• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 3,166 Views, 118 Comments

Howlite Howler Part 2: Trust Denied - JNKing

Shiva's escaped Equestria. Now, she must fight to keep it that way.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Paradise

Shiva blinked out the blobs of light concealing her vision. She found herself sprawled on the ground. Similarly, her dogs and the ponies were sprawled across the room, all slowly waking up. Thorax and a few of his changelings were still out cold and quickly being surrounded by guards who rushed into the room.

“Wow,” Pinkie mumbled, leaning on her party cannon. “That reminds me of the party after Nightmare Moon’s defeat… and maybe Nightmare Moon’s defeat as well.”

“Every pony okay?” Applejack asked.

“Dunno, don’t care,” Luke growled, stumbling over to Shiva. “Alpha; you okay?”

Shiva rose back up. She rubbed at her head with a grimace.

“Yeah,” she said. “I’m alright.”

Luke’s tail wagged. He managed a grin, and touched her head softly, before a cooing noise reminded them of where they were. They glanced back at the ponies, who had slowly grouped back together, though the looks they shot Shiva were only smiles of thankfulness and happiness. Even Rainbow Dash and Rarity no longer looked on her with suspicion, only thankfulness and gratitude in their eyes.

Slowly, every eye turned to the changelings. Thorax’s eyes fluttered open, and he began to look around in a panic.

“W-Where’s the queen?” he whimpered.
The other changelings began to look around as well. But Chrysalis was nowhere to be found.

“S-She’s gone!” another changeling screamed. “I can’t sense her anymore!”

“W-What happened to the queen?”

“Like you said; she’s gone.”

Slowly, the changelings turned to Shiva and the dogs, who stood ready to fight.

“Anyone want to join her?” Shiva asked, her claws flashing with lightning.

The changelings stared in utter shock at Shiva. Then, after a shared look, they fled as one out the window, vanishing over the horizon.

Shiva huffed. “Didn’t think so,” she said quietly.

A flare of light drew her attention. Celestia, free from her cocoon, strode to Shiva with a smile.

“Alpha Shiva,” Celestia proclaimed. “We are in your debt. Despite the mistakes and misunderstandings between our two races, you were able to put aside your anger, and focus on the real adversary. And for that, you have our undivided gratitude.”

“Truly,” Luna admitted, standing beside her sister. “It was wrong of us to see you in such a negative light.”

Cadence joined them, her magic and cutie mark restored. “And if there is anything we can do to repay your kindness,” she said. “You only need to ask.”

Shiva’s ears perked, and she smiled softly at the princesses.

“Well, in that case…” Shiva said, “We’re going to need some choice supplies.” She started to list them off. “Food, medicine, gems – plenty of gems…” However, she faltered as she noticed them staring at her like she had spoken another language.

“Um, Shiva,” Spike whispered. “Usually, you’re supposed to say ‘no thanks are needed.’”

Shiva held back a chuckle of disbelief. “Why? I risked my neck and the necks of my pack for you guys. You better believe I’m going to expect payment.”

Celestia pursed her lips before glancing at the dogs. Several of them were still holding their loot bags, which they quickly hid with guilty smiles.

“It seems your dogs have more than collected their fair share of ‘payment,’” Celestia pointed out.

Shiva winced, glaring at her dogs before sighing.

“Alright,” she said. “Who did you guys steal that stuff from?”

“Prince Blueblood,” one diamond dog offered.

“Some pony called Jet Set,” a second one said.

“I think this one says it belongs to Upper Crust,” a third one admitted.

“Donut Joe,” the one with batter on his head said with a grin.

Shiva sighed. “Okay,” she said. “Anything from the noble class – especially the ones involved with Beast Breaker – we’re keeping. The rest; put it back.”

The dogs that had taken from the nobles cheered, while the rest groaned. Shiva tilted her head at Celestia, silently asking if there was a problem with her method.

Celestia simply shook her head with a chuckle.


An hour later, the diamond dogs were heading out of Canterlot. Four wagons lurched behind them, weighed down with gems, medicines and other supplies all lifted from the noble's homes. Shiva’s grin, however, started to fade when lower class ponies started to follow them.

“So,” one pony offered, a saddle bag over his back. “Um… are you guys accepting pony pack mates? Because, considering the nobility is what got us into this…”

“No,” Shiva said.

The pony blinked. “But… what if we don’t want to stay in Equestria,” he asked.

“Then find somewhere else,” Shiva said. “Wherever we’re going, we don’t need ponies coming with us.”

Behind them, the Mane Six winced.

“Are you sure?” Pinkie asked, jumping after them, “You’re a hero now. You’d be welcome in Ponyville, at the very least.”

