• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 1,182 Views, 2 Comments

Separated - Twilight Star

Twilight and Luna are forced to not leave their house and not see each other because of a virus that begins to manifest itself in Equestria. Can Spike and Celestia find a solution for this?

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I miss Twilight / Luna

It was unexpected. They never imagined it would happen, but it did. Coronavirus started to manifest itself in Equestria. Mayor Mare had called all the ponies in Ponyville for an announcement. Many were curious, but also confused. What would Mayor Mare say? They expected anything. It could be about the a celebration for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, or that Celestia and Luna would visit Ponyville to announce something or perhaps that the princesses would go to Ponyville to spend time with their subjects. But no. It wasn’t it. Mayor Mare announced the arrival of the Coronavirus. A virus that transmits flu, but that had no cure, at least at the moment. So she recommended that all ponies stay at home and only leave the house if it was really necessary. Like to buy food, for example. School and pony jobs were canceled until quarantine ended. Although the ponies were saddened by the news, they did what Mare said. The city of Ponyville was now mostly empty. There was no pony outside the house. Nobody was daring to leave the house. Nopony wanted to catch this virus without a cure. Most ponies were sad, as they couldn’t see their friends. And one of those ponies was Twilight Sparkle. It was the same in Canterlot, except it was Celestia announced the arrival of the Coronavirus.

Luna was on the balcony of her room, watching Canterlot. There was no one walking the streets of Canterlot because of the Coronavirus. She was nothing, but sad. She wasn’t sad that there was no one on the street, but that she was unable to go to Twilight Sparkle because they would have a date, but unfortunately it was canceled due to the news of the Coronavirus starting to manifest. She had asked, begged Celestia to let her go to Ponyville, but Celestia told her to stay in the castle for her and the subjects’ safety. Luna, sadly, obeyed Celestia. She didn’t know what she would do during that long quarantine. As much as she had Celestia to talk to her and keep her company, the one she wanted most at the moment was Twilight.

“Luna? Are you alright?”

Luna looked back sadly and saw Celestia looking at her with concerned eyes.

“No, sister. I’m not well,” she replied.

Celestia approached Luna. “What happened, Luna? You can tell me.”

“I miss Twilight Sparkle,” replied Luna, now crying. “I wish there was a way for me to be able to speak to Twilight from a long distance. But I don’t know how.”

“Luna, don’t be like this. I will think of a solution, I promise!” said Celestia.

Luna looked at Celestia, still sad. “But do you think you can solve this?”

“I won’t give up until I see you happy again, Luna.” suddenly, Celestia felt herself being hugged by Luna.

“Thank you, Celestia. You’re the best sister in the world,” said Luna, now smiling as she hugged Celestia with her hooves

Celestia soon smiled and returned the hug with her hooves. “Thank you, Luna.”

Twilight looked at Ponyville through her bedroom window. Her ears were down while she had a sad expression on her face. She couldn’t believe this happened. Why did this have to happen? How did this virus get to Equestria? She didn’t understand that. It didn’t make sense! Now, she had to stay at the Friendship Castle until the quarantine was over. I mean, she could go out and buy food, but she already had it at home. She couldn’t go out to see Luna at Canterlot. Since if she did that, chances were she and Luna would be infected with this virus.

“I miss her.” Twilight said to herself. She wondered how Luna was during that quarantine.

Twilight blew out a breath as she looked at the window and put the hoof on the window. Twilight wondered how long this quarantine would last. Today was just the first day, and she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Twilight? It’s all right?”

Twilight Sparkle looked back and saw Spike looking at her with concern. “No. It isn’t alright.”

Spike approached Twilight Sparkle. “What happened, Twilight?”

Twilight Sparkle looked uncertain. She didn’t know whether to tell Spike. “I don’t know, Spike. You’re just a baby dragon.”

“Twilight, you can tell me what you’re feeling,” said Spike now smiling.

Twilight let out a breath. Knowing Spike, he wouldn’t give up until he discovered the cause of her sadness. She decided she would tell.

“Okay, Spike. I’ll tell you,” said Twilight Sparkle.

“Great. I’m listening!” said Spike with a smile.

Twilight Sparkle turned to Spike. “You know that Luna and I have become best friends since Nightmare Night, don’t you?”

“Yes, Twilight. You and she have been seeing each other quite often since your first Nightmare Night.”

“And you know that we’re dating now, don’t you?”

“Yes, Twilight. It’s been nine years since you and her started dating. Why?”

Twilight started walking sadly. She could feel tears in her eyes.

“I miss her, Spike,” said Twilight Sparkle.

