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1-15: Ponies in Hogwarts (Express)

Author's Note:

This needs some work and will be updated but you lovely people have waited long enough. I had this almost finished a week ago but then Word crashed and ate stuff cause it failed to autosave.

If anyone wants to leave editing comments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18UKmeN9EE1tJMVjy35vGCnA7RptmZFNEtzBz739WeiI/edit?usp=sharing

Chapter 1-15: Ponies in Hogwarts (Express)

(Time: Sept 1st, 1991 AD ~10 AM

Location: King’s Cross Station at Platform 9¾ entrance.)

It had definitely taken some doing, but the CMC, Dudley, Hermoine,, and their families and close friends had managed to make it to King’s Cross in time to meet the Weasleys at the station. Despite several attempts to sway Princess Celestia, they’re all still human and in muggle clothes.

Princess Celestia looks at the troupe in front of her and smiles. “I see everyone here made it successfully. Now it might not look it, but through there is Platform 9¾. Molly, would you mind explaining to my group any tricks you might have for getting through the barrier?”

Molly Weasley clears her throat before loudly speaking, “Right. For those of you who haven’t been through the barrier it’s best to go at a run. Emma, Dan, Vernon, and Petunia, you will all unfortunately have to hold onto one of us wizards to go through because the barrier repels unattended muggles. Percy, how about you start things off?”

Percy nods primly in his smartly dressed outfit, walking coolly through the gateway with his stuff as though it wasn’t there. “See, there’s nothing to it.”

Molly next gestures to one of the twins, “Next, Fred, it’s your turn to go through.”

“Fred” looks at her before backing up and saying as he rushes through, “but I’m George. You call yourself…”

“...our mother, but how can you not tell I’m George,” the other one finishes as he fallows his brother through.

Sunset pats Molly on the shoulder, “I think the first one was actually George.” She then follows the twins through to finish the prankster trio.

Molly hangs her head and sighs while rubbing her forehead. “I’m still not sure whether adopting Sunset improved or worsened their pranking. Ok then…, Ron it’s your turn next.”

Ron excitedly backs up before rushing through. “See you on the other side.”

Molly turns to the rest of them. “Now which one of you wants to go through next?”

Rainbow antsily dances in place for another second before dashing through. “I can’t wait to fly again!”

Fluttershy demurely and quietly steps through right after. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t scare too many cute children with her flybys.

Scootaloo quickly follows her sister and Fluttershy. “I’ll help keep her occupied as well and would like to feel the wind on my wings as well.”

Applejack goes through after them with a stern gaze. “Better go ahead to keep the rest of you honest.”

Dudley determinedly marches after her. “I’m good at helping with crowds.”

Apple Bloom smiles happily as she steps through. “I just can’t wait to learn potions.”

Sweetie Belle softly chuckles as she continues Apple Bloom’s train of thought while following her. “Besides, we already tried to be Cutie Mark Crusader Conductors!”

Lightning slips through close behind to dodge the glances sent his way. “It was Scootaloo’s idea! How were we to know Doctor Whooves had put a flux capacitor on it.”

Spike stays right on Lightning’s heels. “Everyone survived the trip even if the train didn’t survive having tree sap instead of water in the engine.”

Rarity puts her hand to her head and shakes it as she elegantly follows . “I am generously going to make sure they don’t try and become Cutie Mark Crusader Engineers.”

Pinkie Pie skips after Rarity while giggling. “I want to make sure the students all leave with smiles on their faces.”

Twilight bemusedly smiles as she looks at those left before following suit through the gate. “I better organize them to ensure those who belong on the train get on it while those who don’t stay off it.”

Hermoine grins up at her parents before stepping through the gate. “I’ll make sure to learn as much as I can while keeping them straight.”

Ginny sighs a little before perking up and rushing through. “I’m sad I can’t go this year, but at least I’ll have Spike and Luna next year.”

Princess Celestia grabs hold of Petunia’s hand and pulls her through. “Ready to see the Hogwarts Express once more?”

Petunia tears up slightly as she is pulled through. “Yes, I am ready to see my Dudleykins and nephew board the train my sister did.”

Vernon gruffly tells as she leads him through, “Seeing my boy and the rest off would be worth missing a day of work for them to have a happier journey.”

Dan grabs ’s hand and steps through with her. “Best keep this appointment as there won’t be any do-overs until this winter.”

Molly offers Emma her hand. “And then there was just us. It always makes me nervous letting them go.”

Emma shrugs as they join the rest. “At least they’ll be well protected now and thanks to Aletia’s help, will have a full non-magical education.”

