• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 3,915 Views, 525 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Legacy Edition - Deergenerate

Johan is a side character in his own story. He is also a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, his life sucks now.

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Chapter 10: Visitors Totally Suck

Johan gave a long sigh as he comfortably sank into his brand new couch which now sat comfortably in his new living room. He smiled to himself as he sniffed the air, the comforting smell of Alfredo wafting through the air. He always loved Alfredo. There were three things Johan knew how to make without burning down the kitchen. Spaghetti with red sauce, spaghetti with alfredo sauce, and mac and cheese.

He was not a good chef at all. He wasn't good at most things to be honest. What he wouldn't give to have a cutie mark. Just be an instant master at something. Like instantly being a master at cooking or building. That is the dream.

A sudden headache appeared just then. Like his skull was splitting open. He knew what that meant, though it was never usually this bad.

"Derek..." He hissed. There was a boom outside his front door, the sound of someone landing at super sonic speed. Great, now Johan had a crater in his new garden.

There was a knocking at his front door, followed by the door handle jiggling. Johan let out a miserable whimper as the door handle on his side was wrapped in a red aura, the door being unlocked and chain and bolt being undone. The door quickly slammed open after that.

"Hey Johan! Come on man, why do you always have to keep me locked out." Derek said with a smirk as he walked into the house.

Johan sat up with a growl "Derek. Haven't you heard of invites?" Derek didn't seem to hear him.

The hybrid whistled at what he saw. "Nice house! You sure got this place up quick? You keeping some kind of ability to magically make houses from me? I didn't even notice you making it."

"Y-yeah well, I'm good at renovations I guess..." Johan groaned as he stood up.

"Not too crazy about the colors though. Here let me-" Derek started his horn glowing, he was cut off by Johan.

"Don't you dare do anything to this house or I will knock you out." Johan said with a cry of sudden anger. He quickly sat down and covered his mouth with his hooves in response.

Derek quickly turned to him, his horn powering down. Johan whimpered as Derek walked towards him, towering over the small deer his eyes glowing a deep red. "Where did that come from buddy? You gonna back that up with some action?"

Johan shook his head up at the hybrid, his face completely white, his eyes widened like a deer in headlights and his body shaking.

"Good." Derek said turning and walking in the direction of the kitchen, his menacing aura suddenly disappearing. The deer rapidly deflated breathing a sigh of relief.

"Hey!" Derek cried, causing Johan to turn to him panic written on his face. "Alfredo! I remember when you used to make this back in our old home. Course, I have servants to make me food at my mansion all the time now, so I eat finer food all the time, but hey, maybe this will bring back some memories huh? Can I have some?"

The hybrid didn't wait for an answer as he grabbed a bowl from Johan's cupboard, filled it with pasta and slathered it in alfredo.

"I-I'd rather you not, I was making it to share it with a friend." Johan said timidly, but Derek had already started eating. He was also walking while eating, spreading crumbs all over the new floor.

"Yeah, that friend is me right?" Derek asked with a laugh. Johan simply sighed as he sat down at the table, joined by Derek shortly after.

"Hey Johan!" The two suddenly heard from above. "I heard the door open, do we have someone visi-"

Johan turned to see Platinum Shine standing in the door way, his eyes wide at what he saw. Derek was sitting at the table, but he was thankfully too busy scarfing down his alfredo to see that Platinum was the one who said that.

The unicorn quickly ran backwards up the stairs, the sound of a door slamming quickly coming from up above soon after.

"So you got a room mate now huh?" Derek asked with a look on his face that was half annoying smirk, have irritating glare. "How come you never introduced me to him?"

"Oh uh... uhhh... ummm..." Johan stumbled over his words uncomfortably as Derek stood up (leaving his bowl on the table uncleaned by the way) and walking in the direction of the stairs.

"Ah well, he's upstairs right now so I might as well go introduce myself." Derek said with a smirk, suddenly stopping at the base of the stairs. "You're not one of those fairies right? Like, I'm not gonna go upstairs and find this guy sitting on the bed asking for a three-way? Cause... I wouldn't exactly say no, but only if you're the bottom."

Johan's face went completely red a mix of anger and embarrassment easily visible on his features. "Wha- the fuck did you just-" He stumbled, over his words but Derek simply laughed him off and walked up stairs.

