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1-18: Planting New Quidditch Seeds

Author's Note:

Well, that wrote itself in parts, helped by my inability to sleep because I was raging mad at someone. I feel better now. This has been run through Grammarly. The previous chapter also was improved.

My Discord which notifies upon new chapters and such is https://discord.com/invite/DZ92UWa

As always the Google Docs version with better font choices and colors is https://docs.google.com/document/d/15AlN4RGqvW0l8yiuGv545ZjwirMRl5O8kxG47o_yDqQ/edit?usp=sharing. If you have any editing suggestions please leave them there.

1-18: Planting New Quidditch Seeds

The following day the group wakes up and sleepily makes their way down to breakfast. They barely remember in time the fact today is Tuesday, and so the path has changed.

Sitting down causes their breakfast to appear once more, and they are well into digging in when the flock of owls appears with letters. Lightning’s horn and wings light up, summoning a soft shield to protect the group’s food seeing how the owls haphazardly drop stuff onto the tables and into food and drink.

The only exception to this exclusion is Hedwig, who lands on the table next to Lightning with a letter and bundle of books wrapped in enchanted twine held in her claws.

Lightning holds out a piece of bacon to her in one hoof as she lets go of the books and hops down onto the table. He then pets her gently with the same slightly greasy hoof after she takes his offering in one set of claws and neatly nibbles on it. “Thank you, Hedwig, for bringing it so quickly and so neatly. Would you like any more bacon?”

Hedwig makes an affirmative-sounding chirp while nodding, and upon being hoofed the second piece of bacon, places it down on the table. She then shows her own thanks by leaping onto one of Lightning’s upper arms and wrapping her wings around his head, giving him a wing-hug and an affectionate nuzzle.

Lightning pets her gently once more with his free hoof while the nearby people daw at the sight of such a strong bond between wizard and familiar. “You’re welcome, Hedwig. I love you too.”

With one last nuzzle, Hedwig disengages the hug, hops back onto the table, picks up her bacon, and flies off to the Owlery.

Meanwhile, Lightning realizes he is still generating his very weak shield and drops it as he starts untying the bundle. Picking the letter up, he starts reading out loud, “now let’s see what this says:

To my honorary little brother Lightning and his friends, the expanded CMC,

Here are the books you requested. They’re good for a laugh as ghosts don’t exist. All good souls go to the lost Paradise Valley in lost Elysium, while all evil ones go to Tambelon to serve Grogar for all eternity. Everyone knows that.

It is good to hear, however, that you are doing well and that your first day went well. Feel free to write us individually as well since you have owls. I’m sure your parents would also like to hear from you, Ron, Hermione, and Dudley.

Your (Honorary) Big Sisters/Friends,

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, AppleJack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, , and .

“I suspect we wouldn’t be getting these if any of them had come to Hogwarts for a visit. Still, let’s see what books she got us. Hmm…, ‘10 Spells for Summoning Ghosts and 10 More to Banish Them by Prof. Edward Gaddfly’ sounds useful. The second is ‘10 Rituals to Bring the Dead Back to Life by Somber Heart’, which is also helpful. Lastly, the final author must not have made many copies of this as it is bound in ancient blackened leather. Now, what’s the title? Ahh...there it is: ‘Index of the Undead by Flowing Light and Crafted Love.’

“I really hope we don’t have to use that last one. It creeps me out.” Lightning finally finishes as he looks between the three books as if trying to decide which to open first.

The rest of the group voices their agreement in not wanting to read that last one before Hermione suggests, “the second one sounds safe enough, and it is what we want.”

Lightning looks about for any dissenters, and finding none, opens the ritual book. Those nearby look over his shoulder or try to read upside down as he quickly flips through the book with disgusted expressions growing on the groups’ faces as they get deeper and deeper in, and the results get darker and darker.

Eventually, Lightning sums it up. “We only have two options, it seems. One that involves tree sap but is easier and can be cast anytime…, and the other harder one requires the willingly given blood of an alicorn and the tears of a phoenix on specific dates. The closest upcoming the book says is Harmony Tri-um-phant Day.”

“Ah vote for the harder one,” Apple Bloom suggests as she thinks of what could happen.

“I’ve had enough of wearing tree sap,” Scootaloo seconds causing the Equestrian CMC members to shudder.

