• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 758 Views, 7 Comments

Equestria's Sword - Evowizard25

Queen Umbra has returned and she is bent on twisting the world under her rule. Equestria needs a hero and Celestia will find one. Unfortunately for Saito, he was that hero.

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Night Discussion

If he was being honest with himself, Saito would have to say he was never going to get used to beautiful girls fawning over him. Granted, this girl’s reason for fawning over him was understandable but still. While Kirche was really sexy, he really didn’t like being used in her feud with Louise. It didn’t help that it usually ended with him tied up and/or in pain. At least with Sassy it was because he saved her and she was just snuggling him. He was safe from harm.

Of course at this point, he wasn’t sure if he thought that was a good thing or not. Don’t let it be said Saito was an idiot. Well he could be at times, but he knew Louise’s temper. Flirting with Siesta was a dangerous game. Oh he hoped for a harem ending with her but still. It meant that Louise would blow him up. Again. It was worth it each time and a small part of him liked how much Louise cared about him. He was thankful that the explosions weren’t permanent.

“Oooh,” Sassy cuddled up against him as the lot of them sat before a fire. The night sky was bright with the moon overhead. They had travelled for a good few hours before deciding to make camp, “My hero. What strong muscles you have~”

“Oh stop smothering him,” Tempest snorted as she sank her teeth into the flesh of a rabbit they caught and cooked, “He doesn’t need you to gush over him at every second, you know.”

Sassy huffed, “I’m just showing him some appreciation. Don’t you like it?”

He honestly did since he got to feel her bosom against him. Not on Kirche’s level but about Siesta which was a good size. However he couldn’t form any words right now. His eyes were currently on Celestia who seemed a bit tuckered out with how she was hunched over. Who could blame her. She had moved the freaking sun and moon for crying out loud. He still couldn’t fathom anyone being that strong. Not even in Louise’s world and he had seen some pretty strong magic users over there.

So yeah, he was speechless right now. She was currently snacking on a smore to his left. The princess, no she had to be a goddess, was leaning against him and that didn’t help him one bit. She was beautiful beyond measure. No one could compare to her. Still, she was tired so he just let her do it without complaint. Well he had no complaints but it was sometimes better to not drool or ogle a pretty lady. He had learnt that the hard way… even though he kept doing it.

Maybe he was a masochist.

She was obviously tired. The previous action of moving the sun and moon had taken up some of her energy. He could see her large chest heaving as she kept herself awake. He was very much sure she wasn’t wearing a bra. He thanked whatever gods existed in this world, including her, that this was the case.

“I’m sorry for using you in this way, my hero.” Celestia said as she leaned in further into him for support, “I believe that took more out of me then I realized.”

“I-It’s no problem,” Saito laughed nervously, “I don’t mind you leaning on me at all.”

“I do,” Sassy muttered under her breath as she noticed where her hero was staring. She pulled him a bit closer and nuzzled her cheek against his and spoke louder, “Awww, my hero is so kind and adorable. Whatever did I do to deserve someone like him.”

Saito could hear two girls groaning at hearing that. He couldn’t see that since his gaze was precoppied but if he had to guess, it was Tempest Shadow and Flare Warden. They seemed like the uptight sort of girls, kind of like Agnès Chevalier de Milan. She was hot but tough as nails and kind of scared him. While he did love the idea of a harem, he was glad she wasn’t into him. He wouldn’t survive if that was the case. Hopefully the same would be of those two. Then again, he didn’t have to worry about Flare liking him since Celestia had spoke of her crush on the captured prince.

“I’m sure you did something splendid,” Celestia chuckled and pulled away a bit, “I have heard great things about you, Miss Saddles. Rarity speaks very highly of you.”

“But of course,” Sassy put a hand on her chest which was puffed up due to pride. It wasn’t every day you got praised by a princess. Well an ex-princess but still, “I have done quite a bit to boost Rarity’s business. It’s only fitting that the greatest fashion designer in Equestria has someone like me to aid her.”

“And I appreciate your aid,” Celestia bowed her head in gratitude, “She is a good friend of mine and my pupil.”

“She is also a very good friend of mine,” Sassy Saddles smiled. It seemed the tension in the air had evaporated as quickly as it came.

Saito had to hand it to Celestia for that. Maybe she could help him deal with his own lovers back home.

“Okay enough of that,” Tempest stood up, throwing the scraps of her meal to the side. “What are we planning to do now?”

“Huh?” Saito said.

“You’re planning to take down this Umbra, correct?” Tempest crossed her arms, “Then we need to strategize. She’s not going to go down easily and unless she’s too arrogant for her own good, she’s not going to roll out a red carpet for us. We’re going to have to play this smart.”

