• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 3,826 Views, 134 Comments

Dean's New Life - Moon_Skritch

Dean Yarlo, simple teenager, stumbles upon something that will change his life forever...

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Chapter 9: Akulatraxas

Chapter 9

The ground shakes beneath us, I walk to a hole in the wall and look out and see the most terrifying thing ever. A huge fiery demon is walking around kicking houses and setting them on fire, my face turns white and I turn back to the other ponies, is this for real?

“His name is Akulatraxas. I have no idea what he is but he looks to be a Fire Giant, which isn't right because we don't usually see those, because they don't normally exist, only in stories. I wish I knew where he came from. “Where are you ponies hiding!” The fire giant yells. “I will destroy you all!” his voice echoes across the land, loud and booming. Where is Princess Celestia? Just then out of the corner of my eye I see two winged unicorns fly up to the Fire giant, One bright and one dark, their horns glow and Akulatraxas swings his arm around and smacks them to the ground, “You are so weak, I will rule over this land!” He starts to laugh loudly as he throws fire balls in random directions, one of which lands on the small shack

I wake up and gasp for air, I look down and notice Pinkie isn't holding me anymore, in fact she isn't in the bed. I immediately get worried and jump out of bed. I run downstairs and see her at the sink with a cup. I sigh of huge relief and lean against the wall. “Are you okay Dean? You're sweating a lot.” I remember the dream and immediately clamp my mouth, I don't need to scare them anymore than I have. “Wow really?” I act like I don't notice, “Must be hot in here or something.” She shakes her head, “It feels great in here to me.” she says. I shrug and say “I'll be okay.”

Pinkie looks at me, “Are you sure you're okay?” she says, she sets the cup down and walks over to me. I sigh and say “I don't want to talk about it...I-I don't want to scare you...” I look down at my hooves. She lifts my chin up and she says, “I'm worried about you Dean. These dreams your having...oh I know! Try to think of something happy before you go to sleep, that usually helps me!” She smiles at me and puts her hooves around me pulling me into a hug. I smile back, she's right I just need to not think about them.

We get ourselves a glass of water and bring them upstairs, I drink a little bit of mine and set it down on the end table. I lay down on the bed and I feel a hoof lay on my chest I look over at Pinkie and she is facing me with her eyes closed, I roll over to face her and close my eyes.

I see fire everywhere, nopony is hurt, we all take off toward the forest nearby as fast as we can, knowing Akulatraxas is on our tail. I see fireballs land beside me and in front of me. “Aww, the poor ponies don't like a bit of warmth?” I hear the giant taunting us.

I am awoken by Pinkie shaking me, “Dean wake up, I heard something.” I immediately go white in the face, knowing it must be the fire giant. “What was the sound?” I ask hesitantly. “I think it was a metal clanking sound.” I sigh of relief. I follow Pinkie downstairs to the front door and open it, nothing.

Nopony is at the front door, I go outside and see that the town is peaceful, thank heavens. I go around to the back and see that a trashcan is knocked over and raccoons are pawing through it. Just silly little hungry raccoons. I smile and walk back to the front door, “Just raccoons Pinkie, though I have to say, thank you for waking me up.” she looks at me and says “Another bad dream?” I nod.

I look up at the sky and notice light is coming in, “You can go back to bed Pinkie, I don't want to right now.” I go over to the couch and lay down, Pinkie starts to go upstairs but stops and walks over to me and sits down on the edge of the couch that my body isn't taking up. I look up at her then lay my head back down. She taps the couch, I look at her again and she motions for me to lay my head in her lap, I do. Pinkie's warm and she's comfortable to lay on, I close my eyes but then immediately open them in fear of having another dream. I am getting sick of these dreams, I want a good dream for once. I roll over and have my back on the couch, I look up at Pinkie, who has a little cute smile on her face, it makes my heart glow. She leans down and kisses me on the lips, after a few seconds or so she pulls away, “There that should give you nicer dreams. You know we could just sleep here, It doesn't bother me, besides the Cakes will wake up soon.” I smile and she says “Close your eyes, dream of something good.” I close my eyes my mind filled with Pinkie.

I am in Ponyville, and it is still standing, I sigh and see Pinkie hopping toward me, She says “Hi Dean!” She hugs me, It feels great to hug her, we hug for a little while and she finally pulls away and says “Hey Dean, wanna go to the park?” I smile and nod. We go to the park and hang out, and make out and everything fades happily.

I wake up smelling delicious food, I open my eyes to see Pinkie leaning her head back on the couch. I finally had a good dream, even if it wasn't that long, it felt great to have one without that stupid fire demon giant thing, I can't even remember it's name. I hug Pinkie tightly, which wakes her up. “You okay Dean?” I look up and nod, “I had a good dream. Thanks Pinkie.” She smiles and kisses my nose playfully, she giggles, so cute, I lean up and kiss her lips and we hear, “Okay lovebirds, stop messing around and come get some breakfast.” We hear Mrs. Cake laugh.

