• Published 3rd May 2020
  • 581 Views, 52 Comments

The Slayer 6 - MrAquino

The Students 6 Wind up in the World of Dauntless.

  • ...

Go Forth and Slay

Smolder, Gallus, and Ocellus landed on a new island; unlike the other islands, this was mostly a frozen tundra, with a few lakes and trees on cliffs. The immediate coldness had Smolder and Ocellus shaking in their knees.

"D-d-did w-we ha-ave to l-land h-h-here?" Smolder asked through chattering teeth.

"It's not that cold." Gallus remarked. "And at least you have your Ember Scythe. If it's true, then wearing that armor will hurt more than it would protect me." Ocellus bursted into flames and turned into a penguin.

"Until we engage this Boreus," she replied. "I'm staying as this." The penguin began to waddle ahead. Gallus and Smolder walked ahead, much faster, with the dragon picking up their penguin and giving her a tight hug.

"So warm~..." Smolder purred.

"I bet the others are doing better already."

Sandbar, Yona, and Silverstream landed on a more field like island. Some patches of trees stood, but most of it was small cliffs and slopes. It was a bit warmer, but not scorching hot, making Yona take off her hat and try to fan herself off.

"Yona not sure if Yona should have worn thick coat." The yak muttered to herself.

"Hey, I think it's not so bad." Sandbar reassured. "And I think it'll be worth it when we find this behemoth."

"Ooh! I think I saw something!" Silverstream spoke, running ahead.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Sandbar and Yona chased after the excited Hippogriff.

In the winter island, the trio looked around a corner and saw the lesser Boreus; a blue, T-Rex standing behemoth with tufts of fur on it's head, knees, and tail. On top of it's head was a pair of horns, and on its back looked like batwings. All around it looked like large (though small to the Behemoth) bat-like creatures flying around it in a counter clockwise circle.

"Ok… I'm guessing that's what a Boreus looks like." Gallus spoke.

"What's with those bat things?" Smolder asked.

"Perhaps it's to alert it of outsiders?" Ocellus suggested.

"Big behemoth needs bodyguards?" Gallus thought aloud. "That's pretty pathetic. Ok, Smolder, get your axe ready and-"

"Go! Fly!" Smolder yelled, throwing the penguin at the Behemoth.

"No! Waaait!!!" Ocellus screamed. The behemoth turned to the source of the noise, only to get a penguin thrown at it's face. The smaller bat Creatures turned to Smolder, pulling her axe out as she charged at the Behemoth, and flew towards her. Gallus groaned as he pulled his sword out and charged besides Smolder. Ocellus, out of shock, turned back into her regular form, with the Behemoth getting a good look at her, and proceeded to shake her off by swinging it's own head around.

Ocellus rolled across the floor, dazed, but unharmed, with Gallus and Smolder passing by her, attacking the Boreus' legs. The Boreus swept it's tail knocking the two creatures back, letting out a bellow, as more of the bat creatures flew down to protect it. Said bat creatures swarmed the three young slayers, biting and scratching at them all.

"You just HAD to throw Ocellus!?" Gallus yelled.

"It seemed like a great idea at the time!" Smolder replied.

"I hope the others are doing better than us." Ocellus spoke.

Silverstream, Sandbar, and Yona peaked over a cliff to see the Drask. It was a large, lizard-like behemoth that was purple with blue fins alongside it's back & tail, and a yellow underbelly. Said behemoth just strolled across the floor making a sort of hiss sound when it looked around, sniffing the air as something was off.

"Well, what should we do?" Sandbar asked.

"Smash it!" Yona yelled.

"Besides that, Yona."

"Ooh! Maybe we should try pushing it off the isle?" Silverstream suggested.

"I'm… not sure if we can do that."

"Yona not going to stand!" Yona yelled. "Yak smash!" She lifted her hammer up and fired herself ahead of the group, falling to the Behemoth below.

"No! Yona! Wait!" Sandbar looked down to see Yona rolling on the floor and charging at the lesser Drask, letting out her own warcry. Silverstream pulled out her Ostian repeaters, giving them a quick reload.

"Guess we're going in blindly." She said before jumping down as well, blasting at the behemoth. Sandbar took a deep breath as his aether strikers went over his hooves.

