• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 3,165 Views, 118 Comments

Howlite Howler Part 2: Trust Denied - JNKing

Shiva's escaped Equestria. Now, she must fight to keep it that way.

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Prologue: What Happened and What's Going On

Author's Note:

Hello everybody, and welcome back to Shiva's tale.

I thought about it all week, and decided that the second part of Shiva's journey worked better as a sequel. At the end of the first one, Shiva escaped her tormentors. Now, in this second part, she has to fight to keep it that way.

Sorry in advance if this tells you things you already know; I want to make sure this story can still stand on its own. But don't despair; next week, we will truly continue Shiva's story. And see just how willing Shiva is to negotiate with the people who hurt her.

Edit: Revised on April 18th, 2020, on advice from MosAnted. Thank you very much for the feedback, and I hope this helps make the story better. Thanks again for your time, and have a great day. :twilightsmile:
Extra edit: extra revisions on September 13th, 2020, to compensate for revisions made to the first one.

Thank you again for reading. :twilightsmile:

The Diamond Dog camp wasn’t what Luna expected. She had expected underground tunnels coated with dirty canines scrounging for scraps.

Granted, the tunnels into the diamond dog territory were unimpressive enough. But when she sent an invisible astral projection down into the tunnels… she was not prepared for what she found.

Life grew under the earth. Fruit trees and grass and vegetable plants all somehow grew from the compact dirt that had once been used only for mining. The leaves shined like emeralds, and after a moment, Luna realized that they were outfitted with the green gems; every tree had some of the gemstones nestled into the bark, helping the trees shine. Scattered around the plants was enough gems and jewels to make ten kings blush. In a far corner was a pen stuffed with wild goats and rams, all looking dull-witted and fat. And at the center of it all, nestled on a battered throne suspiciously similar to one of the thrones from the Castle of Two Sisters, was the white diamond dog Shiva.

Luna couldn’t help but smile at how relaxed the wolf looked. In her limited interactions with the creature, Luna had seen only suspicious anger and fear streaking the creature’s admittedly beautiful features. Yet in the throes of sleep, the fear and anger were gone, and she looked – for once – at peace. A male diamond dog lay curled up next to her, and she folded into his body, trying to hold him close like he was a big teddy bear.

Chuckling softly to herself, Luna flared her horn, and summoned the silvery stream that would allow her to access the diamond dog’s dreams. With a soft breath of preparation, she plunged into the stream, feeling the mental energy wash over her like a warm stream of water.

After a moment of blinding light, Luna’s vision cleared, and she found herself in an unfamiliar plain. Yet it was a plain she wished existed in the real world.

It was bathed in golden light, and fields of wheat idly swayed and danced in the breeze. Shiva sat at the top of a small hill. Luna nearly ducked down, but the canine’s eyes weren’t upon her.

They were upon a small group that sat by her side, enjoying the warmth of the golden sun and the kiss of the breeze on their bodies.

The male diamond dog was there; Luna recognized him as the dark dog 'Luke,' who had aided Shiva in her travel to this place. She also recognized one of the strange ‘humans’ that occasionally ventured into Equestria: this could only be Shiva's original Master. Blue eyes, blonde hair and a warm smile with teeth that sparkled like the stars in Luna’s beloved night. The human sat between Shiva and her mate, and the three of them watched as a litter of diamond dog pups chased and tussled with each other across the hillside.

None of these pups currently slept with Shiva in the waking world, but Luna could assume that in time, Shiva would work to ensure they did. Not even the love Shiva held for the Master or Luke could compare to the feeling of completion that seemed to bathe her face in light as she gazed upon the dream pups. One of them stumbled and nearly tumbled down the hill, but before Shiva could do much more than rise in concern, her pup was caught by a griffon.

The griffon steadied the pup and nudged him back to his fellows before striding confidently up to Shiva’s place on the hill. Shiva regarded him with intrigue, though tried to turn her attention back to the human.

Yet, instead, her eyes alighted on Luna.

Luna froze where she stood. For a moment, the canine and the equine gazed at each other. Luna lifted a hoof, hoping for a friendly wave.

Yet, as Shiva stared at her, ears slowly flattening in horror, the plains changed. The golden sun turned into a silver moon. The wheat-like grass began to wither, and crunched ominously under Luna’s back-pedaling hooves.

Shiva’s companions faded to ash. Luna saw Luke, Master, the pups and even the griffon all crumble into dust and float away into the breeze. Yet Shiva’s eyes didn’t stray once to them. She instead bolted away from Luna, only for more ponies to appear.

Twilight was there, as was Rainbow Dash and Prince Blueblood. Yet… they were warped. Far more evil looking than any of the mares or stallion could hope to look like. Their eyes were pure black; their bodies resembled manticores more than equines, and they smiled with sharp, far-too-white teeth.