Spike didn’t hear it right. “What?”

“I miss her, Spike!” whined Twilight Sparkle. “We had planned a dating today, but unfortunately it had to be canceled!”

Spike felt sad for Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight, why don’t you do something to make yourself feel less sad? How to read a book, for example?”

“I’m sorry, Spike. But my sadness is greater. I’m not in the mood to read at the moment,” said Twilight Sparkle as she went to the balcony to watch Ponyville. Spike just sadly watched Twilight walk over to the balcony.

He needed to come up with a solution, he would think of one. Spike looked at a watch and saw that it was almost noon. Who knows, as long as he make the lunch, he doesn’t think about it and manage to find a solution to the problem of Twilight?

Luna was still sad and sitting on the balcony. She wanted there to be a way to communicate with Twilight. But she didn’t know how. She was struggling not to cry as she turned her head to the left. Some tears started to come out of her eyes.

“Princess Luna! Lunch is already on the table!”

Luna’s ears perked up when she heard a voice. She looked back and saw that it was a royal guard. She wiped the tears away with a hoof.

“Thanks for letting me know. I’ll be going,” said Luna.

While the royal guard left the place, Luna rose from the floor, left the balcony and her room and closed the door to her room, but still with sadness present on her face. She started to think and worry that this quarantine would last forever, and that it meant that she would never be able to see Twilight again. She just hoped it wasn’t true and it didn’t.

She looked at the golden door that was in front of her. She opened the door with her magic and entered the room. Luna noticed that Celestia was already having lunch. On the table, there was water, juice, salad, pasta with tomato sauce, rice and beans.

Celestia heard footsteps, she stopped what she was doing and smiled when she saw Luna approaching and sitting next to her. But her smile fell when she noticed that Luna was still sad. She was still trying to come up with an idea that Luna and Twilight could see each other without having to go to another city to visit. But at the moment, no idea came. She hoped she could come up with something to help Luna. Who knows while she ate, she didn’t come up with an idea?

Twilight was hoofed on the balcony while her face covered her mouth. Tears came out of her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

Spike approached the balcony to call Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight! Lunch is ready!”

Twilight stopped crying and opened her eyes and wiped the tears from her eyes. Her eyes were red from the fact that she cried. She rubbed her hooves over her eyes because of the blurred vision. But her expression didn’t waver after that. She got up and left the place sadly. She wondered if Spike managed to come up with any idea that she and Luna could see each other or talk without going to the city where the other lives.

But at least, Twilight already had plans for what she would do after lunch. She was going to do the same thing she was doing while crying: Sitting on the balcony. Upon arriving in the dining room, she didn’t notice, but Spike was making the Twilight sandwich. When she sat down, Spike handed the daisy sandwich to Twilight. She picked up the sandwich with her magic and started eating it while putting a hoof on her cheek. Twilight didn’t realize it, but Spike watched her eat while eating his cucumber sandwich and trying to find a solution to Twilight’s problem.

He started to think. What Twilight did to communicate with Princess Celestia when they were far from each other? He started to remember when Twilight was just a unicorn and a student of Princess Celestia and started living in Ponyville and sending letters regularly about what she learned about friendship. Perhaps, during that quarantine, Twilight could talk to Luna by letters.

“Twilight! I have a solution for your problem,” said Spike.

Twilight looked at Spike as she swallowed the piece of sandwich and smiled hopefully. “Really? Did you find a solution?”

“Yes. I found a solution,” replied Spike.

“Which is? Which is?” asked Twilight Sparkle in an animated tone, her ears rised.

“Since you can’t see Luna in person, why don’t you talk to her in letters?”

Twilight’s animation changed to uncertainty as her ears drooped. “Talking to Luna by letters?”

“Sure, Twilight. You already sent letters to Celestia when you were her student about what you learned about friendship, and you even talked to her in letters sometimes too. I don’t see why you shouldn’t send letters to talk to Luna either.” explained Spike.

“I don’t know, Spike,” Twilight looked sideways uncertainly and scratched his knee. “She may be asleep at this time of day... I would feel guilty if I woke up Luna...”

“Twilight, Luna may be the princess of the night and sleep during the day, but she is more awake during the day than she is sleeping from now on.” explained Spike.

“But what if she is busy?” asked Twilight Sparkle, still unsure whether or not to do this.

“Twilight, Luna may be a princess, but you two are marefriends, she will always have time to chat with you.”

Twilight Sparkle looked at Spike with a small smile. “Do you really think?”

