• Published 20th Apr 2021
  • 1,494 Views, 8 Comments

Grifftones at Karaoke - Phantom-Dragon

While on a date with Spike at karaoke, both Gabby and Rarity are ready to sing their hearts out.

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Luna's stars were shining brightly like diamonds in the sky, with the moon bathing Equestria in its loving light.

But this night wasn't another night when all the ponies and creatures of Equestria were in bed and sleeping the night away.

At a local karaoke bar in Ponyville, many ponies and creatures had all gathered underneath the roof to sing their hearts out, from the pegasi of Cloudsdale to the yaks of Yakyakistan and the Kirins of the Peaks of Peril.

Hosting the night's festivity was Princess Twilight Sparkle's number one assistant and trusted advisor, the one and only Spike the Dragon."

"Hello Ponyville!" Spike cheered into the microphone. "Are you all ready to sing the night away? Have all of your vocal chords been rested and ready? I've got the tunes, but do you have the voice?" In response, all of the patrons loudly cheered in response. "What's that? I can't hear you!" The patrons all cheered louder, expressing their excitements. "Then let's get this party started, with one of the collab work of the Living Tombstone and Wooden Toaster – Lost on the Moon!"

With that, Spike handed a mic to a pony – a magenta unicorn, with jet black mane and tail, red eyes, a light blue bow, and a cutie mark of an R with sparkle dusts around it – to take the stage and sing, just as the music started. With that, Spike and all the patrons all clapped and cheered for the mare to sing the song.

Lost on the Moon feat. Rina Chan (The Living Tombstone and Wooden Toaster)

While the festivity was going on, Spike looked up from his stand to see entering the karaoke bar through the front doors was a female griffin, whom he is very happy to see. She was none other than Gabby Griffin, a mail delivery griffin all the way from Griffonstone, and unlike most of her fellow griffin, she's as sweet as a little songbird.

Joining the griffin by her side was Ponyville's local fashionista, the drama queen (and by extension, Spike's old crush), the Element of Generosity, Rarity. On this night, as always, the fashionable unicorn had put on another flashy attire, of her designs, to make an impression on the audience, and the young dragon, whom she was performing for.

In appearance, Rarity's latest design is a glittering purple disco jacket, adorn with white and red gems, complete with a pink ascot and a red gem embedded in the center.

Gabby was turning her head as she searched across the sea of color heads in front of her, until she finally set her sight on Spike.

"SPIKE!" Gabby shrieked as she happily flew toward the dragon.

"GABBY!!!" Spike smiled as he walked down from the stage to greet the griffin. "Glad you could make it!"

"I'm even more gladder to be here!" Gabby chirped happily, as she casted her starry eyes at the musical settings of the karaoke bar. "Wow, this place is even more awesomely, spectacular than I could ever imagine!"

"Well, did I tell you, or did I tell you?" Spike asked, to which the griffin giggled, when he felt a hoof tapping on his shoulder. "Oh, hey Rarity!" Spike greeted the unicorn, while taking notice of her new outfit. "Wow, you're looking dazzling as ever! Did you made that yourself?"

"But of course, darling!" Rarity smiled. "Do you like it?"

Spike was about to answer, only for Gabby to beat him to it, "I LOVE IT!" She exclaimed.

"What she said," Spike said, before he turned to Gabby. "Anyway, you're just in time! Because we were just about to start the next song for you, Gabby!"

Gabby's eyes immediately lit up as she flapped her wings excitedly, "Oh! I can't wait to sing it! I could just explode!" With that, Gabby leapt to the air as she flies around the facility, screeching with excitement.

"My, she's quite excitable than ever before, isn't she?" Rarity commented.

"Yeah, if Ponyville ever forbids singing, I'd be as crazy as her to sing," Spike smiled.

"Well, it'd be a crime not to–Wait, what?!" Rarity turned to Spike with a look of bewilderment. "What do you mean by 'forbids'?"

"Well, let's just say Griffonstone has a weird policy on 'No Singing,'" Spike explained. "Not even a whistle, or a hum."See Season 5 Episode 8: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone

"Goodness, how awful!"

"I know! Which is a stupid rule, since Gabby's got a really good set of pipes," Spike frowned sympahtically to the griffin, who was in the crowd, getting to know some creatures. "That's why she likes to come to Ponyville now and then. To have that freedom to sing her heart out!"

"Oh," Rarity gasped, looking sadly at the griffin.

For Rarity, knowing that Gabby came from a friendless background was one thing, and stealing Spike away from the said griffin was another to put a lot of guilty turmoil on Rarity's conscience. But to have something she was most passionate about, such as singing, be considered a crime in her homeland was beyond any guilt the marshmallow unicorn once had.

Before the mood could be completely ruined, Spike instantly perked up when he remembered, "Oh! I gotta set the stage for her!" With a flap of his wings, Spike flew up to the stage, just as the previous pony had sung her song.