Shiva stumbled back from them, yet as she tried to turn away, she only ran back into Luna. The alicorn saw with despair that she was merely part of the circle that had formed around the canine, trapping her inside. Luna spread her wings and tried to fly back, providing some means of escape for the creature.

But then another mare took her place: Lady Fluttershy. Yet her pink mane hung like a dead animal over her piercing eyes. The nightmare version of Fluttershy rose up. Shiva backed up, trying to block her eyesight with arms that turned transparent like a ghost. But as her arms and even her eyelids failed to protect her, Fluttershy unleashed some sort of heat vision from her eyes, smashing into the wolf’s unprotected face.

In a blast of light, Luna was ejected violently from the dreamscape, her astral form spinning into the ceiling as Shiva burst from her throne with a howl of panic. Her eyes darted around, briefly glaring up at the ceiling before lowering her head with a moan of despair.

Her poor male companion had been launched from her, landing in a pile of gems. Yet he just as quickly extricated himself, racing to her side.

“What is it, Shiva?” he asked, concern in his voice.

Shiva took a moment to breath before lifting her head.

“Nothing, Luke,” she replied. “Just a dream.” Yet as she stared up at the ceiling, Luna couldn’t help but ensure that her astral projection was truly invisible. For Shiva’s eyes still carried the look of one haunted by the past. And Luna didn't dare tempt the reaction Shiva might have to seeing her in the waking world too.

Luke seemed to recognize Shiva's grief. He cautiously reached out for her, but she turned away from him, walking towards one of the tunnels.

“Let’s just keep ourselves busy,” she said, her fur flaring to life. Luna bit back a gasp as tendrils of light, similar to the streams of consciousness she had used mere moments earlier, spiraled into the already glowing tunnels. “Miners!” Shiva howled. “Progress?”

A larger diamond dog raced up to her, yanking off a helmet with a shining gem inside. Despite him having at least a foot on her, he lowered himself to her level.

“Veins playing out, Alpha,” he said gruffly. “We find less and less.”

Shiva nodded, turning back to the gems. “Then we use what we’ve gained,” she said. Again, her eyes darted up to the ceiling, and Luna feared that Shiva could sense her there. The creature held her gaze on where Luna’s astral projection hid before looking away.

“Form a scouting party,” she declared. “We’re going to the griffons.”

The griffons? Luna thought in confusion, before letting her astral form lift back to her body. What would she want with them?

As Luna thought back to what she had seen in Shiva’s dreams, she felt her heart race in nervousness.

Whatever it is, she decided. It cannot be anything good.


Celestia refused to let Luna’s appearance distract her from her duty. In front of her, Prince Blueblood stood. The injuries he had suffered from the howlite howler were faded, but still prominently covered with cotton bandages. His look screamed irritation, like he had been dragged from far more important things.

“It is good to see you back on your hooves, Prince Blueblood,” Celestia said, her tone like iced honey. Blueblood sensed the ice in her voice, as his pompous demeanor faded by a fraction.

“Indeed,” he said haughtily. “The nurses say I am rather lucky. That wretched beast could have done far worse.”

“Indeed,” Celestia said, struggling to keep her tone light. “Though, I must wonder… why is it that she instigated violence with you when she avoided confrontation with any other pony?" She glanced over at Luna, who wisely took a spot beside her on the throne, before returning her gaze to Blueblood. The sight of two princesses glaring at him caused a small tremble in the prince’s back leg.

“We saw you in her nightmares,” Luna added. “She also seems to have seen you in the pits where she was taught to hate and fear ponies.”

Blueblood’s eye twitched. “W-Well...,” he mumbled, before Celestia stood.

“Think carefully about what you have to say,” Celestia said softly. “It would be… unwise… to be dishonest with me.”

Blueblood swallowed, and smoothed out his white coat.

“You have done much for this country, Princess Celestia,” he said, giving a low bow. “I respect the strength and love you’ve given to this country, as every pony should.”

Luna and Celestia exchanged a look.

“Years before my time,” Blueblood continued. “When my forefathers were likely barely even thoughts in the minds of their forefathers, you created this land. You tore down the Dragon Lords, saw to the end of the Griffon Empire, defeated the changeling hives and put the diamond dogs back in the stone age where they belonged.”

“Is there a rest stop between here and the point?” Luna whispered to her sister. Celestia bit back a giggle as Blueblood looked up.

“However, the pony Beast Breaker opened my eyes to an error you made.” Blueblood quickly raised a hoof. “An error he saw, but one that is hard to ignore.”

“Oh?” Celestia asked. “And what would that error be?”

Blueblood swallowed again, and took the plunge. “Not doing worse to them.”

Luna’s jaw dropped in horror, but Blueblood skittered forward before she could launch into a tirade.

