• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 758 Views, 7 Comments

Equestria's Sword - Evowizard25

Queen Umbra has returned and she is bent on twisting the world under her rule. Equestria needs a hero and Celestia will find one. Unfortunately for Saito, he was that hero.

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Fighting To Get New Members

If you had asked him over a year ago if he would be charging off to fight a bunch of magical knights by himself, Saito would have laughed. That sounded like something the protagonist of a light novel would do. He was content with his normal life. Well not exactly but every teenager wishes for some adventure. He just never thought it would happen to him.

Yet here he was. Charging into the unknown to fight people he didn’t understand. All the while protecting people he doesn’t really even know in a country he just appeared in. This really was his kind of luck. At the very least the women were beautiful. Oh he’d still help people even if they were guys, old or whatever. It was just a nice bonus to have such pretty ladies with him. He just hoped none of them tried to blow him up.

“Ready to rip and tear, partner?” Derflinger spoke up from his hilt.

“Always,” he took out the sword. He could hear people close by. They were definitely fighting something. He just hoped he was right and it was those dark goons. He didn’t want to hurt anyone innocent. He never had to kill anyone before and he didn’t want to start now. He was just glad that Celestia had told him that they weren’t actually people. Just magical constructs. Golems. That made it easier. He didn’t have to hold back.

He could see the first bad guy coming up. It was a couple of mages if the robes were anything to go by. Their backs were to him. That was good. It made things easier. He kept his breathing even. They weren’t alive. This was like the video games he played back home. He’d do them in and move on. Easy and concise. They would kill him if they had the chance. He had to keep up that mantra.

So when he got within a dozen feet of them, he sped up and slashed at one of their midsections. The blow bisected the mage, spewing purple ooze like blood everywhere. The second mage didn’t have time to process the act before he cut off its head. Saito looked down at his kills and let out a sigh of relief. This was like the golems he fought to save Siesta. Except, this was more disgusting.

Derflinger was gagging, “Gah, these things taste terrible. It’s going to take ages to get this gunk off of me.”

“Oh shush,” Saito said before three dark knights came into the picture. “We still have some bad guys to take care of.”

“Just make this quick,” Derflinger sighed, “Hopefully these guys aren’t as gross to cut open.”

The first one came at him with its sword raised. Saito blocked the downward blow and pushed the blade to the side. He moved his arm back up and cut off one of the knight golem’s arms. He spun around another blow from the second knight. They traded blows for a few seconds before Saito jumped to the side and jabbed his sword forward, cutting into the construct’s neck. It went down. The third one had a spear and made a charging motion to stab him with it.

Saito jumped back. Spears tended to give one a distance advantage. Given the strength and speed of these knights, most normal people would be dead within a moment. He wasn’t normal. He was the Gandalfr. The Left Hand of God. That meant he was a master with any weapon you put in his hand. As the spear jutted forward, he knocked it to the side. Saito rushed around, not giving his opponent the time to bring its spear around to stab him. He ducked under its arms and stabbed right under the breastplate. The golem gurgled for a second before dying. Satisfied, he pulled back.

Only to block a sword. He looked up to see the one armed knight golem still alive. Guess he should have realized a lost arm wasn’t going to slow it down. Still. He jumped back and the golem stabbed forward. Saito spun around the blow and cut into the golem’s neck, severing the head from its shoulders.

Saito looked at his handiwork and nodded. They weren’t alive. They were golems. Constructs. The purple ooze kept any bile from spilling from his lips. He had to focus. There were lives at stake. So he rushed forward to where the fighting was. He just hoped he got there in time.


Tempest smashed her fist into the chest of another knight. He was sent flying, lightning sparking around his armor. She wasn’t holding back. Given how some of the knights were lying in broken poses, she knew some of them were dead. That was fine. They were enemies. Unlike a lot of people in Equestria, she didn’t have any qualms with killing. She had to survive by herself for years. She had to get good at it to live to see another day. The Storm King had picked up on that and her training under him made her better at it. It was sick, but it led her to where she was now. She would make use of that training well today.

A knight roared as he charged. Tempest moved her fist and shot a lightning bolt into his face, killing it instantly. She moved her fist again and shot another bolt, sending a knight tumbling back into two more. Something sizzled in the air. Tempest knew what it was and jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding a purple blast of energy. She dodged two more before spotting a couple of dark mages.

Electricity sparked around her form. She needed to take them out. She knew the knights would get in the way if she blasted from this range or the mages would use a shield spell or something. There was one way she could get past all of that. She focused her power into her legs and rushed forward.

She easily raced around the knights, spinning around their blows. She couldn’t waste her power. Not on them. The mages saw this and she could hear them shouting orders to the knights. They went in front of them, forming a wall of steel and flesh. No matter. She would make it.

Just as she got in range of them, she used some of her power to jump over. Rolling in the air, she focused a good chunk of her power into her right foot. The mage saw and tried to summon a shield above him. It wouldn’t work. Her foot came down. The shield shattered, so did his skull. Not a moment passed from when she hit the ground did she smash her fist into the other mage’s head, cracking open the skull and killing him.

The knights turned around and made to attack her. She grinned and focused her power into her fist and then punched the ground. The knights were sent flying in different directions. This fight was one she yearned for. Tempest missed this and she was going to make them pay for every moment of her joy.

