• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 6,158 Views, 90 Comments

Neglected - FreedomRiders

In the midst of the Anon-a-Miss crisis, Sunset Shimmer runs away, to find warmth from a complete stranger.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The girls sat in Applejack's room as she watched the storm strengthen outside, donned in their pajamas on the bed. The sky was nearly pitch black, and the rain hadn't stopped. Luckily, it wasn't getting worse either.

"Things won't be so bad tomorrow," Applejack said as she closed her window. "Ya think Sunset's doin' OK out there?"

"Why're you so hung up on that? Sunset deserves what's coming," Rainbow Dash said, frowning at the cowgirl.

"Quite right. If she wanted her friends to worry about her, then she shouldn't have done what she did," Rarity said. "Think of everyone she's affected."

"B-but that doesn't mean we should leave her alone. On the holidays no less," Pinkie Pie said, though her tone was very reluctant. "Even if she's a secret stealing meanie."

"Sunset Shimmer did this to herself," Rainbow Dash said indignantly. "Maybe she'll learn something and take that damn account down."

"Still, we should try and help her..." Fluttershy whispered nervously, only for Rainbow Dash to turn on her.

"Fluttershy, do you really think she deserves it for doing what she's done? She leaked secrets! Our secrets!" she said.

"Dashie's right," Applejack said. "She needs to learn that what she's done just ain't right. Ah thought we were getting through ta her too..." Looking back at the storm, she sighed. "Hopefully she's at least indoors now."

"Quite right. Besides, Sunset Shimmer can handle herself just fine," Rarity said, looking back outside the window.

Fluttershy made to say something more, before looking away and crossing her arms. At the door, Applebloom slowly pulled her head away from the door and snuck back to her room, where her phone was lying motionlessly on her bed.

Coral wiped his hands with the towel hanging from the rack under the sink as the sounds of sizzling and bubbling filled the kitchen. On the gas stove sat two pans and a pot, one filled with sizzling rice and vegetables, and the other pan cooking some garlic and basil scrambled eggs. The pot had simmering soup in it, corn chowder bubbling slightly in the low heat.

It had been well over twenty minutes since they'd gotten home, and Sunset Shimmer had gone in to clean her leg injury with the things under the sink, and Coral noticed that the weather had been getting worse. After Coral said yes to Sunset to using his shower, he decided to start up dinner for the two of them.

After a few minutes of cooking, Coral shut off the stove and started to scoop fried rice into a few plates, before grabbing two bowls and ladling corn chowder in them. He didn't hear the shower door open from afar as he began to garnish the chowder bowls, adding a few basil leaves and sprinkling in a few bits of Parmesan cheese.

"Something smells nice."

Coral turned to see Sunset Shimmer fully dressed while drying her hair with a towel, careful not to let any water drip on the hardwood floor. "Thanks for letting me use the shower, I feel better already," she said as she set the towel on a chair.

"No problem. Holiday spirit and all," Coral said before looking away. "Well, not like I wouldn't help even when it's not the holidays."

"Yeah. So I'll just be on my way, ya know, get out of your hair and all," Sunset Shimmer said before Coral switched on the radio, the volume at a pretty high level. "Rain should clear up by tomorrow, but the intensity of the temperatures and water could result in a few centimetres of flooding. All residents are recommended to find shelter, and stay inside. Now for the breaking news-" the radio said before Coral switched it off.

Sunset raised an eyebrow before peeking out the window, only to be blinded for a brief second by a flash of lightning nearby. The boom of thunder filled the air, and Sunset shook herself out of her rattled state a second later. "OK, I see your point," she reluctantly muttered.

"I mean, I hope I'm not being creepy...being a total stranger and all. Not everyone is nice, so I though I'd help you when you needed it..." Coral said. "Sorry, I'm being weird."

"Ugh, don't worry about it," Sunset Shimmer reassured, embarrassed at how vulnerable she was back in that alley. How could she be independent and strong when words brought her to such a low point in her life? Then again...it was who those words came from that broke her. "I did need the help...I'm glad I took your offer. You know, as long as you don't...start being a creep."

"Yeah. Come on, food's getting cold," Coral chuckled, bringing the plates and bowls out to the small table in the dining room. As Sunset walked over to the table, she sighed.

"It's not poison, is it?" Sunset asked cautiously. "S-sorry! I just get nervous, never really, uhh..."

Coral chuckled before sitting down. "Nope. If I put anything remotely bad in food I'm serving, I'd never get visitors," he said as he passed out the spoons. "Still, I get what you're saying, being creepy and all."

Sunset snorted as she sat down across from Coral, looking down at the food before her. "Looks good," she said as she shifted in the chair. "What is it?"

