• Published 30th Jun 2020
  • 2,857 Views, 18 Comments

Rainbow's Secret - James Pwyll

Fluttershy discovers Rainbow attending a rather unexpected place

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Rainbow's Secret

Working alongside animals was something that was simply unrivalled in Fluttershy's eyes when it came to things that brought her joy. And today was no exception, as she began to walk out of the local animal shelter of Canterlot. A big smile was on her face and she waved happily to the other volunteers there, before finally starting to head on home. Her mind thought back to all the things she'd done there today. From cleaning some of the new arrivals to feeding the other residents. Animals, no matter what they were, deserved love, and she was sure to give it to them at every available opportunity. A quick giggle escaped her as he allowed herself this moment of fond remembering, but that feeling was somewhat interrupted when, all of a sudden, she was stopped at the edge of the road she usually walked down to get home. Alas, the way was not clear today, as there appeared to be some major roadworks going on. The road and sidewalk were completely blocked off, so after a brief moment of dismay at this inconvenience, Fluttershy simply shrugged before looking around for a new direction. Thankfully, she knew her hometown pretty well, so it wasn't long before she found a new direction to go on. "Well, that wasn't too bad."

A smile returned to her as she walked by some of the less-familiar places along this differing path. Some restaurants she'd only heard about, some people hanging out on street corners she'd maybe known only in passing, and there was even, to her delight, a small pet shop, though she knew better than to stop her journey home just to have a look. Eventually, she reached the street corner, stopping when she saw the light was red. And as she waited for the cars to go by and allow her passage over, her ears began to pick up something new. It was the sound of many people all moving at once, and she turned, looking upon the building that, like her, was on the corner of this street. Only now did she notice that it was a small dancing class, and curiosity came to her as she continued to hear the sounds of people within. Her eyes drifted over the building until she settled on a window nearby, and so moved over to have a quick look inside. When she did so, her smile grew at the sight she saw within. "Oh my."

Dancing was something she'd expected of course, but this particular class appeared to be a ballet rehearsal, as there were at least a dozen girls all lined up on the far side of the room, all in their uniform poses, with an older woman standing in front as their instructor. As she snapped her fingers to the music that was playing, the girl all began their synchronised movements, and Fluttershy enjoyed seeing them do their stuff, though kept quiet when the instructor finally spoke up. "Good, good. You're all getting better. I think we're ready for the next step now." The instructor turned, looking to the side, to a part of the room Fluttershy couldn't quite see. "I think these girls could use a demonstration. You're the most experienced student here. Show them the ropes."

Fluttershy leaned forward slightly, curiosity gripping her as she awaited the arrival of this apparent experienced dancer. But that curiosity and interested was soon vastly overtaken by the shock she felt when she finally beheld this person. "Rainbow?" Her eyes had not deceived her, as it was indeed her childhood friend that now entered the scene, and what's more she was clad in the same dancing outfit as all the others. For the time being, Rainbow said nothing, instead just placing her hands upon her hips as she surveyed the younger dancers. Everyone was giving her their undivided attention, none more so than Fluttershy herself of course, and after taking a few deep breaths Rainbow began her requested dance. Fluttershy had never seen her like this. Her movements, her poses, her balance, it was all the stuff of experts. You didn't just get this sort of dancing skill from a few nights of cramming practice. No, this was long-term stuff, and Fluttershy couldn't help but feel that she'd fit in with some majorly talented folks in professional ballet performances. "She's...incredible."

And it appeared as though everyone else within the dancing class was of the same opinion as her, for as soon as Rainbow finished her last flurry of movements there was a loud clapping from all corners, students and instructor alike, and as she stepped forward the latter placed her hand upon Rainbow's shoulder, giving her a look of pride. "Well done, Rainbow! I remember when you first came here all those years ago. I knew you had it in you, and here you are, proving you did."