Lightning steps through the portal and immediately afterwards shifts into his Equestrian form with a relieved sigh. Flexing his wings slightly, he looks for the others and spots most of them with their families in small groups and all in Equestrian form as a sign of solidarity.

He starts wandering over to where Sweetie Belle and Dudley are when Spike appears behind him and shifts as well into his pony form. Waiting for Spike to finish shifting, they soon join the other two in waiting for their parents.

They aren’t left waiting for long as Rarity strolls through and shifts without breaking stride as she approaches them with purpose. She picks Sweetie Belle up in her arms and firmly squeezes and nuzzles her. “I want you to Pinkie Promise me, Sweetie, that you won’t do any crusading on, in, or with the train?”

Pinkie Pie says as she approaches them with a too-wide grin, “Because messing with the train could lead to many unhappy people.”

Sweetie Belle, Spike, and Lightning say in unison as they make the motions, “We won’t try any crusades that could affect the train. Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Dudley follows them shortly afterwards once he realizes the words. “Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye.”

The other Equestrians just stare at Dudley for a second. Pinkie then sighs while her hair deflates and she glares a little. “I don’t like your version, but it counts. I WILL know if you break it.”

Twilight asks as she scoops the distracted Spike and Lightning up into a hug, “I take it you just made them Pinkie Promise something?”

Dudley looks between the Equestrians and then answers with his own fearful question, “Please tell me she is kidding?”

He does not look relieved by the head shakes he receives, but they are quickly distracted by the thud of a fluorescent orange unicorn filly trying, and failing, to give Twilight a respectful bow. Hermione pushes her way back up onto three legs while the fourth holds her bangs out of her eyes as she sheepishly looks up at Twilight. “I wanted to properly thank you again for teaching us the Book Manifestation Spell so we can keep up our non-magical schooling.”

Ignoring the grumbling in the background from a colt that looks almost like a male Apple Bloom, Twilight let’s Spike and Lightning go in order to pull Hermione up into a hug. “No need to bow to me. I love encouraging and helping others learn.”

Lightning is then distracted from seeing the amusing game of keep-away between Ron and Ginny trying to put a bow on Ron by Petunia pulling him and Dudley into her arms. “Seriously, stay safe, you two. I want to see you for Christmas and beyond.”

Vernon pulls the three into a firm but brief hug while gruffly remarking, “I think they get it, Petunia. I’m just impressed they managed to hide a train platform here, and it looks nice, unlike that tavern.”

Dan and Emma both voice their agreement with Vernon before fussing over Hermoine, making sure she has everything she needs.

Molly just shakes her head in exasperation as she sees the commotion her own brood is causing. Striding over, she calls out, “Percy, get Ginny away from Ron. And try not to cause too many explosions at school, Fred, George, and Sunset, or there’ll be no Hogsmeade for you.”

Percy quickly pulls Ginny away from Ron and holds her while the terrible trickster trio all chorus back, “We make no promises, Mum/Molly.”

Molly rubs her forehead with a hoof and opens her mouth to say something when the train’s whistle interrupts her. Turning to look at the clock, she instead says, “Now give me a hug, Ron, before I have to let you go. Best find a compartment with your new friends before everyone else gets the same idea.”

Ron walks over to hug her goodbye as the terrible trio chorus out, “We’ll make sure ickle Ronniekins is safe at school, Mum/Molly!”

Ron turns his head to look at the three as he exasperatedly replies, “Oh, shut up!” He then turns back to his mum and gently squeezes her while adding, “We’ll try and be safe, mum even if we have to deal with Malfoy and his two stooges this year.”

Molly ruffles his mane gently before letting him go as she gently reprimands him, “Now! None of that talk. I’m sure the Malfoys have some good points, and I don’t want to hear of you disrespecting him before meeting him. Besides, we can show courtesy even if they can’t.”

Ron meekly nods to her as the groups start to converge upon the train, seemingly with the same idea as the eight firsties give a few last hugs before forming up into a disorderly line to board the train. They manage to catch as they board snippets of Celestia instructing the Terrible Trio, with specific emphasis on Sunset, not to let the firsties get into too much trouble.

Amused by those words, their amusement briefly fades when they come across the compartment and realize it isn’t going to fit all eight of them. Looking upon it, Hermoine realizes a solution, “This really would be a problem if your godmother weren’t loaded Lightning. Would you mind if we used your trunk?”

Catching what she’s saying, Lightning asks, “Everyone got your robes in your knapsacks?”

Receiving nods from everyone except Ron, who hurriedly changes that fact, seven of the eight pile their trunks into the compartment. Exiting it, they stand in the corridor as Lightning stands his trunk up vertically before touching the command stud that turns the lid into a door filling the compartment entryway.