“Sure, Twilight,” replied Spike. Suddenly, he was gripped by the magic of Twilight and was embraced.

“Thank you, Spike.” thanked Twilight Sparkle.

Spike’s surprise changed to happiness. “My pleasure.”

Twilight stopped hugging Spike, brought out a red feather, ink and parchment and started writing.

Luna and Celestia had just finished eating. Celestia watched Luna sadly leave the room. As she had no duty at the moment, she decided that she would continue to help Luna. The sad thing is that Celestia was unable to come up with a solution yet so that Luna could talk to Twilight even when she was having lunch. She followed Luna as she tried to think about how to solve this problem. She started to think. How could Luna talk to Twilight without her having to go to Ponyville because of the virus?

She started to remember when she got letters about what Twilight learned about friendship and when they even got to talk by letters. I mean, she and Twilight sometimes talked by letters, only it wasn’t that often, since Twilight had friends, but that didn’t mean Twilight stopped going to her to ask for advice. She smiled with joy at what she just thought. Perhaps, Luna could talk to Twilight by letters.

Upon reaching Luna’s bedroom door, she knocked on the door with a hoof. “Luna? Are you there? I can enter?”

“Yes Sister. You can come in,” replied Luna.

Celestia opened her bedroom door with her magic and saw that Luna was on the balcony. She approached Luna with a smile.

“Luna, I had an idea to solve your problem,” said Celestia.

Luna looked back, still sad. “What’s your idea?”

“You could talk to Twilight by letters.”

Luna smiled. She liked the idea of ​​Celestia. “It’s a good idea, sister.”

Suddenly, a rolled parchment appeared beside Luna and fell to the floor. Luna was surprised. She didn’t expect to receive a letter now. Was it for her? Or was it for Celestia? She looked at Celestia as she was confused.

“Celestia, should I open the scroll or you should open it?” asked Luna. “Like, Twilight usually writes for you. I don’t even know if it’s for me or if it’s for you.”

“Well, the scroll appeared on your side, so I believe it is for you.” explained Celestia with a smile.

Luna smiled. It even made sense what Celestia said. She picked up the parchment from the floor with her magic, opened it and began to read, but didn’t read it aloud.

Hi, Luna. How are you feeling? I was sad before because I wouldn’t be able to talk to you, but Spike gave me the idea of ​​me talking to you by letters. Would you like to talk to me by letters? I wait for your answer. Signed your marefriend, Twilight Sparkle.

Luna smiled as she read. Celestia’s happiness changed to curiosity.

“Luna, who’s a letter from?” she asked.

Luna looked at Celestia, still smiling. “It’s from Twilight Sparkle, sister.”

Celestia soon smiled at the answer. “And are you going to answer her? Are you going to talk to her by by letters during this quarantine?”

“Of course I will,” replied the younger sister. “At least now I will be able to talk to Twilight from a distance.”

Luna brought out a red quill, ink and parchment, and started writing the answer. Celestia just watched with a smile. She was happy that Luna wasn’t so sad anymore. Celestia, seeing that Luna was happy and that she didn’t need her help, decided to leave the room.

At least Luna will have something to do during this quarantine and will be able to chat Twilight, even being away from her.

Twilight was now inside the room, reading a book on the bed to distract herself while waiting for Luna’s answer. She really hoped that Luna wasn’t busy today. Spike was sitting on her right side, reading with his mother. To the left of it was ink, various scrolls and the quill.

Suddenly, Spike felt like he was going to throw up. Twilight stopped reading and looked at Spike with concern.

“Spike? Are you all right?” she asked.

Spike belched a green fire and a rolled scroll appeared. Twilight took the scroll with her magic, opened it and started reading.

Hi love. Before, I was feeling sad, since I couldn’t see you for us to talk to. But my sister Celestia gave me the idea that I would send you letters during the quarantine. I read your letter and realized that you wrote that Spike also gave you the idea of ​​writing letters. And I would love to talk to you by letters. It is a pity that we will not be able to see each other during the quarantine, but I hope that we will be able to see each other again when that quarantine is over. I hope we can talk a lot through letters. Signed Luna.

Twilight took her quill, ink and parchment, and started writing another letter to Luna. Spike just watched with a smile. He was happy that Twilight was no longer sad and that everything was resolved in the end. Now, Twilight and Luna could talk all day, and even at night. With the two mares doing this, the quarantine would end faster than they imagined.

Comments ( 2 )

Haven’t even read this yet but I can tell this will be good.

Wow this is the first story I see about the coronavirus in equestria a sn how they feel about like us, well I have not read it yet but it’s looks good.

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