• Published 21st Mar 2020
  • 495 Views, 2 Comments

To liberate a land - Ponelover

Now living in Equestria, Tempest Shadow has some time to think of her past, and how she'll deal with it.

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I paced in circles as the sun shone brightly over me. It’s rays reflecting the sweat streaming down my face. C’mon, you’ve got this, you’ve done crazier things in your life already! A little presentation to Princess Celestia never hurt right? okay okay, perhaps presenting your ideas towards an immortal Alicorn Princess isn’t as easy as you might think, but you shouldn’t be this nervous now. Just… cool yourself and breathe, that’s what Fluttershy suggested right? breathe, breathe in, breathe out.

The pressure that was building on top of me seemed to ease as I focused on my breathing, my mind calming down, my vision getting clearer, my resolve stronger. With my mind cleared enough, I looked up at the stained glass windows surrounding me, pictures of great figures, ancient battles, my former enemies defeating the spirit of chaos, and of the 4 princesses, all reflecting sunlight in their own unique way. Shining brightly under the sunlight that’s given to them, yet somehow never overstepping the brilliance of each other, very Equestrian, and very beautiful.

My head turned towards the picture showcasing Celestia, sunlight reflecting It’s rainbow mane so well it almost looks like It’s flowing, the white alicorn’s body shone intensely towards whoever views it, enough to give it a sense of awe and majesty, yet not enough to overwhelm it. It feels like you’re being embraced by Celestia herself. The majesty, the warmth, the sense of ease you felt whenever you are near the princess of the sun.

Whoever made these stained glass windows needs a pay raise.

The door suddenly opened when I was about to pay attention towards Luna's portrait. Reflex took control of me as my body stiffened. I stood forward, looking at whoever is going to meet me. All those years of planning, cajoling, and convincing has come to this, hopefully the Princesses will understand my reasoning.

It has been such a long time since I’ve returned, I cannot leave them behind just like that. Not after what they’ve done for me.

“I know, I know Wind Shuffle, you don’t have to tell me that the public is anxious with that proposal, just tell them that the proposal for the rail extension towards Vanhoover has been approved, and land will be bought via eminent domain. Obviously compensation towards land owners will be given, that should calm them down a little bit. Alright? thank you, you are dismissed.”

I certainly didn’t expect that voice, as the door further opened, a part of me expected Celestia’s a bit sick. No matter, if she is willing to lend me time to hear out my proposal even when she’s sick, then I have to give my best shot no matter what.

Finally the door fully opened, and instead I saw an alicorn with a coat as blue as the night sky.

“Princess Luna?”

“Hello there, General Tempest Shadow.” The figure replied.

Huh… weird.

To say that I’m confused is underselling it, I rarely see Luna, but the times I have seen her, It’s usually at either my dreams or at night time. I have never seen her in broad daylight like this.

Fortunately enough, she noticed my face and smiled a little bit. “Do not worry. I am here at the behest of Celestia herself, my sister is busy meeting with leaders of the Equestrian Diet, and asked me to hear you out on her behalf. I trust that you would have no problems with this arrangement?”

I stared at the Princess for far longer than I should have, shook my head and finally replied. “Not a problem your majesty. I assume that you have read the short report I gave to Celestia.”

“Concerning the Stormleucid Empire? yes. I have read it.” She responded. “Pray tell, why do you concern yourself with the Storm King’s remnants? they seem to be a minuscule threat now that both the Storm King and his most effective commander has left it.”

“And that is why I came here to present to you your majesty. I have a plan that would effectively neuter the remnants of the Storm King for good.”

On cue. I saw a couple of royal guards bringing in the slides I made, I saw Princess Luna taking a good close look at the slide, and then towards me, her head running with many questions by the looks of it. I would not be surprised, the title of the first slide gives the whole thing away.

To liberate a land, strategies for the liberation of the Stormlands.
By: Fizzlepop Berrytwist.

“And what did she think?” the mare right in front of me asked. The only response she got was me busy staring at my coffee cup, perhaps a bit too busy contemplating what response I’ll get after yesterday’s exposé. The coffee cup foams as I played with it, twisting my spoon as the upper foam layers mélanged itself into the coffee. She’s patiently waiting for an answer, but what else does she expect?

