• Published 15th Aug 2020
  • 1,267 Views, 191 Comments

Wherever the Light Shines: Part 2 - MLPSolarDash1907

After fighting off a lion, Mystic discovers a plan to invade the land of Equestria. Deciding to travel there, she's unaware she'll run into six familiar faces. In the Crystal Empire, Starlight is looking into spell hypotheses and wants to crack them.

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Chapter 6 - A Starlit Night

It was a peaceful night in the Crystal Empire, the moon’s soft glow reflected off the crystalline streets as some couples went on dates to get out of their houses, the lights of candles were throughout the kingdom, making it look like its own night sky. Some ponies were gazing at the actual night sky with how clear it is, some haven’t been this far north to see the beauty of the sky. Luna’s outdone herself tonight.

In a restaurant, two childhood friends sat around a table, eating the wonderful food provided by the chefs, it's been a night of sweet talk and gestures to one another. More than just what regular friends do. However, both ponies were yet to fully acknowledge it.

“Mmm,” Starlight hummed as she enjoyed the last bit of flavor left in her mouth, “Now, this is a great restaurant.”

“I thought you’d like it,” replied Sunburst, “I come here occasionally after some studying.”

“I’ve certainly enjoyed just being here with you again, things can get a little hectic at Twilight’s,” said Starlight, she smiled, “Not that I don’t enjoy it.”

“I know what you mean, ponies need to get away from responsibilities in life.”

Starlight gave a sly grin, “Oh, really? Says somepony who studies every day and is a crystaller for Flurry Heart.”

Sunburst chuckled awkwardly, “Touché.” She pushed his glasses back to their position, “I guess I should’ve said most ponies.”

Starlight took another sip of the juice as Sunburst went on, “Anyway, Cadance and Shining did want to meet with us sometime during our visit.”

“I bet they want to hear how their Twilight’s doing huh?”

“Wouldn’t surprise me.”

Starlight and Sunburst chuckled again, they’ve just been here enjoying one another’s company, and after Trixie’s magic show, they headed off to hang out. As they sat, Starlight remembered her and Trixie’s last exchanges before they departed ways.

That afternoon

“I’m glad you enjoyed the show, Sunburst!” Trixie said happily.

“Of course, Trixie! We always enjoy your show!” Sunburst agreed.

“What plans do you have for tonight?” Trixie asked with a grin.

“Oh, Sunburst and I are going to go hang out as we always do,” Starlight pitched in.

“Like as an official hang out?”

“Uh yes?”

“Ohhhh, I get it. I think you’ll definitely benefit from your hangout,” Trixie said with a knowing smile.

“Trixie, we’re just hanging out,” said Starlight, feeling a little uncomfortable, knowing Trixie well enough to when she's insinuating something.

“I know,” Trixie chirped, then whispered into Starlight’s ear, “Just let me know when the marriage is happening.”

Starlight froze, making Trixie giggle at her friend’s expense. Starlight had a large blush come over her face.

“See ya!” Trixie chirped again before leaving with her wagon.

Starlight continued to stand there, speechless at Trixie’s insinuation. Was she saying that she and Sunburst were heading out on a date? Sunburst waved his hoof in front of her as she continued to stare.

Present time

Now, Starlight’s wondering; was this a date? She is hanging out with Sunburst and him alone. Did Trixie know of her...little thing for Sunburst? Sure, they loved magic and looking at books together. She's been coming here more often, first monthly, then a couple of weeks at a time. She feels happy around him, fulfilled. They laughed together, played games, even antiqued, for Sunburst's sake, but she's gotten more interested in it.

Lately, Starlight’s been feeling something else for her old childhood friend. She’d been keeping this secret for a while, but with Cadance in the Empire, she thinks the Princess might pick up on it.

But she decides to alleviate her fears by heading over to the dessert table, grabbing a piece of chocolate crème pie and crystal berries. Heading back over to Sunburst, she sat down, lifted a fork with her magic and began eating a piece of the pie.

“Still eating chocolate?” Sunburst chuckled.