"Hopefully, this won't be bad." Sandbar spoke to himself as he jumped down.

The Drask turned as it felt Silverstream's blasts, seeing Yona charging at it. Most likely because she was too excited to think straight, Yona didn't see it's mouth crackling with Electricity as it fired a beam of lightning at her, hitting the yak, giving quite the nasty shock. Yona flew back a bit, nearly hitting Silverstream and Sandbar running behind her. Sandbar jumped out of the way as Silverstream flew over her, with the former helping Yona stand back up.

"Yona need to pay attention." She said.

"And make a plan." Sandbar retorted before turning to the Drask, who's attention was now on Silverstream, blasting at it's tail with her repeaters. "You go for it's head, and I'll go for it's legs. Hopefully, we can knock it to it's side before it gets angry like that Gnasher." Yona nodded and both ran into the battle.

The Drask let out a hiss as it quickly spun in a circle, knocking Silverstream to the side with it's tail, followed by it's mouth glowing, ready to blast at the Hippogriff. It's attack was interupted as Yona's hammer slammed it's right side, pushing it's head and blast away violently. It turned to Yona, letting out another hiss, charging at her. Yona jumped out of the way quickly, as Sandbar reached to the left side of it's torso, quickly delivering punches. The Drask jumped into the air and rolled into Sandbar, crushing the colt under it's weight.

"SANDBAR!!!" Yona screamed as the Behemoth got up, letting out another hiss, as it charged at Yona. The Yak readied her hammer, and with a heavy swing, knocked the Drask onto it's side. As it fell to the ground, Yona began to hit it as it was down. Silverstream quickly got up and helped Sandbar stand up.

"You ok, Sandbar?" The Hippogriff asked.

"... Not really." Sandbar wheezed.

"Drink the health tonic!" Markus' voice spoke through their suits. "Every slayer gets 5 per hunt. It won't heal you fully, but it's better than nothing."

"Huh… thanks, Markus." Sandbar quickly opened the pouch and pulled out a small bottle of red liquid. With some hesitation,he opened the bottle and drank it's contents. It didn't really have a flavor, being more like water, but he felt himself already better. "Ok, that's pretty neat."

"TAKE THAT, MONSTER!!!" Yona yelled, hitting the downed Drask again.

"We should get back to that." Silverstream suggested.

"No arguments here." Sandbar replied, both returning to battle the behemoth.

"That's it!" Smolder yelled, cracking her knuckles and rolling her neck, cracking it's bones. "Time to let it all out!" She took a deep breath and let out a jet of flame out of her mouth, throwing all the bat creatures out of the way, and making the Boreus stand back in fear, rolling it's head in the snow to extinguish the flames. All the bat creatures turned into blue orbs and went into Smolder's body, taking back the dragon.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know… but I feel… stronger!"

"Wait… it's minions are it's greatest strength and weakness!" Ocellus thought aloud. "When we see those creatures, let's not hesitate to beat them before taking on the Boreus!" As she said that, more of the bat creatures descended, ready to protect it's master. Smolder cracked her knuckles as she picked up her axe.

"You can handle those bats." Smolder spoke with some sass in her tone. "I've got a behemoth to slay." Gallus rolled his eyes as he and Ocellus readied their weapons. The dragon charged ahead, rolling past the bats and under the Boreus's belly, slicing at it's feet. Both Griffin and Changeling began to slice at the bat creatures, feeling stronger with each one destroyed. The Boreus didn't hesitate to try to stomp on Smolder, missing as the dragon dodged it's steps.

Smolder stood ready by tge ankle of the behemoth, holding a strong swipe, feeling a surge of power through her. Gallus and Ocellus were taken back as Smolder's axe glew with energy before she let out a clean swipe, breaking some scales ofc the Boreus, making it fall. It didn't take long before the dragon just began to do overhead chops at the Boreus's head, getting a good 5 hits to it before it's horns were quickly cut right off. The last struck made the Boreus get up quickly and glow with red energy, letting out a similar energy like the last one. But instead of attacking, some ice was built under it's feet, followed by a pillar of ice quickly launching the Boreus over the team, landing away from them, as it released another roar, and more of the bats arrived. However, the team saw that ice began to form around it's body.