“A-As you should know, I was horrified by his blasphemy,” Blueblood insisted. “I thought it was madness at first! But then, he noted the damage these ‘creatures’ have caused: griffon hens menacing ponies. A dragon polluting an entire town with his smoke. An Element of Harmony captured and enslaved by diamond dogs! And then... Beast Breaker and his entire community were slaves to the diamond dogs!” Blueblood shrugged. “Something had to be done. Some pony had to remind them why Equestria is ruled by ponies, and not them. And Beast Breaker believed he was the stallion for the job.”

“How?” Celestia demanded.

Blueblood smoothed his coat out again. “B-Beast Breaker’s special talent was making beasts submit to his will,” Blueblood said.

“A talent he wasn’t very good at,” Luna mumbled again, only loud enough for Celestia to hear.

“But he lacked resources,” Blueblood continued. “No pony wanted a stallion that broke the will of others.”

“And for very good reasons,” Celestia growled. “I did not forge Equestria from a land of chaos and disharmony so my subjects could practice torture.”

“It wasn’t torture!” Blueblood insisted. “Just… conditioning.” His voice cracked at Celestia’s look of utter loathing. “The Elements of Harmony would have been better, but it was folly to ask for their aid. The Element of Kindness alone would never have stood for what Beast Breaker had in mind. But Beast Breaker’s idea was solid, and other nobles shared my interest. We gave him the tools he needed; let him find the creatures. Dragons, griffons, diamond dogs. And I saw him turn them into subservient creatures that feared, respected and better yet, contributed to our race.”

“Very subservient,” Luna growled sarcastically, loud enough for him to hear. “So subservient that one of them razed his lair and tore him apart.”

Blueblood’s ears plastered against his skull. “W-Well,” he said. “No pony was prepared for a diamond dog using magic!”

“Magic or not,” Celestia said. “I have ruled this country on the value of friendship and harmony. You?” Celestia trembled in fury. “By standing with that insane stallion, you have gone against EVERYTHING I built this country on.”

“B-But look at the results,” Blueblood pleaded. “That beast released the work horses! It…”

“How dare you,” Luna snarled, storming towards him. “How dare you try to justify the torture of innocents!”

Blueblood glowered at the younger princess. “As you did?” he demanded. "You interrogated the beast yourself, did you not?!"

Luna froze. Celestia shot her a pained look, but Blueblood’s eyes lit up in triumph.

“You know I was right,” Blueblood insisted. “You saw into the beast’s mind. Saw the hatred it must feel for Equestria. I saw enough of the darkness in its heart when it attacked me and ravaged Canterlot!”

Celestia resisted rolling her eyes, while Luna forced herself not to trample the stallion for the utter garbage he was giving them.

“My only comfort is that Beast Breaker’s lessons are the reason dozens of ponies now sleep safely in Equestria, freed from the diamond dog’s claws.”

“That does NOT excuse what was done to her,” Celestia replied. Blueblood’s eyes narrowed, and he dared to glower up at her.

“So,” he growled. “You would punish me for having the good of Equestria in mind, while rewarding that creature for the pony blood on her claws?”

Celestia grimaced, while Luna looked down with a wince. Blueblood began to smirk.

“I myself thought that Beast Breaker's actions were primitive,” he said. “But he revealed enough. Those creatures are dangerous. He died to prove that. And if it is Equestrian justice to encourage the murder of one who only had the good of our country in mind, I will have none of it!” He stomped his hoof. Too late, Celestia realized it was a signal.

“And neither will I!”

Celestia growled as the throne room doors opened, and a dainty mare walked in next to Blueblood.

“Beast Breaker was a hero,” the mare insisted. “He saved me from griffons who tried to mug me! He deserves a hero’s burial, not a desecration of his memory!”

Other nobles began to walk in.

“Hear-hear,” one of the nobles said. “That foul magic dog destroyed my favorite balcony.”

“Hear-hear,” another mare cried. “She ruined my siesta!”

The others tried to add their own grudges, but Celestia flared her wings, and instantly, the chatter died down. Celestia’s coat pulsed with light, as her pink eyes regarded the nobles. Upper Crust. Jet Setter, Celestia thought, sorting them alongside other nobles she recognized.

“Guards,” Celestia declared. The guards jumped to attention, though her eyes remained on Blueblood. “Send a detachment to Ponyville. Aid my student, Twilight Sparkle, in finding the Howlite Howler.”

Blueblood began to grin, but then Celestia continued.

“I will see Shiva prove that she is not the monster these mares and gentle-colts believe she is.” Her own grin widened as Blueblood’s began to fade into horror. “And when this ‘Howlite Howler’ proves to be not only harmless, but an ally to our nation…” She almost let too much venom into her voice. “Anyone who aided or abetted in her torture and mistreatment will be finding a new home in the dungeons.”

