• Published 15th Aug 2020
  • 1,267 Views, 191 Comments

Wherever the Light Shines: Part 2 - MLPSolarDash1907

After fighting off a lion, Mystic discovers a plan to invade the land of Equestria. Deciding to travel there, she's unaware she'll run into six familiar faces. In the Crystal Empire, Starlight is looking into spell hypotheses and wants to crack them.

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Chapter 44 - Reactions and denials

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! I know I publish a chapter each week but since I'm going on vacation next Saturday, I decided to publish two chapters this Saturday! :pinkiehappy: There won't be a chapter next week though but after that particular day, the regular weekly uploads will resume! :twilightsmile:

Mystic had been leaning against the wall and standing on her hind hooves for the past five minutes. Her new acquaintances continued to discuss what must be done of informing the wolves of their discovery.

“I mean, the wolves just recently became our allies! What if they think we’re lying to them?” Twilight asked, panicking.

“Ah still say we tell’em the truth,” Applejack spoke up, “That gal Accalia seems to keep’em in line, ‘specially that Gunnolf.”

“Seems is the key word, Applejack,” Twilight said, taking a deep breath.

“We can’t just sit here and not do anything,” said Fluttershy.

“I’m telling you; this will be like revealing to the wolves as if somecreature else told us something Celestia was hiding something this big!” said Rainbow.

“Celestia isn’t a wolf or a werewolf, though!” Twilight reasoned.

“It could happen to anycreature,” said Rarity.

Faraji stepped next to Mystic, a slightly unnerved look on his face “Are they always like this?”

“I guess so,” replied Mystic. “Friends, yet they seem so different and get into arguments.” She sighed, getting on all fours. “Yet, somehow they come around.”

“I still think we need to consider options more,” said Twilight.

“And what’re those, Princess?” Mystic asked.

As expected, Twilight looked at her with an offended look, but the young unicorn ignored it.

“Look,” Mystic began, brushing a hoof through her mane, “There is clearly no other option. This is probably why Tokuta didn’t want them to come out here.”

“Or, anywhere really,” Fluttershy added.

“Right. But we can’t withhold this information by your friendship standards,” said Mystic.

Twilight frowned as her ears wilted.

“As it stands, those wolves you allowed to help and want to become allies with them, you need to be upfront with them,” Mystic sighed. “I know that from experience when it comes to that.” She turned aside, “Otherwise, it could lead to worse trouble if you withhold information.” She remembered the trip up to the Northerners and how her most trusted pony did such a thing.

“You’re right,” said Twilight. “But who’s going to tell them?”

“You are,” said Faraji. “Aren’t you the leader of this group of friends?”

“I’ll go too,” said Mystic. “I’m the one who found them.” She turned back to see Twilight biting her lower lip. “And...” she had to swallow her pride to get things moving, “We have an... army if things do get out of hoof.” She had to hold back a gag.

Twilight rubbed her temples and let out another sigh. “All right.” She turned to her friends. “Stay with the army and be ready to help us if things go south.”

“Of course, Twilight,” said Sunset.

“Let’s go,” said Mystic, grabbing the scroll of Nightfall and stepping outside.

“Wait! How’re we gonna approach them?” Twilight asked, catching up.


As she trotted across the savanna, Mystic could see the wolf pack about a hundred yards ahead of them.

“Mystic,” Twilight spoke up.

“What now?” Mystic asked, not hiding her annoyance.

“I mean, we just need to think of how we’re gonna put this news to them,” Twilight began, Mystic held back a snarl. “And we just know how much they could react I mean they imprisoned us! And now we have a delicate bond with them and we don’t wanna disconnect that from...”

“Are you more worried about not telling them and just keeping them under your hoof?” Mystic asked, annoyed.

“What? No!” Twilight gasped.

“Then stop acting like you gotta control every little detail,” Mystic shot her a glare. “Whatever happens, happens. Now, shut up.”

She turned her attention back to the wolves and knew regardless of how they put it, their reaction wouldn’t change.

“Gunnolf! It’s a couple of the ponies!” said a wolf.

Almost right away, Gunnolf and Accalia made their way out of the Pack and stopped about ten feet from the ponies.

“Are things going okay?” Gunnolf asked, a hard look in his eyes.

“Things are... okay,” replied Mystic. “Nocreature has attacked yet.”

“Oh,” Gunnolf’s eyes softened. “What do you want?”

“We...” she looked at the ever-nervous Twilight and back at Gunnolf. “We have found out something.”

“Oh?” Accalia spoke up. “What’s that?”

Time to see if she listened to me, Mystic thought. She looked at Twilight again. “Should you tell them, or should I?”

Twilight took a few steps back. Mystic sighed. She was a little nervous but knew this must be done. She faced Gunnolf.

