• Published 21st Mar 2020
  • 494 Views, 2 Comments

To liberate a land - Ponelover

Now living in Equestria, Tempest Shadow has some time to think of her past, and how she'll deal with it.

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We finally reached the castle grounds after that bout with the messenger. The glistening halls of the throne room now illuminated with electric lights, a bit jarring, but not important, the most important aspect in the room right now is neither the glass stained windows, nor the polished marble lining the halls, but in the three figures staring at both of us, each of them unfurling their wings before they trotted down their thrones, okay, 2 thrones really.

“Field Marshall Swift Wing, General Fizzlepop Berrytwist. I think it would be prudent for us to discuss this matter at a more private setting.” The alicorn with the flowing rainbow mane declared. “Why don’t you follow us, we would like to discuss further on your plans to liberate the Stormlands.”

Just as fast as the Princesses bought us in. We were ferried in by three alicorns right into the back of the throne room, in front of them stood three pedestals, and they lighted up their horns into the objects. It seemed to respond, with the floor below the pedestal giving way to a series of staircases, each of them cascading downwards. We all walked downstairs, the cascading staircase automatically closing behind us as we moved further. As the last of the staircase closes in, the three alicorns lighted their horns, providing illumination as we finally reached the bottom.

The bottom of this seemingly endless staircase was nothing but a short hallway, ending with a black door in the end. Celestia trotted first, presenting the door for us. “Come, we have much to discuss General Berrytwist.”

To say that I was disoriented was an understatement. The atmosphere changed drastically from the serene majesty of the castle, to the dark and claustrophobic staircase, and now to the tense hallway, all leading up to this black door. A lump formed on my throat, and my eyes focused on the three alicorns, their faces changed from their usual serene self to a look of solemn determination. Their lustrous smiles lost, with all that’s left being robots in pony form.

I looked towards Swift Wing, my uncertain eyes meeting hers, and we nodded together. Walking towards the doorway, opening it, preparing for our inevitable end.

And we saw multiple chairs lining up what looks like a wooden table in the middle, television screens littering the upper walls, and a symbol of Equestria, a shield with the sun and moon in the center, and scenery depicting day and night on the sides of it, within the center of the room.

“Sorry, that staircase was intense.” Twilight trotted past us, taking a seat at one of the chairs. “I designed this crisis center first, building the accessways to the throne room was more an afterthought. There is a more normal way of entering the crisis center, but It’s going to be too long a walk to get there, so uhh, sorry!”

I rolled my eyes. “Typical Twilight” I commented, taking a seat alongside Swift Wing. I noticed that the other two Princesses were seated right next to Twilight, effectively sitting to the opposite of me. Almost as if they’re preparing to confront me on something. I steeled my nerves and calmed myself down, awaiting their questions.

“So.” Celestia started. “After some deliberations between myself, Luna, Twilight, and members of the Diet. We decided to support your plan. In Its entirety.”

I let out a visible sigh and everything feels less tense. So much for confronting me on my ideas...

“But, we need to have some details that needs discussing. Namely, on the stationing of troops and your efforts to reconnect with your former comrades.”

I lifted a part of my eyebrow up. “Is there any problems with my plan, your highness?”

“A little bit.” Celestia continued. “Namely, you proposed insertion either by Helicopter or by Parachute, I don’t think that is necessarily wise. Luna does have a proposed alternative though.”

The moment Celestia finished, her sister floated a piece of design paper and unfurled it towards the table. “It’s a new design, but I believe we can use this. It’s silent, heavily armed, highly classified, and our enemies would not realize that we’ve infiltrated operatives into their lands until it’s too late.”

I looked at what was in front of me, and my eyes went wide. “What? last time I heard, they’re still being built right?”

“Well, yes and no.” Luna responded. “Yes, most of them are still being built. But, during the later stages of the Griffonian-Equestrian war, plans were already being drafted for It’s construction, Celestia and I approved it, with the end of the war in sight though, we only have enough funds to construct two of them after the peace treaty.”


I never thought the Princesses would ever do that. Looking at the technical specifications though, I now realize why they only built two of them.

“I’m assuming all the capabilities advertised are available?”

The night princess nodded. “Every single one.”

“Then yes, It’s very possible.”

Now with that finished, I must ask them about this. Way too important to not ask them.