“And White Tail Woods will always be open to you and your pack,” Fluttershy added.

Shiva kept her eyes on the exit. “I need a lot of time away from you before I’ll consider that offer.”

They tilted their heads just as Blueblood’s voice reached them.

“There she is!” Blueblood was screaming. He stumbled towards them, his coat ragged and torn, and his mane a complete mess. “I see my things in that wagon. Guards! Make her give my things back right now, before…”

“Will you shut up!” a guard snapped, clubbing Blueblood across the face.

“Y-You struck me,” Blueblood whimpered, as the guards shoved him along.

“You were resisting arrest,” the guard replied. “Now let’s get you back to your cell.”

“B-But I’m not the villain!” he insisted. “That diamond dog brought the changelings! It’s all her fault! It is! It’s her fault!”

The Ex-Prince was dragged away kicking and screaming, but several ponies still gave Shiva doubtful looks. And when she glanced their way, they ducked inside, hiding from her eyes.

“A lot of time,” Shiva repeated.

Twilight’s ears flattened, and she sighed in discouraged irritation.

“Not all of us are like that,” Applejack noted. “You know that, right?”

Shiva’s only response was a silent look towards Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Rarity was the first to cave.

“Shiva,” she said solemnly. “I’m sorry. I should have realized that you’re not like the diamond dogs I knew.”

Fluttershy nudged Rainbow Dash, and the blue mare sighed. “Yeah,” she added. “I… I’m sorry too. For, y’know, being….” She groaned. “Being a jerk,” she pushed out.

Spike nudged Twilight. “And I’m sorry too,” Twilight added.

Shiva hummed thoughtfully at them, before turning to Spike. Smiling softly, she rested her head against his.

“Take care of these idiots, okay, buddy?” she asked. “They’d probably be lost without you.”

Spike chuckled. “You already know it,” he replied, ignoring the indignant looks the others shot him.

With one final respectful nod at Applejack, and a curious stare at Pinkie and Fluttershy, Shiva motioned to her dogs, and they exited Canterlot, heading out into the wild. With Skippy and Luke once again by her side, Shiva felt a freedom that she hadn’t felt since she first escaped Equestria.

“So, Skippy,” Shiva said, turning to her advisor as he took his place by her side. “Any suggestions on where we go next?”

“Yeah,” Skippy said, pulling a map from the wagon. “It’s pretty far to the north, but it’s got mountains of crystals and gems. Gems that I’ve heard can even harness magic, so you won’t need to waste energy on making sure the diamond dogs can use your power.”

Luke started to salivate. “Diamond Dog heaven,” he whimpered.

Shiva nodded. “Then it’s to the north we go,” she declared, flaring her links. “C’mon, Diamond Wolves. Onward to Paradise!”

The dogs howled in agreement.


High above Canterlot, Celestia watched the diamond dogs leave with a somber expression.

“Paradise…” she mumbled, wistfully.

Luna joined her with a flash of light.

“Well,” she said. “The nobles are unhappy that most of their things were taken, but hopefully, it will be enough to ensure Shiva does not come back to us as an enemy.” Her eyes narrowed. “I do not understand her, Celestia. She has no interest in conquering Equestria, yet neither does she seek redemption and to join us. I know pony kind has not been kind to her, but surely she can see that there is more to this nation than the few barbarians she met.”

“Or the ponies who let fear and hatred guide them.”

Luna’s ears flattened at the ice in her voice. “M-May I assume Blueblood will be staying in the dungeons for some time?” she whispered.

Celestia turned on Luna, and the night alicorn backed up at the anger in Celestia’s eyes.

"Take caution, my sister," Celestia said firmly. "The only reason you have not joined him and the others is because you are needed to guard Equestria's nights. But that does not mean I approve of how you handled this situation."

Luna gulped, but wisely made no attempt to interrupt Celestia.

“What Shiva did to Beast Breaker and the fools who followed him was reprehensible. Yet she carries the consequences for her actions with dignity and integrity. Yet, when Blueblood was confronted with his actions, he hid behind excuses and insistence that he was in the right. How is it that a diamond dog shows more integrity than the ponies that attempt to earn my favor every day?” Her voice only lowered further as she added. “How is it that a ‘barbarian’ shows more maturity and grace than my own sister?”

Luna winced. “Sister,” she stammered. “I’m truly sorry. I merely thought she was dangerous…”

“Yes,” Celestia said. “Dangerous when provoked. She could have made an invaluable ally. And instead, suspicion, fear and distrust drove her from what should have been a paradise!” Celestia looked out over her kingdom. “I have never been more disappointed in my subjects and my family that I am right now.”

