• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 6,174 Views, 90 Comments

Neglected - FreedomRiders

In the midst of the Anon-a-Miss crisis, Sunset Shimmer runs away, to find warmth from a complete stranger.

  • ...

Chapter 5

The girls stared in what was likely pure shock rather than anything related to offense. Sunset Shimmer was also in shock, mainly because of the fact someone actually stood up to them at all.

"E-Excuse me?" Rarity gasped, shocked by the sudden profanity aimed right at her. "How dare you talk to us that way!"

"Why do you think I dare to? You clearly had no problem talking much worse to her," Coral said. Sunset Shimmer was silent, as were the other girls. Sunset Shimmer was the most shocked, as no one had ever stood up for her over this drama, not a stranger of all people.

"Well excuse me for tryna do the right thing and stop her before-" Applejack said, but Coral was quick on the draw.

"The right thing? Coming in and attacking this girl with hurtful words is the right thing?" Coral said. "I need all of you to leave. Right now."

"What?! You can't make us-" Pinkie Pie said, her voice rising in both pitch and volume before Rarity stopped her by tapping on her shoulder.

"Well, it is his house..." Rarity said meekly, a bit embarrassed upon the realization that they were doing some pretty bad things as well. "Come on girls, we are intruding."

"But, he's helping Sunset Shimmer! And he was robbing that warehouse earlier!" Rainbow Dash said before turning to see the boxes stacked by the hallway. She zipped over to them and opened one immediately. "See?! He was stealing...jackets?"

Rainbow Dash held up a familiar leather jacket, and the girls looked over to the boxes. Before Coral could tell them to leave again, Pinkie Pie dove into the boxes and popped right out of one. "Blankets? A bunch of books?" she said.

"Umm..." Sunset Shimmer said. "He was just collecting my stuff from...my home..."

The girls gasped, Fluttershy especially. "You were living in a warehouse?" she whispered in horror, which only made Sunset Shimmer recoil and look away. "But...why didn't you tell us?"

"Wait, did you stalk me?" Coral asked. Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked away, confirming his thoughts. "Alright, what the fuck."

"Does it matter?" Rainbow Dash said sourly.

"Yes it does!" Fluttershy cried, much to the surprise of everyone else. "How could we not even notice that she lived in an abandoned warehouse this entire time?"

"You never asked," Sunset Shimmer said quietly.

"Oh, now you're gonna-" Rainbow Dash said, about to take a step towards her before Coral spoke up again, trumping her voice with his in terms of volume.

"Can you all stop?!" Coral finally shouted. "Drop her things and get out of here right now before I call the cops. I will not say it again." He held his phone in his hand, and the girls knew he meant business. Slowly, they left the house, though Rainbow Dash and Applejack did shoot glares at Sunset Shimmer as they left.

Fluttershy had a heartbroken look as she looked at the girl on the floor before she too left. "I'm so sorry about them," she said. "A-and about your nose...and door."

Coral sighed, all the fight clearly draining out of him. "Just go..." he said tiredly, neither refusing nor accepting Fluttershy's apology. As she left, he shut the door and went to Sunset Shimmer. "Hey..." he said.

Sunset Shimmer lunged forward and tackled him in a hug, sending the both of them tumbling over the couch. Before Coral could tell her to get off or ask what's going on, he froze when he realized she was wracking with sobs. Awkwardly patting her back, Coral waited for Sunset to stop crying and calm down.

She did so about five minutes later, but for the both of them, those five minutes lasted for all about five hours.

The next day, early in the morning, Principal Celestia was greeted by a rather surprising call from Sunset Shimmer of all people. "What do you mean, you can't handle it anymore?" she asked, a bit concerned.

"I'm not going to hurt myself if that's what you're worried about," Sunset Shimmer whispered. She wasn't able to sleep at all, especially with the girls knowing where she was staying. "I...I can't go back there."

"But what about your classes? We already have a plan implemented to cut down on the bullying-" Celestia said. She was one of the few who had doubts over Sunset Shimmer's actions. While she didn't believe that she could do something like this, she couldn't do much about it until the matter was investigated further.

