• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,883 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Gifted: 4

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV


I had seen a light, flashing from the door of her new home, as if she had intended to signal me. As I turn to the spot, she is already gone; but the bowls I had left her with, stands empty on the porch.

While I can not see, what she did with the food I had given her; I can still assume, she is enjoying every bit of it. With that; I consider giving her a new batch of food, for some added variety. Going with what little I know of Horses and Ponies; I can assume she would enjoy, what I had to offer her.

As I am reaching out my right hand, in order to pick up the egg-cups; I notice something I had not quite expected or been prepared for, as I notice the altered hue of my fingernails. Though it is not just the light purple or lavender; they are smooth and even, shinier than even the nail-polish I have been using before.

As a girl, applying nail-polish; clear and coloured is not exactly unexpected. I doubt anyone will afford it a second glance; let alone make a point out of it, or tease me for it.

On second thought; the hue does go well with my complexion, my skin tone as well.

While it may look, as if my nails had been polished; but on closer inspection, I know they are not polished but changed. It is the nail itself, that is purple and glossy; not an applied finish, colouring the nail.

It does feel a bit odd, and strange, but since I like the effect, I am not about to start complaining about it.

Guess I had asked for it, incidentally; even if I had not expressed it quite that way, when she had asked me before. I admire Twilight; I like her as a person, and enjoy her aesthetics.

Could I have been drawing any other character, but I had ended up drawing Twilight; just the way she is now, and no other character. She is appearing, exactly as I drew her; but she is still the book horse and the egghead, of my fantasy.

Twilight is such an adorable Pony, and I love her for it.

If I could draw her home; could I draw anything else, for her?” I ponder.

Of course; I could always try, and if it does not work out I could erase it. Couldn’t I?

Just as I could offer her anything to eat and drink; leaving it up to her, if she likes what I offer her. If she did not enjoy it; I would take it back, and chance to offer her something else.

Wait; I think, I have forgotten something!” I realize.

She had proven, she is capable of handling and understanding electronic devices; when she had sent me the message, she needed a home.

What if I drew her a Computer, or a Telephone?” I ponder.

With that, I once more open the original file in which I had drawn her home; filling in the missing details.

There is room for a large flat-screen TV-set in her living room, so I place it directly onto the wall. If it is for my convenience, the aesthetic choice or just for the fun of it; but I had drawn the tv-set directly onto the wall as if it had been a part of the house all along.

Once the TV had been rendered; I draw up a head-set, designed to fit onto her head. It would have been quite embarrassing, if she could not use it; because I had forgotten as small a detail as the size of her head.

Drawing the TV had been only too simple, considering just how few details such a complicated device has.

While she had not yet told me; I draw book-cases covering the entire walls in one of her currently empty rooms, previously intended as a bed-room.

”What is a book-horse, named Twilight; without books, and the space to hold her books?” I mumble in bemused mirth.

While I may have forgotten it; but the items I had rendered, are all fully functional. Even Twilight herself, is alive and fully sentient. She could as easily have turned up as little more than a fluffy toy.

While I guess, I had enjoyed the surprise of her as a toy; but now I can’t even stand the thought of her, as a mere toy in a collection. She is a friend, to me. A friend, of mine.

Hurray; for the modern girl’s mundane magic, applicable at will!” I ponder; giggling at the image, the thought is conjuring up in my mind.

Naturally; she could not have known that I had added the book-cases yet, but she would be noticing the head-set I had made for her fairly soon. The rendering is silent and gives of neither light nor odour in the room. I know as much, from experience; since I have felt neither of these sensations, myself. Though I guess, a Pony could have senses; I do not have.

I had not been looking into her home; so I have no idea, as to where she is or where she was doing. She had been carrying the food into her home, but other than that; I have no idea, as to where she is, or what she is doing.

I can talk to her, via the microphone I have; but what if I had a head-set of my own?” I ponder.

With that, I am drawing up a head-set of my own. Only now; I realize it feels pale, if I could not see her as I am talking to her. With that; I change my design, adding the visual element, to my design. While my head-set is rendering; I change the design of her head-set, then re-rendering it for her. A few minutes later; we have a head-set of our own; ready to wear, for the immersive interaction I had had in mind.

Since she is not wearing hers, activated now; I can not see anything in her room, of course.

For a moment, I am looking at the device I had just rendered for myself; picking it up, scrutinizing it up close.

My head-set comes with a single microphone, on my right cheek; as well as the ear-phones on my right and left ear respectively. I also have visual, but everything is still in-active right now; due to the fact, that her device is not yet activated.

I had chosen to make me a light skin-tone, while hers is a light lavender. This is intended to be close to invisible; to any bystander, even in the same room.

As I hold my head-set in my hands; I notice it is slowly warming up, to the point where it is activating. Once activating; it is broadcasting a signal to her device, even if it is not yet activated. I can hear faint noises, from her living room; even if I can’t make anything out, at this point.

I can wait, I don’t want to intrude upon her!” I ponder.

With that, I am turning back to the Stylus before me. Nothing had happened; the last open file is still on the screen.

I had clearly felt the distinct sensations of the head-set as I was holding the device in my hands; but as I put it on, I barely feel it, pressing against my skin. The sensations are ebbing out, as it is warming up.

Within a minute or so, I can’t quite feel it on my face; almost as if it had not even been there, even if I can hear the faintest of noises from within her home.

As the sensation of the device on my head is fading, I am no longer aware of having put it on. The only hint remaining, right now; are the faint noises I can still hear. Of course, if and when she is activating her head-set; I will be hearing her voice, quite clearly. I will even be able to see her, and the room she is in; or, so I had imagined as I had designed the devices for the two of us.

I guess, this is the active field test of this device.

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