Luna opened her mouth to speak, before deciding against it.

“We… I am sorry, Tia,” Luna whispered.

Celestia grimaced. “If 'sorry' was enough, Shiva would be guarding Equestria alongside Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia declared. “Pass a memo: I want every member of the nobility tested. I want to know exactly who was involved in Beast Breaker’s pits, and who might be involved in anything similar in the future. If this is what my ‘nobility’ thinks is just and right… then perhaps it is time for a change in their ranks.”

Luna winced, but bowed her head in acceptance, while Celestia returned her gaze to the diamond dogs, even as they vanished over the horizon.

“Good luck, Shiva,” Celestia said. “I pray that you find paradise… wherever it may be.”


Several weeks later…

The snow fell thick and fast around the dogs, but their fur and Shiva’s magic kept them warm. Skippy led the way, not even needing the map.

“Are you sure we’re on the right path?” Shiva asked.

Skippy didn’t reply for a moment, but when he turned back to them, his grin shined brighter than the sun.

“See for yourself,” he replied, indicating the snowy patch before them.

Curious, Luke and some of the diggers ran over. Scattering snow and dirt, they dug deep into the patch Skippy had pointed out. For a moment, there was a lull in their digging, and Shiva came over in concern. Then, it was followed by a whoop of joy.

Several quartz crystals shot out of the hole, nearly nailing Shiva in the head. She caught it with a grin, before tossing it to the diamond dog Duke

“Spear Dogs, stand guard” she ordered. “Iron Paws. Diggers. Start carving out a cavern. We’ll need some shelter from the snow storms out here, then we can focus on harvesting these babies.” She caught another gem and tossed it to another dog. “Sort the ones you find into piles.”

As she sorted the dogs into their jobs, Skippy backed up, grinning as the dogs threw themselves into the work. More importantly, he grinned at the light shining from Shiva that didn’t have to do with magic. Ever since they had left the ponies behind, she had been calmer. More relaxed. And much less conflicted. Out here, there was no worrying about morality and good ponies. Out here, she could focus on the ones she truly loved; her pack.

And it made Skippy’s job that much easier.

Retreating to a safe corner away from his pack, Skippy knelt next to a patch of snow, and breathed. Briefly shifting back into his changeling form, he disgorged a sparking, egg-shaped cache of love. The love magic pulsed like a heartbeat, warming the changeling as he set about concealing it into the snow. However, he didn’t get long to try and hide it, as another changeling appeared before he could try.

“You know,” the new changeling quipped. “I know that ponies will often show their parents the new mates they’ve picked up.” He grinned at Shiva’s pack barely visible from their hiding place. “But this is a little new.”

Skippy shrugged. “Chrysalis was causing trouble in Canterlot. We decided here would be a little safer. And we do need to protect her.” He lifted the cache of love he had. “Just feel the amount of power in there. This could keep the Hive going for weeks.”

The changeling took it, feeling the love pulsate inside. He shook his head with a grin.

“You really outdid yourself on this one,” he said. “And to think I had my doubts about the Queen’s 20th grandson not being that useful.” He spared another glance at Shiva. “So, when should we meet her?”

“Soon, but not yet,” Skippy said. “Give her a chance to settle in. As soon as we tell her about Vespin Hive, she’ll need to know about me.”

“She doesn’t know?” the changeling asked. “I thought dogs could sniff out lies. Or is that just normal dogs.”

“No, that’s her as well,” Skippy confirmed. “But… I’m not technically lying to her. I’ve always been Skippy, changeling or diamond dog. And it’s not lying if I’m still me.”

The changeling hummed. “Well, whenever she’s ready to meet the in-laws, let me know.” The changeling stood and swallowed the love cache. “Someone capable of this much love and empathy is definitely worth protecting.”

Skippy gave a confident glance back at the south. “We’re more than capable,” he declared. “If anything wants to get near Shiva, she’ll fight it with everything she’s got.” He grinned. “Chrysalis and anything like her? They don’t stand a chance.”

Author's Note:

And that is the end of Shiva's second arc. Thank you guys again for reading and leaving your feedback. I really feel like you helped improve this story from before. :pinkiehappy:

Thule, I want to thank you for giving me the idea of Celestia abolishing the nobility, along with Notrab M for the idea of ponies wanting to defect. Sorry I couldn't work in Luna being permanently injured, Rikithemonk, though she certainly will not be bothering Shiva any time soon.

