• Published 17th May 2020
  • 597 Views, 61 Comments

The Prince and the Poet - BrawnyBold

Prince Blueblood switches bodies with Feather Bangs to get away from royal duties.

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Crash Collision

At Canterlot Castle, Feather was walking down a corridor with a big smile on his face. He trotted on until he made it outside to the Canterlot gardens. Feather arrived to the gazebo where there was a table set up and it had some tea cups, a small teapot, and some small snacks to go with the tea. The two table chairs were placed across from each other and one of them was occupied by Rarity.

"Over hear, darling!" Rarity said as she waved at Feather.

"I appreciate you coming for tea, Rarity." Feather said as he sat down on the other chair.

"You know I wouldn't turn down some tea, especially from a dear friend like you." Rarity said as she used her magic to take a sip from her cup. Feather could not believe he was having tea with the mare he admires. For the past few days, Feather and Rarity have spent some quality time together. They even attended some newly opened art exhibits where they felt so inspired from the artists' works. Rarity claimed that she will be able to come up with more designs for the next seasons. The more they bonded, the more likely Feather wanted this to never end.

"So how are the new fashion lines coming along?" Feather asked as he took a sip of his tea.

"Oh it has been lovely, darling." Rarity said. "I would have never come up with such eye-catching ideas if it weren't for those art exhibits we have been visiting. I should be giving you some of the credit."

"You don't have to do that, Rarity." Feather said. "I just wanted to show you some of the brilliant artworks the artists were showing."

"Oh Blueblood, you're such a charmer." Rarity said as she winked at Feather. When Feather heard Rarity say Blueblood, he became very sad. Feather would feel absolutely happy for being with Rarity, except for the fact that he was pretending to be somepony else. A part of Feather knew this wasn't right and he should be going back to his original body. But still, Feather just wanted to enjoy this moment. "So get this," Rarity began. "my friend, Princess Twilight, will be having another birthday party inside the castle!"

"Yes, I heard about that." Feather replied. "I also heard that the kitchen staff are in haste to prepare for the party."

"Here's the best part, I'm going to invite you to the party!" Rarity smiled.

"Really?" Feather said in surprise.

"Yes! I have told my friends about us and they would be alright if I bring along you." Rarity said before she blushed. "You know, since we have been together for quite a while." Feather also blushed as he knew what Rarity said was true.

"It would be nice to see your friends who you have mentioned a lot times when we talked." Feather said. "I'm a bit nervous to see Princess Twilight."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked. "Don't you usually see her around the castle?" Feather tried to think of a reason.

"It's just that I barely interacted with Twilight considering that she is Princess Celestia's pupil. You know how Twilight gets too busy with her studying."

"You do have a point there." Rarity said in agreement. "But still, I can't wait for you to meet my other friends!" Rarity and Feather continued their conversations with their teas.

A train slowly stops towards the Canterlot train station. Blueblood and Night Glider got out of the train along with the other passengers.

Blueblood didn't say anything as he felt relieved to finally see the streets of Canterlot once again.

'I'm home, Canterlot.' Blueblood thought. 'Now I just need to reach Canterlot Castle, find Feather, and reverse the spell. It should be easy.'

"Hey Feather," Night Glider said in a louder tone to catch Blueblood's attention.

"Hmm?" Blueblood said.

"I'm gonna head out now. Try not to stay in the city for too long. Otherwise, the whole town and I would miss you. Take care!" Night Glider flew away, leaving Blueblood by himself. Once again, Blueblood was already feeling a sense of loneliness as he won't get to see the town again. But then he shook his head.