Johan quickly swallowed his (very very tiny) pride and rushed to follow after Derek.

"I really don't think my friend wants to see you. Ya know, he's very timid and I don't think he wants to meet such a cool uhh..." What was the word? Jack ass? Douche bag? Self absorbed man-child?

"Celebrity!" Johan finished as they arrived in front of the bedroom door, Johan stepping between it and Derek.

Derek was silent, a glare coming to his face once again. "Are you hiding something?" He asked, his voice dead serious and his eyes once again glowing red. Johan felt his legs start to shake and his body become quickly weak under the hybrid's dark gaze.

"N-No!" Johan cried his voice extremely squeaky.

"Then step aside." Derek said. Johan lowered his head with a sigh and stepped out of the way.

Derek stepped forwards and slammed open the door to the bedroom and found... nothing there. Just the furniture and and open window. The Hybrid raised an eyebrow and walked forwards, sticking his head out the window and looking around. There was nothing there.

The hybrid alicorn shrugged and stepped back. "Hmm. Guess he flew away or something. You're right, he must really be shy." Derek turned and started walking towards the kitchen. "Imma get myself another bowl of spaghetti if that's alright."

"B-but then what will I have to eat?" Johan asked turning to stare at Derek, slowly walking backwards towards the window.

"You can always make yourself more right bud?"

Johan simply sighed before sticking his head out the window, Platinum really was gone. A wave of sadness quickly came over him. Maybe Platinum saw Derek and decided to run as far away as he could, abandoning him. Deciding his work there was done and that he would leave the deer to his fate.

"Hey, Johan." The deer quickly looked up, seeing Platinum staring down at him. He was standing on the roof!

"Oh thank god, I thought you left me." Johan said softly a small smile coming to his face.

Platinum chuckled. "Sorry, but you're stuck with me." He said with a deep grin.

Johan couldn't help but let his smile grow wider.

"Now then, I'll come back in when Derek leaves, until then, I'm going to go hide in the backyard." The unicorn suddenly fell forwards off the roof, causing the deer to squeak in alarm, but Platinum merely did a front flip in the air and landed on his hooves before very quickly making his way towards the back.

Johan sighed and shook his head as he quickly turned around and dashed towards the kitchen.

"Thanks for the food man. I was getting pretty hungry." Derek said with a smile as he stood up after his fourth bowl of pasta.

Johan groaned as he took his bowl for him and put it in the kitchen sink, quickly noticing that he was now completely out of both spaghetti and alfredo sauce. "Glad you enjoyed it I guess."

"Heck yeah I did. It was almost as good as my personal chef's alfredo." Derek said as he started walking towards the exit.

"Then maybe you should have me over to your house for once. Let me have some of your food to make up for this." Johan growled to the hybrid.

"Sure, but uhh, just letting you know my schedule is pretty booked for the next couple months." Derek said with a smile as he opened the door and stepped out of the house.

"Ok I guess..." Johan sighed as he followed Derek out the door.

"Good night man. See you next time I come over for a visit. Maybe you'll have the door unlocked for me this time right?" Derek laughed. Johan didn't.

"Night." Johan said before slamming the door. The deer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally he's gone!" He cried in pain as he started to walk away from the door. "Everyday he get's worse and wor-"

He was cut off by a sudden pain. A searing, burning pain. It felt as through his skull was starting to implode, squeezing down on his brain. It was the worst headache he had ever felt in his life, and it seemed to start at the base of his antlers before creeping slowly downwards to every inch of his skull.

He stumbled a couple times, not noticing one of the windows open and Platinum Shine hop in.

"Sheesh, I thought he'd never leave." he said as he walked in the direction of Johan, quickly noticing the deer's stumbling and swaying.

"Johan? What's wrong?" Platinum asked as he slowly approached him.

Johan didn't notice him. He brought a hoof to his head and groaned. He stared up at Platinum, trying to take a step towards him, but quickly lost his balance and toppled to the floor.

The unicorn rushed forwards, catching him just before he hit the ground. "Johan?!? What's wrong?!? Johan?!?" Was all he heard before everything suddenly went black.

Author's Note:

Johan's in trouble! What's happening to him? Find out next chapter!

Until then have a meme: