• Published 17th May 2020
  • 597 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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Breaking Character (Feather Bangs)

Feather was taking part in another fashion show that featured new lines of clothes made by upcoming fashion designers. He sat in the VIP area which allowed him to see the show better. Feather choose to take part in this event as Rarity's new clothes lines will also be featured. He guessed that Prince Blueblood wouldn't come to one of these fashion shows unless it was necessary. Feather thought that it wouldn't hurt to attend some events just for the fun of it. Plus, 'Prince Blueblood's' presence in the fashion show increased more publicity and the audience got more excited.

"You," said a mare's voice. Feather turned to see Rarity standing in front of the same row he was in. Rarity glared angrily at Feather as he was the last pony Rarity wanted to see. She turned to the usher who had lead her.

"Is there any way you can put me in a different seat?" Rarity asked.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." The usher said. "All of the other VIP seats were booked. You'll have to sit next to Prince Blueblood." Rarity huffed while her face turned red. She quickly calmed down before she trotted and sat down on the empty seat next to Feather.

"Not say one word, your 'highness'." Rarity whispered sternly. "It's bad enough you crash my charity event and gave me money out of pity, but now you're coming to all of my events?! I should file a restraining order on you!" Rarity turned to the front while crossing her hooves. Feather said nothing as he didn't want to add oil to Rarity's fire. The fashion show went on until the announcer presented Rarity's line of new clothes. The clothes' theme was underwater as the dresses were made up of seashells, underwater patterns, and one dress looked like it was completely out of seaweed. Feather was astonished that Rarity made such beautiful dresses. He clapped and cheered whenever Rarity's models appeared. Feather thought showing his support was the least he could do for Rarity besides talking to her. The other ponies in the crowd notice Prince Blueblood showing support and decided to increase their cheers as well since he was royalty after all. Rarity on the other hoof felt offended to see that the crowd was just cheering because a prince was cheering first. She was sure that this was some sick joke that snobby prince came up with just to get back at her. 'I can't believe that prince!' Rarity thought. Rarity got up and left her seat as she needed to calm herself down before her anger got out of control.

Rarity was back at Canterlot Carousel and she was moping on the store's counter. Rarity watched Sassy Saddles take care of customers since Rarity wasn't in any mood to make new clothes or run the store. Even pony watching didn't help Rarity calm her anger down as she still thought how annoying Prince Blueblood has been for the past few days. When the now satisfied customers left the boutique, Sassy trotted towards Rarity.

"Rarity, I heard that your fashion show was a huge success!" Sassy cheered as she levitated a magazine to Rarity. "It's already on the latest fashion magazines!" Rarity groaned loudly before her face hit the counter. This made Sassy a bit concerned. "Are you alright, Rarity?"

"No, that fashion show was a 'huge' success because a certain prince had the nerve of cheering for my clothing just to irritate me!" Rarity complained.

"Oh," Sassy said as she knew who the certain prince was. "I'm sure that he won't be attending the next fashion show. He is a prince after all, he has royal duties to attend to."

"By royal duties, do you mean making my life miserable? If that were the case, then yes." Rarity said as she slammed her face on to the counter a second time.

"Perhaps this could be a sign that he wants to redeem himself to you? It's quite rare for stallions to change just to satisfy the mares they care about." Rarity only rose her head to give a growl at Sassy. Sassy stayed quiet as she slowly trotted to the next room.

'Curse that good-for-nothing prince! Something must be done!' Rarity thought as an idea appeared in her mind. 'And I think I know what to do it.' Rarity' smirked as she knew what to do.

"What do you mean you can't help me?!" Rarity said as she was talking to Princess Celestia in her throne room. "I-I mean, I apologize for that outburst. But I just request that you prevent Prince Blueblood from attending my events."

"As I said before, Rarity, I don't think I should do that." Princess Celestia responded. "My nephew has actually been doing a lot better as of late. I don't see why I should have him stop as he hasn't cause any trouble."

"But he has," Rarity said. "he gave me a lot of bits for an event that he wouldn't gain anything back except attention! Not to mention that he cheered for when my clothing appeared in the runway and that made the other ponies cheer as well!" Princess Celestia got up and approached Rarity. This made Rarity a bit terrified as she may have angered one of the rulers of Equestria. Instead, the princess placed a hoof on Rarity's shoulder.

"Rarity, I know that you and my nephew had a bad encounter in the past, but that was from a long time ago. Did I act harshly to Luna after she came back from the moon?" Rarity couldn't help but agree with Princess Celestia on Luna's return. "You may have faced bad experiences with certain creatures, but second chances can be made if you and the other creature allow it." Rarity sighs in defeat as Princess Celestia thinks that her nephew has been making good progress. Rarity grumbles while she trotted towards the exit.

Rarity returned to Canterlot Carousel and started organizing some of the displays.

"Rarity!" Sassy hollered as she galloped towards Rarity.

"What is it?" Rarity asked. She was a bit concerned to see Sassy acting excited for unknown reasons. Sassy levitated an opened envelope with a letter inside.

"You would not believe it! We're invited!" Sassy said. Rarity was still confused until she levitated the letter for a closer look. It read:

You and a guest are cordially invited to a party at the Royal Gardens in Canterlot Castle tomorrow night. The party will be hosted by none other than Prince Blueblood.

Rarity's face glowed red while she growled from reading the letter. "I should have known that snobby prince would have the nerve to irritate me again!"