“Mmm-hmm! I can’t resist when they have these kinds of pies anywhere,” replied Starlight before taking another bite.

“I’d be careful with how much you eat, though.”

“Hey,” Starlight playfully scoffed, “I can manage my weight just fine!”

“I don’t know, you look a little...” Sunburst trailed off, giving a teasing smile, but Starlight gasped.

“Are you insinuating something?”

“No, but...”

“But what?”

Sunburst only trailed off into chuckling, “Sorry, Starlight, that was terrible of me.” He looked away, embarrassed, “I’m terrible at humor.”

Starlight only rolled her eyes as she smiled and patted his shoulder.

"At least you’re honest about that,” she said, “But if you were good at humor, I’d be the first to know. Besides,” she smirked playfully, "I think it's better when you try more than you succeed. It's adorable."

As Sunburst looked at her with wide eyes, Starlight's eyes widened as she looked away with a light blush and finished off her pie.

How could I have said that in front of Sunburst? she thought, I-I mean it is, but... darn it! Not again! I've gotta save face!

“Oh!” she chirped, “I’m so excited about us learning some new spells that I have basic ideas of!”

“As always, Starlight,” Sunburst smiled, looking calm again.

Score, Starlight, she thought.

“Hey, let’s get out of here and just walk outside,” she said, popping the crystal berries into her mouth.

She got up, left a few bits as a tip, smiling at her childhood friend. The stallion did likewise and he stood up. The couple headed to the cashier and paid for their meal.

“I hope you two have a wonderful evening,” the crystal stallion said, taking the bits and putting them in a register. Before the couple left, he said, “Hey.” Both turned to him and he gave a knowing smile, “Have fun tonight you little lovebirds.” He winked.

Sunburst and Starlight blushed furiously, their faces almost turning beet red as they looked away from one another.

When they were outside in the cool night, their blushes went down, but they still had awkward looks on their faces.

“So...uh...” Sunburst tried to say something.

“Y-Yeah...” Starlight said. That was just awkward! How could he assume such a thing? Besides, I need to get back to those spells and...

She spotted two crystal ponies, a mother and her daughter playing in their yard. Starlight's eyes slightly widened and fekt a sense of sadness come to her.

No... not now, she can't wallow now. I’m out hanging with a friend! She shook her head, trying to clear her head of her waiting objective. But she couldn't help but feel determined to carry it out.

“Oh, that pony doesn’t know us!” Sunburst piped up, trying to alleviate the situation, “We’re just friends that have been reunited after so many years apart!”

“Yes!” Starlight perked up, “Nothing more than that! Just a couple of students of magic, antiquing and kite flying!” Starlight let out an awkward laugh as they got further from the restaurant.


Both cleared their throats, trying to shake off the feeling. Starlight felt more awkward than Sunburst due to thinking of Trixie’s words earlier. Maybe she felt something more for her friend? She looked at that orange mane, blue eyes and... She looked away and spotted the moon's light reflecting off the street.

Moon... light?

Why is she even out here with Sunburst? What would he even say of what she had planned? She began to feel bad about herself. How could she just live with this issue most ponies other than Dad and Twilight somewhat knowing about it? It's a question that haunted her.


She needed to get back to those spells.

No! I’m on a date! No, hang out! Ugh!

Calming down some, both continued their trek, looking around at the different colored houses and buildings of the kingdom. The lights outside each building seemed to make them glow softly in the night, and the crystal streets shimmered under the moon’s light. There's that moon light again. She needs to...

“Oh, I just remembered!” Starlight chirped suddenly, causing Sunburst to jump.

“Wh-what is it?” he asked.

“Remember those spells I brought over?” Starlight asked, her brain working to get something out, Sunburst was about to answer but she went on, “Well I didn’t admit it yet, but I did find a way to make one work.” Yeah, that's gonna work.

“What really?!” Sunburst asked, surprised.

“Yeah! I managed to experiment some and I healed a pony’s leg a yesterday!”

Sunburst’s eyes widened, “Uh, Starlight?”