The plan might not even work for Celestia’s Sake! It’s such an ill-conceived idea! that place is too far out, too remote! relies on luck being on my side the entire time! Uhhh, I shouldn’t even have presented to the Princess in the first place. Why do you do this to yourself Tempest, why?!?

“Uhh, Tempest? are you okay? you seem to be spacing out.”

The mare’s question jolted me out of my trance, prompting me to stare right back at her. My rounded eyes meeting with hers.

“Uhh, yeah Swift. Yeah. She thinks that It’s interesting, and she wants to ‘explore the idea further’, but you know how it is. She has to consult Celestia first.”

“Ah yeah, makes sense.” She responded. Still looking at me for some reason. C’mon Swift! drink your damn coffee!! I need some time for personal introspection here! I don’t need your eyes peering through my soul and let me spill out my darkest secrets. I don’t need that anymore. Not after that incident.



Never again.

“Tempest, something’s wrong. Do you want to tell me about it?”

I broke.

“Alright alright!! stop staring at me Swift Wing! gosh, you’re getting a bit too good at this. You should stop you know?”

The white pegasus mare laughed. “Good old Fizzlepop, too uptight as always. Calm down, I know both the Alicorn sisters, they won’t put you on a firing line just because you wanted to liberate a country. Especially not when they’re the Storm King’s remnants.”

“Seriously though, do calm down Fizzlepop. It’s an order.”

I faked a salute and drank from my coffee cup. Thank goodness we booked the whole café for this, I knew that we both needed some time to wind down. This whole ‘being a general’ thing is starting to wear me down something fierce.

“Alright Swift. You win, and now I’m going to expose my entire life story and tell you all the embarrassing things I did as a filly. Happy now?”

“Nothing too embarrassing Tempest.” She replied, a knowing smile forming around her face. Gosh, she’s so good at prodding me. “Maybe just your current concerns about the plan you proposed should be enough.”

I sighed. “Are all Severyani ponies like this? forcing everyone they know to confront their doubts and fears?”

“No, I think It’s just me. I learned that It’s better to just let your feelings out, makes things easier to solve, at least from my experience. I’ll keep this only between the two of us. I promise.”

I looked at her. her eye patch and her one good eye practically staring at my soul at this point. “Fine. I’m just not sure of myself, after all I’ve done under the command of the Storm King. I just don’t feel I should be doing this.”

“Look, before I came to Equestria, back when I was conquering other lands for the Storm King. I’ve made, well, I wouldn’t exactly call them friends, comrades is the closest thing I can call them. We shared beds together, we fought together, we lead armies together. But just as we are finishing our latest campaigns. The Storm King pulled me out and asked me to lead his personal retinue for a personal project. I think you know what that personal project is.”

“The invasion of Equestria?” She asked.

“Yep. Landed here, imprisoned the Princesses in stone, you know the whole ordeal. Spent a long time discovering myself after that. At least before you came in and that whole war thing blew up. I practically forgot what happened to my comrades after that, busy fighting Changeling armies, and then, Imperial Griffon armies after that. I’m starting to regret not reconnecting with my comrades after all this. It’s been 10 years since Griffonian-Equestrian war ended, 10. Freaking. Years. And not a single word from me. I can’t do that to them Swift, not to my comrades who I fought and bonded with during those years.”

“I know I want to save them Swift, I know you’ve read the reports about the Stormlands and the oppression there. I just.... I don’t know if I have the skill to pull it off. The plan is rather straightforward, and I know our allies in the region will assist us on the endeavor. But I don’t know if I can do it, how would I even face my old comrades after what I did?!? I know that what they’re fighting for is wrong, misguided at best. But seeing first hoof of the very mare that betrayed their sovereign in the flesh? I don’t think they even want my help, just the sight of me is enough to disgust anyone down there.”

“I don’t know if I can do this. I… I really don’t.”