“Rarity isn’t here to unstick us from our clothes,” Sweetie Belle thirds causing a second shudder.

Lightning scratches his chin in thought. “It’s settled then, but when is Harmony Triumphant Day?”

A sigh catches everyone’s attention as Sunset and the Twins slip into seats nearby. She asks them, “why do you want to know when Harmony Triumphant Day is? It hasn’t been celebrated in centuries, almost as long as the Winter Moon Festival.”

The group looks at each other before Lightning shrugs. “We would have to ask you to borrow Philomena anyway for her tears. Twilight sent us a book to bring ghosts back to life.”

Sunset’s horn lights up to snag the book so she can read it over quickly before beginning, “You plan on…”

“...using this ritual…,” Forge continues.

“on Professor Binns?” Ged finishes the question.

The group all nervously nods, causing the Trio to laugh at the audacity before Ged suggests, “might we suggest using it on Moaning Myrtle…”

“...in the second-floor girl’s bathroom first. No one…,” Forge continues the suggestion.

“...goes there if they can. Have fun continuing the pranks the day after Nightmare Night.” Sunset finishes their suggestion and help.

Lightning hmms as he thinks things through. “That means we have until November 1st to set things up. Thanks for suggesting a location to do it as well.”

Neville, meanwhile, reaches for a fallen package addressed to him and pulled out a clear glass ball from it. Holding it out in one hand, he nervously gets their attention, “L-Look! M-my G-Gran g-got me an R-Remembrall.”

The group looks at Neville before Apple Bloom asks, “How does that thar thing work?”

A bit more confidently, Neville explains, “It t-turns red when y-you forget something.” The ball turns red, and Neville sheepishly continues, “l-like t-that. W-what d-did I-I f-forget?”

Those closest to Neville give him pats on the back while the group assures him that if it becomes essential, they will help him find it.

With that settled, the discussion turns to what they expect to learn at Herbology that morning and how bad the school brooms will be. The groups consensus from overheard rumors is they will be pretty bad.

First period the group spends in the library cracking at the Charms homework they hadn’t managed to do last night. It is due tomorrow after all.

Soon enough, however, First Period is over, and the group makes their way over to the Greenhouses for almost everyone’s first proper meeting with Professor Sprout. The exception, of course is Dudley, who has her as his head of house.

What the group found out was she was a cheerful, if a bit brisk, teacher with a mind sharper than her frumpy appearance would suggest.

Roll call is swiftly accomplished, and the rest of the period is spent going over some of the plants using her well-loved copy of Encyclopedia Ingredientia to help show them off.

The class only gets about halfway through the book when the bell rings, and Professor Sprout tells them all that this class, they don’t have any homework but to expect some next class.

After that was another free period where the Gryffindor group all managed to finish Charms homework just in time for the bells to make ten deep bongs and then two light ones signifying it’s time for Flying lessons.

Running into Dudley as they swap “classes,” Lightning asks him, “how did Flying class go?”

Dudley answers them, “It went well, but those brooms really are rickety. Madam Hooch seemed to know her stuff but beware the snakes.”

The group nods back as Lightning replies, “Thanks for the good luck and good luck on the homework. The worse thing that could happen is we spend tomorrow morning helping you.”

Dudley returns the nod before they part as with a castle Hogwarts’ size; there really isn’t much time to chit chat in the 15 minutes between classes.

Arriving at the front lawn, they are greeted by the sight of the Slytherins, 24 ratty old brooms and who must be Madam Hooch, an athletic old lady full of fire and energy.

She scans them efficiently with her goggled eyes before briskly starting her lecture, “What’re you all waiting for? Step up to the left side of your broomstick.”

She gives the Gryffindors and Slytherins time to do so before continuing, “Now I want you all to place your right hand over the broom and firmly command ‘Up!’”

The students do as ordered and call out “Up” with minimal results on the first try. Scootaloo is the only one who ends up with her broom in her hoof as a loud “THUD” can be heard coming from somewhere nearby.

The second go goes better with Hermione, Draco, and a few others managing to get brooms in hand. It also results in a second “THUD!”

The Third finds the rest of the group and even Neville with brooms in hand. The sole exception to this is Lightning whose broom refuses to twitch the group notices as an even louder “THUD” sounds.