“We learned a bit of Oogundaan history and about a creature named Nightfall,” said Mystic. “He’s terrorized the land for seemingly countless generations.” She presented the scroll, unrolling it to reveal its contents.

“Where’d you get this?” Accalia asked, surprised.

“The chief there is a historian,” replied Mystic. “And this scroll tells Nightfall’s story and all who’s involved with him.”

“Wait...” Accalia narrowed her eyes. “Is that a werewolf?”

“Let me see that!” Gunnolf demanded, snatching it away.

Accalia looked over his shoulder followed by several other wolves. As they examined it for a couple of minutes, Mystic watched their looks turn from somewhat skeptical to disbelieving. Gunnolf trembled.

“Why is there a werewolf in the scroll?” Accalia asked, eyes wide. “Tokuta said there weren’t any others.”

“That’s the only werewolf in all of the research the chief did,” said Mystic. She ignored Twilight’s nervous squeak. Mystic observed Accalia. The she-wolf looked to be putting the pieces together.

“That’s impossible,” said a wolf. “Was this werewolf involved with this Nightfall?”

“This is insane!” Gunnolf barked with wide, furious eyes. He looked up at Mystic. “You’re sure this is legitimate?”

“I can verify that,” replied Mystic.


“With this,” Mystic pulled out the scroll and the poster she’d retrieved. “I found this scroll while on my travels and it matched with the claw-writing of the poster.” She unrolled it and almost immediately, Gunnolf snatched the scroll away and examined it. “The scroll talks of the events described here and how the werewolf made a mistake that caused them to fall apart.”

“Are you serious?!” a wolf shouted while Accalia just gaped with her jaw nearly hitting the ground.

The rest of the Pack began murmuring among each other as Gunnolf examined the poster and scroll.

“What about Mystic’s report?” Accalia asked, passing the document to the wolves close by.

Gunnolf turned to face her as he trembled harder. Accalia leaned forward and almost immediately, her eyes widened at the writing on both the scroll and poster. Mystic took a glance back at Twilight who was trying to stand tall but was sulking.

“They... match,” Accalia breathed, she looked up at Mystic.

“I can’t believe this!” Gunnolf cried. Both Accalia and Mystic watched him stomp off, pick up a rock, and throw it. “I can’t believe this! I won’t believe it!” The wolves’ murmuring grew even louder, unnerved, and upset. Gunnolf’s muzzle curled and he began growling and hissing.

“He’s a noble leader! Gunnolf cried.

“Gunnolf,” Accalia said softly.

“Leave me,” Gunnolf snapped. “I need to be alone.”

Accalia gave Mystic a frown, “Excuse me, please.” She gave the scroll back to the unicorn as she went after her brother. Mystic turned to the other wolves that couldn’t take their gazes off her.

“Anywolf else wanna take a look?” she asked, holding the documents up.

Accalia followed Gunnolf through thick brush. She could hear his heaving and growling as he continued.

“Stop following me, Accalia!” Gunnolf barked.

“Running won’t help! Just stop and face me!” Accalia cried.

Gunnolf did stop and whirled around. “This is your fault!”

Accalia’s eyes popped wide open. “My fault?”

“Yeah! If you weren’t so curious about every! Little! Thing!” Gunnolf prodded her in the chest, “We wouldn’t be in this situation! Not to mention...”

“What I thought isn’t the problem here, Gunnolf,” Accalia asserted. “You yourself were also curious.” She got right into his face. “You just hide it because of your commitment to the throne and duties.”

“And they were all I had until I betrayed our Majestic!” Gunnolf barked.

“Our Majestic betrayed the codes he made and hid his past from us to protect his guilty self.”

“I won’t believe that!”

“Then how will you face him when you decided to help the ponies?” Accalia asked. Gunnolf opened his mouth, but Accalia placed a paw on his mouth. “It’s way past time we changed our ways of life, but whatever happens with Tokuta, we need to decide if we’ll face prosecution for something we know is better for us.” She sighed, frowning. “If he truly did care more about us than himself, he would listen. You know that, don’t you?”

Gunnolf pulled back, hurt in his eyes. “I... just don’t know how to face him...”

Accalia hugged him, causing the wolf to tense up. “I and the others will be there for you.” She pulled back. “We might need to go through some trials, but these ponies from what I’ve seen, have been totally honest and their ways sound like they’d benefit us.”

Gunnolf rubbed his temples. “If this is Tokuta’s case, so much for just protecting the forest and us...”

Accalia nodded. “Let’s get back and try to keep the others under control.”

“Fine...” replied Gunnolf with an uncertain look.

Mystic just kept watching the wolves chatting loudly and some debating among themselves if the scrolls are legitimate. She recognized denial just about anywhere.

“Are you sure that was the best way?” Twilight asked.

Mystic glanced at her. “They hadn’t begun a revolution yet, have they?”

