• Published 18th Mar 2020
  • 808 Views, 15 Comments

Hogwarts Highlights - mokaevans

A series of oneshots in which the main six grew up in the wizarding world and went to hogwarts. The first four establish things but the rest will be in a random order.

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Twilight Sparkle was reading Hogwarts: a History for what she believed was the 247th time. It might have been the 248th, but she was 99 percent certain that it wasn’t. Either way the fact remained that she had read the book a lot. In the past two weeks she’d read it even more often than usual. This was because she was expecting her letter from the prestigious school any day now.

As the thought crossed her mind for the 64th time that day Twilight was surprised to find a tawny owl pecking at her bedroom window. She blinked to ensure it was actually there and not some figmint of a daydream. The owl remained. Excited beyond belief she rushed to the window and grabbed the scroll from the owl’s leg, apologizing as she realized how rough she was.

She opened the letter and drank in every word. She, Twilight Sparkle, had finally been invited to Hogwarts. This had been something she’d been waiting for her entire life. She remembered how jealous she was when Shining armor had gotten to go and she had not. Now they could both go, Albit four years apart. She was so excited, as well as a bit nervous. She wasn’t great at meeting people. Moreover her family wasn’t exactly well regarded within certain circles. Regardless the feeling of excitement far outweighed any nervousness on her part.

She rushed down the stairs at great speed, nearly running into the kitchen counter. Startled, she forced herself to a standstill. Her parents and brother looked at her in amusement, All three had knowing grins on their faces.

“So what you got there Twilie?” Shining asked, a teasing lilt to his voice.

“My letter to Hogwarts has arrived!” She exclaimed, not particularly caring that they had already guessed that.

“Congratulations Twilie.” Shining grinned.

“Oh you’re going to love it honey! The Whomping willow, the forbidden forest, the great lake!” Twilight Velvet listed.

“Now honey those places are all dangerous.” Her father Night light said sternly.

“That never stopped me.” The girl told her husband.

“That’s why you ended up in Gryffindor right? Oh I wonder what house I’ll be sorted into.” Twilight beamed.

“Twilie if you end up anywhere but Ravenclaw I’ll be surprised. “ Shining chuckled. “Besides it would even out the houses in our family.” He was referring to the fact that he had been placed in Gryffindor as well. While her father had gone to Ravenclaw.

“I guess we’ll see.” she smirked.

“Is there anything you’re nervous about?” Her father asked.

“Well...the slytherins mostly.” She admitted. She didn’t have to explain any further. The Sparkles were pure bloods. This meant that as far back as they could trace, they had only wizards in the family. Many pure bloods believed themselves to be better than others. The Sparkles did not share these beliefs. Naturally this made the others dislike their family.

“Sweetheart if anyone calls you a blood traitor you just hold your head up high and ignore them.” Twilight’s father reassured her.

“Do you think I’ll meet some muggleborns?!” she asked excitedly. From a young age she and her brother had been taught to respect muggleborn children, as neither parent wanted their child to be elitist. This had an effect on Shining as he was open to all and willing to defend just about anyone. It’s effect on Twilight had been far greater. The idea of living without magic fascinated her and so she had developed an obsession with muggles. Not enough to be creepy, just extremely interested.

“There are a lot of muggleborns at Hogwarts. I’m sure they’ll be happy to answer your questions. Just go easy on them.” Shining winked. Twilight smiled back sheepishly. She just got over excited sometimes.

For the past week Fluttershy had been on pins and needles. She didn’t know when her letter would arrive, but she knew it was going to be any day now and the thought terrified her. She didn’t want to learn magic, she didn’t want to have anything to do with magic. Magic and all its uses scared her. She was petting Angel bunny who was enjoying the attention. In the meantime she was venting.

“It’s not that I hate my father’s side of the family, it’s just, the idea that there are spells that can petrify you, or give you wobbly knees, or make you puke up slugs, is really scary and I’d rather be a muggle like mom.” She sighed. Angel made a few noises that sounded both comforting and irate. “Yes I know there’s also a lot of good things about magic, I just don’t think they outweigh the bad things.” Angel cuddled into her. “At least magic gave me you.”

Fluttershy remembered the day her family had realized she was a witch. They had gone to the pet store to buy her an animal companion. As a meek child they had been hoping a furry friend might help her be more confident. When she had entered the store a bunch of voices had reached her ears. She wandered throughout the store just listening to the many creature’s speak, eventually she heard something different. A voice complaining about the number of carrots they had been fed today. She had glanced around until her eyes had landed on a cage containing four bunnies. It had been the smallest one complaining.

