long ago.

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Chapter 6: Memories and Revelations

The Portal is Open


Sunset awoke early in the morning. Today was the day she would finally be going to Equestria. Sunset made herself breakfast, and took a shower. After she had finished her daily routine the time was around nine, so she started her way to Canterlot High School.

Sunset decided to walk rather than run, because she needed to save her energy. She finally arrived at the school at around ten.

“Ok, It’s time to figure out what these dreams mean,” Sunset said to herself while looking at the portal.

Just as she was about to enter the portal, she saw a flash in it that startled her. Sunset jumped back and waited for something else to happen. After a moment she tried to enter the portal again, of course this time she was successful.


Sunset exited the portal on her hind hooves and was a bit wobbly.

“Oh right, hehe, all fours,” Sunset told herself.

As she got down onto all of her hooves, she looked around slightly confused.

Is this Canterlot castle, why would the mirror be here? Sunset thought to herself.

Sunset walked down the familiar halls of canterlot castle and made her way to the throne room. All of the guards let her through where she wanted to go. She suspected that Twilight had told Celestia that she would be coming through.

When Sunset finally made it to the throne room, she was taken by surprise as Princess Celestia nor Princess Luna were anywhere to be seen, although Twilight was there with a brand new crown.

“Twilight, why are we in Canterlot castle, and where are the princesses?” Sunset asked while looking up at twilight in concern.

“Whoops, forgot to mention that I’m the ruler of Equestria now, must’ve slipped my mind,” Twilight responded with a nervous smile.

Sunset Shimmer was at a loss for words, she just stared up at twilight mouth agape.

“Alright so we had a dream to discuss, correct?” Twilight asked.

Sunset proceeded to tell Twilight the details of both of the dreams that she had had, and explained to her that she needed to talk with the girl that she had met back at her school dance.

“Definitely sounds like these dreams are magical in nature, so who is the girl you need to see?” Twilight asked thoughtfully. “It may take awhile to find her, but I’m sure if she’s in Equestria we will be able to.”

“Oh, well her name is Cheerilee,” Sunset responded.

“Really, it’s Cheerilee, good news Sunset I know where she lives,” Twilight said brightly. “We’re headed to Ponyville.”

“She lives in ponyville, weird I expected some big city,” Sunset responded.

“Nope, she definitely lives in Ponyville,” Twilight said.

Twilight told Spike to watch over the castle while she went to Ponyville with Sunset, to which he happily obliged.

Twilight had gotten a Royal Carriage to take them to Ponyville, as Sunset did not have any wings. A carriage flight would get them there much faster than a train would.


As the two stepped off the carriage, a strange stallion walked up to Princess Twilight.

“Excuse me Princess, but we need your help,” said the strange stallion.

“Sorry, I am currently very busy, but i would be happy to help you later,” Twilight said sternly. “But may I ask, who you are exactly?”

The Stallion raised up an identification card, “This should tell you exactly who I am,” he responded.

“This card says that you are the captain of the Crystal Guard, which I find impossible, considering you are a non-crystal earth pony, but I will still try to help you, if you give me a little bit,” Twilight said back to the stallion.

Twilight noticed the mare behind him. “Oh, hi Derpy, I like how you’ve grown out your mane,” She said to the mare.

Derpy had a shocked expression, but Twilight chose to ignore it, and continued on her way to Cheerilee’s house with Sunset.

The two finally arrived at Cheerilee’s house, and Twilight gave a small knock at her door.

“Coming,” Cheerilee said as she made her way to the door.

Cheerilee opened the door, and was immediately shocked at who she saw.

“I like your ear rings, where did you get them?” Twilight asked.

Cheerilee didn’t respond, instead she just stared at Sunset tears building up in her eyes.

“Sunset... Shimmer?” was all that she managed to squeak out.

“It’s me,” Sunset responded incredibly nervously.

“Please, come in you two,” Cheerilee told the two girls.

Cheerilee then listened as Sunset told the story of the two dreams, and how she believed them to be magical in nature. Cheerilee told the two that she had had a similar dream, where a mysterious figure had told her to ring a bell to see Sunset again.

“I wrote it off as just a silly dream, thats why I was so shocked when you actually came,” Cheerilee said tears forming in her eyes again.

“You really missed me that much,” Sunset said holding back tears of her own.

“Of course I did, Sunset, I was devastated when you left and I was hoping you would eventually return, but in the five years of waiting you never came… until now.” Cheerilee said with a smile.

Cheerilee then gave Sunset a hug, one that seemed like it would never end to Sunset.

“Well, I need you to come with me to figure out what ringing the bell actually did,” Sunset told Cheerilee.

“I would love to Sunset, but class starts back in a couple of months, and I have no idea how long we would be gone,” Cheerilee replied.

“Don’t worry about it,” Twilight said “I can get another teacher lined up for the job, and give your job back as soon as you return, Princess’ orders.” Twilight gave a wink.

“Alright then, Let’s do it,” Cheerile said with a big smile.


Twilight had given the orders for the carriage to take Sunset and Cheerilee to Canterlot Castle, and let them go to the mirror room. Twilight was staying behind to talk to the Stallion from earlier, and would fly back on her own.

The two arrived at Canterlot Castle and made their way to the mirror room. The two sttod in front of the mirror.

“Are you ready?” Sunset asked Cheerilee.

“Not really, but I trust you,” Cheerilee Responded nervously.

Sunset giggled and pulled Cheerilee into the mirror with her.

Author's Note:

That's the end of this book, boy has it been a ride. :pinkiehappy:

be sure to tell me if you are more exited to see where they go from here, or how Cheerilee got to where she is. :unsuresweetie:

Comments ( 3 )

darn cliff hanger

Is this supposed to be marked complete?

There is supposed to be a sequel story but a lot of things happened in my life and i never got around to writing it, I think i'm gonna go ahead and try to do it now and get it up before the end of the year.

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