Spike took the mic and spoke, "Alright! Thank you for that wonderful performance, Rina Chan! Did you all loved that song?" In response, the patrons all let out cheers and claps to loudly announce their enjoyment. "Next up, all the way from Griffinstone is a friendly neighborhood mail-delivery griffin, with the voice of a songbird! Help me out everyone in welcoming the one and only, Gabby Griffin!" Spike cheered in the microphone, as he and the patrons all applauded for the griffin.

"He-Hello everyone!" Gabby smiled brightly, waving her claw to return the greetings to every creatures.

"C'mon on up, Gabby!" Spike beckoned for the griffin who leapt up to the stage and took the mic from Spike. "Okay, Gabby! Knock 'em dead!"

Gabby hesitated and looked rather uncertain, "I don't want to kill anyone," Gabby replied, much to everyone's amusement as they all exploded in laughter.

"That was just an expression, Gabby," Spike chuckled. "It means show us how amazing you are," He clarified, much to her relief. "Now show the world that singing voice of yours!"


With that, Spike went to the side to start up a song, on a boombox, courtesy of DJ-Pon-3, for the griffin to sing. When the music started, Gabby bopped her head to the beat, getting herself familiar with the song, while following the words being projected onto a screen.

I'm Alive – Celine Dion

(0:10) "I get wings to fly~" Gabby sang. "Oh~ I'm alive!"

(0:16) The music's tempo turned more upbeat, as Gabby took a moment to pause, grooving her body with the music as it took control of her, emotionally and physically. Then she resumes singing.

During the festivity, Spike finds himself being approached by Rarity.

"My goodness!" Rarity gasped. "She sings as if she's sung this song many times before!"

"I guess she's really that passionate about singing," Spike smiled happily for his griffin friend.

"Indeed. Though, why would they outlaw singing is the question. Why couldn't they just let the little darling be herself? Why must it be a crime if she likes singing?"

"I know right? It's a ridiculous law! What are they going to outlaw next? No cupcakes allowed? No dancing? No wearing fancy clothes outdoor?"

"Ah! Please, don't put that image into my head!" Rarity dramatically gasped in horror. "I can't bear to think of such horrid place where my most beautiful dresses are a crime!"

"Sorry Rarity," Spike sighed. "But enough of that, let's just enjoy the night. It's Gabby's night, and I want it to be special for her."

Rarity looked and smiled at the young dragon, "You're a good dragon, Spikey-Wikey," Rarity complimented. "Gabby's lucky to have you and...I'm lucky to have known you."

Spike looked at Rarity, seeing the loving smile on her face, complimented by the big beautiful sapphire blue eyes that glistened by the lights of the karaoke bar. Once again, he felt the familiar sensation of a rapid beating heart, pounding as hard as drums in chest, with a feeling of butterflies fluttering inside of him, and his cheeks burned a shade of red.

"Uh, feeling's mutual, Rarity," Spike replied as he turned his attention back to Gabby's performance.

"Still, is there anything I can do to make up for the trouble?" Rarity asked.

"Rarity, I thought we were over that."

"I know, I know," Rarity nodded. "It's just, I...I...I still feel as if it's on me for the hurt I've done to Gabby, and it pains me even more to know that she wasn't even allowed to sing back home in Griffonstone, just as much as it pained me for stealing you away from her." Spike was about to say something, when Rarity stopped him as she pleaded, "Please Spikey-Wikey. Let me have that chance again to make amends. I want her to be happy just as much as you do."

"Uh...well..." Spike turned his attention back at Gabby's performance, just in time to catch the griffin coming to the end of her performance.

(2:42) With some backup vocals, provided from the monitor screen and DJ-Pon-3's boombox, Gabby proceeded to sing louder and putting her heart and soul into the last stretch of her performance.

Needless to say, the griffin got all of the males in the bar enchanted with her voice alone. Spike included, much to Rarity's jealous annoyance, just a little bit. Once Gabby was done with her performance, she gave the applauding and cheering crowd a bow of her head, before she walks off the stage to meet up with Spike and Rarity.

"Wow, Gabby!" Spike cheered, as he ran up to the stage. "That was awesome!"

"Thanks, Spike!" Gabby smiled. "Wow, that felt so good! I can just sing all day as long as I'm in Ponyville!"

"Indeed," Rarity concurred. "Anyone with a lovely voice as yours, must be a gifted singer."

"Aw, thanks Rarity!"

"Still, I'm sorry to hear that Griffonstone has a law against singing. Why is that, pray tell?"

"I don't know," Gabby sighed, as she took a seat, with Spike and Rarity sitting beside her. "I don't know why any griffins wouldn't want to sing, let alone make it a crime. I can't tell you how many times I got in trouble at work, in Griffonstone,just for whistling a tune." The griffin pouted, remembering all the times she was shunned by the other griffins, just for singing, or trying to brighten up their days.

"Yeah, not my kind of workplace," Spike winced. "I mean, it must've been rough back there."