At this point Lightning is one of very few to not have their brooms in hand. The group quietly but supportively watches as he calls out “UP!” one more time only for the broom to not twitch again.

However, this time that loud “THUD” turns into the sound of a door being forced off its hinges. The whole class jumps in shock as a beautiful crooked white blackthorn broom swoops gracefully into his waiting right hoof.

Most of the group are confused why some of their classmates, including Ron and Hermione, are staring at the broom in Lightning’s hoof with awe.

Said awe-filled staring is interrupted by the sounds of muffled screaming coming from above. The class looks up and sees a terrified Neville clutching to “his” ratty old broom as it zigs and zags about while gaining height.

Madam Hooch shows why she was a champion Quidditch player back in her day as she runs over and claims Lightning’s intended broom for herself. Mounting it smoothly and leaping off the ground, she calls out firmly but gently, “Calm Down Neville! I’ll be right over.”

Neville manages a shaky nod of acknowledgment even as his broom takes him over one of the courtyard. Muttering a soft swear Madam Hooch pulls out her wand and casts “DESCENDIO” at Neville as she races towards him.

Unfortunately a particularly strong zag causes the spell to hit Neville’s broom instead leaving him hanging from a gargoyle by his robe while his broom tries to and succeeds at slipping from his terrified grasp.

Madam Hooch has to make a sudden dive as Neville, in his panicked thrashing, manages to slip free from his robe. She still almost manages to catch him on her broom but instead only manages to break his fall briefly.

Landing smoothly and elegantly next to a prone Neville, she gently pulls him up to a standing position while looking over the left arm he is cradling.

Obviously not liking what she is seeing, she briskly orders the class, “I’m taking Neville to the infirmary to get looked at. The rest of you better stay on the ground until I get back, or you’ll be out of here faster than you can say Quidditch.”

The group barely manages to start expressing their concerns for Neville when Draco’s biting words break through, causing them to look at him as he holds Neville’s Remembrall in one hand. “Maybe if that fat squib had remembered to squeeze this he wouldn’t be in the infirmary right now.”

The group trails behind Lightning as he marches over to Draco and politely asks, “please give that over, Draco. It’s a gift from his gran.”

Draco pauses for a second before sneering at them as he declares, “No! No, I don’t think I’ll give it over to you animals!” Rubbing his chin, he maliciously smiles as he expresses the idea that must have just come to him. “In fact, I think I’ll leave this for somewhere for Longbottom to find.

“Like the roof,” Draco finishes as he swiftly mounts his broom and takes off smoothly.

Lightning and Scootaloo both follow him in mounting their brooms and shakily taking off after and surrounding him.

Lightning once more pleads with Draco, “just give it back, please, and none of us will be in trouble.”

Draco opens his mouth to reply, probably in the negative, when the sound of whistling wind probably alerts him to Scootaloo’s direct tackle approach.

Whatever the case may be, he manages to dodge her tackle by smoothly rotating around his broom.

Once on top, he pulls his arm back and tells Lightning, “If you animals want this so bad, go fetch,” before swinging his arm forward and releasing the Remembrall in a very long throw.

Lightning takes him up on his offer and chases after the Remembrall, with Scootaloo soon managing to follow.

It quickly becomes apparent that there is no way Scootaloo is catching up to Lightning. Lightning himself manages to catch the Remembrall well before hitting the wall, but it takes until he hits a window with the bristles of his broom for him to come to a stop with a soft thud.

This is presumably what catches Professor McGonagall’s attention as the window he hit opens when he is halfway back to the cheering Gryffindor crowd. Standing in the said window is Professor McGonagall in griffon form.

She gives him and Scootaloo a chance to land before flying out the window to land next to the class and beckons Scootaloo and Lightning with one claw. “Scootaloo Songwing and Lightning Sunrise please follow me and, Lightning, bring Nova with you.”

Nervously, the two follow her with Lightning clutching his broom, apparently named Nova. The rest of the group gets to listen and joke about how he got two of the “animals” expelled while they nervously hope that won’t happen.

Madam Hooch soon returns, and the class resumes with a much more muted tone from the Gryffindors.

