• Member Since 29th May, 2014
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Timeless Lord Slayer

"Don't be better than everyone else. Be better than yourself." - Now with a Patreon! Check it out! Commissions open!

Comments ( 134 )
Comment posted by moviemaster8510 deleted Mar 26th, 2020

10149046 Oh yeah. Maximum edge, brother.

(Jesus, I was being playful and I get dislikes for that?)

I like the story is going and keep up the good work

I see someone really dislikes the story, based on the dislikes on all the comments praising it. Please, tell me why you disliked it. It will help me to understand how to do better in the future.

Comment posted by Russian Bank Teller deleted Mar 26th, 2020
Comment posted by moviemaster8510 deleted Mar 26th, 2020

10149136 Apologies. However, the wording could have been less antagonistic, don't you think? Immature is a bit far. Also, could you explain more on what you mean by edgy? Just saying edgy makes me think you're just being biased (no offense). I need hard details here. Constructive criticism.

Comment posted by Russian Bank Teller deleted Mar 26th, 2020

10149148 A'ight. But how is it immature? How is the story immature? Go more in depth, if you please. I'm still only seeing bias at this point. I need details here. Facts. Stuff like that.

Comment posted by Russian Bank Teller deleted Mar 26th, 2020

10149162 And you're simply proving to me that you're working on bias and not actual facts. Now, if it was something to do with my descriptions, then I would accept it and change it accordingly. If it was an overuse of a word or something, I would accept it and change it accordingly. But all you are doing is repeating 'it's edgy' without any hard examples or facts.

Comment posted by Russian Bank Teller deleted Mar 26th, 2020

10149174 Eh. People were giving me 'it's edgy' in lieu of actually pointing out any tangible problems, so I got rid of the nuisances. Though I'm sure they'll return soon.

Seventeen likes, six dislikes, twenty comments, and zero views at the time of me writing this.
Fimfiction, everybody.

10149191 Yup. Post one dark thing on here, and you're suddenly immature. I honestly tried to be diplomatic. Believe me, I did. However, after doing so, they simply gave me one response to my last question, "It's edgy." Tell me that isn't biased.

Before that, they also trash talked the FoE verse and all it's stories on baseless accusations. Were the creators horny? Yes, at times. But that does not mean the stories are inherently bad. That's only if there's no structure.

Actually, I was poking fun at the bugs that still plague this site after several years. I know there are supposed to be more than zero views because I viewed it.

As for the story itself, there are indeed very few technical errors. Your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all very good. The one issue I did notice is with the pacing. The first chapter seemed to move a little too fast (not ultra whiplash break every bone in your body fast like I've seen with some stories, but still), and the descriptions were relatively minimal. Personally, I'd recommend padding things out a bit so the story flows at a more natural pace.
All that being said, I don't think I'm going to follow this story, as the content and subject matters therin don't really appeal to me.

10149228 Well, at least you gave constructive criticism and a polite and good reason. Thank you. I'll work on padding it more.

Nice, a good slaughter-fest to set the tone on how this will play out. Hopefully the Caribou will put up a challenge, something big, that has huge guts, for him to Rip and Tear into.

This is actually very good, little fast paced I guess, but still very good and I expect this to be a good doom FoE displaced story, loved it and I look forward to next chapter bud

I thought this was going to be a regular Zinogre not an anthro one so I'm not going to continue reading but it's not bad enough to downvote so hope you get plenty of likes

10151847 Apologies for accidentally misleading you, my friend, and thank you for the well wishes.

Zinogre is hands down, one of the coolest looking monster in all of Monster Hunter, along with being a MAJOR badass, in my opinion at least. So I’ll definitely continue reading this, and hope to see more from you soon.



Alucard:Houston.......we have no problems 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

Greatly loved this and I look forward to next chapter bud

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