“You know, I never thought the Princesses had it in them to pull this off, I still remember the time when I said all your energy were wasted on parties, now, I’m not sure if I should be glad or terrified. It… it reminds me of the Storm King’s ascent. Talking about how power is all that matters in this world, and how only with power, will the Stormlands ever gain Its majesty and grandeur back.”

“We all learned a great many things during the turbulent times.” Celestia interjected. “We learned on how to modernize the nation, on how to coordinate a war effort. But perhaps most importantly, we all learned that heroes and the elements will never be enough. There needs to be a guarantor, a guarantor outside of the elements that are strong enough to compel everyone to not tear each other apart. Starswirl and his group planted the seeds of the tree of harmony on the assumption that if the main leader could be compelled to accept the ways of Harmony, the rest will follow, I think that the last few decades have proven that those assumptions are no longer valid.”

“Power is only a tool Berrytwist.” Twilight complemented. “Perhaps the battles we fought against Tirek, Discord, and even you are the last echoes of a dying age. Power is a tool, It’s where our intentions lie that makes wielding that power impactful. Some wield it for tyranny and oppression, or some vain sense to regain some long lost glory. But if you wield this power for the intention of Friendship, of Harmony, of ensuring the coexistence between species, and wield it well. You can accomplish things that not even the elements of harmony can do.”

I tapped my chin, thinking to myself after that bout of discussion. “I think I’ll put it at the back of my mind. Thanks Twily, and thank you Princess Celestia, I’ll mull and further think about the wisdom you just shared.”

“Oh shucks, It’s nothing.” Twilight replied. “Me? giving wisdom? nah! smart? maybe, but wise? ehh, still working on that part.”

I giggled a bit at her declaration, such a typical reaction of her. So humble yet so powerful at the same time. It seems that Twilight maintained her cheerful self, even after all this destruction and suffering.

Being an element wielder does have Its perks I guess...

“Twily. I can start preparing for the operation immediately. Do I have full command of my task force as is outlined in my plan? or will I be assigned to a different army?”

“No. Task Force Tempest will be stationed in Maregypt and will advance should you give the go to order. I’ll make sure your regimental commanders get the word. The special Pegasi Rangers and Royal Marine regiments you requested will also be stationed on Hippogriffia, Princess Celestia has contacted Queen Novo on the issue, and she has pledged full support for your plan. Everything is ready, just expect an order to meet with the specialist crew to come in a couple days.”

“Alright then. I guess that concludes our meeting then?” I finished. To which all three Princesses nodded. “Well, we’ll see ourselves out. Thank you for the audience Princess, I am very grateful of your support for my plan.”

“Oh, one more thing.” Luna said. Interjecting our exit. “Swift Wing, could you please stay with us for a moment. We have some other things we need to discuss with you.”

“Oh, me?” I heard her reply, quite curious at the request. “Of course. Is the information so sensitive that General Berrytwist cannot hear it?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” Luna replied. “You are dismissed Fizzlepop Berrytwist. We shall see you in a hopefully liberated Stormland.”

I nodded and walked my way out, apparently there’s another set of doors opposite to that one weird black door the three Princesses showed me to, so I took that one instead. Leaving the Princesses with my friend to discuss other matters.

The city of Mareidian is definitely tiny, at least when you compared it to the likes of Las Pegasus or Manehattan. Nested in the southern edge of the Yucoltan region. On the few coastlines not dominated by the Teopixqui jungle. It’s roughly a 2 hour drive from Tenochtitlan, 5 hours from Baltimare if anypony’s willing enough to drive the distance. While it does possess a distinctive culture, it isn’t too jarring a town like the ancient Tenochtitlan or the Bat Pony haven of Ayacachtli. It isn’t even a new town that suddenly got big like Tall Tale or, very recently, Prancisco. Nor is it a center of learning or trade, like Whinnyapolis or Bales.

Overall, a bit of a tourist trap, the appeal quickly wearing off the more you explore it.

Still, I am here, in this small city, because it hosts one of Equestria’s deadliest weapons of war. A weapon that’s just located in that small, artificial island off the coast of the city center.

I arrived at the gates of the facility. ‘Mareidian Naval Station’ it reads. For a supposed highly important facility. It doesn’t necessarily have the most intense security I’ve seen. Just some metal fences with some barbed wire on top. Somehow I expected much more than what was offered. It feels a bit disappointing for some reason, to have your expectations subverted like that, Regardless, I am here on a mission, and a very important one, I cannot let some simple defenses distract me from that.