Meanwhile, the two students follow Professor McGonagall with down-turned ears and tails, too scared to even attempt to mount a defense of their actions.

She leads them back up and into the Gryffindor Common Room before interrupting an older boy’s studies. “Oliver Wood, I have good news that needs your attention now.”

Oliver’s head jerks up in what is probably confusion before turning to look at the three, and the broom Lightning is holding.

Seeing his rapidly growing smile is a tad disturbing to the two First Years as Professor McGonagall points to one and then the other while continuing, “I’ve found you a new Seeker in Lightning here and a Reserve Seeker in Scootaloo. Neither of them has flown on brooms before today, but both performed beautifully.”

Oliver turns to look over Nova as he breathlessly exclaims, “and he has The Nova Broom. Does either of you know how Quidditch works? I’m Captain of the Gryffindor team.”

Scootaloo excitedly says, “Do we ever. Ron’s spent the past month drilling the rules into our head with Hermione's help from a book.”

Lightning more quietly nods his agreement to what she said.

Professor McGonagall smiles at the pair as she muses, “I’ll see if I can bend the first-year rule for you two if you join. Not like anyone would dare take Nova away from you, Lightning unless you lost her loyalty.”

Oliver Wood also hums in thought, “Scootaloo, I think we’ll try to get you a Cleansweep Seven or Nimbus 2000.”

Lightning raises the pertinent question everyone reading this is thinking, “Why do you keep referring to Nova like she’s alive?”

Both Oliver Wood and Professor McGonagall look at him like he’s suddenly grown a second head before the latter shakes her head and answers him. “How could… Of course, you wouldn’t know. Nova, named after her maker, has a core of Pegasi feathers. No one is sure how she got so many willing donations, but Nova chooses her wielder like a wand.

“She’s also a legend among brooms despite being over 70 years old.” Professor McGonagall warns, “Do not push your luck, Lightning, as she will take everything you give her and probably outlive you. She already has outlived several Quidditch careers and always returns to Hogwarts to await her next bearer.

“So, are you willing to join the Quidditch team? If you don’t you will probably lose Nova’s loyalty and we could really use you,” Professor McGonagall finally concludes with a question.

The two look at each other before nodding, causing Oliver Wood to exhale in relief while Professor McGonagall firmly warns, “I want to hear you two are training hard, or I may rethink my stance on punishing you for your misdeeds. Now, follow me so we can get you back to your friends and classmates.”

The two follow her out of the common room but are surprised when she turns down a hidden staircase behind a tapestry. They are even more surprised when they follow her into the hidden staircase and into her waiting arms and wings.

Giving them both a hug, she smiles down at them as they return the hug. “Lightning, your father would be proud of you both. He was an excellent Quidditch player as well. Now let’s get out of here before someone sees us, and I lose my reputation.”

Chuckling, the two let go of her before following her as she leads the way to the grand central staircase and hops over its railing.

Concerned for her mental state, the two rush over and look over the railing only to spot Professor McGonagall flapping her wings to slow her descent.

Taking that as permission to take the shortcut, the two follow her down to the ground floor, where they find her in the doorway to the room they waited in the first night.

She conjures a couple of chairs with her wand before beckoning them inside. “Wait in here until lunch Mr. Sunrise and Ms. Songwing, and leave Nova in here during lunch.”

The two approach her and move to go inside before stopping. Lightning manages to work up the courage to open his mouth. “Professor McGonagall, before you go, we were in the air because Draco Malfoy stole Neville’s Remembrall and took off, threatening to smash or hide it.”

Professor McGonagall glares at them, seeing if either of them will break. When neither do, the glare softens after what feels like a minute. “Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I will look into the matter. Now enter and try not to tell anyone you are on the team.”

The two hurriedly scurry inside before she closes the door and spend the rest of the period in mock detention.

Shortly after the bells bonged eleven deep and three light bongs, the group scurries into the great hall from where they were and sits down, expecting the food to appear.

They are disappointed then when no food appears. Looking at the teacher’s table, they see Professor Dumbledore scanning the room as if counting the students.

Grumbling, they decide to wait, and their patience is awarded a few minutes later when Professor Dumbledore stands up and taps his goblet with his wand to get everyone’s attention. “I know you all are probably starving, I know I am, but Professor Sinistra reminded me that students do not have to attend the afternoon class for this week only. She also reminded me that snacks and drinks would be available before every midnight lesson in the chamber at the bottom of the Astronomy Tower.