'Pull yourself together, Blueblood!' Blueblood thought. 'You're a prince! You never belonged with those commoners!' For some reason, Blueblood felt a bit off from what he just thought of. He hurried towards the streets in hopes of making it to Canterlot Castle in a quick haste. Blueblood stopped at a nearby wall and took a peek around the corner. As Blueblood expected, he was close to one of the entrances to Canterlot Castle. He also spotted two royal guards posted there. Blueblood cursed as he had to figure out a way to get pass the guards. He couldn't just tell the guards that he was the true prince or they will lock him up for being crazy. Blueblood kept brainstorming until he thought of something. He recalled that his Auntie Celestia showed him some secret passageways that go from the streets of Canterlot to the castle. Princess Celestia showed Blueblood this in case of an emergency. Blueblood snuck around the streets in attempt to find one of these entrances. He kept looking until he found the secret entrance that was hidden behind a statue of his Auntie Celestia. He looked around the statue until he saw a symbol of the sun. Blueblood pressed on the symbol and turned it until the statue moved to reveal a set of stairs. 'Looks like listening to my auntie actually paid off. ' Blueblood thought before he went down the stairs and into the darkness. When Blueblood walked down some steps, the statue moved back into place. Now Blueblood was in complete darkness. 'Great, now I'll be completely lost in these tunnels.' Blueblood thought. He then remembered something and reached inside his bag to pull out a small flashlight. Blueblood turned it on and he could now see the stone chambers. 'Okay, Blueblood, everything should be easy now.' Blueblood gulped before he began to explore.

A door opened and Blueblood ran right out to slam the door shut. His mane was burned and messed up from whatever attacked him in the passageways. 'I take it back, that was extremely hard. I can't believe Auntie Celestia would add more traps.' Blueblood thought. Blueblood looked up to see that he was inside one of the corridors of Canterlot Castle. Blueblood trotted very carefully and kept looking around to avoid getting spotted. Although Blueblood avoided the traps, he knew he had to avoid the guards as they constantly patrol each part of the castle. Blueblood went down some more corridors until he spotted a pair of guards trotting towards him. He turned around to only see another pair of guards trotting from the other way. Blueblood panicked as he was going to get caught by the guards. He noticed a nearby door and hurried inside. Blueblood kept his ear to the door to hear the hoof steps of the guards. When Blueblood heard the hoof steps fading, he calmed down and sat down on the floor.

"Hey you!" said a stallion's voice. Blueblood flinched as he was spotted. Blueblood looked up to see none other than Bellhopper, his most loyal butler, glaring at him as if he was in trouble.

"Y-yes?" Blueblood asked.

"Where have you been?!" Bellhopper demanded. "You were suppose to be here hours ago for your shift!" Blueblood noticed that the room he had entered was one of the kitchens in the castle. Chef ponies were quickly preparing meals while waiters came to bring it out to a set of doors.

"Work shift?" Blueblood asked.

"Yes, it's your turn to serve our guests' food!" Bellhopper said as he levitated a waiter suit to Blueblood. "Now put that on and start your duties!" Blueblood felt a bit peeved as he was never given such orders. But he composed himself as he didn't want to get caught. Blueblood did his best to put on the suit and Bellhopper led him to a cart with tea cups and cakes on it. "Alright, just bring this cart to the garden's gazebo. Prince Blueblood is waiting for some more tea!" Blueblood felt happiness as he was given a chance to see Feather without sneaking around. Blueblood carefully pushed the cart through the double doors and made his way out of the kitchen. As Blueblood kept pushing his cart, some guards passed him and they didn't noticed him at all. Blueblood couldn't help but chuckle as he was able to fool the guards while dressed like a waiter. Blueblood continued to push his cart and he was able to make it to the garden. He stopped when he arrived near the gazebo. Blueblood looked up to see Feather sitting at one side of the table.

'Feather must be having tea with an important noble or somepony just as important.' Blueblood thought. He picked up a tray from the cart and made his way to the table. As Blueblood entered the gazebo, he was completely shocked from what he was seeing. It was that snooty unicorn mare, Rarity, sitting across from Feather. Blueblood was filled with rage as he began to remember those horrible memories of that night during the Gala. Blueblood felt the urge to storm in and demand Feather to explain himself. But Blueblood was able to calm down a bit as he didn't want to make a scene, especially if there are royal guards nearby. Blueblood thought of a way to get to Feather without raising suspicion. He slowly approached the table and cleared his throat.

"Hello there, young prince," Blueblood said out loud.

Feather went silent when he heard a voice too familiar. He turned around to immediately see his own body standing before him. Feather was completely terrified about how calm the prince was despite seeing Feather having tea with Rarity.