"Fried rice and corn chowder. The fried rice is an online recipe but the corn chowder is one I personally made up. Kernels and simmered creamed corn," Coral said, a hint of pride in his voice.

"You like cooking, huh?" Sunset Shimmer said as she poked the rice with her spoon curiously. She'd never had much homemade food before, having only eaten at Applejack's a few months ago. Her mood significantly dropped as she remembered that experience.

"Yep. Used to cook with my mom when I was a kid," Coral said. "Loved recipes, made new ones and experimented with them. Though a lot of them were failures."

"Heh, reminds me of someone I know," Sunset Shimmer said as she thought back to a young lavender alicorn princess back through the mirror writing in her journal about some funny experiences back in the pony world.

"Is that a good thing?" Coral said, smiling. Sunset smiled back before thunder cracked down again, the two of them wincing at the boom of nature. "Let's eat before it gets cold," Coral said, as he reached to the window and shut the folds, muffling the sound of some of the heavy rainfall outside.

"R-right," Sunset said as she spooned some of the seasoned and fried rice up to her mouth, before hesitantly lowering it. As she looked at it, she also noticed bits of scrambled egg and vegetables mixed around in it. "There's no meat, is there?"

"Huh? Oh, nah. No meat. Wasn't sure if you were into that so I sorta played it safe. Unless you're a carnivore and a plant killer or something," Coral said, before chuckling nervously.

Sunset Shimmer raised an eyebrow at the wacky explanation before smiling. "Yeah, I'm not a meat person. Thanks for considering," she said before taking a bite.

"No problem," Coral said anxiously, watching Sunset Shimmer as she chewed silently. Then he looked down quickly when he realized he was staring. "Is...is it good?"

"Hm? Yeah, it's great," Sunset Shimmer said after she swallowed. "Just...thinking to myself, is all."

"About what?" Coral asked. "By the way, I know I'll probably sound pushy or something, but I am concerned about why you were alone out there in the first place."

"I-it's not your issue. Just a friends...well, ex-friends thing, is all," Sunset reassured, taking another bite. "High school was rough."

"High school? Do you go to Canterlot High?" Coral asked.

"Yeah. Why, did you used to go there?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Yeah," Coral said. "Average high school, graduated without too much of an issue. Why?"

"Canterlot High is the farthest thing from average, trust me," Sunset thought in slight amusement before looking down, dragging her spoon in a circle in the fried rice. "Well...I somehow got the entire school against me."

"Huh? Explain," Coral said softly. Sunset Shimmer explained her past as a bully, then her redemption arc, as she liked to call it minus anything magic or pony related. Then came the Anon-A-Miss incident. She explained how the account labeled her as the villain, and how she was suddenly hated by the entire school practically overnight. More importantly, she talked about how friends refused to see her at all during that time.

By the time she finished explaining, Coral was seething in anger. "And you still call these...these people your friends?" he asked. Sunset Shimmer was surprised to see such fury in his expression, and she quickly backtracked.

"W-well, I'm sure it was a misunderstanding...I bet if they just apologize, it'll all blow over-" Sunset stuttered awkwardly, hoping to diffuse the situation quickly.

"Sorry, but I don't see that happening. From what I'm hearing, this isn't something you just...just apologize for. They accuse you of something you don't do, and they basically throw all the good things about you in the trash!" Coral spat angrily. "A simple and lazy 'sorry' isn't gonna fix that! It'll only make them think they can do whatever they want and you'll let them get away with it!"

"No!" Sunset said, surprised by his sudden spiteful behavior. "They'll see it's not me, and it'll all be over!"

"It won't!" Coral yelled, before freezing and covering his face in exasperation. "Sorry...I didn't mean to get riled up like this, but this is so unfair...how could they just do that to you?"

"I know..." Sunset Shimmer said. "And I'm really mad. But I don't wanna mad...I just wanna forget about it..."

Coral sighed, his eyes softening. "I get that. Too bad this kind of stuff stays with you for a long time..."

Sunset looked up to Coral, curious. "You...know what that's like?"

"Well...not me. An old friend. He was constantly blamed for everything by everyone. He was smart, kind, and always helpful. Kids back in my old school took advantage of that and he got in trouble for everything, even though he didn't do a single thing wrong," Coral explained sadly. "He was labeled as a bad kid...no one wanted to be friends with him...and the bullies just kept throwing him under bus after bus until..."

He stopped. "He had enough. The police found his body in the water the next day. The bullies didn't give a damn whether he died or not...and they just went looking for another scapegoat. Everyone just moved on, said 'good riddance he was gone'. But I won't forget...I can't..." he finished.

Sunset Shimmer's hand were over her mouth, her eyes displaying horror. "Oh..." was all she could say. "I...I'm so sorry..."