“With that out of the way, let lunch commence.” Professor Dumbledore finishes by sitting down, causing food to appear.

Before they can really dig in, however, Draco appears to gloat with his bodyguards flanking him. “Enjoying your last meal before you get sent back where you belong with the animals?”

Lightning and Scootaloo just sigh before the former responds, “we got detention for the rest of the period, and that was it. We had to write a couple of hundred times that we wouldn’t perform stupid, reckless acts on the broom. It was worth it to save a friend’s possession.”

The group cheers at that news while Draco just scowls. “I don’t know how you are still here, but you won’t be when my father hears about this.”

Lightning shrugs as he quietly says, “then the school board will hear how you broke the rules first and have been saying speciesist and racist things.”

Fuming even harder, Draco splutters out, “I demand satisfaction. I challenge you to a Wizard’s Duel in the trophy room at midnight tonight.”

Lightning gives Draco a deadpan look before asking Hermione, “are Wizard’s Duels allowed on school grounds?”

Draco sneers at Lightning and Scootaloo, “does that mean those wings really make you part chicken as well?”

“No,” Lightning slowly explains, “but we have class at that time. As the challenged, I have the right to pick time and place.”

Hermione, meanwhile, has pulled out her copy of the school rulebook and has an answer ready, “it seems they are allowed as long as a teacher supervises, and no lethal or potentially lethal spells are used.”

Lightning asks Draco, “so does outside after lunch with Professor Flitwick supervising work, or are you going to be smart and drop this Draco?”

Out-foxed and with his still somewhat fragile power base at risk of being shattered if he disagrees, Draco swallows and reluctantly nods that that works.

Lightning’s horn lights up, and out of his bag floats a quill, ink, and parchment. Writing a note upon it, he asks Draco, “wait here, please,” before sending the completed message to Professor Flitwick by flame-mail.

Draco looks a bit more nervous when the scroll reintegrates and drops in front of the Charms professor. He promptly opens it in surprise before looking at them and then getting up to walk towards them.

Arriving at the Gryffindor table, he looks from one to the other. “You, Draco, have officially challenged Lightning to a duel which he accepted with the stipulation being it be after lunch, and I preside over it?”

Draco nods a bit shakily, “yes, s-sir. I challenged h-him to a duel.”

Professor Flitwick turns to Lightning, “and you accepted Lightning and made those terms?”

Lightning just shrugs. “He seems rather insistent, sir. I hope it helps him get his frustration at my fellow Gryffindors and me out of his system.”

Professor Flitwick sighs, “and neither of you is willing to back down?”

Professor Flitwick receives a shaky head shake from a pale Draco and a shrug from Lightning, causing him to shake his own head. “So be it. Lightning, would you be willing to bear me up to the hallway outside the Charms classroom afterward? Otherwise, it would have to happen shortly before supper.”

Lightning sizes, Professor Flitwick up before bemusedly answering, “I’m reasonably sure I can carry you this time but let’s not make this a habit.”

Professor Flitwick chuckles back. “I’ll see you two after lunch outside then.”

They watch Professor Flitwick leave before Lightning turns back to Draco and his bodyguards. “I’d suggest you get back to your table and have some lunch. Dueling is hungry work.”

The Gryffindors proceed to ignore the shaken Draco in order to attack their food with gusto. It takes a minute for Draco to recover enough to leave back to his own table.

Lunch passes smoothly enough, with the rest of the group describing what Madam Hooch managed to teach them in their abbreviated session.

Shortly before lunch ends finds the whole group out on the front lawn. Draco, his bodyguards, some curious students, and Professor Flitwick join them a couple of minutes later.

Professor Flitwick looks between the two contestants. “Before we begin, please name your seconds.”

Malfoy thinks for a second before deciding. “Crabbe will be my second.”

Lightning looks at his group before smiling and nodding at one of them. “Sweetie Belle shall serve as my second then.”

Professor Flitwick accepts this before laying out some ground rules. “This duel is a challenge between these two parties. Since this is on school grounds, there are to be no lethal spells cast or body contact made. You are also not allowed to leave school grounds, and please limit your flying.