Swift Wing finished drinking her coffee and stared into the distance, Canterlot is always beautiful, but It’s definitely more beautiful at night. The lights of the buildings illuminating the streets, ponies milling about after the end of their work hours, Bat Ponies now waking up and starting to work their night shifts. It feels vibrant, yet, at the same time, it feels as friendly as a small town. I saw a bat pony filly, no more than 5 to 6 years old by the looks of it, trip down, crying and screaming for her mother to find her, only to see an Earth Pony Stallion take his time to bring the bat pony filly up to his back, and walk with her towards the nearest police station.

We made sure that the Stallion made Its way to the station. Just in case anyone is wondering. I swear we both watched that Stallion for a good ten minutes, up until he opened the door of the nearest station and got in.

“Did you see what you did there?” The white pegasus asked.

“Hmm? you mean the staring at the Stallion thing?”

“Yes. That. That should be a good enough indicator that you will succeed in your endeavor Tempest. You have your heart in the right place, and if nothing else. You’re the most resourceful general I’ve ever known.”

The mare pointed right at my horn, It’s tip still buzzing with channeled raw magic, ready to electrocute the Stallion in case he tries to do anything unusual with the filly. “You already have that spell prepared. You are ready to burst out of this café and put yourself on the line, all just for a Thestral filly. That heart of yours is going to take you far into this world, I know that now. Remember the first time I received you under my command? remember the first thing I said?”

“Faker.” I responded. “And you’re not wrong. I was… still learning about friendship, what it truly means, and I can count the times I nearly abandoned it. But, Equestria needs generals and I was one of the few ponies who have military experience, so we both have to get used to each other.”

“But you proved me wrong.” Swift Wing interjected. “You are no faker, and that heart of gold deep within you changed the southern campaign forever. Troops would flock to you, ready to die at your command. ‘Tempest will keep us safe!’ they said, and you made sure that phrase was not a lie. We liberated the entirety of the west coast, drove to Vanhoover like a madmare, took a side route liberating the deers from the Changelings, and… well, remember that incident Tempest?”

“Yeah, of course. A lone Changeling soldier, surrounded and starving. Every single one of my soldiers were braying for his execution. I walked towards him and after convincing him to drop his weapons, I went forward and hug him.”

“I have to stress this Tempest, you’re the only general that did that, the only one. Perhaps your compassion wasn’t necessary back then. But when Thorax came back to his home, and tells everyone of his story, about how you saved him. It… perhaps it made sure the rebuilding of Changelingia was never a terribly bloody affair. Just one simple action Tempest. Even after that, when we were fighting the Griffons. You were the general our enemies most respected, not only because of your skills, but because of your heart. You know of what they’re fighting for, how much a resurgent Griffon Empire meant for the average soldier, and tried your best to keep casualties on both sides at a minimum. Even the Emperor himself told Celestia that your actions has done more damage to the Empire’s war efforts than 10 generals of similar skill. You treated griffons and changelings, everyone really, as people that have their own aspirations, their own wants and desires. While you used that knowledge of yours to great advantage in combat. Your actions ensured that Equestria’s allies, whether they are near us or far away. Would be loyal to a fault.”

“That is why I have full confidence that you can do the same if the Princesses would go with your plan.” She finished. “Who would’ve thought that Tempest Shadow, the former second in command of the Storm King, would become ‘the army’s moral compass.’ Certainly not me.”

I blushed at the praise Swift Wing gave to me. “Well, thanks for the pep talk Swift. I don’t know if I need that or not. Whatever happens. Our friendship will never break. Right?”

Swift laughed once more. “Never Berrytwist. you saved me from losing my only good eye, proved to me your worth and then some, and-”

“Alright alright!!” I stopped her. “No need to give my entire resumé in some café here.”

We seemed to both finish the coffee at that point. I coughed some bits from my saddlebags, more than willing to cover Swift Wing after that talk, and left.

As we proceeded to trot out of the café, thinking about some rest. a rushing pony stopped right in front of us.

“Are you General Fizzlepop Berrytwist and Field Marshall Swift Wing?”

I nodded my head. “Yes, what is it?”

“The Princesses has summoned you. High Priority, cannot be delayed any longer.”

At the mention of those last two sentences, we both rushed past the pony and reached the castle as fast as we could. Only Celestia knows what’s in store for us there.