Once that is done, the eight enter bringing their pets with them. Looking around the place, Ron enviously admires it. “I wish Mum could get me one of these apartments….”

The CMC look at each other before chuckling as Lightning manages to get out, “Now I know what to get you for your birthday.”

Ron dramatically sighs as he asks them, “Well, since you’re being so generous, would any of you be willing to trade for a corn beef sandwich. Mum always forgets I don’t like them.”

The rest of them break into laughter at that, causing Ron to join in as Sweetie Belle manages to get out, “Sure…I think we can manage that. Best to leave the door open, at least until the trolley lady you mentioned gets here.”

Doing as she suggested, they settle down in the living room before Ron pulls out Scabbers and his wand. “Since we’re waiting, the Trio yesterday taught me a new spell, one that will hopefully at least make Scabbers here look better. Wanna watch?”

Receiving nods all around, and after letting Lightning cast a magic sight charm, Ron twirls his wand before touching Scabbers as he intones,

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.”

Unfortunately for Ron, Scabbers does not turn yellow, causing Ron to sigh dejectedly. “Should have known that spell was worthless.”

Lightning shakes his head as he optimistically says, “it did do something. Or try to at least.”

Ron hmms as he thinks out loud, “I wonder why it doesn’t work on him.”

Someone offers a guess, “Maybe it only works on mice? Or fatter rats?”

Hermoine shrugs, for once as lost as the rest of them, before pulling out a couple of decks of cards. “Well, to take your mind off it, does anyone care to play some card games.”

Lightning adds, “I had Dudley help me get some board games, both muggle and not.”

Dudley pulls a Japanese copy of Super Mario Kart out of his bag along with a couple controllers and a multi-tap. “I’m glad I packed this in my backpack and not my trunk.”

The rest just nod in agreement before splitting off to do various things and keep themselves entertained.

(A couple hours later)

A clatter in the coat room and then knock on one of the walls interrupts their gaming as the cart lady calls out, “Anything off the trolley dearies?”

Scootaloo answers her as she exits the living room, having just lost the game she was playing. “Sure, we’ll take some of everything. However much six galleons will get us.”

“You sure dearie? That’s a lot of food and money.”

Scootaloo just shrugs back at the cart lady before starting to pull galleons out of her bag. “I don’t know what any of my seven friends want and we haven’t had most of these before.”

The lady takes the offered money with a sigh before starting to hand packages of candy into Scootaloo’s waiting hooves. Scootaloo turns to go dump it on the table when the rest of the group start to exit.

Instead, she hands it to the next foal in line. “Pass it back. There’s plenty more where that came from.”

With the line formed, it doesn’t take long for the candy to get dumped and the group to look over their haul. Eventually, Ron says, “be careful of the every flavor beans as they really do come in every flavor. Also, if one of you gets Ptolemy or Agrippa with your Chocolate Frog can I have it? It’ll finish my collection.”

Apple Bloom shudders as she guesses, “I bet one of us will get a tree sap flavored bean.”

The rest of the CMC shudder at that thought before Sweetie adds, “I hope not! Still, if I find one of those cards Ron I’ll give it to you.”

Lightning pulls a chocolate frog out of the pile instead and unwraps it. He then reads the card out loud as the frog animates unnoticed by him, “Albus Dumbledore… Defeater of the dark wizard Grindelward…. Hmmm…, it says he’s a great alchemist.”

Ron waves his hoof dismissively as he unwraps a chocolate frog of his own. “I’ve got half a dozen of him already. Err…, you did keep hold of your frog?”

An exclaimed shout of “TREVOR!” and then a crash in the apartment hallway as of someone bodily hitting a wall answers him.

Lightning blushes as he gets up to investigate the noise and finds a sheepish boy dusting his clothes off with one hand as the other holds a damaged chocolate frog. Bemusedly, he asks, “Who’s Trevor and who are you?”

The boy embarrassedly hands the frog back to Lightning. “Trevor’s my toad and he’s escaped yet again. My name’s Neville, not like I’ll be around long enough to remember.”

Cocking his head at the depressive boy, Lightning states, “Lightning Sunrise. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

Neville morosely replies, “not if I can’t even keep track of my toad. Gran thought I was a Squib until I got my letter.”

Wincing slightly, Lightning tries to cheer him up once more. “Would you like some help finding Trevor?”

Neville nervously answers, “If it wouldn’t be too much a bother. Not like you ponies probably don’t have important things to do.”

Lightning nods before turning his head and raising his voice, “Everyone put your food away! You’re with me: Sweetie, Scootaloo, and AB. Ron, Dudley, and Hermoine please go with Neville and help him find his toad. , hold the fort please.”