“Don’t they feed you enough?” She asked him. The bunny explained that the other three rabbits were bigger than him and often ate his food for him. It was all he could do to get any food for himself. “That’s terrible. Do you want to come home with me?” Angel had excitedly said yes. When she had turned to tell her family she wanted him she found them staring at her. “What?”

“Fluttershy, can you talk to animals?” Her father asked.

“Yeah, is that not normal?”

“No, I can’t speak to animals.” Her mother said. “Is it normal for a wizard to speak to animals?”

“No, it’s a very rare gift some wizards get. Extremely rare, actually.” Her father admitted. “I always wondered if you had magic, but now we know you do.”

At the time Fluttershy did not know what that meant exactly, all she knew was it let her talk to Angel, so it must be a good thing. The older she got, the more she learned, and the more terrified she became. She wished she didn’t have to learn magic.

She was so absorbed by her worries that she jumped about a foot in the air when she heard a small tap at the window of her room. Angel made a couple of irate noises. “Sorry Angel, I didn’t mean to make you fall.” She apologized, picking him up again. She stared at the owl waiting patiently behind the glass. She didn’t want to acknowledge it. If anything she wanted to pretend it wasn’t there, but she knew full well that if she ignored the letter now she’d just get more later. She took a deep breath and approached the window.

She knew it was silly but it felt like the moment she opened the window she would be going to Hogwarts. Like if she didn’t get her letter she’d could avoid it somehow, unfortunately this was not the case. She sighed and resigned herself to opening the window. She grabbed the letter, and thanked the owl for his time. As he flew off she sighed once more. She decided to read the letter after breakfast.

When she entered the kitchen it was to find her family already sitting around the table. To a hand cooked breakfast. Her father was always offering to use magic to help her mother cook, but she preferred to do it on her own. She sat at the only empty chair, a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon already placed. She began to move her fork around in the eggs, not feeling hungry.

“Are you okay?” Her mother asked.

“It arrived.” She said briefly. That was all she needed to say. Her parents knew how nervous she was.

“Your Hogwarts letter! What does it look like? What does it say? You must be so excited!” The series of questions was coming from her brother, Zephyr Breeze. He was younger than her, and all too eager to go to Hogwarts. To the point that he didn’t notice her worry.

“I didn’t read it.” She admitted, now moving the bacon around her plate.

Her parents looked at each other. “Look honey we know you’re worried, but I promise Hogwarts is a wonderful place. You might make some friends.” Her father said.

“I have a friend.” She whispered.

“I know Angel is your friend, but I meant another human friend. I’m sure you can take Angel to Hogwarts.”

“I thought you said it was only, Owls, Cats, or Toads?”

“Those are more like guidelines. They don’t want anyone to bring something dangerous to school. Angel is a bunny, so you should be fine.”

Fluttershy gave a small smile, at least she’d have one friend.”
Pinkie was bouncing excitedly around the house, when she felt something. “Twitchy nose, wobbly legs, itchy ear! Someone new is coming to visit!” Just at that moment the doorbell went off. Pinkie jumped into action, running as fast as she could. “I’ll get it!” She exclaimed as she slid down the bannister.

“Pinkie I just polished that!” Limestone complained.

Pinkie landed on her feet perfectly and rushed to the door. When she opened it a man stood there, but something about him was off. It took her a moment to put her finger on it, but eventually she realized he was her height. He had fluffy white hair with a large bald spot. He was wrinkly, with a beard to match his hair, and he wore green robes. His hair reminded her of cotton candy. Pinkie licked her lips, before forcing her brain back to the topic at hand.

“Are you Miss. Pinkamena Diane Pie?” He asked in a squeaky voice.

“Yes Mister Squeaky voice, Cotton candy hair!” Pinkie exclaimed. She heard her parents step up behind her.

“What dost thou want with our daughter?” Her father, Ingenious, asked.

“I am here to give your daughter a letter.” Mister Squeaky voice replied, handing Pinkie a piece of rolled up paper. It was like no letter she’d ever seen. She broke the wax crest and read over the letter, her smile growing wider the further she read.

“So I’m a witch and you want me to go to a magical school for that?!” She exclaimed.

“Pinkamena, you know magic dost not exist.” Her mother, Cloudy, reminded her firmly.

“I can show you proof magic is real.” Mister Squeaky voice replied, pulling out an ornate stick.

“Listen Mister-” Her father began trailing as he realized they’d yet to ask the stranger’s name.

“Flitwick, Professor Flitwick.” replied placing a cup on his hand.

“We don’t have time to indulge you, so if you’ll just-” Before he could finish his sentence the man had turned the cup into a bird. Her parents stumbled back in fear.

“What sorcery is this?” Her mother asked, looking terrified.