“The duel will end when one side concedes, ten minutes have passed, or I determine one side unable to continue. Do you understand?”

Lightning quietly nods in response. “Yes.”

Draco answers a bit more nervously, “I understand.”

Professor Flitwick smiles at them as he lays out some final instructions while flicking his wand to cause two glowing patches of light to form on the ground about 20 paces apart. “I want you two to each stand on one of those spots, face each other, and bow while closing your eyes. Don’t begin until I say so.”

The two nod to Professor Flitwick before marching over to the indicated spots. They then turn to each other, and Lightning bows his head and closes his eyes.

Lightning must have managed to hear Draco’s spell incantation as he dodged it by hopping up in a wing-assisted jump.

Professor Flitwick opens his mouth to call the duel when Lightning interrupts him as he lands. “So this is how the purest of the purebloods behave!? I will finish this duel in a way he shalt never forget!”

With those words said, his wings and horn light up alongside Draco’s entire body, which lifts up before beginning to spin faster and randomly in random directions.

Professor Flitwick and the group have to try several times to get Lightning’s attention as an ever-increasingly green, and disoriented Draco hopes the spinning will finally stop.

Lightning does finally stop as Professor Flitwick commands him, “Lightning, put Draco down and step away. You’ve won, but I’m disappointed in you for your conduct.”

Shakily Lightning rights a Draco as green in the face as Lyra and puts him down on the ground. Draco stumbles away towards the Infirmary before he becomes reacquainted with his lunch.

Lightning, on the other hoof, stumbles towards the rest of his group with a hoof on his forehead, looking dazed and in pain. “What… happened? Why… did I… do that?”

The group shrugs as Scootaloo makes a guess, “maybe you overdosed on his hate and anger?”

Lightning sighs in relief suddenly before answering her, “maybe. Thank you to whoever cast that pain relief spell.”

The group looks at him slightly oddly before they turn to catch Professor Flitwick finishing his offer, “-practice duels, please contact me.”

Professor Flitwick then walks over to and addresses Scootaloo, “would you please fly me up to the Charms classroom floor?”

Glancing between Professor Flitwick and Lightning for several seconds, Scootaloo finally answers the difficult position the former placed her in. “Yes, I’ll fly you up. Meet the rest of you in the Gryffindor Common Room.”

She and Flitwick leave ahead of the group, who slowly trudge their way up the stairs, silently ruminating on what happened during the duel and just who cast that healing spell on Lightning.

Arriving, they find Scootaloo already sitting at a table with Neville confusedly standing next to her. She waves to them. “You guys are finally here, so we can get to work on our Muggle Studies. Hermione can explain what we are doing better than I can, Neville.”

Hermione coughs at being put on the spot. “Yes, Neville, we’re looking to complete a non-magical education as well. I’ll be giving you a placement test this afternoon while the rest do their own studies.”

Neville looks like a pony with a light suddenly in their face as he stammers out, “b-but….”

Lightning firmly states, “you did agree to join us in our education. I doubt you’ve noticed, but it won’t be long before the Statute falls. My godmother, Aletia, told us it might last until we graduate, but it almost certainly won’t until our children do.”

Neville attempts to stutter out a rebuttal but comes up short, leading him to lower his head in defeat.

The rest of the afternoon until supper is spent learning their non-magical studies. During it and their nice supper, they forget all about what happened during the duel.

Satisfied, they go to bed with alarms set for 11 PM in order to have time for snacks.

Next time:
"I always knew you were something special Mrs. Norris," Argus Filch says lovingly as he hugs her before the shell-shocked eyes of the Gryffindor ponies and Neville at about 3 in the morning.

Comments ( 24 )

aww i wanted to see Draco the bouncing farett be changed for the next fortnight.

Draco becoming a ferret is from book 4 in canon, and a professor does it to him. Lightning does not know that spell even in his rage filled state.