"Don't worry about it...I've gotten over most of it. But I don't think I'll ever get why people do that...why they could just abuse and manipulate trust like that..." Coral whispered.

"Like I said, it was a misunderstanding..." Sunset Shimmer protested weakly.

"But whoever's framing you obviously doesn't care about that!" Coral pointed out. "And no one thinks you're innocent?"

Sunset didn't say anything, and Coral sighed. "Look...I don't see why you'd be so willing to forgive and forget. Personally, I think you should be given some time on this. Some problems can't be solved so quickly."

"I guess..." Sunset Shimmer said, and the two went back to eating, more awkwardly than before. When they were done, Coral was washing the dishes and Sunset was still sitting at the table.

"Look, I'm...I'm sorry for making you relive such bad memories..." Sunset said. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," Coral said kindly. "I get why you wanna get over your issue too...I didn't mean to try and make you hold a grudge, I'm sorry for yelling."

"But you weren't trying to make me be mean, weren't you?" Sunset Shimmer said. "I guess I understand where you're coming from after your story, and I'll think more on that. Thanks for the dinner, but right now, I need to get home and get started on homework."

"Oh no you don't," Coral stepped in. "It's gonna be raining well into midnight, maybe until the next morning. You aren't going back out there. As for homework, I can help."

"I-I don't wanna impose-" Sunset protested.

"You won't. House is pretty big and it's been a while since I had company. I could help with your homework and maybe...we could play some video games?" Coral offered.

Sunset Shimmer suddenly gained a rather sly smirk. "I see...is this a date?" she asked. Coral went from being polite to being a blushing and stuttering mess trying to backtrack his words, making Sunset laugh loudly. "Just teasing. And yeah, I'd like that. Though, am I sleeping over?"

"Oh. Ohh..." Coral said, the realization finally setting in. "Y-yeah, I have a sleeper sofa in the living room, and it has a heater next to it. P-plus spare blankets and pillows and...well, if you don't mind. It's rough out there, and I don't wanna leave you uncomfortable..."

"Thanks...it's been a while since someone's been so kind. Just lemme know if I'm imposing and-" Sunset Shimmer stated before Coral once again interrupted.

"Just glad I could help someone," he said. "I have spare clothes and a bunch of old books and E-books to help you with your homework. What do you need help with?"

"Trigonometry and a research paper for the Odyssey," Sunset Shimmer said.

Coral winced before clearing his throat. "Well...I guess I can try," he said. "Or at least give you the material and awkwardly watch as you do schoolwork more efficiently than I could ever hope to do."

Sunset Shimmer giggled as Coral looked down, a blush on his face. Still, he smiled, content with any sliver of happiness he could provide. "Hey, this makes us friends, right?" Coral asked.

Sunset Shimmer blinked in surprise before smiling. "Yeah...friends..." she said. "As long as you don't do anything creepy."

"Oh my GOD you're not gonna let that go," Coral mumbled as Sunset giggled. Hours passed, and Sunset Shimmer managed to complete the homework with little issue, and now both Sunset Shimmer and Coral were playing racing games in front of the television in the living room. Around 11:20 PM, the rain was still going hard, and the two were now tired, but happy.

"Honestly, I haven't had that much fun since..." Sunset Shimmer said, sighing as her smile gave way for a brief frown, which Coral spotted.

"Something to do with your friends?" Coral asked.

"Yeah...I'd rather not dwell on it," Sunset Shimmer mumbled. "Thanks...for everything."

Coral smiled. "No problem. I hope you're feeling better?" he asked. When he got a smile in return, he felt as if everything would be alright. Thunder once again boomed in the distance, and the two lost sight of each other and turned to the window, where a brief flash of lightning was visible through the closed curtains. "Well...I guess we'd better get to bed before the storm gets worse. I have a spare toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet. I'm gonna go set up the sleeper sofa," he said.

Sunset Shimmer coughed awkwardly and smiled. "T-thanks..." she said as she got up and yawned. "Sorry for keeping you up..."

"No worries, I usually sleep like...way later," Coral reassured. "Online classes and such. Not tonight, since it's a Friday."

"I see," Sunset Shimmer said as she made her way down the hall to the bathroom, which was at the very end of the hallway. Coral just smiled as he shut down the console and television, before pulling out the sofa and dusting it off. Sunset Shimmer was done brushing her teeth when Coral just set out the pillows and blankets, as well as a futon.

"Go ahead and get yourself comfy, I'm gonna go get myself ready for bed," Coral said. "Good night."

"Good night. And thank you again," she said. Coral smiled to Sunset before heading down the hallway to his room, Sunset sighing as she got ready to go to sleep.