“Oh, wait, there’s more! I even healed two other ponies’ hindlegs with no complications! I mean sure, it can only heal ponies’ limbs, but I couldn’t help myself and experiment with just one!”

“You did that while you were here?”

“Yes! And...”

“Starlight!” Sunburst shouted.

Starlight paused. “Uh, yes?”

Sunburst sighed. “Starlight, you know what we talked about before.”

It was Starlight’s turn to sigh, “I know, I know. But I just...”

“Starlight, using magic like that to heal ponies can be dangerous.”

“Oh, I forgot to mention that Twilight made sure that it would not be complicated,” Starlight smacked herself on the forehead, forgetting to mention that detail.

At that, Sunburst calmed down some, “She did?”

“Mmm-hmm! She got a pegasus pony from the weather team who nearly broke his leg and he volunteered to try it out,” Starlight explained. she looked into Sunburst’s eyes, speaking with sincerity, “I spent a while practicing before I was sure I could get it.” She sighed, “I wish I told you I was going to try it out, but I just got excited and went ahead with it.”

Sunburst was completely calm now, he placed a hoof on her shoulder, “Well, I am impressed Starlight, you might’ve made spells in the past, but to heal ponies is hard and there’ve been very few ponies far in between throughout history to have healing talents.” He rubbed his chin, “If I recall, there are some healing potions that could be made if some basic unicorn magic amplified certain ingredients it’d help heal.”

“But to heal ponies with healing spells from our horns, that’s when it becomes more impressive,” Starlight put in, proud of herself.

“Strange how we have potions yet it took us a while to find ancient spells to find ways to heal,” Sunburst rubbed his forehead, thinking, “And even then, it takes very strong magic.”

Starlight smirked smugly, “Well, you know me, I don’t try to let a challenge go unchallenged.” She smirked wider, “Especially magic challenges.”

“Just be careful.”

“I am, Twilight and I work more closely these days.”

Sunburst nodded.

Starlight felt slightly guilty, having told a slight lie at the end of her truthfulness. The alicorn didn't know exactly where she'd gotten the spells. Starlight told her she'd found them while on a trip to Sire's Hallow recently to visit her father, which was mostly true. She bottled up her guilt.

This will be for the best, she thought. It will be worth it. I just need to have faith like Twilight and her friends do.

“Speaking of Twilight,” Starlight added, “I sent her a letter earlier telling of my success here.”

Sunburst smiled, “I’m sure she’ll be very impressed, too.”

“Oh, ho, ho, ho, when we get started on the other magic and get them done, she’ll be even more impressed.”

“Wow, you are excited about this trip and these spells.”

Starlight giggled and nodded. Both became silent again, just enjoying one another’s company.

Aside from her slight guilt, Starlight felt as if she had butterflies in her stomach. Was it the food? Was it the excitement of new magic? She can’t put her hoof on it, but she hopes that is the case.

She looked over at Sunburst, he had his gaze a little upwards gazing at the stars. Feeling her cheeks heat up again, she couldn’t help but smile at this geeky unicorn that gives Twilight’s love for books a run for its money. When Sunburst turned to look at her, she snapped her head away and looked up at the sky.

“N-Nice weather huh?” she stammered, “I mean it’s clear out and look at all the stars out!”

“Yes,” replied Sunburst, causing Starlight’s blush to deepen.

Starlight remembered the fun times they had together. It felt almost as if him leaving without saying goodbye or sending her a letter were nothing more than a bad dream. Something she's grown more appreciative of. She felt some doubt come to her once again, mentally cursing herself before bottling it up.

“Starlight,” said Sunburst.

“Yes?” Starlight's heart began racing.

“I found a place in the Empire that I think you would love to see.”

Starlight looked over at him with a curious look.

“Follow me,” he said, smiling, Starlight noticing a light blush on his face.

Starlight blushed too but followed suit as they turned right down the street. All of them see a few couples walking around and enjoying one another’s company. The more they walked, the more Starlight realized that they were getting closer to the outskirts of the Empire. The moon began getting covered up by a mountain and there was less light from it reflecting off the streets.

