• Published 3rd May 2020
  • 581 Views, 52 Comments

The Slayer 6 - MrAquino

The Students 6 Wind up in the World of Dauntless.

  • ...

Trophy Hunt

Gallus, Smolder, and Yona sat together in the ship, ready to tackle the next behemoth. Yona still looked giddy, wearing her new armor and wielding her new hammer, though Gallus and Smolder prepared themselves. Their next hunt was a lesser Embermane, aka, the behemoth they first encountered upon entering the Shattered Aisles. Though they weren't with their savior, now equipped with weapons and armor, they were prepared to take it on. Like the last hunt, they jumped out of the ship as it zoomed over the island, with Yona not getting herself stuck, but still landing roughly.

"Yona need to work on landing." The yak muttered.

"Baby steps, Yona." Gallus reassured. The familiar roar made the three pull their weapons out.

"I'll lead the way." Smolder spoke. "I can easily take whatever fire it dishes out." A silent nod came from the other two, and they began to head into the woods.

Back in Ramsgate, Ocellus, Silverstream, and Sandbar read some books about their tools.

"Hmm… that's very interesting." Ocellus spoke aloud.

"What is?" Sandbar asked.

"According to my Warpike, the more damage I do to behemoths and not get hit, the more powerful my missiles become."

"You can shoot missiles!?" Silverstream asked. "That's so cool!"

"I mean, I can only make one at a time, and I have to restart upon making a new missile, but I guess it is. What about you, Sandbar?"

"Me?" The colt asked. "Well, according to this book, Aether Strikers were a weapon originally only used by the Adamant Fists, which was a group that lived in the Adamant Temple. The weapons were originally not used to kill behemoths but to defeat human foes that wanted to do harm to the Adamant Temple. It was not until Kat returned from the Temple to Ramsgate that she gave the Aethersmith the Gauntlets she was allowed to take with her, that the Aether Strikers became a weapon to hunt Behemoths."

"Ooh! Neat!" Silverstream complimented. "According to me, Ostian repeaters are the most customizable weapons. With the choice of different parts, cells, and barrels, I have a near limitless way to fight behemoths."

"Oh look at that, we have some newbies." A voice spoke over them.

"Who said that?" Sandbar asked. Landing besides them was a trio of other Slayers, all in golden armor, and having some exotic sounding music behind them. The only difference was their weapons, with the middle having his own aether strikers at looked more like razor sharp claws, the left one having a sword, and the right one with the an axe.

"Aww, look at them reading their books." The left Slayer taunted. "Especially the bug. You're best left pollinating than slaying behemoths."

"We took down a Slayer!" Silverstream retorted. "We… just decided to share."

"Sharing?" The right Sayer asked. "They're even more precious than we thought. And by the looks of it, the pony took down a gnasher."

"Let them be, brothers," the middle spoke. "it's obvious they're tired. A single behemoth is too much for children."

"We're not kids!" Sandbar spoke up.

"Oh, it is not to taunt you, it's simply us telling the truth on what you are."

"And what makes you not kids?" Ocellus asked.

"We've hunted all the behemoths!" The left answered.

"And the ones in the escalations." The right added.

"And we're on the leaderboard for Lady Luck's trials." The middle finished. "We're leagues ahead of you, and unless you can reach to our status, then you are still children."

"Oh yeah!? We'll show you!" Silverstream spoke up. The three Slayers let out a hearty chuckle.

"You have spirit, we will give you that, but in those armor, you won't last for a single hunt."

"Ok, break it up, guys." A familiar voice spoke. Walking and standing between both groups was the Slayer that found the other creatures.

"Well, if isn't our little puppy." The left spoke.

"Cane back from another unsuccessful hunt?" The right added.

"On the contrary," the good Slayer replied. "I WAS successful, and I can finally upgrade my weapons to be better."

"Oh you poor thing," the middle Slayer teased. "Perhaps in a year or two, you can finally face the Malkarion… if it doesn't starve to death first, that is!" The golden Slayers let out another hearty chuckled before walking away, leaving the 4 alone.

"Ignore them. Everyone starts off as a newbie before they become a pro. And I see you successfully took down a gnasher."

"Oh, this?" Sandbar asked, gesturing to his armor set. "Well, I wasn't alone, but thanks."

"... Where's the rest of your friends?"

"They went on to hunt a lesser Embermane." Silverstream answered.

"And when you were gone, we decided we should all try specializing in one element." Ocellus added.

"Huh… well I guess that's good… but you know Radiant and Umbral beasts don't come until later, right?"

"All the more to train and get used to our weapons."

