• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,883 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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After Class: 12

Author's Note:

Ms. Neko's POV


May Trotter, my friend; had presented me with a gift, a Hitomi Doll. It is considerably heavier than I had been expecting, as if it had been crafted out of heavy steel and not mere plastic; just as this Hitomi came with considerably more accessories than customary for any doll I have ever seen or even heard of. Why, I have no idea.

Of course, this had been just after the last class I have before lunch; as I bumped into her, by my locker.

I had opened the gift, as she was presenting me with it; waiting would have been rude, for all I know. I had to accept her gift, generous as it may be; but I can’t regret accepting it, either. Why? How?

Not just because the embarrassment it caused me, at the first class after lunch.

While it is true, everyone is calling me Neko; because I am into Anime, and for the generally Animesque style I am maintaining. Of course I had an English class, after lunch today; but I ended up greeting the teacher in Japanese.

I fear this will take me some time, living down; assuming I don’t repeat this mistake, that is. Though I guess they will just take me for granted, if it happens consistently.

The class did come to an end, and we walked out of class. The next class was uneventful, just as expected. I did not greet the teacher in Japanese, this time.

Now, it is just ten minutes before the belle is about to toll for the class and the day will be over. However, something is off. I feel the sensation of panties tightening up. I know I am wearing regular white daytime panties; just cotton, and nothing fancy. Why would I be wearing anything else, to school? This is not a party, or a night out on a date.

The sensation is slow, gradual; but it is unmistakable, undeniable. I am feeling the sensations, of panties slowly tightening up on me.

At first it had been new and different, feeling strangely pleasant; then it started to be uncomfortable and scary, only to grow on me as the process slowly came to an end. A few minutes after the process had concluded, I like the new-found and unexpected tightness.

While I do not know how or where the sensation came from, I can but guess it is linked to the Hitomi doll I had been given. As unexpected, as this development may be; it is now lending me a new sense of security, I just can not quite put a finger onto.

The final few minutes are melting away, as the seconds are ticking by; the belle tolls and the class is at an end, as the teacher is dismissing us with a warm good-buy. I raise to my feet and walk out of the room; knowing I have to go to the girls’ room, in order to investigate and ascertain it is what I should have known it was all along.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I make a forced walk over to the nearest girls’ room on the floor.

Naturally, there is at least one girls’ room on each floor; making certain, there is no incident of this nature. Just as there is a girls’ room, there is also a boys’ room. Not that there is all that much separating the two, but it’s a formality.

As I reach the door, of the girl’s room; I open the door and step right in. I distinctly close the door, signaling I need the privacy the room had been intended for.

Once the door is securely closed behind me, I turn around; locking the door, making certain I am indeed alone and undisturbed.

Now I am lifting my right hand, slipping it in under my skirt; slipping the skirt down, revealing the white cotton panties I had put on before I had left for school earlier in the morning. Of course my panties are on, I could not have been expecting anything else. How could I?

As I am looking in the mirror, I see my panties; they are looking exactly, as they had before I left for school. Just as I had been expecting all along.

Now I leave the skirt over my knees, as I once more lift my right hand up; slipping it in under my cotton panties, slipping my panties down in order to see. I need to confirm, what I think what I had felt means; even if I can’t quite believe, it is what I think it is.

”How could this be?” I exclaim, as I am confirming what I knew could not happen.

These panties are a perfect fit, as if they had been drawn or painted directly on my skin; yet they feel at least one size too tight, at the same time!” I realize.

The panties are just mate, white silicon, for which I am forever thankful; she could have chosen any of the available options; including clear, skin-tone or even these frisky metallic bloody red once. Now, that would have been embarrassing, even if I had not known it until now; just as I know, I am the only one aware of it. Unless of course, I were to tell anyone other than May Trotter; whom I know already knows of it, even if she had neither seen or heard of it.

May Trotter gave me the doll, after all. I know she is fully aware of these accessories and should have a vivid picture of what they will be doing. Maybe, she even wishes she had bought herself a Hitomi doll of her own, just for this. Who am I to know, it is just my imagination going out of bounds.

There is nothing lost, in explaining my situation to May!” I ponder, realizing the situation.

If I told her, she knows exactly what had happened; sparing her imagination the fuel, for crazy and outlandish ideas. I probably don’t want her imagination to go there, so explaining puts a pin in what she may imagine.

Imagine shrink wrapping panties, heated up to hit the right fit; only to realize, it had been slightly warmer than expected? Just that I had never been prepared for what came to pass, I could not know what I was experiencing; but the comfort is, in knowing it was not growing tighter. The tightness is comforting me, more than I had dared to accept or acknowledge.

Of course my panties are emphasizing what I have, even if I never had all that much down there; I am a girl, but that is about it.

My hand slowly explore the surface of my mound, feeling every last detail and why not? It is my body, my mound and privates. I feel the highly detailed orchid as if it had been carved or moulded out of hard silicon; just as I feel the slippery surface, as if it had been polished and lubricated just for the fun of it. Yet, these panties are insisting on being mate.

I feel the contours with utmost clarity, both the mound and my rump; but I could not for my life slip in, had I tried to. Is this the security I had experienced in class? Of course, these panties can not be taken off of me; more than they could permit entry, leaving me perfectly safe.

These panties are feeling cool to the touch, almost as if they had been on Hitomi instead of me?” I realize, as I am withdrawing my right hand.

Now I am pulling the panties and skirt up, pretending nothing had even happened. Of course, it hadn’t.

I wash my hands, in order to maintain the illusion of a legitimate reason to enter the girls’ room. With that, I unlock the door and open, before I am stepping out, closing the door behind myself.

”I thought you would be here, Neko!” May whispers, as she is approaching me.

”Then you know?” I inquire.

”A little bird told me!” she just snickers.

”It is our secret..” I respond, with a crooked grin.

I make a gesture, I had seen far too many times; one I had let her in on, what it is signifying.

”You are weird, but I still love you..” I just put forth.

”Two birds, of a feather..” she teases, winking conspiratorially at me.

With that, we start walking towards the flight of stairs, in silence; continuing back to our respective lockers, in order to prepare to go home.

”If you want to talk, in private; I guess we could have a chat, over the day’s home-work?” she inquires.

I have been at her place, a few times; just as she has been at mine, a few times. I knew what it looks like. Nothing too far, out of the ordinary; at least, by my standards.

As I reach my locker, I unlock and open it; slipping all the books I have in, before I picfk out the once I need to take home for the day’s home-work. While I am at it; I am picking up my new Hitomi doll, and the package containing all her accessories.

With everything neatly and quietly stashed in my back-pack, and Hitomi on my chest; I close the door and lock it before I follow May along the hall.

I just hope, my teacher does not make a note on my report, about the Japanese incident..” I ponder.

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