"What the heck is it doing!?" Gallus asked.

"I think… the ice is acting like a shield." Ocellus theorized.

"Pathetic!" Smolder taunted. "It's gonna go down!" She charged at the behemoth again.

"No! Wait!" Ocellus's cry went I to deaf ear as Smolder threw her axe at the Boreus… only for a small chunk of ice to come off, and the behemoth unaffected by it. The dragon and behemoth looked at the axe.

"... Uh… can you just act a little like you're in pain?" Her answer came in the form of the Boreus using it's head to bash her away, followed by the bats attacking her.

"Take the Boreus!" Gallus spoke. "I've got Smolder." Ocellus nodded, charging at the behemoth and quickly using her Warpike to stab at it rapidly. Though her attacks were weaker than Smolder's, more pieces of ice fell off as the changeling was faster. The Griffin sliced at the bats, making the energy go into him, but he stopped and helped Smolder back up.

"Ugh… that was stupid." She said.

"Tell me about it. But let's finish this." Gallus' sword glowed with the same aura as before, with him smirking. Smolder couldn't help but smile with him, both charging at the Boreus, with the dragon picking up her axe. Gallus began to swipe at the behemoth, more ice chunks falling off of it's body, alongside Ocellus's rapid stabbing that went by fast. In a few seconds, the ice fell off, leaving the Boreus exposed. All three Slayers combined all their efforts, and eventually, the behemoth fell to the floor, slayed.

Gallus sheathed his sword, Smolder stood tall and readied her axe like a baseball bat, and Ocellus relaxed her Warpike on the back of her head. All three looked, and felt, like champions. But it was short lived as a guest of wind caused the dragon and changeling to shiver.

"L-let's g-g-get out-t-ta here…" Ocellus shivered. Smolder and Ocellus quickly waddled away, freezing their hides off. Gallus rolled his eyes with a light chuckle.

"Amateurs." He said to himself.

Sandbar, Yona, and Silverstream were in the middle of bruising the downed Drask. With a single blast from Silverstream, the behemoth's tail came right off. That blast made the Drask get up, and entered it's raged state, pushing all three away. It's mouth glowed again, and in a row, fired three blasts of lighting at them all. Silverstream and Sandbar quickly dodged it, but like before, Yona was struck, knocking her back away.

"YONA!!!" Sandbar yelled. He turned to the behemoth, surging with aether himself. "Alright, try this!!!" His front hooves went back, preparing for a strike, followed by him propelling to the behemoth, delivering a hard punch right into it's face that was so hard, some of it's teeth came out. What followed was Sandbar delivering fatal strikes across the Drask's face and limbs. Silverstream helped Yona up, who saw Sandbar delivering blow after blow across the Behemoth.

"Whoah… Yona never saw Sandbar that angry." The yak commented.

"Neither have I." Silverstream added. "But that's so adorable!"

"How so?"

"He really cares for you!"

Soon, the Drask laid slain, but Sandbar was still punching it's body. Yona walked over and held the colt back.

"Yona think behemoth defeated."

"I'm not!" Sandbar yelled back. "I'll teach it to not mess with my friends and get away with it!"

"Yona think it's time to go." Asshe said that, some electricity came from the Drask's body, giving Yona another shock that didn't hurt her, but rather, made all her fur stick out, making her look like a ball now. "Um… little help?"

"I gotcha." Silverstream replied, rolling Yona away. "Come on, Sandbar! Let's see what you both made!" Sandbar looked at the Drask's body as it quickly withered away and turned into Aether.

"Yeah, I'm coming." He followed the two back.

In Ramsgate, Smolder and Sandbar wore the new armor they forged with Moyra. Smolder wore a somewhat asemytrical looking armor where there was thick fur alongside her knees, waist, back & shoulders, and atop her head, with ice looking horns on her head (which held her real horns inside). The real asemytrical part was that her right arm had more fur around the hand instead of the shoulder, as on her right shoulder was a pair of hooks. For Sandbar, despite fighting what was clearly blue, wore green, scale armor that, like Smolder's, had an asymmetrical look to it, though in this case, it was red fins on his left shoulder, and a bit of a scarf. The helmet he wore also had fins on the side, though it also had fangs on the edges around it's mouth area.