Smolder held a clenched fist in the air, with Yona and Gallus stopping. Through the thick grass they hid under, they spotted the Embermane, walking in circles, snarling wildly. Silence fell as the Embermane sniffed the air, finding something off in it's area. Smolder took a step forward, unaware there was a twig under her feet.


The Embermane turned it's head towards the dragon and charged at her, crashing through some trees easily. Smolder didn't react as the Embermane used the horn on it's snout to throw her back, running back and around her. Gallus and Yona got up and took their weapons out.

"Come on, puppy!" Gallus teased. "Come here!" The behemoth turned to Gallus and charged at him. Gallus quickly jumped out of the way and sliced at it's side, giving it a slice. Though it stung, the behemoth twirled around, smacking Gallus to the side. Smolder got up and lifted her axe as the Embermane prepared to charge at her. Yona quickly blasted at the behemoth, just moments from hitting the dragon, making it trip, flip over Smolder, and crashed to the floor.

Gallus quickly got up, seeing the behemoth was down, picking his sword up and began to slice at it. Yona began to whack at the behemoth's head as Smolder began to chop down at it's tail. With one clean chop, Smolder took off the behemoth's tail, making it stand up and snarl at them loudly. It quickly ran away from the group, before turning back, and charging at it. Gallus readied his blade, and with a clean swing, sliced off the horn of the Embermane! The Embermane made a quick whimper, but growled loudly, glowing red, and released a small pulse before running around rapidly at the team.

"Behemoth too fast for Yona!" Yona spoke loudly.

"Then we just gotta think faster!" Smolder replied, quickly throwing her axe ahead, where it spun in place, cutting the Embermane a big before coming back to Smolder. "Ok, that didn't work as I thought."

"Let me try." Gallus announced as his sword glowed blue, converting energy into the blade. He began to swing ahead of the behemoth's location, releasing a wave of energy ahead, hitting the behemoth and making it trip again. All three Creatures worked together, slicing at the downed behemoth with everything they have, until it was down!

"Another behemoth down!" Yona cheered "Yona still ready for next hunt?"

"And I'm ready for the new stuff." Smolder replied.

The rest of the party had arrived, with Smolder and Gallus quick to get their new gear. Smolder quickly received her new axe, the Ember Scythe as it was called, with the sharp edge made from the Embermane's horn, and had feather-like plumes at the back of the blade. Gallus, about as quickly, received his Embermane armor set, a ln asymmetrical armor with a right shoulder pad that had a bit of the Embermane horn on it, some plumes under it and under a pouch on his left waist side with metallic claws and boots. Topping it all off was a helmet with narrow eye holes, and more plumes on the back of it.

"Ok, that looks cool." Silverstream spoke, looking at Gallus in his new armor. Gallus took off the helmet, shaking his own feathers free.

"I mean, it's tight, but if it's great against blaze behemoths, then I'll get used to it."

"That is true, but you must switch it out whenever you're about to go against a frost behemoth." Their Slayer friend told them.

"Not me!" Smolder retorted. "I'm gonna slice those frost behemoths like butter on toast!"

"Well, you do need protection from the cold."

"Ok, enough talk from all of you." Kat interupted the group. "We've got 2 more for you all to take on; A lesser Drask and Boreus. One lightning, and the other frost."

"Is the Drask lightning and the Boreus Frost?" Ocellus asked.


"Seems we're going again." Smolder spoke to Gallus, the two giving each other a fist bump.

"And I'll be joining you." Ocellus replied, flying over and landing besides the griffon and dragon.

"Yes! Yona about to get new weapon!!!" Yona cheered.

"And we'll be together doing so!" Silverstream added, quickly twirling her Ostian repeaters around.

"Uh, right." Sandbar replied, taking a deep breath. "Hopefully, I won't faint."

"Say, won't you come with us?" Gallus asked their Slayer companion.

"Perhaps later." He answered "These hunts are generally easy… and I don't want to make the hunts too easy for all of you."

"Yeah, yeah, we can handle whatever is ahead of us." Smolder reassured.

"Be careful what you say there, young one." Their Slayer friend walked away, heading to Wils' shop, leaving them alone for their hunts.

Author's Note:

The Lesser Embermane, Armor, and Smolder's axe.

Embermane Armor set:
+2-6 Evasive Fury (Temporarily increases attack speed when dodging through a Behemoth's attack.)
+1-3 Evasion (Increases the time you are invincible when dodging.)
+1-3 Fireproof (Protects against being set on fire.)

Ember Scythe has a +1-3 Evasive Fury