• Published 28th May 2020
  • 2,288 Views, 114 Comments

Beyblade: Metal Masters - New Harmony - Mkchief34

Equestria's Representative Team New Harmony, consisting of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Shining Armor, and Fluttershy, enter the Beyblade World Championships alongside Team Gan-Gan Galaxy.

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Chapter 2 - The Qualifiers Begin!

WBBA HQ, Three Days after the Embassy Battle
Metal Bey City, Japan

“Well, Director…” Hikaru said as she looked up from her work-desk towards Ryo. “I believe everything is set for the Japanese Qualifiers to begin. All of the WBBA stadiums across Japan have confirmed they are ready.”

“Good!” Ryo smiled, watching the city below from the window behind his desk. “And what about the C-Block preparations? Any progress?”

“Yes, Director. Thailand’s Team Iron Elements, and Mexico’s Team Conquistador have agreed to shift into the C-Block as opponents for Team New Harmony. I’ve also received the battle orders and member rosters for both teams.” Hikaru added. “There is one standout issue, however.”

“Oh?” Ryo asked, curious as to what it could be.

“There is a member of Team Iron Elements that…concerns me personally.” Hikaru said, sending an image of the Blader in question to Ryo’s desktop computer. The Director of the WBBA frowned at the portrait displayed on the screen.

“Reiji Mizuchi…” Ryo huffed in slight displeasure and anger. A former Dark Nebula Organization Blader, Reiji disappeared after the events of the Battle Bladers Tournament. Even several months later, it was still unknown how he even managed to earn the 50,000 Bey Points needed to qualify. Even more fear-inducing was how he battled with no mercy in order to induce fear and terror in his opponents.

Though his rampage was halted by Gingka, Ryo still felt a twinge of anger at remembering Reiji’s use of a Dark Move, and how both Rock Aries ED145B and Flame Sagittario C145S were nearly destroyed in their respective battles, and how pieces of both Beys had been scattered around the Stadium by Reiji’s Bey, Poison Serpent SW145SD.

“So…how did he join Team Iron Elements, Hikaru?” Ryo finally asked.

“According to WBBA and Thailand’s government records, he left Japan two days after his elimination from Battle Bladers. He arrived in Thailand shortly after, and was recruited to their national team by their team teader, Takeru Ichika.'' Hikaru reported. “The other two regular members of Team Iron Elements, Chaow Marx and Dana Hyrdo, have also vouched for Reiji’s places on Team Iron Elements.”

“And their Beys?”

“Takeru uses Bakushin Susanow 90WF, an Attack-type. Chaow uses a Rock Capricorn ED145JB, a Defense-type, and Dana uses an Earth Delphinus GB145BS, a Stamina-type. Poison Serpent SW145SD is a Balance-type, Team Iron Elements possesses a strong Blader using each type of Bey.” Hikaru said.

“I see.” Ryo said, turning back to the window. “And they are facing Team New Harmony in the C-Block first round?”

“Yes, Director.”

“Alright.” Ryo nodded, seeing the sun begin to set. “I think it’s time we call it a night, Hikaru. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

“We certainly do, Director.” Hikaru said as she picked up her briefcase and powered off her computer. “Have you come to a decision about Gingka, though?”

“I have.” Ryo replied. “As Gingka won Battle Bladers, he has automatically earned a regular spot on Team Japan. As for the two remaining regular positions and the sub position…those members will be selected via the qualifying tournaments at Ten AM tomorrow. The top four will battle for the regular positions, and those who are defeated will battle for the sub position.”

“Very well.” Hikaru nodded. “Goodnight, Director.”

“Goodnight, Hikaru.”

The Bey Pit
Downtown District

As Madoka turned the sign on the door from “Open” to “Closed”, she looked up at the stairs that led to the guest room. Currently, Masamune and Gingka were asleep, both having spent the day training against each other and the Equestrian Team.

“It was a good thing they did”, she thought, rolling her eyes in a self-humored manner. “Otherwise they wouldn’t be ready for the Qualifiers tomorrow.”

Before she closed the door, she looked up at the stars with a smile. Many of the Beys used around the world took their images in the form of the Constellations, such as Pegasus, Leone, L-Drago, and many other Beys.