“As I said, magic. Your daughter is a witch Mr.Pie. If she does not learn to control her powers there could be grave consequences. “

Her parents looked at each other, stuck in a quandary, on the one hand Pinkie had magical powers and she needed to control them, on the other they weren’t keen on sending their daughter to a school of unknown quality. It was then that her sister Maud arrived.

“I think she should go. Remember when Grandma died and Pinkie knew about it before we received the call? The time she knew the stairs were going to collapse a week before they did? What about the time she knew our distant relatives were coming for a surprise visit? I mean in hindsight it's obvious she has some ability.” Maud explained.

Something in Maud’s words clicked with her parents. “Having a gift and not using it,is the same as having no gift at all.” Her father nodded.

“She must have these abilities for some reason.” Her mother agreed.

They turned to Professor Flitwick. “Very well, we will allow our daughter to go to this school.” Pinkie was excited to hear this, she was going to learn magic!

Rarity paced about her room impatiently. She had waited eleven years to receive her letter and she didn’t want to wait any longer. Her parents had always told her to be patient. That magic wasn’t as necessary to live as she seemed to think. Well she didn’t agree to that. What was the point of being a witch if she couldn’t perform magic?

This was the year though. She was going to go to Hogwarts and learn magic. She would be able to do amazing things. Levitating objects was something she was particularly excited for. Her sewing would be so much faster if she didn’t have to do it by hand. She glanced at the window again. Still no sign of the owl holding her letter.

She flung herself to the bed dramatically, turning to her cat. “Oh Opal Wopal! How long must this wait be? I am in anguish over the amount of time my letter is taking!” She sighed, “You don’t suppose they forgot me?” Her cat didn’t answer. “My family has been going to Hogwarts for generations. All of my ancestry is magical. So surely they wouldn’t have forgotten right?” Once more the cat had no answer for her. “Oh woe is me! For it is that I, Rarity, am stuck here waiting for a letter that refuses to come!” She cried, splaying dramatically on her bed. It was then she heard a tap.

“Opal you know you're not supposed to tap on the window.” She groused. The tapping sound was heard again. “Opal for heaven's sake darling can’t you see I’m attempting to voice my impatience in a dramatic fashion?” She heard the tap a third time.” Opal honestly, I don’t know why you're being so unruly Can’t you just-” She turned to talk to her cat only to see it was an owl that had been knocking at her window. An owl with a scroll tied to it’s leg. A scroll with a recognizable crest upon it.

It took all she had not to rush to the bird and grab the letter from it. She would remain calm. She approached the bird delicately, opening the window to and letting the bird land on her sill. She then carefully took the letter, thanked the bird and closed the window. She broke the seal on the scroll and read the words she’d wanted to see for some time. She was invited to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry. She had to stop herself from shrieking. She would not lose her composure. She walked downstairs in her normal fashion, meeting her parents and sister in the living room.

“Hey there honey! Anything happen today?” Her father asked. It was this question that broke through her calmness.

“Today is historic! For today I,Rarity, have received my letter to Hogwarts!” She shrieked.

“That’s great dear.” Her father congratulated her.

“We’re happy for you.” Her mother agreed.

“I wanna go!” Sweetie Belle complained.

“Sweetie this is my moment! I’ve waited eleven years to go, and you will have to do the same.” She huffed, a bit miffed that her sister was trying to make this about her. She ignored her sister’s pout. This was the best day of her life and she was not going to let her ruin it.

“Just remember magic isn’t everything.” Her mother said. She sighed like she’d never heard that before.

Rainbow couldn’t wait until her letter arrived. She wanted to go to Hogwarts to learn spells, and more importantly learn to fly. She was so sick of toy brooms, sure she had gotten new ones over the years but none of them went very high. When she got to Hogwarts she’d be able to use a real broom!

Once she learned how to fly she’d be able to play Quidditch! Sure football was nice but Quidditch was next level. She wanted to be a chaser on her house team. Then once she graduated she would join the most amazing Quidditch team ever! She was thinking of the Wonderbolts of course.

She was so busy daydreaming she didn’t notice when the owl tapped on her door. The owl tapped a second time, and then a third. The owl seemed to think he’d put up with this long enough as it gave a loud hoot alerting the girl to its presence. Rainbow chuckled sheepishly. She opened the window. “Sorry little guy. You can leave that for me.” She took the letter from its leg and the owl flew off.

She looked over her letter. It was wordy and way too complicated so she just focused on the important part. She was going to Hogwarts. She ran down stairs to practice flying on her toy broomstick. Before she could leave, she heard her mother squeal. The next thing she knew she was being hugged by both parents. “You got your letter!”

“That’s my girl!” Her father exclaimed. “You’re gonna be the best witch Hogwarts has ever seen!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. She was cocky but not that cocky. Best witch ever? No, she wasn’t an egghead. Best quidditch player ever? That was more her speed. Besides her dad hadn’t even known about magic until he met her mom. What did he know?