"Screw my classes! You can't stop the others...they'll just attack me again," Sunset Shimmer whimpered. "I can't go through that again. Nobody will listen when I say it isn't me...I wouldn't go back like that. I don't even know if you believe me or not..."

"I...I don't currently have a view on the situation," the principal confessed awkwardly. "I need to get a closer look at what's been going on...but because of how chaotic and toxic the website is, it's been rather difficult to try and pinpoint where it started."

"Don't bother...whoever's framing me would probably cover their tracks. It's what I'd do," Sunset Shimmer sighed. "I won't go back there. I thought I could get better, but someone will just stop me from improving. If that's stopped, then someone else will do it. And it'll never ever end. I want to leave..."

Principal Celestia sighed as she looked away. She felt so much shame over what had been happening under her nose, and despite Sunset Shimmer's rough years to the other students, the amount of pain those students put her through was no justification at all. "I have failed you as a principal...and as a figure of authority," the principal sighed before putting herself back on the phone. "I'll have you transferred."

The principal heard a crash as Sunset Shimmer clambered back to the phone. "I'm sorry, what?" the teen asked.

"I can transfer you to...Crystal Prep Academy," Principal Celestia said. She heard Sunset Shimmer gasp and she couldn't blame her. Everyone knew Crystal Prep Academy was one of the largest rivals of Canterlot High, something that went far beyond mere sportsmanship. And despite Sunset Shimmer being a bully when she first showed up, she was also one of the smartest girls around.

Celestia hated to "give" such a model student - well, starting recently, she was a model student - to a rival, Celestia knew that it was a far safer option for Sunset Shimmer. There was no doubt that Crystal Prep would be bullies at first, but the principal had no doubt that Sunset Shimmer would be able to handle such a prestigious preparatory academy with the classroom capabilities she had.

Even if Canterlot would take a hit because of it.

"You-you're serious?" Sunset Shimmer whispered.

"I know it must be a big step. But this is the safest option I can give you. If you don't like it, we can come up with another option that will help fix-" Celestia said.

"I'll take it. Just...I'm so sorry for causing all this. I'm innocent in this whole Anon-A-Miss mess," Sunset Shimmer said. "But it never would've happened if I hadn't been such a bitch when I first started going to Canterlot."

Celestia didn't comment on that choice of profanity - she felt it could be excused given the circumstances. "I understand. I wish things were different as well. Just know that I am proud of your change," Celestia said as she turned around. "And I wish you all the luck for the upcoming future." Leaning the phone between her shoulder and her face, Principal Celestia dug through a folder for a transfer form. "Your transition period will be seamless. Next Monday is when you start. I'll provide you a school district issued bus pass for long term travels once I receive one from Crystal Prep."

"Thank you. I don't think any of us will be happy with this...but thank you. I really need this," Sunset Shimmer said, and Celestia could hear her student...no, former student wiping away a layer of mucus from her nose.

"I...I appreciate the thanks," Celestia said. "But it is not at all necessary. I'll miss you, Sunset Shimmer."

And so, the call ended.

Sunset Shimmer handed back the phone to Coral, who looked at her in concern. "You're just going to give up?" he asked. "What about proving your innocence?"

Sunset Shimmer sighed sadly before looking up at the young man who took her in, protected and cared for her when she needed it most. "It'll never be proven. Not after my guilt from much earlier." She walked over and hugged him. "I just wanted to thank you. I don't think I could have the heart to turn them away even if..."

"Hey, they were your friends," Coral said, returning the embrace at full earnest. "No one should have to go through that sorta shit. So, what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to Crystal Prep," Sunset Shimmer said. "New school...away from the drama."

"Oh, I had a neighbor whose son used to go to that school. The bus passes by here at like seven in the morning," Coral said as he broke the hug. "Though I heard that school is like super hard to get through. Fancy schmancy academy and whatnot."