"But Rarity, Prince Blueblood is inviting us to one of his parties! This is such a big deal!" Sassy said gleefully. Rarity responded by crumbling up the letter and tossing it to the trash can. Sassy gasped dramatically "Rarity! We can't turn this invitation down!" Sassy said as she levitated the letter from the trash can.

"I am not attending that party with Prince Blueblood being the host." Rarity said with a huff.

"But this is a golden opportunity!" Sassy pleaded. "Many well-known nobles will definitely attend this party as it is hosted by Prince Blueblood! We can expand our network and get Canterlot Carousel more customers!" Rarity put some thought into it and she thought Sassy was making a good point. Rarity still remember that the downside of going is to deal with Prince Blueblood. Rarity sighed in defeat. "Fine, we'll go. But I won't be making any interactions with Prince Blueblood. I do want to get my boutique more attention after all." Sassy cheered as she ran to the next room.

"We'll need to look our best if we're going to the prince's party!" Sassy hollered from the doorway. Rarity grumbled as the thought of being at a close distant with that prince again disgusted her.

The royal garden was heavily decorated with gold ribbons and flowers to show how high class the party was. There was a small stage and several musicians were playing slow and elegant music. The attendees were made up of were well-known all throughout Canterlot. They mingled and discussed about various matters. Feather was standing at the entrance to introduce himself to the incoming guests. He felt sort of glad that he was able to pull this off. Feather thought that inviting Rarity to this party could allow her to find more potential clients for her boutique. He was surprised that so many of the nobles came to his party. Feather guessed that no pony in Canterlot would want to miss out on a party hosted by royalty. As Feather continued to say his thanks to more guests coming in until he spotted Rarity and Sassy entering the garden. Sassy wore a dark blue and black dress while Rarity had on a dark purple dress.

"Rarity! Sassy Saddles! I am so glad the two of you decided to come to my little garden party." Feather said with a small bow. Rarity stayed silent while she turned her head away from the prince. Sassy grinned a nervous smile and responded.

"I apologize, your majesty. Rarity is just a bit tired from making some last-minute dresses. I'm sure she is as grateful as me that you invited her to your garden party." Sassy then turned to Rarity. "Isn't that right, Rarity?" Rarity only huffed as she trotted pass Feather and made her way to the other guests. Sassy quickly trotted closer to Feather. "Thank you so much for inviting us." Sassy said as she bowed and hurried along to find Rarity. Feather was able to introduce a few more guests before he was allowed to attend to his own party. Most of the nobles wanted to speak to Feather about how swell the party was going. Luckily for Feather, he was able to handle talking to party guests thanks to his past experiences as a prince. Rarity watched Feather getting all friendly with the nobles.

'I should've known that prince wanted to invite me just so I can see him flaunt his title to the wealthy guests.' Rarity thought as she took a sip of her drink.

"This is an amazing garden party!" Sassy said as she approached Rarity. "I was able to interact with most of the nobles here. Some are even considering clothing requests from Canterlot Carousel as it is really popular as of late."

"That is very good, Sassy." Rarity said while still watching angrily at Feather.

"Come now, Rarity. You should be enjoying the party as well!" Sassy said.

"I'm sorry, I still unable to enjoy the party seeing Prince Blueblood at a close distant." Rarity then noticed that Feather was trotting towards her. "I'm going to powder my muzzle in the mares' room." Rarity said to Sassy before leaving. Feather saw that Rarity was moving faster so he picked up the pace.

"Ms. Rarity, wait!" Feather called out.

'Oh great, now he is chasing me!' Rarity thought as she trotted next to some large bushes. The bushes rustled before a large, light blue unicorn stallion wearing a black ski mask and turtle neck pop out and grabbed a hold of Rarity. The other guests gasped in shock to see that an intruder had crashed the party.

"Rarity!" Feather called out as he hurried to Rarity.

"Don't move! Or else this mare gets it!" The masked stallion said. Feather stayed where he was so Rarity wouldn't get hurt. "Everypony else stay where you are! You are all completely surrounded!" More ponies wearing ski masks and turtle necks popped out from the bushes. The masked ponies then stood by the stallion who was still holding on to Rarity. "Alright, now I want all of you noble ponies to remove your jewels and other expensive belongings. Once you are done with that, put them in the bags my associates have!" The masked stallion nudged to his friends and they opened up empty sacks that were for the guests' items. Feather was a bit scared as his party has become a robbery. Fueled by anger, Rarity stomped on the masked unicorn's hoof, causing him to let go of her. Rarity then used one of her hooves to smack the masked unicorn right on his face.

"How dare you lay your hooves on a mare!?" Rarity yelled out.

"You little pain!" The masked unicorn said as he light up his horn. Feather reacted by running up to push Rarity out of the way before he got blasted by the masked unicorn's beam.

"Ah!" Feather yelled out in pain as a large burn mark was on his torso.

"Blueblood!" Rarity cried out in horror.

"That's what you get for playing hero, little colt!" The masked unicorn mocked. A green beam flew through the air and blasted the masked unicorn and he ended up falling to the ground.

"Young Lord!" Bellhopper cried out as he ran towards Feather. Royal guards already appeared to surround the remaining robbers. The masked ponies were then captured and tied up with metal chains. Bellhopper got close to Feather to see how hurt the prince was. "Quick! Get me a medic pony!" Bellhopper said to one of the guards. The guard quickly went to find the medic while Bellhopper was comforting Feather. Rarity was still in shock from being saved by Prince Blueblood. Feather continued to wince in pain as his burns were still fresh.

Author's Note:

Quite out of character for the snobby prince, huh?