I'll also be working on the third arc of Shiva's story, but it will take a little longer to get out. Due to some possible career opportunities, I'm moving locations over the next month, and it may be more difficult to get online. Again, please be patient, and I'll do my best to Shiva's next story edited and ready for publishing soon.

Special thanks to truenorth14, who has really been helping me with ideas for Shiva and the diamond dogs next adventure. :raritystarry:

Until then, thank you again for reading, and being a wonderful audience. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 18 )

I completely agree with everything in this chapter. Especially Celestia and Shiva.

Sad the regular ponies couldn't join her but maybe they find a new place.
Sure this will hurt Celestia as she knows the nobles only made things worst.

Also like the idea of Luna being the one to Fubar so bad, and now she on thin ice.

Mmm, I think this was a fine ending. The corrupt nobility got some comeuppance, Celestia finally showed some backbone, and it appears you've set things right to the events of the Crystal Empire.

The most interesting thing here for me actually was the new hive. We already knew Skippy was a changeling from a hive other than Chrysalis', but it's interesting to see how their methods differ from hers. They're the thing I'm looking forwards the most for the future parts.

Glad you enjoyed the ending. Skippy's Hive is definitely something truenorth14 was really excited to share about, and I'm looking forward to showing how they interact with the world and especially Shiva.

True, the regular ponies couldn't join her now, but they'll find a way to help further down the line.

Thank you all again for your wonderful feedback.

with how the regular ponys reactid it wouldent supprise me if one or two of them investigatid and found out what really happend eg luna and the elements actions

Since they find magical crystals, you can make machines that use them as fuel And ammo for example The crystals from storm hawks https://stormhawks.fandom.com/wiki/Crystals or eco from jack and daxster https://jakanddaxter.fandom.com/wiki/Eco

Thank you so much for making the second arc!

You're welcome. Thank you as well for reading. :twilightsmile:

Another great story. You always make such satisfying endings! And it isn't so long that it takes multiple days to read.

Thank you so much. :pinkiehappy:

I really appreciate positive feedback like this, and it always makes my day to know others enjoy the tales of my characters like Shiva and Logan.

Thanks again. :twilightsmile:

I'm happy that I could help you.

This story was a good and interesting read.
When do you believe you will release the third installment of this story?

I'm still in the process of writing the third installment, and I'm also getting ready for a pretty big move, so it'll probably be another month or so before I can get the next installment out. :ajsleepy:

But, know that I am working hard on it, and will get it out to everyone as soon as I can. :rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks again for reading.

Wow, this was dam good. This story was consistent from start to end.

I also like how you kept the ponies consistent. Celestia offering anything in thanks and not expecting an actual request, or having the decency to even consider it. I also like how even in the end she disappointed in her sister and ponies, but because Shiva couldn't be used to protect Equestria now.

This really does fit my view or Sun-Butt. I have always seen her as Ponies first in a vary sociopathic way. A monarch who surrounds her self with only those who can be used to forward her goal. Ive also seen her as viewing her ponies in a possessive and very Yandere way. (a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence and brutality.) Especially to other races. I think there is a reason almost every other race in MLP is a 3rd world country while Equestria is a paradise.

Just my personal view.

Anyway, as for the story, Well done.

The Monk
“Hundreds of years,” Reflection muttered, enjoying the scratching. “That’s a lot of porn.” - Dropbear

Glad you enjoyed the story and Celestia's portrayal. :twilightsmile::trollestia:

I've never really been a fan of 'pure evil and pure good,' so while I didn't want Celestia to be Tyrantlestia, I also didn't want her to be the paragon of goodness Twilight sees her as. I like my characters flawed, and at a middle ground where they know how to appear kind and noble... but at the same time have a darkness lurking in them.

And I've always enjoyed the theory that Day Breaker (her answer to Luna's Nightmare Moon) has always existed in her, prideful and arrogant, bubbling under her outward appearance. Sure, Celestia can keep it in check for most of the time, but when she doesn't... well, like you said, there's a reason why Equestria thriving while all the other lands are barely scraping by. :pinkiecrazy:

Thus far, Shiva's managed to avoid triggering that side of Celestia, but, like you noted, Celestia prefers things to be contributing to her paradise. And if push comes to shove... :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: Well, we'll see once I manage to get the next story published.

Either way, thank you very much for both your feedback and your suggestions. You really helped make this a wonderful story to tell, and I look forward to continuing it again sometime next month.

Until then,

Symbiotic relationship between the Shiva's pack and Vespin hive, interesting.


Except that the Ponies DON'T have a slightest chance to face Humanity! We will easily KICK their Colorful Asses!!! :pinkiecrazy:

We have mastered the art of war by practicing on each other. Imagine what we could do with magic.

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