"Don't worry about me," Sunset Shimmer said before wincing. "Well, kind of hard not to worry after what happened, but I'll be fine. Believe it or not, I can fight. And I was one of the best in Canterlot. I'll be able to prove I'm a smartass like one of them in no time."

Coral nodded before yawning. "Well, I should be getting to work. Just stay inside and do NOT let anybody in. If someone breaks in, call the cops and hide in the cellar-"

"Hey, I can handle it. All I can do is wait anyway, so I'll be on guard at all times," Sunset Shimmer said.

"I know, I just..." Coral said. "I'm scared. Seeing you cry the other day was more or less heart wrenching. If something worse happened to you..."

Sunset Shimmer flushed a little, a bit touched by how much he cared for her. Then she frowned at the thought of a stranger caring for her more than her best friends...

Though, Coral isn't a stranger anymore, is he? He was so much more than a person who found her in an alley, injured and soaked by the rain.

Sunset Shimmer just pat his shoulder. "I'll stay indoors and safe, I promise," she said. "Now get going, you don't wanna be late for work."

A few minutes later, Coral had everything he needed to get to work, heading to his vehicle in the driveway. As the large car pulled out, Sunset Shimmer decided to make herself some breakfast. She would've made Coral some earlier, but the young man had mentioned that he usually operates off a sandwich and coffee before starting work.

Scrambled eggs and hash browns weren't too difficult to make, and within ten minutes, she was munching quietly while on Coral's laptop, pulling up the official website of Crystal Preparatory Academy to look up what she should be ready for when it comes to this new school. As far as she knew, she didn't know what to expect.

She spent a half hour looking up class curriculums, after school activities, school guidelines and regulations, expectations, school uniforms, and scheduling. Despite the stricter timetables and various other things that made Crystal Prep so much more different than the more traditional public high school of Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer found herself enjoying her planning and preparations.

She did used to be Princess Celestia's student, after all. After she was done, she got up to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen, when she heard a knock.

"S-Sunset Shimmer?" a familiar timid voice whispered from the door. Sunset Shimmer gasped and nearly dropped her plate on the floor, playing a convoluted game of hot potato with the fragile plate before finally securing it with a quiet sigh of relief. "I-if you're in there, can you o-open the door? I promise I'm alone..."

Sunset Shimmer didn't need to slip to the window to know that Fluttershy was likely standing in front of the door, hands wrapped around herself as she waited. For a moment, Sunset Shimmer was tempted to let Fluttershy inside. Heck, she probably should have - but fear kept her from approaching the door.

Sunset Shimmer only stood dumbly at the kitchen in silence for a few minutes. Finally, Fluttershy spoke again. "I...I know you won't listen...I don't deserve to be listened. But I know it's not your fault. When we saw you...I saw you crying...I knew it couldn't be you," the animal caretaker whispered. Despite the distance and Fluttershy's quiet volume, her words rang like a high quality video playing in Sunset Shimmer's eyes.

Sniffling, Fluttershy continued. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry we hurt you. We broke your heart...I broke your heart when we turned you away. I was the one who told the others where I saw you the other day...I only hurt you more. The girls and I went too far, I know that now. I don't deserve forgiveness. I just want you to know how sorry I am...and that I hope we can fix what we had..."

Sunset Shimmer quietly slid down to the floor against the wall, and Fluttershy let out a nervous shudder. "I...I'll leave you alone now..." she said. A few steps were heard, then nothing. Sunset Shimmer thought hard on Fluttershy's words...a second person who believed her innocent. Even if she didn't think so before.

What difference does it make?

Without a word, Sunset Shimmer went back to the laptop on the table and went back to scrolling. After all, she had to prepare to go to Crystal Preparatory Academy.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. I was confirmed to be sick with a LOT of stuff, and I also had my wisdom teeth removed. On the bright side, I have been planning this story for a long time while I was out, and I plan on trying to get back into it despite my current state. Thanks for the patience.

Next time, Coral helps Sunset Shimmer heal, and the rest of the girls learn what's going on.