Blueblood’s smirk faded to horror. Several nobles shot him fearful looks, before bolting out the door. The dainty mare turned as pale as snow, and hid behind the Prince. With a final, nervous swallow, Blueblood gave a nervous bow, and backed out of the throne room, following the royal guard as they moved to obey Celestia’s orders.

In a few seconds, the royal sisters were the only ponies left in the room. Celestia let herself slide back to her throne, letting a soft sigh slip out through her nose.

“A powerful claim,” Luna admitted. “But one you might be forced to swallow.”

Celestia turned to Luna. “What do you mean?” she asked. "What did you see?"

“The Diamond Dogs have grown in strength,” Luna replied. “They hold almost all of the jewels beneath the mountains.” Luna dipped her head. “And yet, Shiva still looks on our kind with fear and loathing.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes. “After the way she was treated,” Celestia noted. “You can hardly blame her.”

Luna looked away, but Celestia could see the shame on her face. Indeed, the memory of what had been done to the white dog put a sour taste in Celestia’s mouth:

Ponies – stallions and mares Celestia thought she could trust – had been aiding a deranged stallion that didn’t deserve the title of pony; kidnapping and tormenting creatures of every non-pony race to instill fear in Equestria. Yet when they set their sights on Shiva – a newly arrived creature – they underestimated the power she had. Revealing a magic no diamond dog could ever truly wield, Shiva had slain her tormentors, only to fall right into the hooves of the royal guard. And, ignorant to the suffering she had endured, they proceeded to torment her even more, forcing her to relive her experience as they investigated the murders.

While Celestia’s heart throbbed for the lives lost, she found it hard to sympathize with those that deliberately provoked the beast. And Luna being at the center of the interrogation team did not help matters.

“Be honest with me, sister,” Celestia said. “Is she planning an attack?”

Luna was silent at first.

“I know not,” she finally admitted. “But she has made plans to meet with the griffons up north. Whether she intends to recruit them to attack us, or merely means to trade with them, I do not know.” Luna stepped forward. “What I do know is that she still holds much contempt in her heart for us. Her nightmares are plagued with our kind. And the diamond dogs are advancing in her wake. Should she decide to take revenge against us…”

Celestia looked out towards the nearest window. The mountains that likely held the diamond dog were far in the distance.

“Shiva was willing to release our subjects before,” Celestia noted. “She must know there is good in us.”

“To what end?” Luna asked. “Sister, she fears us.”

“There are far worse creatures to fear than us,” Celestia insisted. “If she is threatened by griffons or other creatures, she stands a better chance against them with an ally.” Celestia smiled. “An ally we can provide.”

Luna paused, rubbing at her chin. “We would be stronger together,” Luna admitted. “But, are you sure you can convince her, Celestia?”

Celestia summoned a quill and paper.

“Trust me, little sister,” Celestia replied. “I didn’t keep Equestria at peace for a thousand years on blind luck.” She began writing. “The diamond dog will come around to see our side. And when the time comes, I will see her standing loyally beside us.” She chuckled. “And Blueblood and all those who followed Beast Breaker will pay for their heresy.”


Outside the throne room, two guards chuckled quietly.

“Such arrogance,” one noted, before glancing at one guard. Both of their eyes flashed green, and they walked side by side away from the throne room. “They honestly think they can overcome the sins of their past?”

They entered a room, and after checking that no pony was there, shifted into their true forms.

“It’s a good thing we stayed out of the dog’s way when it broke out,” the changeling Pharynx growled. “If the stories about her are correct, it sounds like one of our number has been tormented by these ponies. And my brother at that…” He gave the room a scathing look. “This place has more love than the Queen’s ever seen, but even it holds hate and discourse in the deepest of seams.”

“At least it’s still got love,” his companion replied. “The sweetest love I’ve ever been witness to.”

Pharynx nodded. “Still, we shouldn’t count the dog out as a possible ally either. The ponies have done her a serious wrong, and she slowly grows capable of fighting back.”

“Just like we would be if we faced the ponies in a straight up fight,” his companion admitted. “Though… if we worked together…”

“Remember the Queen’s words,” Pharynx warned his companion. “We offer our sympathy, kindle her hatred of ponies… and then take her magic and love for our own, along with the ponies once they are down.”

The changeling’s forked tongue flicked hungrily. Pharynx eyes glowed.

“And I know just the changeling to get to that dog.”


Further away, a changeling named Thorax sped through the mountains. The whip marks he had gained were fading, but still prominent along his body.

But even if they impeded his abilities, he wouldn’t have let them. For he had a mission. A mission handed down from the Queen herself.

Find the Howlite Howler. Infiltrate the pack she has formed. And bring her to the Queen.