Moonlight... please don't go! she thought, keeping her emotions at bay and pushing that name of her mother to the back of her mind. What she had planned, it will benefit many ponies and she's not one to let anypony down.

With a newfound determination, Starlight wanted to ask Sunburst where he was taking her, but she trusts him.

No time for this, must get to the magic, a thought came to Starlight’s mind. She felt bewildered, not knowing where that had come from. Was it her imagination or an actual thought she had? Maybe she did eat a little much tonight. She found her determination grow again as she followed her stallion.

“It’s just over here,” said Sunburst.

Starlight nodded, but then she felt slightly dizzy again. She held her head but brushed it off as she joined Sunburst under a tree right next to crystal streets. He sat down and Starlight did as well.

“I came here to this spot a while back, and when I did, the view was spectacular at this time of night,” said Sunburst.

“Oh, really?” Starlight asked with a sly smile, “And how did you come across this place?”

“Well...uhm...” Sunburst trailed off. “Studying.”

“Of course. And?”

“I was a little sleepy from late-night reading. And I had an early morning to the afternoon taking care of Flurry Heart while Cadance and Shining had to go to a summit, I came out here and... fell asleep out of exhaustion while studying,” Sunburst sighed.

Starlight giggled, “You? Falling asleep while studying?” She smirked, “That doesn’t sound like you.”

“No, no it doesn’t.” Sunburst smiled, “But when I woke up, I saw this view.” He pointed out in front of himself.

Starlight looked to see the stars in crystal clear view, with the moon hidden behind the mountain, they could see a sea of stars as if they were diamonds. They all seemed to form swirling patterns across the dark blue sky. But what was even more amazing was how the crystal streets reflected them like a mirror. It was like they were in a sea of stars, above them, and underneath their hooves. Starlight was awestruck, and then, fireflies began twinkling their golden lights, too.

“Ohhhh wow,” she whispered.

“Yes,” said Sunburst, “It’s breathtaking isn’t it?” Starlight didn’t reply but nodded.

“I guess you could say it’s very...” Sunburst slightly blushed, “Starlit.”

The unicorn looked over at her friend, blushing as well, she awkwardly smiled before chuckling. She felt very touched by his gesture.

“S-Starlight...” Sunburst stammered, “I-I know we’ve been friends for a long time...and we always will be. But...”


“It’s just...I think you...you’re very pretty...” when he said that, Starlight’s blush deepened, “And... I really love hanging out with you when you come to visit.” He gulped, “I-I know I probably sound lame but...I...”

Starlight giggled, "I..." She can't help it anymore, this stallion has caught her heart and she won't change anything about it. The feelings, the hangouts, the sweet gestures all made sense. She loved Sunburst.

"Oh, heck," she said, blushing and smiling. Sunburst tried to continue, but she gently pushed her hoof against his lips, she gave him a knowing look. Sunburst's blush turned hot red.

“Just kiss me, silly,” she said softly.

With that, Sunburst leaned in and pressed his lips against Starlight’s, she returned the kiss and both turned it into a passionate kiss. Starlight felt the butterflies return to her stomach, but they felt so good during this moment as well as this magical moment she’d never expected to have with anypony.

She felt Sunburst's hooves wrap around her back and pulled her in closer as she deepened the kiss. Her heart hammered, she melted into the kiss, it's a magical moment she never wanted it to end. While she was enjoying this, an echo of her random thoughts came to her mind again, how is she starting a romantic relationship at this time? She ignored the thought, immersed in the moment and pulling back with a pleased smile.

“Very Starlit indeed,” she said softly. Sunburst smiled and both looked out to the sea of stars again, only a moment later the moon began rising with its white glow on the two new lovers.

Author's Note:

I'm not really a shipper but I can't help but ship Starlight and Sunburst. :twilightsmile: I hope I did okay with this chapter since romance isn't my strong suit when it comes to writing.

I hope you enjoyed. :twilightsmile:

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