We eat breakfast and we go over to Twilight's house, I have this urge to ask her about the fire demon giant, but I'm not sure if I should. We knock on the door, Spike greets us and let's us in, I look over at some books that say “Myths, and Legends.” I walk over to them, Pinkie following me. I pick up a book titled “Mythical Beasts and Other Creatures”, I flip to the Index and I go the F's.

I see it...Fire demons pg.67, I hesitate, Pinkie is watching me confused, “Whatcha doin' Dean?” she asks as she tries to peek into my book, I don't speak to her I flip to page 67 and I see the name...Akulatraxas...

I stare at the book, my face getting whiter by the second, “Akulatraxas...” I say in a scared tone. Pinkie puts her hoof around me, “Are you okay Dean?” she asks. I shake my head, She looks down at the page and she lets go of me and backs away. “Twilight! You need to come see this...”

Twilight enters “What's going on?” She asks, Pinkie points to me, Twilight walks over to me and looks down at the page. “Akulatraxas, A fire demon from the depths of the Core.” She reads, “A fire demon of great power, if he ever comes out of the core, all hell will break loose, due to him being locked in the Core by Celestia thousands of years ago...” She stops, looks at me and says, “This is the evil from your dream?” I nod and say shakily, “I-I thought m-my mind made him-m up...”

“We should probably get the others.” Twilight suggests, “You're dreams were never wrong before, you saw Alex come into this world...uh” “I saw the shadow of the transformation of Alex and I also.” I say. Twilight nods “Let's go get the others.” she says, I don't budge, “Okay I will get the others.” she says then leans to whisper into Pinkie's ear. “Stay here and see if you can make him feel better.” Pinkie nods.

Twilight walks out with Spike to get the other ponies as I just sit there staring at the picture on the page of Akulatraxas, “Looks just like from my dream.” I say out loud. I feel a hoof around me and turn me from the book, I look up and see Pinkie looking at me with a sad face, I sigh and she pulls me into a hug. I put my hooves around her and cry a bit. “Why me...” I say sadly, a tear falls from my eye, “Why do I get these visions...” I cry a bit harder, holding onto Pinkie, she sniffles a bit. We pull away from the hug and I wipe my tears away, I look down at the floor and I hear a loud crash.

I jump up on my feet, and the door opens and Alex is standing there dazed, “Wow, I need to work on my landing.” he says as Rainbow is laughing at him. He shakes his head and looks at me, “Yo dude!” he must not notice my tears. He walks closer and he says “You okay?” I shake my head and point to the book. He looks at it and says “Shit about to go down?” I nod.

The door opens again and the other ponies walk in, we all stand in a circle, “Why didn't y'all tell us before about the fire demon.” Applejack says. I look down and say, “Because I didn't want to scare anypony.” I sigh. “Don't worry about that, you should have told us sooner.” Rarity says.

“So what are we going to do?” I ask. “I don't know Dean.” Twilight says, but then it happens.

The ground begins to shake, I shake my head and say “No...no, no no...Please...” I run over to the window and see it happening right in front of me. Ponies are running away from a ripped up area, A large flaming hand slams on the ground, making the ground shake. I hear screams of all the ponies. I start to tear up, “This can't be happening...” The ground gets shoved up again as another hand comes out, slamming the ground.

Then he comes out of the ground, Akulatraxas, and he speaks, “I am back Equestria, are you ready to burn!” He stomps the ground and starts to laugh. He creates a fireball in his hand and throws it at the nearest building, it crumbles instantly, thank goodness everypony left and hid. He continues to go around and crushing buildings laughing.

I start to bawl right in front of them, “NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! IT CAN'T BE TRUE!” I fall to the floor, “What are we gonna do?” I say. “The Elements of Harmony.” I hear Twilight say. “The Elements of what?” Alex asks. “Never mind, Come on girls we got a fire demon to deal with.” She opens a large book laying on the table that contains five necklaces and a crown, she gives certain ones to certain ponies, I look at the shapes on the front of the necklaces and on Twilight's crown, it matches their cutie mark.

They start out the door and I see 2 flying unicorns go up to Akulatraxas, “Wait guys, I think the Princesses got this!” I hear Alex say, I remember my dream and shake my head. I look out the window and see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna go up to the fire demon. Their horns light up and fire some type of magic at him, he starts to laugh as he smacks them to the ground. Twilight yelps “PRINCESS! NO...!” She starts to run out the door but is stopped by the others, The princesses lay there knocked out.

“WE HAVE TO HELP THEM!” Twilight screams. The fire demon looks this way, “Guys, he has spotted us...” I say. He charges a fire ball and throws it at the tree house bursting it into flames. We run out the back door, Twilight cries. I hear and feel heavy footsteps behind us, fireballs fly past us. “RUN PONIES RUN!” he yells and he turns back and destroys the house laughing.

We jump into a shack where all the other ponies are hiding. Everypony is crying or scared.
“What are we going to do Twilight? I ask. “We are going to take out that fire demon WITH THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!”
(end of chapter 9)