Rainbow nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her head as she did so. "Hehe, no problems, Miss. I was happy to show them how it's done." Then, through the corner of her eye, Rainbow noticed the figure in the window looking in. For just a second, she turned, but that second was all it took to know full well who it was that was watching her. Color drained from her face, and she gulped loudly, her voice practically dripping with worry when she spoke to her instructor again. "Um...could I maybe head off early today? I'm feeling kinda tired from that."

The dance teacher gave a firm nod. "I see no reason why not."

Rainbow nodded frantically, then zipped out of the room, much to the surprise of everyone there. Fluttershy saw nothing of her after that, and so immediately started to walk to the front of the dance building, expecting to see her friend just burst out at any moment. Instead, there was nothing. No opening doors, no Rainbow, nothing. But her confusion didn't last long, as she heard the distinct sound of creaking doors coming from what appeared to be the rear of the building. Getting into a quick jog, Fluttershy managed to turn the corner just in time to see that her prediction was right. "Rainbow?"

There was a loud screeching as Rainbow, in her haste to get away, brought herself to a grinding halt. For a long while she just stood there, with her back towards her friend, almost paralysed. Then, as she began to slowly turn around, she put on that nervous smile one always did when they knew they'd been caught doing something that they didn't want to be caught doing. "Oh! Hey there, Flutters! Didn't see ya there! Wow, really beautiful day, huh? Um...how was the animal shelter? Bet you got some really cute animals in there today, right?"

She was stalling, and Fluttershy knew it. After a long time of just watching her, Canterlot's biggest nature-lover sighed, clasping her hands together in front of her skirt. "Rainbow...I saw you in there."

Another gulp from Rainbow. "What? Oh, that! Yeah, er...I was, you know, just kinda in the neighbourhood and..." But one look at the face Fluttershy now gave her, almost one of sadness, and she knew she couldn't keep lying to her. "I...I'm sorry, it's just...I didn't want anyone to know!"

Fluttershy took a single step forward. "I saw you dancing." A sweet smile came to her. "You were really good."

Folding her arms, Rainbow looked away. "Th...thanks," she said with a blush.

Confusion came to Fluttershy as she tilted her head slightly. "Are you...embarrassed?"

Rainbow looked to her as if it was the silliest question anyone had ever asked. "What? Nah! I'm not embarrassed! I'm Rainbow Dash, remember? I'm calm, collected, confident and..." Then, after again seeing the way Fluttershy was looking at her, the look of a close friend hoping for the truth, she again found that her walls were crumbling. "Okay! Yes! I'm embarrassed!" She buried her face in her hands. "I don't want anybody to know that I do this!"

Reaching out, Fluttershy gently placed her hand upon her friend's shoulder. "Rainbow, you have nothing to be embarrassed about."

But Rainbow seemed unconvinced. "But I'm Rainbow Dash! The cool girl of Canterlot High! Cool people don't..." She grimaced. "Cool people don't do ballet!"

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow. "Then why did you start? The instructor said you'd been doing this for some time."

Rainbow shrugged. "Well...I'd heard it helped with balance and stuff, so when I was younger I thought I'd try it. In secret, you know." Her expression started to soften. "But after the first lesson, I...I kinda got into it, so...I had a second lesson. And then a third, and..."

Fluttershy resumed her earlier smile. "And you liked it?"

Here, Rainbow too began to smile, and genuinely this time. "Yeah...I did." A quick chuckle escaped her. "And I think I was pretty good at it too."

An honest nod from Fluttershy. "You were remarkable at it. I've been to ballet shows before, usually with Rarity, and I think you could probably give those dancers a run for their money."

Hearing that, Rainbow blushed, but this time it was out of having been genuinely touched by her friend's words, rather than out of any embarrassment. "You...you really think so?"

Another nod was given by Fluttershy. "I do. And you really shouldn't worry about people finding out things like this about you. Their opinion of you won't suddenly drop if they discover you do ballet."