After only a couple minutes sorting things out, the two groups split. Lightning towards the rear of the train and Neville towards the front.

(Dawn’s Note: Thank Celestia that Dusk managed to make some Surveillance Charms and the organization kerfuffle let me activate and sneak a pair onto Dudley and Lightning. I wish I could have been there but Lightning’s logic was sound.)

“Ah wish Fluttershy was here. Ah don’t want a toad-finding cutie mark,” Apple Bloom laments as this time she knocks on what feels like the hundredth compartment door.

“You know we don’t have to worry about that after our other animal attempts,” Lightning counters as the door opens up.

A pale-faced boy looks up from his game of exploding snaps before rudely joking to his companions, “Looks like the barn animals escaped their pens.”

Lightning frowns as he roughly asks, “And just who are you to judge? Your companions look like they are barely civilized.”

Draco haughtily replies, “those two are my loyal friends Goyle and Crabbe. As for me, I’m Draco Malfoy of the ancient human pureblood house of Malfoy. You’d best remember it when my father gets the amendment repealed.”

Apple Bloom angrily denounces Malfoy, “Ah thought we left Diamond Tiara at home!”

Sweetie puts a hoof on Lightning and Apple Bloom’s shoulders before trying to defuse the situation. “Have you seen a toad? We’ll be out of your m…hair once you answer.”

Draco sneers back at her. “Longbottom’s lost his pet toad again? I can’t believe they let that squib attend Hogwarts but being Dumbledore’s special boy has its perks. Now GET OUT!”

Scootaloo hurriedly closes the door before sighing in relief. “What a hateful speciesist and tribalist.”

Lightning sighs as well before adding, “We might as well keep it civil. I managed to sense he’s using the hate as armor to hide his pain.”

Apple Bloom puts a hoof to her chin as she ponders, “Ah wonder how we can help? Ah don’t want to have to deal with seven years of a male Diamond Tiara.”

Sweetie Belle redirects their thought train with, “We can worry about that later. First is finding Trevor who hopefully isn’t in there.”

With the other three nodding their assent, Sweetie takes the lead on the next door of their fruitless search.


Ron knocks on the door to the frontmost carriage. “I wonder if Lightning has found Trevor by now.”

Percy opens the door and asks, “can I help you Ron, Hermoine, Dudley, and…?”

Ron motions for Neville to answer, which he does nervously. “N-neville L-longbottom. H-have you s-seen my t-toad T-trevor?”

Percy shakes his head and opens his mouth to answer when the compartment they had skipped for reasons opens up disgorging it’s occupants.

Said occupants smirk as they spot the Firsties before one of the twins opens his mouth, “Hey Ron! Come-”

“-look at the pet-” the second twin continues.

“-Lee Jordan brought!” The third member of the terrible trio teasingly commands.

Ron, with a look of dread on his face, turns to look at the large spider held in Lee’s hand. Shrieking like a little girl, he knocks Percy aside as he drops to all fours and sprints into the Perfect’s carriage.

The terrible trio plus Lee fall over laughing. Percy on the other hand exasperatively sighs before scolding them. “You do know it’s going to take forever to get him out of my compartment? Siblings or not, if you do that trick again at Hogwarts I will punish you.”

“What trick? And that was a he?” Asks a voice behind him.

Percy turns to face the girl. “My youngest brother is terrified of spiders Tonks. Those four decided to spook him with one while they were searching for Neville’s toad.”

Tonks pulls a toad out of one of her robe pouches while smirking. “You mean this one?”

Neville rushes forward with a cry of “Trevor!” before pulling up short and stuttering out, “t-thank you m-miss Tonks.”

Tonks waves one hand in dismissal while the other holds Trevor out for Neville to grab. “It was nothing. Besides, one of you matches Dudley’s description. Professor Dumbledore asked me to be your mentor as we all possess a shapeshifting talent. Let Lightning and Scootaloo know you are all welcome to come to me with any questions.”

Percy gives Dudley a chance to nod his assent before dictating, “I’ll clear these four ruffians back into their cabin while you help these three dislodge Ron from his hiding place, Tonks.”

Tonks ponders for a second as she looks at the still giggling third years before answering, “sounds like a plan.”

Dudley puts a solid hoof on Neville’s shoulder. “First, however, before I forget, do you have anyone waiting for you in your compartment? If not, I insist on helping you move your things to ours.”

Neville shakes his head sadly. “No one wants to sit with the Longbottom Loser.”

Hermoine ponders out loud as she hears that name, “Longbottom… weren’t your parents aurors who stood against you-know-who?”