“Yet?” Twilight repeated.

“It was a sarcastic expression.”

The wolves suddenly ceased speaking to one another and looked over to Mystic’s left. Mystic followed their gaze and saw a disgruntled Gunnolf walking back with Accalia.

“This is ludicrous!” one of them cried.

Accalia turned to the wolves. “Let’s all not lose our heads over this. Please.”

“What’re we going to about our Majestic?” one wolf asked with a pleading look.

“One problem at a time,” Accalia, “But let’s just calm down...”

The wolves quieted down some but still murmured among each other.

Accalia gave a brief astonished look to Mystic and Twilight before turning back to the Pack.

“As for us,” Accalia spoke up. “We know this is a huge revelation and that he might not care for us as much as he says...” She sighed. “But let’s not lose sight of the ways of friendship the ponies offer.”

“Does this mean we’ll have to... fight against our Majestic?” another one of the wolves asked.

The entire Pack immediately began to panic, asking questions, and wanting to know how this would go down.

“What about our families?”

“Where would we go?”

“How could we stand up to him?”

“Enough!” Gunnolf cried. Everywolf went silent. “I need some time to process this and I do not need all of you giving me more of a headache!”

Deciding she had enough of the drama, for now, Mystic took her leave and walked back into the village, leaving Twilight behind.

When Mystic got back to the village, she made her way to a campfire next to one of the mud huts and sat down in front of it. Mystic reached into her satchel, pulled out her knives and sharpener. She began to sharpen them and noticed somepony sitting close by.

“Are you the one who’s the guide?” a voice asked.

Mystic briefly stopped sharpening her knives, gazed over to see a rested Starlight. One of the ponies they’d come here for. Her mane isn’t ragged anymore but she did have some bags under her eyes. She still looked worn out.

“And you’re that unicorn who came up with the healing spell,” Mystic finally said.

Starlight winced. “Please...” She looked at the ground, “I don’t want to talk about that...”

Mystic’s look softened. Her rampage was horrific.

I probably touched a nerve, she thought, You better fix this.

“Sorry,” Mystic apologized, “It’s just... I had an injured foreleg and Twilight used it to heal it.” She smirked, “You made me lose my excuse to not begin to pay off a loan.” Starlight didn’t reply. That didn’t work either. Mystic thought about what she should be said next.

“Yes,” she said, “I am the guide that led your friends here.”

Starlight gazed at her again. Progress.

“Have you been out here before?” Starlight asked.

“Multiple times, not in this village though,” Mystic answered simply.

“I...” Starlight shifted a bit, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For bringing my friends here...” her voice seemed a bit distant. She knew that from anywhere.

“It was no big deal.”

They went silent aside from Mystic resuming her sharpening.

About a minute later, Mystic spoke up, “Look... I’m not the most social pony but I was... concerned about you when I saw you...” She inwardly winced. That was bad.

“I... appreciate the concern...” Starlight spoke quietly.

“Are you doing well?”

Starlight scoffed, “As well as somepony who foolishly got lost in the Oogundaan for her own stupid reasons...”

Mystic quit her sharpening and turned to face her, “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable... you probably find me jarring, to say the least...”


“Huh?” Mystic asked.

“I don’t find you jarring,” Starlight clarified, “I just see you as another pony.”

“Seriously?” Mystic motioned to her machete and knife. Starlight shrugged in response and went quiet again.

This isn’t getting anywhere, Mystic thought, I can’t talk like her friends can! I’ve never been good at this.

She observed Starlight. The mare seemed on edge and a little jumpy. She’s trying to remain strong. Mystic knew that feeling from a past that seems so long ago.

“I know you’re likely not in... the best state of mind or condition,” she said, “I think you should at least take more of a rest.”

“I can’t rest much longer with Sunburst being out there,” Starlight whispered. Mystic noticed a frown beginning to form on her features.

“You should try.”

“I did.”

Mystic tried to think of anything else she can say.

This is getting awkward, she thought.

“Those soldiers with you...” Starlight spoke up causing Mystic to tense.

“Didn’t they mention your uncle?”

“Adoptive, according to their general,” Mystic answered, trying to hold her bitterness back.

It didn’t seem to work as Starlight frowned.

“I’m sorry... I...”

“No... it’s just...” Mystic sighed, frustrated. “It’s complicated...”

“Sounds like you... Never mind.”

Mystic quit sharpening her knife. She placed it back into her satchel, unable to focus on it anymore. Glancing over to the unicorn again, she felt more concern and sympathy for her situation. Is her mind doing okay?

She felt at a stalemate and didn’t see how she could talk with this mare unless she went into territory she wasn’t comfortable with.

“I... I need to get something to eat,” she said. On cue, her stomach rumbled.

“Okay,” said Starlight.

Mystic sighed. “See... you around?”