Great chapter and a great work around for that duel. Also i'm really curious who keeps healing him, my money is still on Snape. I look forward to your next chapter

*Giggles madly at that theory as he's already given enough pieces to solve that question in the story's text. he does like your bet however.*

Ominous but intrigued as to why the evil laugh

I find it hilarious how no one has pieced it together since I have hinted at it since the Gringotts chapter at least.
Oh well, you'll all find out in 3 chapters on Halloween part 1 of 2: Halloween Surprise


I also added a tiny sneak peek to next chapter that is sure to raise questions I won't answer until then. 😜

Not going to try and solve it? That makes me sad.

lol like i said i believe it is Snape. Based on what you said i'm wrong but i'm still hoping lol

Why would Snape be in DADA with the First Year Gryffindors even if the Slytherins were there as well?

The Nova broom?! Oh my.
And Draco is lucky Lightning didn't bring that broom to the duel. That was no ordinary pegasus.

Lightning would have had no way of knowing the fact it can be used as a wand and in the state he was in couldn't have used it anyway. He wasn't quite himself you see.
Now to fire up my middle English translator for next chapter. Or maybe Shakespearean English translator. I should also note that the Basilisk still lives here and Kitsumi Nova won't be appearing except as a reference.

aww yes The Nova broom.
i know but i am still bugging you about a posable sequel??? :heart: :scootangel:

OK, just remember that KittyrinAiko is my username and a nine-tail fox who tutored at least one version of Kitsumi Nova.

Kitsumi Nova won't be making any current appearances. Incidentally she's why Celestia and Luna are using Pseudonyms. Celestia doesn't want to have to deal with the headache of knowing things her possible future stuff did or having to deal with someone expecting her to know things she has yet to learn and may never learn.
For one thing the timeline Nova came from didn't have her having a "human" godchild. Basically mostly everything Nova did happened except for the events involving the Basilisk. She'll be making appearances in book 2 and her role there is critical.
As I've said in Discord, some who lived won't and some who died will live. Also Quirrell very much knows that Lightning was Harry.

To be Fair I actually asked if I could continue wizard and lonely princess book 2 and asked him directly a few things besides that like if Celestia was Harry's godmother

A sidestory of that confirms that point anyways. or heavily implies it.

Yeah I know the side story is bit heavily implied it but I never outright said it I had to ask him directly and he said yes

Just got caught up. Great story. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

will you be continuing this story? It is very good.

I have to admit the picture and description got me to read right away XD

I agree with the CMC being 10-11 yo in the 1st episode of the show but that doesn't fit the time table shown in this story though...
Twilight was accepted as Celestia student little after Harry was found by Celestia, I think it is when he was 3 that this was mentioned, meaning Twilight is 10 when Harry was 2-3 yo. Assuming Harry is now 7 Twilight is 14-15 and thr CMC are said to be the same age as Harry and we saw the party for when DT got her CM in the show but Twilight is not in Ponyville yet in this story even though it is already happening.
Assuming Twilight goes to Ponyville at 21, which is assumed by most, then the CMC and Harry will be 13-14 yo at the time of the first episode...

That is what is in the story and a complication that happened because you decided to change the timeline of events without thinking of the consequences...
I know people will not care but I really take canon serious for any story I read...

But one question are you going to continue this story or finish it?
Because I am almost dropping it for being dead.

You are correct. Twilight is only 14-15 at the time of the CMC's founding. That's because it happens 4-5 years earlier than canon. Twilight is not present at the party because she is still in Canterlot as Celestia's personal student. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy also aren't at the party because they haven't graduated school in Cloudsdale yet. Rarity has only just setup shop in the past year. If you specifically want ages at the time NMM struck I can give them to you:

  • 9: Spike
  • 10: Scootaloo, Harry/Lightning, Diamond Tiara
  • 11: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle
  • 13 or 14: Sunset Shimmer
  • 18: Twilight, Rainbow Dash (Graduated with Fluttershy & Gilda by skipping 2 grades.)
  • 19: Pinkie Pie, Sunset (if she hadn't fallen forwards through time and space.)
  • 20: Apple Jack, Rarity, Gilda
  • 21: Fluttershy

As far as continuing goes I've been slowly working on a backlog as there are 4 chapters I want to post back to back.

Edit: I saw your bit on Twilight's age and she always struck me as a young adult just finally going out into the world. Very book smart but she's spent 10 years in a private prep school. And if you think Twilight got in early Sunset accidentally passed and was accepted when she was 4 or 5 ahead of her older brother by several years. Yes, that means Sunset passed the Entrance Exam before Magic Kindergarten

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