Neville shrinks in upon himself as Tonks answers for him, “Yes. They were some of the best and heroes of mine.”

Dudley pulls Neville into a solid hug. “The son of heroes and police then? I don’t see how you can be a loser. Now let’s help Tonks here get Ron and then we can be your pals.”

Dudley then lets Neville go and marches towards Ron’s hiding place to pry him loose.

Having successfully pried Ron free from his hiding place, the group makes their way back to their compartment quietly picking up Neville’s stuff along the way.

Knocking on the door, Dudley let’s himself in as he leads the way towards the living room. “Feel free to sit wherever Neville. Shouldn’t be too much….”

As if summoned by his words, Lightning leads his discouraged group in. Without preamble, except to flop down on a couch, Lightning opens up, “I hope you had more luck than we did. The only thing we found was Draco Malfoy and by tarturus does he need help.” Sensing Ron’s anger at the name and seeing Ron open his mouth, Lightning’s horn lights up to forcibly silence Ron.

Lightning continues where he left off, “I know the sort of help you’d want to give him Ron, but beneath that armor of hate is a lonely unloved boy, and need I remind you you’re speaking to someone who can eat others love to power his magic. Given your spike of fear Neville, yes, I can sense other emotions. Any member of my species-slash-tribe can if they choose too. No, we don’t do it randomly because doing so is rude, and no, I can’t read your mind.”

Neville hesitantly opens his mouth and asks, “w-why d-did you s-scan D-draco and m-me then?”

Lightning points a hoof at Ron. “One doesn’t spend a month with the Weasleys without hearing how bad the Malfoys are. And as for you, well, you aren’t the first to have such concerns needing to be answered as they come up. Dudley and Scootaloo could do the same, if they were trained. There are downsides to the ability too. I’m also telling you because Dudley, Ron, and Hermoine have decided you’re worthy of joining our gaggle of misfits.”

Dudley coughs as he speaks up, “Not to interrupt, but we do actually have news. Ron screams like a little girl when presented with a spider.”

Hermoine’s light chuckling plus Ron exuberantly declaring, “I Do Not!” set the CMC and eventually Neville off into chuckling fits.

Dudley lets them die off before speaking again, “Now that the mood is lightened, we did find Trevor and someone named Tonks said we should go to her if we have any questions regarding shapeshifting. Also Neville is spending at least the rest of the ride with us. The son of heroes shouldn’t sit alone.”

Neville sighs sadly as he looks down. “It will only be the rest of this ride. B-Being Dumbledore’s P-Pet still can’t get a s-squib s-sorted.”

The group glance at each other before Dudley breaks the silence, “can you keep a secret Neville? Can we trust your honor? It’ll shatter your world.”

Dudley stares deeply into Neville’s eyes as he shakily nods. Holding it for a few seconds, Dudley finally tells Neville, “I was born a non-magical. Lightning’s people have a cure, no, have had a cure for centuries. It takes months of treatments but you will have magic.”

Neville shivers as he courageously points out, “G-Gran s-said E-Equest-Equestria h-has o-only o-opened c-contact a m-month ago.”

Lightning and Dudley both wince before Lightning answers, “Blame me. The version Dudley received by my request nearly killed him. I can count on every limb I have the number of people I know of who could do it and none would do so.”

Scootaloo cheekily adds, “Plus Lightning’s godmother is Professor Dumbledore for Equestria. She even helped me get adopted because he knew me and my adoptive sister.”

Hermoine sternly warns, “if you stay there’ll be lots of work, but we plan on helping each other no matter where we are sorted.” Her expression then softens as she continues, “we’ll try to keep you out of any mischief we may end up in.”

Neville looks from face to face before shakily nodding. “If you t-think I-I’ll get in…, then I’ll stay.”

Scootaloo smiles brightly as she exclaims in relief, “Now that the mush is settled, we can game again!”

The rest, excluding Neville, shake their heads at her actions before settling down to eat sweets and play games.

Several hours later of gaming later a knock interrupts their play. Percy then sticks his head in and smiles in approval at seing them all changed. “I thought you nine would like to know we’re only a few minutes away from Hogsmeade Station. Leave your luggage in your compartment after whoever owns this apartment trunk shrinks it back into trunk mode.”

Receiving nods of acknowledgement, Percy leaves as the rest hurriedly grab their bags and exit the trunk. Lightning taps the shrink command as the brakes screech and as their fellow students grumble the others toss their bags (and trunk) into the compartment.

As a disorganized mob the nine exit the train onto a tiny, dark, damp station platform. Looking around, they are dazzled when a lamp lights and a huge shadow looms over them.

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