Madoka shuddered slightly at thinking of Ryuga and his Bey. Neither had been seen or heard from since Battle Bladers, and seeing that Madoka was present for many of Ryuga’s battles…she privately hoped that Ryuga wouldn’t be or cause any more trouble going forward.

She closed the door, turned off the lights, and headed to bed, pushing the thought of the Dragon Emperor, Ryuga, out of her head.

The next morning, Metal Bey City
WBBA Stadium #6

To say that the excitement in the air was tangible was an understatement. A horde of Bladers in all shapes and sizes, carrying Beys of all kinds, had packed into the stadium and the grandstands to battle for a spot as one of Japan’s representatives, or to watch the battles unfold.

The Blader DJ had laid out the official rules about thirty minutes ago, and as the contestants filled out entry forms en masse, a group of Bladers watched from the sidelines. The members of Team New Harmony and Madoka sat on a grassy section of the grounds, watching the crowd.

“This place is packed.” Fluttershy said as she looked over her laptop. “I wonder how many Blades are here right now.”

“Good question.” Twilight said, as she spun Arcane Alicorn in her hand. “I was trying to count everyone, but I lost track a while ago.”

‘Well, that’s a first.” Shining Armor joked, earning him a playful elbow to the side from his sister. “Hey, where’s Gingka and Masamune? I thought they were staying with you, Madoka.”

“They headed out early to practice along the beach, I think.” Madoka replied. “I wonder how some of the other Bladers we know are doing?”

“Who are they?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, here, let me show you.”

The Equestrians looked to see a roster of Japan’s top Bladers appear on the screen of Madoka’s laptop. At the top position was Gingka, followed by Bladers, whom the Equestrians hadn’t met yet.

“He looks fierce.” Fluttershy said, pointing at a Blader with wild green hair and a sharp face. “Almost like a wild beast.”

“Seeing as that’s Kyoya, Gingka’s main rival, it makes sense.” Madoka said. “He was number three in Battle Bladers, and was actually the first to enter the Tournament as a whole. His Bey is Rock Leone 145WB, a Defense-type. He specializes in using wind control techniques to create tornado walls of various kinds.”

“That’s actually pretty cool.” Rainbow Dash said, reminded mentally of her flying skills back in Equestria. “Who else is competing?”

“You’ve met Kenta and Benkei already…oh, and Tsubasa is competing as well!” Madoka nodded. “Tsubasa battles with a finely honed technique and expert precision. His Bey is Earth Eagle 145WD, a Balance Type. He’s another Battle Bladers competitor as well. I think he came in fifth.”

“Who’s that one?” Twilight asked, looking at an image that was greyed out, the silhouette of a Blader barely visible. “There’s no picture available.”

“That would be…Ryuga.” Madoka sighed. “He was the Dark Nebula Organization’s top Blader. He used the forbidden Bey, Lightning L-Drago 100HF, and used the Dark Power to steal the strength of the Beys that he fought. He was, simply put, very dangerous. He lost to Gingka in the finals of Battle Bladers, thank Heaven for that.”

“Wasn’t the Dark Nebula a criminal organization?” Shining asked.

“It certainly was. Ryuga didn’t care. He was a very powerful Blader, and he’s actually the reason Hikaru doesn’t battle anymore.” Madoka sighed. “She was his first opponent in the Battle Bladers tournament, and Ryuga defeated her Bey and put her into a coma with a single attack, along with Tsubasa and Kyoya when they also battled him.”

“Oh my gosh, Are they okay?” Fluttershy asked, now quite scared.

“All three are okay now, but Ryuga or L-Drago haven’t been seen since.” Madoka said, closing her laptop. “The WBBA hasn’t found any trace of him since. I’ve even heard that Hyoma, an old friend of Gingka’s, is looking for him in the mountains around Koma Village.”

“Well, if he comes back…I suppose whoever battles him will have to be ready.” Shining said. At that moment, a bell sounded, signalling for the contestants to make their way to the Beystadiums inside.

“Well, that’s our cue.” Madoka said as they all got up. “Wanna go watch?”

“Sure.” Twilight said. “Let’s go!”

As the group headed towards the entrance that led to the private viewing areas, Twilight took in a breath of anticipation, and gripped Arcane Alicorn a little tighter as they ascended the stairs.

Author's Note:


Next time - Gingka battles Twilight, and the top four Bladers are decided for the Regular spots. in the meantime, Zyro’s team watches from afar….