• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 461 Views, 14 Comments

To be Someone - ThatWritingDragon

Twilight Sparkle, that is who she is. And yet, people seems to think of someone else. Someone better but that's okay, she'll just have to change, to be someone else. Someone more.

  • ...

4- Weak


I stared down at the red and gold haired teen as she rubbed her stomach, she weakly gave me a thumbs-up as she continued her ministration. "Sunset! im so sorry! let me check the injury" i grabbed Sunset's arm and leaned her up against the wall, i slowly removed her hand and pulled her purple jacket up. Okay, it doesn't look that bad but... i bit the inside of my cheek. This is why you should've checked who your fighting! Stupid!

I lightly pressed on her stomach, i could feel her abdominal muscles tense lightly before relaxing. "Does this hurt?" i questioned as i stared up at a red-faced Sunset, i furrowed my brow. Is Sunset alright? she stopped moving, does it hurt that much? I stood at my full height and realised that Sunset was shorter than usual. I leaned closer, trying to see if the difference was obvious and it was! Sunset reached up to my nose, did she get shorter?

"Hey!" i turned to the door, which was wide open showing the other five participants of the sleepover. "Oo~ are we interrupting something?" tittered Rarity, i cocked my head to the side in confusion. Aren't you supposed to be angered when your friend is injured? it seems they are trying to not embarrass Sunset by insinuating something else.

"No, i was just checking Sunset to see if she was alright" i stated, did it look like something else?

"I didn't know you got a rough side Twi!" cackled Rainbow Dash, i just stared confused. I do have callouses but the girls have been saying that it has been getting softer, i do not know if that is a good thing or not.

"Doesn't everyone?" i shot back, i turned my attention back to Sunset who seems to have cooled down slightly. I cupped her cheek and moved it to the side, i laid my hand on her neck and tried to see if she is indeed sick. I rose a brow, her temperature was alright the first time i touched her but it seemed to have risen significantly perhaps some traits from the ponyworld still lingered in Sunset? I frowned, i haven't taken up Hippology so i do not know much about their habits. If i remember correctly they had this thing called 'heat,' perhaps that would explain her rather odd thermal cycle.

"Sunset..." Sunset's eyes, they -I couldn't help but let out a breath in amazement- were they always this beautiful? "Are you perhaps in heat?" i questioned quietly, my hands moving from her shoulder to the wall behind her. Being tall is hard, i had to lean forward so i can actually look at Sunset; i don't want her to look way up just to look straight at my eyes.


We both blinked and i smiled, my glasses seemed to have tipped out of my head and is now lying upside down on Sunset's face. I blinked when i saw Sunset turn even redder, perhaps she is in heat? You turn red like a thermometer right? i didn't exactly have the time to study biology, i mostly mayor in technology and science.

"N- no! what brought that idea!" sputtered Sunset, her face even redder than ever. Your face is contradicting your statement Sunset but I'll take you word for it. "Be- besides! humans don't have a heat cycle and that transferred to me!" As she hid behind her hands, i couldn't help but feel something stir inside of me. Sunset... you remind me of someone.

Someone long gone.

("Your gonna be ma'h rival Twilight! I'll beat you until your just a smear in the ground!")


("Idiot! you're not supposed to just accept it like that!")

I couldn't help but laugh.

I couldn't help but cry.

When they saw me lean onto Sunset and hug her tight, well no one said anything.

Everything was perfect.

I had the girls and the others with me, i was happy.

I had a stable job, i was enjoying my time with everyone i love, i even made progress with most of my projects.

I had everything i ever wanted and more.

Did you notice anything wrong with that statement?


















They were all in the past tense, something from the past.

Honestly, you'd think people would get the memo after the first time but it seems i was wrong, once again.

It seems a lot of people in this place want what is mine, that isn't good.

It was like an error in the code, an unknown variable that wasn't needed in the solution.

Do you know what we do with that... error?



Can you take a guess?




Come on you're pretty close.





That's right






We take it out.

It happened slowly.

I didn't really notice it at first, who does really?

But that doesn't excuse the fact that i didn't notice until it was nearly too late.

It was the simple things, -a faraway look, a happy sigh, loss of time, sudden reddening whenever in proximity- things that not a lot of people will really notice.

Unless you pay extra attention, luckily i always do.

First, let me tell you a story.

A story about a girl, a weak one, a failure. That was all she was, honestly.

She had a single pillar, someone to ground her into reality.

You see, this girl... she loved her pillar. Maybe a little too much but that's what love does to you.

But, someone took her pillar away.

Let me ask you something, what happens when you take away the support system of a house?

It crashes down, and when it crashes down and you try to fix it back up with the same materials.

It's wouldn't be the same, because what was broken is still broken but! broken things can be fixed.

It could be good, it can be bad.

But the girl? she was weak and broken, that much is true but she didn't crash. A saving grace.

She was slowly repairing herself throughout the years, it was a good thing really.

A good thing for others but, herself? fixing yourself at such a young age? Alone?

That's not a good thing.

But it was alright! doing stuff yourself means you're strong, yes?

And so the girl, powered on. A crashing house with support is a failure, a house that doesn't crumple with no support? a miracle. Before she knew it, she had visitors!

The girl loved it, most visitors means potential new friends! new friends are good after all. That's what ($&%# told me.

She didn't expect to get three new family members, and while unexpected, the girl still loved them unconditionally. The last thing she knew was that they became her pillars and the house was secure and standing proud. So secure and safe that people began to forget the reason on why you shouldn't take what wasn't yours.

That isn't good.

If people keep on waltzing in, who would stop them wrong taking her pillars? The girl didn't want her pillars stolen once again, so she had to send a message especially since she had her recent pillar!

Recent pillars are really easy to take, and that's bad. All of her pillars are easy to take and that's bad too!

And so the once weak girl planned, she planned and planned and planned.

After all, she couldn't afford to be weak again.

Author's Note:

You think the dark was there just for Twilight's unhealthy mentality?

Hah, you thought wrong.

Comments ( 7 )

"Sunset..." Sunset's eyes, they -I couldn't help but let out a breath in amazement- were they always this beautiful? "Are you perhaps in heat?" i questioned quietly, my hands moving from her shoulder to the wall behind her. Being tall is hard, i had to lean forward so i can actually look at Sunset; i don't want her to look way up just to look straight at my eyes.

I like how she asked that so casually

Does this mean that you don't know how many chapters long this story will be?

Nope! I actually know how long this will take, I got an outline of plots in mind. Like the main thing on what's gonna happen and all that.

Aw its cancelled I actually was looking forward to seeing where this story was going 😪

its more of a quick decision, i'll probably move it to hiatus when i suddenly got inspiration

nah man, comments like yours always seem to give me inspiration.

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