Starlight nodded as Mystic stood up.

“Be well,” said Mystic. The awkwardness growing.

“Good talk,” said Starlight.

“Not really,” Mystic admitted.

“Thanks for not lying.”

Mystic’s eyes never left the mare until she turned a corner and didn’t see her anymore. She facehoofed.

“Way to go, Mystic,” she muttered. “Concerned about her mental state and you spoke like an idiot.”

For most of the afternoon, Mystic spent her time in one of the huts, resting up and sharpening her weapons. She stepped back into the heat of the Oogundaan sun and took in the sight of the village. At a nearby campfire, she saw Twilight and the rest of her friends talking. They looked a little confused but Rainbow had a proud smirk on her face.

“Taking in the sights?” Sunset asked.

“No,” replied Mystic. “Just watching your friends talk.”

Sunset giggled. “They’ve been talking about something very important.”

“No matter,” said Mystic. “What of the wolves?”

“Twilight was able to help Accalia calm them down. And they’re still committed to helping us,” replied Sunset.

Mystic’s eyes slightly widened, slightly unexpecting that. “Well,” she composed herself. “Good on her.”

“I also heard the Imperial army has been scouting out the area around Clawdius’ kingdom.”

“Wait,” Mystic paused. “Why?”

“I think Twilight will have to tell you of a new plan she has,” said Sunset. “I wasn’t fully on board but I think it could work out.”

Mystic raised an eyebrow at Sunset, then she made her way over to Twilight and her friends.

“So, I think that’s that,” said Twilight.

“What’s what?” Mystic asked.

The alicorn turned to face her and smiled. “Oh, perfect timing.” She stood up. “Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow took convincing, but we were able to come to an agreement.”

“What agreement?”

“To liberate Oogundaa from King Clawdius.”

Mystic’s eyes snapped wide open.


She swore she saw Cierra’s face flash across Twilight’s for a moment.

“What?” Mystic blinked several times. “Isn’t our mission complete? Haven’t you found your friends that you’re looking for?” She took a step forward, “What about your homeland? Isn’t it in dire need?”

“The impalas volunteered to look for Sunburst this afternoon and again tomorrow. We’ll take action against Clawdius when the sun rises.”

Mystic shook her head, processing this information. “But I thought our mission was to find Starlight and her friend. Now, Equestria is in trouble? Wouldn’t you want to save it, too?”

“By all means, yes,” Twilight said with a determined look. “But what has Nightfall done to this land? The way we see it we can start putting this place back together bit by bit. Besides,” she smiled, “I have faith that there are others out there looking for ways to reach us or somecreature in the other kingdoms.”

“And what if it’s in vain?” Mystic, unable to hide her curiosity.

“It won’t be,” said Twilight.

“How do you know?”

“I have to have faith in friendship and the friendships we made,” said Twilight, “I know we’ve been in a rocky place, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stop being who we are.”

“You can’t just have blind faith in a magic that isn’t enough for the world.”

“I know you have your doubts, Mystic,” said Twilight, “And that you think differently than we do.”

“Can’t you consider that we can do something to help this land that has suffered for many millennia?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, besides, we’ve handled a bunch of challenges over the years!” Rainbow stated.

“And nothing more than we love bringin’ creatures together again,” added Applejack.

“It would give the impalas more time to look for Sunburst,” said Twilight.

Mystic took in the information and that was true.

“There is still a lot of darkness and lost creatures in this land,” said Fluttershy, “But look around.” She motioned to the village. “We helped a village not lose some of their own. Who knows what helping us stop Clawdius would do for Oogundaa?”

How could Twilight and her friends come to the conclusion of helping Oogundaa? Not that she didn’t expect that. It’s with their own home being in jeopardy, they’re willing to put their own needs aside to help those closest to them. Who knows what Nightfall had done to their land?

“So Mystic,” said Twilight, “Are you going to help us stop King Clawdius?”

Mystic looked at the alicorn and took a glance at her friends by her side. She did see something slightly different about Oogundaa, but this probably won’t change that friendship won’t solve the problem. There was some good left but how long would it last in present circumstances? However, thinking about Cierra and her gang, she remembered her former mentor would just try to save her gang.

Maybe these ponies truly did have something worth fighting for. Mystic didn't know, but the more she thought about it...

And, she did make a promise to Sunshine. But with them already being in Oogundaa, she answered.

“All right. I’m in.”

Twilight beamed. But before she could respond, Mystic heard somecreature scampering over.

“We’ve got company!” Berko cried.

“What? Who?” Mystic heard Faraji ask in a panic as he trotted over.

“More wolves approaching!” Mystic and the Mane Six’s eyes widened as they looked at each other. “And I think we got a report of what seemed to be like... a werewolf?”

Everycreature froze.

“Oh, crap...” said Mystic.

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