"I don't know any pony, or creatures, who would want to work in such area," Rarity frowned in sympathy for Gabby. "I can't even imagine such a land even exists. I'm sorry you had to live in such conditions."

"It's fine, really," Gabby reassured. "I mean, as of late, Griffonstone's been getting a lot better. Just a little. But it still doesn't allow any griffins to sing. That's why I love coming to Ponyville, every now and then," She explained. "It's nice to be here, where I can sing and just feel like myself, and no one's against it!"

"That's how I told her about this place," Spike explained to Rarity.

"And it's the best thing ever!" Gabby squealed happily, wrapping her wings around Spike and pulling him close. "I get to make new friends, and meet other creatures who loved to sing and have a good time!"

Spike couldn't help but blush from the affection Gabby was giving him, until he turned to look at Rarity, who was looking sadder than before.

"So Rarity?" Spike began, catching the unicorn's attention. "What do you have in mind?"

"Uh, what do you mean, Spikey-Wikey?" Rarity asked, completely caught off guard.

"Well, didn't you want to do something with Gabby?"

"Oh! Right! Well, if it's no trouble..." Rarity leaned in close, whispering a request to Spike.

Later, back on stage, Spike took the microphone, giving it a few taps for sound checks, before he cleared his throat.

"Attention everyone!" Spike announced. "Tonight, a special performance from one of my friends, and Ponyville's local fashionista, Rarity! And joining with her, in this next musical number, is GABBY GRIFFINS!"

With that, the crowd all let out an uproar of cheers and applauded for the said unicorn and griffin who made their way up on stage.

"Good evening every pony and creatures!" Rarity greeted. "This next song, my new friend Gabby and I will sing, has a meaningful message to creatures everywhere. It's how there can be miracles, when you believe."

With that, both Spike and DJ-Pon-3 start up the two singers with the first instrumental portions of the song, with Rarity and Gabby getting into the beat.

When You Believe ft. Mariah Carey

(0:31) Rarity was the first to start singing, as she follows along with the lyrics. Remembering the many difficult trials that she and her friends had to overcome in the past years, the unicorn poured her heart and soul into the song, letting her emotions show.

(1:34) Rarity then turned to and pointed to Gabby, singing how she too can believe in miracles. This renews the griffin's hope, and she once again feels the love that was foreign to Griffonstone.

(1:50) Soon, it was Gabby's turn to sing the next verse of the song. Ever so passionate, she sang about how even in the darkest times, hope lives and that it is everywhere. All the creatures in the bar couldn't help but relate, and were happy to know that the magic of friendship isn't just limited to pony kinds, but creatures everywhere.

(2:25) Gabby and Rarity soon walked towards each other, and they begin to sing the rest of the lyrics, together. The entire crowd all burst in another uproar of cheers and applause, encouraging the two to continue their song, all the way to the end, in which they were met with a round of applause.

"Whoo-hoo! Those are my girls! Yeah!" Spike whooped, cheering wholeheartedly for his two friends.

Rarity turned to Gabby and the both smiled in agreement, "And finally," Rarity began. "We have a special song..."

"...we would like to sing," Gabby added.

"For our special dragon!" The two girls said together, catching Spike by surprise.

"What?" Spike exclaimed, while DJ-Pon-3 plays the next song for the girls to sing their hearts out, for Spike.

All This Time – Tiffany

Both Gabby and Rarity took turns singing one verse after another, as they invited Spike to come up to the stage and join them. Blushing a shade of red, Spike complied as he finds himself in the center of attention, with Rarity and Gabby dancing around him.

Rarity, just as she did before, charmed Spike with a bat of her eyes, while Gabby makes a few strokes against Spike, with her tail stroking under his chin. The two girls continued to sing and dance around Spike, with the young dragon doing a few dance moves of his own in the center. Although they enjoyed the girls' singing, most of them couldn't help but look with envy at the attentions that Spike was receiving from, not one, but two lovely singers.

Eventually, by the end of their performance, both Rarity and Gabby stood on both sides of Spike, with Rarity on the left, and Gabby on the right. Before Spike had time to react, the two girls dove in and gave Spike a double cheek kiss, startling him into blushing an intense shade of red.

Comments ( 8 )

That was a beautiful performance by them all

Rarity accepts the fact that those two are perfect for each other.

Although I find this story good. It still sickens me to hear the horrid voices of the copies singing with their twisted voices.

As someone who's a major fan of attending karaoke on weekends, this story was rather fun to read from start to finish. Not just featuring a few fan favorites attending a casual karaoke night, but in a way it's an interpretation of how we can learn from some of the characters we grow up enjoying. A story that makes us feel sorry for a griffin who loves to sing but grows up in a town where she can't and feeling proud for one girl willing to accept that a guy has completely moved on and proving how happy he is being with a girl with much more in common. A story that provides emotional investment for readers with a few fan favorite numbers you can just imagine the cast listening to.

This is very wholesome. I enjoyed it!

That's actually pretty nice story and I like those songs keep up the good work man

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