“She’s right,” Celestia said, “I have faced Umbra before. She is a clever mare with enough power to back up her intelligence. It’s how she was able to fight off both me and Luna at the same time. She will not fall easily nor will any traps work. Umbra will see them coming a mile away.”

“Then we need to strike at a weapoint,” Tempest slammed a fist into an open hand, “Every defense, no matter how good, has one.”

“Doubt it,” Flare snorted as she looked over her bandages, “I barely made it here through her forces in one piece. I didn’t see much of a weakness.”

“There is always a way,” Celestia said firmly, “But I believe it’s best we save that for tomorrow. Until then, we should get some rest. We can’t take down an evil overlord on little sleep after all.”

Tempest nodded, “Agreed.”

“My hero shall sleep with me~” Sassy giggled and stood up with Saito in her arms. He yelped slightly as she did so.

“Actually,” Celestia stood up. Saito thought she would save him but there was a mischievous gleam in her eyes, “He shall sleep next to me. I need a hero to watch over myself in case of an attack after all. Umbra is targeting me and if I fall then Equestria may well be doomed.”

She wanted to hog him… he should have known. Curse his harem charisma.

… Wait, he got to spend the night with a big tiddy goddess. Bless his harem charisma.

Sassy narrowed her eyes, “Why don’t you contact Luna then, hmm? She can help you and no one’s going to try anything here.”

“Not on my watch,” Tempest snorted.

“I cannot,” Celestia said, “Umbra is no fool. She will have created spells to make sure that Luna would not know of the invasion for a time. Knowing her, she may be able to trick Luna for about a week.”

“Then she can teleport over quickly right?” Sassy Saddles looked rather nervous about hearing that sort of news.

“No,” Raven finally spoke up. She had been silent for most of the trip as she spent most of it attending either Flare’s injuries or Celestia, “While powerful, Luna is in another far off country. She cannot teleport to Equestria and if she could, it would wipe her out. She would be unable to fight for some time.”

Celestia nodded, “The trip back, once she figures out what is happening, may take weeks if not months.”

“Oh…” Sassy deflated before sighing, “Well if it means saving the realm…”

“You know what?” Celestia smiled brightly, “Why don’t we share him?”

Saito cringed and started to sweat nervously. ‘Sharing’ never worked. The girls back home would squabble. Which meant he’d get hurt and then he’d be exploded… At least he’d get some sexy views before he died.

“Hmmm, well if you’re offering.” Sassy giggled before grabbing his arm. “I accept.”

“Wonderful~” Celestia pulled him along with his other arm.

Huh… he was still alive.

He wondered how long that would be.


The last remaining mage hesitated as he hovered over the orb. It was floating slightly over the ground, magic keeping it up where it was. He had been doing so for an hour. He wasn’t sure why he was hesitating. He was a being of darkness. Created to serve Umbra and her ‘mother’. To create a world where Umbrum could be free and do as they wish. Yet he hesitated.

He didn’t want to tell his mistress that he and his compatriots had failed. That was a shame that would never wash away. He was meant to give her victory after victory. It is the only thing his master deserved. If she was in a bad move, this would mean the end for him. Still he had to give her his progress report. So he cast magic into it, steeling himself to talk with his master.

Purple mist swirled inside the orb before it cleared. It revealed the beautiful face of Queen Umbra herself. She was sitting on her throne, seemingly bored.

“What is it?”

The created dark mage gulped, “Well you see, Your Grace. Tempest Shadow has… eluded us.”

“I am not surprised,” Umbra snorted, “A man like the Storm King would not have hired someone weak. No matter. Try again or kill her. I don’t care which. She’s insignificant in the grand scheme of things. My new world order can survive without her aid.”

“Well… she wasn’t the only one present.”

Umbra frowned, “What are you talking about?”

“There was another,” the mage said, “A young man or a boy. It was hard to tell given how fast he was. He swooped in and killed half of our forces. I was the only one that survived.”

“He was that good?” Umbra quirked an eyebrow.

“Yes,” the mage nodded, “He bested our greatest knight by himself. He was so skilled it was like he was a master of the blade.”

Umbra rubbed her chin, “Interesting. I could use someone like that.”

“He was with Princess Celestia, Your Grace.”

Umbra went still for a moment. Then her furious gaze made him want to die on the spot, “What?” Her tone was icy and promised death.

“Well you see-”

“If what you are saying is true,” Umbra snarled, “Then the princess has found a hero. A young hero with a mastery of weapons? Under her command? No. I won’t allow that. I will give you whatever means to kill this ‘hero’ and take Celestia for my own. If you fail me again however, I will not be so lenient.” The image disappeared.

The mage sighed. At the very least he wasn’t going to die. At least not right now. He just wondered how he was going to do it. His created life depended on it. He grinned. At the very least he could get creative. He couldn’t wait to spill their blood.