"Blueblood, is everything alright?" Rarity asked Feather. Before Feather could say anything, Blueblood spoke first.

"Everything is fine, Madam. I was simply here to bring you some more food." Blueblood said as he placed the tray on the table. "I also have a message for the young prince. But I need to tell it to him somewhere...private." Feather picked up on what Blueblood meant and Feather turned to Rarity.

"It's fine, Rarity. I'll be back in a few minutes." Feather said as he followed Blueblood out of the gazebo until they were out of Rarity's sight.

'What has gotten Blueblood so spooked about?' Rarity thought.

Blueblood continued to lead Feather towards a more secluded part of the gardens. Feather became more nervous as Blueblood hasn't said a single word.

"P-Prince Blueblood, I can explain." Feather pleaded.

"Explain? You don't have to considering that I just saw you fraternizing with the one mare I told you to stay away from! We are way passed explanations!"

"But Prince Blueblood, I just need a few more minutes to-"

"No, I have waited for you to activate the mind spell for days. I am not waiting any longer." Blueblood argued.

"You don't understand!" Feather replied. "Rarity is a very kind mare. I can't end things with her right now!"

"Did I not warned you about her? She is like most of the snobby mares I had to deal with. Now I demand you change me back so I can take care of that mare myself!"

Much to Blueblood surprise, Feather landed a punch on Blueblood's face. Feather didn't care if he injured his own nose, he was too angry at Blueblood for speaking so badly of Rarity. Blueblood fell on his back while feeling so much pain from the punch.

"Don't you dare say that about Rarity!" Feather hollered. Before Feather could do anything else, Bellhopper and some of the royal guards arrived to where Feather and Blueblood were.

"Prince Blueblood! I am so glad you are safe!" Bellhopper said as he made his way to Feather. The royal guards aimed their spears at Blueblood to make sure he doesn't move from his spot.

"Bellhopper! What are you doing here?" Feather asked.

"There is no need to worry, Prince Blueblood." Bellhopper said. "The trespasser has just been captured."

"Trespasser?" Feather said in confusion.

"I found out that the stallion bringing out your tea cart was not a new staff member. So I informed the royal guards and came to make sure you and Ms. Rarity were safe." Feather watched as two of the royal guards picked up Blueblood while he struggled to break free.

"Let me go! I am not the stallion you should be arresting!" Blueblood yelled.

"Say all you want, trespasser." One of the guards said. "We will be taking you to one of the dungeons in the castle where no-one can hear you."

"You should be arresting that faker!" Blueblood said as he glared at Feather. "He is an imposter! I'm the real Prince Blueblood!" Feather was horrified from what Blueblood just blurted out. There was a moment of silence until the two royal guards started laughing.

"Yeah right! And I'm King Sombra in disguise!" One of the guards said while laughing.

"Then allow us to take you to one of our 'special' chambers, your majesty!" The other guard joked. The royal guards pulled Blueblood away while he continued to resist.

"I hope you are happy!" Blueblood yelled to Feather before Blueblood was completely gone. Feather was left speechless from what just happened.

"I will be off then." Bellhopper said. "Please let me know if you need anything." Bellhopper turned and trotted inside the castle.

"What happened here?" Rarity asked as she made her way to Feather. "I heard some yelling and I arrived to see that waiter being taken away by the guards." Feather struggled on what to say to Rarity. He really didn't want her to know what he and Blueblood were talking about.

"It's nothing, Rarity." Feather said. "The waiter was just a crazed fan and he wanted my autograph. Luckily, the guards came and took him away."

"I sort of understand that." Rarity said. "You would be surprised how many ponies would come to me for autographs." Rarity moved over to give Feather a warm hug. "I'm just glad that you are safe, my prince." Guilt grew inside of Feather as he realized that it was wrong to keep lying to Rarity. There was also the fact that Feather just watched the real Blueblood get taken away. "Blueblood, are you alright?"

"Yes, Yes I'm fine." Feather said as he stepped back from Rarity. "I just need to clear my head for a bit. I apologize for cutting our tea time short."

"Oh there is no need. I did enjoy it. Ta-ta!" Rarity said before she left. Feather now stood by himself while feeling completely helpless as he had no idea what to do.