I approached the entrance, naked (I am still getting used to walking around naked), sunglasses on my face, and looking way more like a civilian overall. Predictably the guards that were on the front gate didn’t like that very much, and approached me with a scowl on their faces.

“Ma’am. This area isn’t for tourists.” One of the guards declared. “Please leave or we will have to take you into custody.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me.” I replied. “I just need to talk to your commanding officer. Tell them that Tempest Shadow is here.”

The guards were silent for a moment, but they all broke into laughter, straight into my face no less. Is it the lack of clothes or the sunglasses? perhaps the popular image of me, with that padded black armour and clothes, stuck too hard into the public eye. I guess everyone forgot about the broken horn or something.

“Ma’am, please don’t joke with us. We’ve only got enough patience here. Please leave or else-”

“Sir. Need I remind you that ignoring a superior officer’s orders is not good military conduct. I also know that it is within every Equestrian’s right to speak to a commanding officer of a military installation, I should know, I was there when Celestia signed the Military Transparency Act into law.”

There was another silence, before the guards gave off a visible head shake and walked back towards the booth. One of them opened the phone line, and a couple minutes later. A pegasus mare with a spiky blue mane walked towards the gate. I opened my glasses and the figure immediately ran towards me. Her face bristling with excitement.

“Fizzlepop!!” She screamed, hugging me with all her might. “Oh how I missed you! Just got word from Celestia herself yesterday, those commandos are ready to go!”

“I miss you too Cynosura.” I replied. “So, can I get into the base now?”

“Oh, of course! were my guards bothering you?” The mare then glared at the now confused guards.

“Don’t worry don’t worry, I’m just playing with them, that’s all!” I replied. Walking past towards the guards and showing them a wink or two before disappearing into the base.

“Oh, since you’re here, you have, HAVE to just see what we have in store for you!” The pegasus mare declared, finally taking me into what looks like a hangar. “The magic lies right across this door. C’mon, open it! open it!”

“Jeez Cynosura. Calm down. It’s not like we’re going to Las Pegasus or something. it should be nothing-”

And then all words left my mouth.

I saw it right in front of me. A massive ship with a tower on top, a literal black silhouette overlooking me. I saw ponies maintaining it, walking on It’s surface and carrying weird tools to check It’s seaworthiness. On It’s side, crew members are relaxing, working, and maintaining various other tools, most I don’t know about, but most likely designed to maintain it.

“Brilliant isn’t it?” Cynosura spoke right next to me. “Not only is it the world’s first nuclear powered submarine. But also the world’s first nuclear powered, ballistic missile carrying submarine. We can launch a missile to just about any place in the world. Some even carrying magi-nuclear warheads! Shame we currently only have 2 of them.”

“It’s a time of peace Cynosura, I’m quite surprised we possess two of these monsters in the first place. Have you… you know, tested-”

“The ballistic missiles? well… yeah! I can’t disclose the location, but we definitely do test it. Frightening is the thing that comes to mind Fizzlepop.”

I am not particularly surprised that my good friend here is all over the submarine. The Super Prowler Class is truly a piece of fine engineering, able to run submerged for 2 years, possessing rooms for special forces insertion, the most advanced torpedos and guidance systems, and 4 Ballistic Missiles, which, by law, requires at least 2 of them be magi-nuclear. Not to mention all the sensors and other advancements I don’t know about. This will be the vessel that will insert me into the Stormlands once more. A mighty underwater vessel, deploying myself and my team just off the coast, ready to wreak havoc while my army stands by to be deployed.

“Remember the last time you and I were on a joint mission together? I think it’s during the battle of Skyfall. Remember what I said when the Equestrian flag was brought on top of that city?”

“Yeah, I think It’s something along the lines of ‘what have we turned into?’ It’s been so long since those battles Fizzlepop. Sorry for my faulty memory.”

“Close, It’s actually ‘what have we turned into? how powerful will we get? we’ve gained this much power in such a short time, are we sure that we have the wisdom to wield it?’”

I still remember those words from Twilight. ‘Power is a tool Tempest, It’s where our intentions lie that makes wielding that power impactful.’

Those words contain wisdom, but is there a point when there’s too much power? a point where this power becomes too much for anyone to handle?

“Where’s my team?” I asked my friend.

“Of course! they’re actually hanging out on the lounge, let’s go!”