For Gallus and Yona, they forged their new weapons with Wils. Gallus received what was called "Onus of Boreus", and Yona called "Thundering Maul". Gallus put on his Embermane armor, and judged for himself how he looked with his gear, as did Smolder and Sandbar.

"Eh, I kinda look dorky with this Hemet on." Smolder replied. "But at least I'm no longer cold. … But I do feel a little angry for some reason."

"I'm more confused why my armor is green when the behemoth we fought was blue." Sandbar replied. "And I feel like I've got energy I need to pass into something."

"You kidding me?" Gallus asked. "I feel fast! Like, almost invincible fast!"

"Well, you should know that every armor is unique and can change how you perform." Morya informed them. "But you can alter them a bit more in different ways with cells."

"Cells?" The three asked.

"The Middleman deals with them."

"... Wait, I thought he called them amps?" Gallus asked.

"I'm afraid he was messing with you." Arkan informed them. "Or he forgot that day. Dealing with cells all day can take a lot out of someone of his… stature."

"So… cells can affect our armor in different ways?" Smolder asked.

"And your weapons too." Morya replied.

"Huh, this is starting to sound a bit more complicated." Sandbar commented.

"We'll figure it out sooner." Gallus said. Silverstream landed right by the group.

"Guys, I've got some good news and some bad news." She began.

"Well, let's start with the good." Smolder replied.

"Good news is, Markus has opened his stand and is making tonics we can use on our hunts!"

"... And what does that do?" Gallus asked.

"Tonics give us a temporary boosts in our hunts! And they taste delicious!" As she said that, a random slayer drank from a green vile, and promptly vomited all over on another slayer, causing the latter to puke on the other. "Uh… maybe not to all."

"And the bad news?" Sandbar asked.

"Oh, well, we got two more Behemoths to take down, but we still don't have armor for us all."

"Well, what are they?" Smolder asked.

"First is called a Skarn, a terrain behemoth."

"I think Yona and I can do that." Sandbar replied.

"And I'm joining with you!" Smolder replied. "I wanna test my new armor out."

"And that leaves you, me, and Ocellus with?" Gallus asked.

"A neutral Behemoth called a Shrike." Silverstream answered.

"Hmm… sounds like a new armor and weapon."

"Say, where's Yona and Ocellus?" Smolder asked.

"Oh… right… about that…" Silverstream said. "It's best to see it for yourself." She motioned for them to follow her. They all followed the Hippogriff into what looked like an open tavern. Inside, Yona was hooked up to a makeshift heater that was blowing at Ocellus's face.

"Ahh… this is much better." The changeling cooed.

"Yona not like sitting still." Yona muttered.

"But you can't move, and this benefits us both." Smolder and Gallus held back their laughs.

"This might take us a while." Sandbar spoke.

Author's Note:

The Lesser Boreus, it's Armor, and Sword.

The Drask, it's Armor, and hammer. (And yes, the Lesser Drask is blue, and I couldn't find a picture of it)

And for everyone that hasn't played the game yet, the armors and weapons not only give you an edge against a certain element type (excluding Neutrals), but they affect your stats. Here's the armor stuff in a nutshell.

Note, each number isn't random, but each equipment has a different ranking you can upgrade with the right materials and equipment (up to 15). Armor has 2 of the same cells. Ranks 1-5 is the first cell rank, 6-9 is the dire ranking, and 10-15 is Heroic ranking. And I added the stats in the last chapters if you're curious.

Boreus Armor set:
+2-6 Rage (Increases your damage when your health is low.)
+1-3 Conditioning (Increases Stamina Regen)
+1-3 Iceborne. (Increases Defence when at low health, and at later ranks, grants life steal)
Onus of Boreus has a +1-3 Conditioning

Drask Armor set:
+2-6 Aetheric Attunement (Percent increase to Lantern Charge gained from attacks.)
+1-3 Fleet Footed (Temporarily increases Movement Speed after a dodge.)
+1-3 Sharpened (Percent increase to Part damage)
Thundering Maul has +1-3 Aetheric Attunement