“Great, I’m gonna go practice my flying.” She told them, attempting to move out of their grip.

“Oh I just know you’re going to be amazing at flying class!” Her mother exclaimed.

“At all your classes!” Her father agreed.

“I wonder what house you’ll be in? You fit them all so well!”

“Yeah, I think of myself as a regular Ravenclaw.” She quipped.

“Well maybe not Ravenclaw, but you’re ambitious like a Slytherin, Loyal like a Hufflepuff, and Brave like a Gryffindor.”

“Please I’m not gonna end up in Hufflepuff. That house is lame.” Her mother pouted at her, having been a Hufflepuff. “Well lamer than the other houses?” She said questioningly. Her mother gave a tentative smile.

“Whatever house you're in will be lucky to have you.” Her father said in an attempt to smooth things over. He knew how defensive his wife was of her house.

“Well duh, I’m awesome and I’d like to become more awesome, so could you let me go practice my flying now?”

“Sure honey, just remember if you do end up in Hufflepuff there’s no shame, it’s a great house!” Her mother said, Rainbow winced, okay she wasn’t forgiven just yet.

Having been given permission Rainbow rushed out the door to practice. That was another thing she’d love about Hogwarts. It was a way to get away from her overbearing parents.

Applejack had known England would be different when their family had moved there after inheriting a bigger orchard in that country. She knew that they used a lot of different words for things, and that there’d be slang she wouldn’t understand.

She had not expected to find a short, pudgy woman dressed like Halloween had come several months early. The woman was wearing orange-brown robes, and a matching hat that looked like that of a witch. She smiled at her aimably but Applejack was still wary. She was pretty sure this was not normal dress, even for England. “Can I help you?”

“Perhaps, are you Applejack Smith?” The woman asked.

“Yes, just so ya know my little sis, Big bro, and Granny are all here with me.” She told her. To tell the truth she wasn’t sure the woman was right in the head. If she was here to kidnap her this would make her less confident.

“I’d like to speak with them too. May I come in?”

Applejack was saved from having to make a decision by the arrival of Granny. “Now what's all this about?”

“Mrs. Smith I am Professor Sprout. I’d like to talk with you about Applejack.”

“Well okay, but if this is some stunt to get us ta buy somthin’ we’re not interested.” Granny said firmly.

“Oh nothing like that.” Professor Sprout followed the two into the living room. Applebloom and Big Mac were already there, having heard the door open. The teacher settled on the couch and handed Applejack a letter.

Doubtful, she grabbed the letter and read through it, getting more and more angry with each word. When she finished she glared at the professor. “This isn't funny.”

“I’ll say, it’s amazing!” Applebloom exclaimed, having read the letter over her shoulder.

“Applebloom, this is clearly some kind of elaborate prank. It could even be a Pyramid scheme.” Applejack sighed. “Magic doesn’t exist.”

“It does Miss Smith, and I will show you.” Applejack raised a brow skeptically as the Professor pulled out a stick. She pointed the stick at a bookcase across the room. “Accio book!” A book flew through the air and into her hands. Applebloom laughed happily but Applejack was less than convinced.

“Miss. Sprout, I’ve seen people pull quarters out of someone’s ear. Your gonna have ta do better than that.” She refused to call her Professor until she knew this woman was a teacher.

“Alright then,” She pointed her stick at Applejack. ”Wingardium Leviosa.” The next thing Applejack knew she was floating in the air, high above the ground. She was a bit ashamed with herself as she let out a yelp.

“Put me down! Flyin’ ain’t natural!” She yelled.

“Do ya believe in magic now Applejack!” Her sister exclaimed.

“I don’ care if it’s magic or not! Put me down!” With that the Professor set her lightly on the floor. “Look I don’ know what that was but it can’t be magic.”

“I dunno Applejack. Do ya remember when you were six an’ your first apple tree died?” Granny asked her.

“Yeah, I was upset. I went outside and cried my heart out when I discovered it was dead. I wished it would come back to life.”

“Yeah an’ the next day it was growin’ faster than a coyote chasing a roadrunner.”

“Yep.” Her brother added.

“Well that’s true, but ya’ll don’t really think that was magic, do ya?” Her family nodded.

“If it makes you feel better you can bring your family with you when you get school supplies.” The professor offered.

Applejack sighed. “Alright, but I still think this is a buncha malarkey.” Magic was real? Yeah right.

Author's Note:

A/N: So I decided it'd be easiest to make the unicorns purebloods, the pegasi halfbloods, and the earth ponies muggleborn.
Also Dash's opinion of Hufflepuff is not mine. It just seems like the sort of thing she'd think.

Next oneshot will be about wands.