Off a bit, Sassy Saddles was cowering in the wagon. Ever since the fight started, she had done her best to stay quiet while Tempest fought. She was sure the warrior woman would take them easily enough but she was still scared. Battles were no place for a woman of fashion. She didn’t know how Miss Rarity dealt with all of these adventures. She had heard her talking about it, but she never imagined it would be this bad. She just hoped they wouldn’t find her.

A large hand broke through the wagon side and grabbed her, “Got you.”

Sassy let out a scream of fear as she was thrown out of the wagon. The large knight talking to them earlier loomed over her, “Please, please don’t hurt me.”

He laughed, “We only needed Tempest alive.” He hefted his sword, “We don’t need you.” With that said, he moved his sword down to split her chest open.

Sassy closed her eyes. This was how it was going to end. Who would know about her fate? Who would care?

The sound of metal clanging against each other filled the air. Sassy opened her eyes to see a young, handsome man standing above her. His sword was blocking the evil knight’s own.

The larger knight pulled back and snarled, “Who are you?”

“I’m the guy who’s going to take you down,” the stranger said as he got into a battle stance, “Stay safe.” He said to her before he moved towards his opponent.

Sassy just idly nodded, “Yes.” Her cheeks were pinched with pink as she gazed at him. His moves were graceful as he fought against the much larger and stronger foe. It was like a dance. He was a master of it as he had no trouble keeping up with his opponent. Her heart started to beat faster as she watched her new hero fight on. “Please win.”

They clashed again. Neither side was giving up. The large knight’s strange and endurance was matched against a much more lithe and dodgy foe. His blows were diverted or dodged entirely. He was getting frustrated.

“Stand and take it, coward!”

“I’m not an idiot,” the stranger said as he smacked aside another jab at him. His sword moved forward and cut the back of the knight’s hand.

His foe jerked back and got into a defensive stance. It seemed the cut was only superficial, “You’ll have to do better than that to kill me.”

“So you want me to take this seriously then?” The hero smirked.

The knight’s snarls grew up a notch, “Why you young punk! I’ll teach you to make light of me.” The large villainous knight charged.

The hero met his charge with his own. His speed was equal to the knights and Sassy thought it would end in a violent and loud clash. That didn’t happen. Instead, just as the large knight was going to stab him, her hero sidestepped his opponent and let the momentum carry his sword through the knight’s hip. The knight let out a scream of pain as he stumbled. The hero didn’t let up. He spun around and as the knight struggled to stand, stabbed into his chest. She was impressed by that. Perhaps it was a magic sword to so easily cut through armor that thick.

Either way, the knight gurgled and moved his arms in vain. “Impossible… How can someone so young… be so skilled…”

“Magic,” the hero said as he pulled his sword back. The knight fell to the ground. Dead. The hero looked at the purple ooze colored sword and scowled, “I really hope this isn’t that hard to wash out.”

“You and me both, partner.” The sword seemed to say.

Sassy blinked in confusion, “It can talk?”

“I can sing too,” the sword chuckled, “‘Course no one’s asked me in ages. I can start now, if’n ya want me to.”

“None of that,” her hero said before smiling at her and her heart beat faster. He leaned down and helped her up, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Sassy grinned, “Thanks to you.”

He smiled, “Name’s Saito. You?”

“Sassy Saddles,” she leaned down and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush bright red. She giggled. Oh he was nervous around pretty women? She could work with that. Not every day a cute hero fell into your lap.

“Retreat!” The rest of the knights and mages ran back into the woods.

“Good riddance,” Tempest scowled as she walked back over to the group. “Who’s this guy?”

“Saito,” Sassy pulled him into her well developed chest, “My hero~”

“Thought I was,” Tempest spat onto the ground and glared at him, “Seems I killed way more than this pipsqueak.”

“Just because you killed more doesn’t make him any less a hero,” Sassy harrumphed, causing Tempest to narrow her eyes.

“Errr,” Saito gulped and smiled nervously at her, “You did a great job back there.”

Tempest’s grin was fierce, “Of course I did. It’s good to unwind now and again,” then her frown came back, “But seriously, who are you and who do you work for?”

“He works for me,” a heavenly voice spoke up. Both Tempest and Sassy were shocked to see three forms come their way on another wagon. The speaker was a large woman who they recognized immediately.

“Princess Celestia,” they both said in unison before bowing.

“No need for that,” Celestia waved them off and smiled. The wagon stopped and she stepped out. She walked up in front of them and placed a hand on their shoulders, “Do not bow to me now. I’m no longer your princess.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” Tempest said automatically and stood up and into the position of a soldier at rest.

Sassy nodded and stood up as well, “Of course. Anything for you.”

Celestia sighed but nodded, “That will do for now.” She turned to the wagon of theirs, “I see you are in need of transport in these trying times.”

“Our ox ran away during the fight,” Tempest said with a scowl, “Cowardly beasts but I was able to fight off our attackers long enough for you to arrive.”

“More so until our hero arrives you mean,” Sassy smiled, glancing at Saito. Tempest just snorted.

Celestia’s smile was warm and glowing, “I see. I’m glad my hero was able to save you.” She patted his head, which made him blush up a storm. “He is quite the exceptional warrior.”

“Who is he?” Tempest asked, giving him a once over. She didn’t look impressed.

“I will tell you on the way,” Celestia gestured to their wagon, “In the meantime, get comfy. It will be a long trip.”