• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 462 Views, 14 Comments

To be Someone - ThatWritingDragon

Twilight Sparkle, that is who she is. And yet, people seems to think of someone else. Someone better but that's okay, she'll just have to change, to be someone else. Someone more.

  • ...

3- Sleep

"Hiya Twilight! -Gasp!- its been so long since we've last seen you! where have ya been?"

I couldn't but smile at the rather cheerful greeting i received when i finally made my way to Sunset's two-story house but something seemed off from Pinkie and whenever something is off from Pinkie, I'd rather not be in the blast radius thank you very much.

"Hi Pinkie, was i late?" I asked while carefully deflecting the question, "Can i come inside?" i added as i pointedly looked at the door

"Yepporoni! cum inside~" Pinkie grinned, i blinked. Did i hear that right? i swallowed, was it getting hot in here or is it just me?

"Right...-" i coughed awkwardly "-Thank you, Pinkie" i smiled as i scooted my way inside, she still didn't answer my question.

"And nope! you came just on time" i shivered, way to be ominous Pinkie Pie. I gripped my dark purple duffle bag closer to my chest, was there going to be a 'Screamer' prank? I thought they knew how badly i react to 'Screamers.' I bit the inside of my cheek, my body stiff and tense as i made my way upstairs. I could feel Pinkie following behind me, i gulped. Something was wrong... i sniffed, were they doing drugs? that could explain the way Pinkie was acting but i thought they were much more responsible than that!

"Did you get taller Twi?" I nearly jumped out of my skin the moment i felt her breath in front of me, my mouth hanged agape as i stared down at the pink physic-breaking monstrosity. She was right behind me! i didn't even feel her moving! I shook my head as i remembered not to question it. I blinked when my brain finally recognized Pinkie's question, i tilted my head in confusion, did i get taller? I remember being just below eye to eye with Pinkie just a few months ago.

"Did i?" i questioned, not so sure. I didn't exactly have the time to document any physical changes about my physique since i was so busy with the girls.

The moment Pinkie stepped towards me, i had to stop myself from walking backwards. This is Pinkie! she's just way too curious for her own good, she's not like Adagio where every slow step makes me feel like she would pounce on me.

Pinkie stopped right in front of me and i realized that all she's wearing was a simple purple hoodie. I gulped as my mind was assaulted of the different instances of the girls just wearing my jackets, bad brain! focus on something else! not the curve of Adagio's soft and supple chest, nor Aria's toned and flexible legs not even Sonata's plump...

An audible gulp was heard.

Did i do that? i immediately made my eyes focus straight to Pinkie's face, i could feel my face burning up from embarrassment. I couldn't believe i just thought of that! what would the girls think?

("I realized that you've always been an outcast")

(The Twilight Sparkle that i want to be... would not be affected by what others think)

I could feel my cheeks cooling immediately.

"-ou changed a lot in just a few months didn't ya, Twily?"

I blinked at the question, a small "Wha?" escaping from me. Pinkie sounded off, a concerned look formed on my face, did something happen?

"Come on! let's get you upstairs, you might miss the main event cause of us just dilly dally-ing" before i knew it, i was being dragged to Sunset's room upstairs. "Oh yeah! Twilight! what happened to your usual clothes?" she asked as we stopped at the top of the stair cause and i couldn't help but tilt my head in confusion, this is my usual clothes. I think Pinkie caught on my confusion cause she elaborated. "Your usual blouse and skirt combo"

Oh those, i couldn't help but laugh lightly. The girls kept on stealing my clothes and it has been kind of a hassle to take them back and since i didn't want to inconvenient my parents, i just used the hand-me-downs that Cadence bought for Shiny during his teen years. While baggy at first, I realised that i have been filling them out. I blinked, i guess i have been growing.

"Your new style looks nice..." I couldn't help but blush lightly, it felt nice to be complimented.

"Thank you Pinkie, you look nice too!" from those books I've read on social interaction, if you were to be complimented then you have to compliment them back; It's called common courtesy. I couldn't help but push up my new glasses in achievement, i could just feel the girls praising me for being actually socially competent.

I tilted my head once more when Pinkie turned... pinker(?) is that even possible? she seemed to be acting demure now, did i say something wrong? from what i remember from the book, being demure/ shy after a compliment would mean that they didn't accept it and that they are just trying to comprehend it. That's... wrong, Pinkie is nice! and she should know this.

"Pinkie!" i turned to Pinkie, i realized just how close we are. Good, close proximity would let her see just how truthful i am. "You're really pretty! you're nice! Uhm... -" i need more good adjectives, i brought out my phone and searched through some vocabulary before giving up; not enough time. "See! even the internet couldn't fully help me describe you!" i grinned and nodded to myself, mentally patting myself in the back. Great job Twilight, you helped your friend. I patted Pinkie in the arm and made my way to Sunset's room.

Not noticing the rather controversial expression on Pinkie's face.

"Hello, am i late?" i asked as i peek through the door, Pinkie went forward and said something about a main event and I'd rather not ruin the mood. I tilted my head when all i saw was darkness, were they sleeping already? I flicked my eyes to my watch and learned it was just 6:30, was sleeping the main event? I could see the reason why that would be a main event, it was called a 'sleepover' after all. As i turned to close the door so the girls sleeping inside wouldn't be bothered, something shifted in my vision.

I narrowed my eyes, before relaxing. They were probably moving in their sleep, totally normal. Guess im going to sleep in the couch downstairs, I'd hate to disturb their sleep just for my sleeping arrangement. Besides, i needed to update the girls so they don't have to worry.

As i softly clicked the door closed and turned to the bathroom so i can change, i was grabbed by the shoulder. My eyes widened and i immediately twisted my body and slammed a fist at my attacker, i grabbed them by the arm and pulled them to the light.

The person i saw shocked me.