Rainbow sighed. "I know, I know. Don't be embarrassed about what you like and who you are and all the rest of it. My parents kept telling me the same thing."

Her friend giggled. "Well then, on this count, I'd say they're right in you needing to be more proud of yourself and what you've done. I mean, our friends certainly wouldn't make fun of you over it."

Rainbow looked to her with incredulity. "AJ might."

Fluttershy pondered that. "Perhaps..." A sly smile came to her. "But she'd also tell you the value of being honest with those closest to you."

Rainbow threw back her head and groaned. "Uuuuuuuuugh! Don't! I can hear her lecturing me about honesty already!"

Fluttershy patted her on the shoulder again. "Besides, you've gone out of your way to help so many people and do so much to save the town, do you really think your reputation will be tarnished by this?"

Rainbow looked like she was trying to come up with some sort of counter, but against a point like that she really didn't have any ground to stand on. So, after slumping her shoulders in clear defeat, she started to shake her head. "I...it's just...ugh! You're right! I know I must...look pretty silly right now."

But Fluttershy looked to her as a close friend should, shaking her head. "I don't. You had a moment of insecurity. Everybody feels that way about things from time to time. And I know how difficult it can be to go out there and let people know what you love doing."

Looking to her, Rainbow smiled. "I guess you would know, huh?" Another sigh on her part. "I guess you're gonna tell me to go and tell our friends about this now, right?"

Fluttershy considered that, then gave her friend a more serious look. "Only if you're comfortable doing it. I won't force you."

Rainbow glanced to the side, to the entrance of the back-alley they were in, and to all the people walking on the adjacent main street. She took a deep breath, then exhaled for a long time before speaking up. "Yeah...I think I'm okay with it. Just..." After a moment of hesitation, she once more looked to Fluttershy. "Will you come with me when I tell them?"

In response to that, Fluttershy smiled wider than before. "It would be my pleasure."

Rainbow chuckled. "Looking back...maybe I should have done this sooner."

But Fluttershy shook her head. "Maybe...but sometimes it takes some words from a friend to make us realise that."

Rainbow smiled right back, returning the shoulder pat she herself had been given not so long ago. "Then I guess I should be grateful I've got a friend as great as you."

Author's Note:

As any fan of this show will tell you, letting people know what you like can be hard sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 18 )

Hehe. This was really sweet. I could really imagine it happening! :yay:

nice work:twilightsmile:

i read a story similar to this except it was Scootaloo doing ballet and Rainbow wound up watching her preform in Swam Lake. This story just like the one i read before this was very cute

Mica #5 · Jun 30th, 2020 · · ·

Ballet requires some serious athletic ability. Acutally it's a good fit for Rainbow.

"I mean, our friends certainly wouldn't make fun of you over it."

Rainbow looked to her with incredulity. "AJ might."

Sequel: Applejack is caught doing crochet while in bed with Rarity.

Rainbow, you don't know what your talking about!

The fact that you can do ballet makes you awesome!

I've also seen stories of Scootaloo doing ballet.

Nice stuff, though I'd have loved to see the others' reactions. Still, a fine bit of friendshipping.

LOL! I have heard that YEARS ago at one point as I understand it, there were professional football players taking ballet for the athletic and agility aspect of the dance.
If someone wants to laugh at someone else for something like taking dance, it rarely does not at some level have to do with their own short comings.
It's like all these MENand WOMEN and I use the terminology VERY loosely that laugh at people that like stuff like going to spas or lets go with My Little Pony, such little things to pose such a threat to your perceived importance in the universe

As any fan of this show will tell you, letting people know what you like can be hard sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it.

Pretty much, yeah. I can't even let people see my wallet because I got it at Babscon.

That sounds cute, do you remember the name of it?

I won’t be surprised if RD picked up this because all the other sports were too easy for her and she wanted a challenge.

A quick giggle escaped her as he



Rainbow is the best at everything. That’s what makes her so awesome.

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